Machine of war

Chapter 10: Ch 8. The lethal injury to the pride

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All that I remember is that I tried lifting the shell and then I lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes I was lying in the house where we stayed. I can barely feel the legs, looks like I broke the back when I lifted up the shell. This is another reminder that I am no longer capable of being myself as I used to.

I was tied to a couple of planks, possibly to avoid me breaking my body even further. The back doesn’t hurt but that is only because I didn’t move.

I will have to remain here for some time so I started looking around.

The same room where we stayed for all this time, where we piled up all our things and where Jester brought a girl one day. The memory of him being slapped for his deeds brought a smile to my face for a few seconds, before my expression returned to the professional equanimity.

I grabbed the radio and called out.

Hey, the casualty reports in. Over.

“Reading you loud and clear, Uranium bearer, you didn’t untie yourself?”

Not yet, Enemy of all women. Waiting for some food. Over.

“Understood, I will bring you the worst MRE we have.”

Try it, Jester, try it. When I will get off the bed, you will be turned into a new maul for all the supplies we have.

“Come on, we have the tank, WHY ME? Oh, right, you will need anything else?”

No, waiting for the food. Belov out.

If this a*hole dares brining me a bad MRE he will regret it for the rest of his life.

While I was waiting for anyone to check on me, I closed my eyes.

I opened them when I felt someone poking my cheeks and glared at Je… a boy. One of the village boys decided to enter?

Erhm… the big soldiers asked me to check if you are still asleep. Oi! The little girl is awake, come here!

I suddenly felt like punching him for calling me little girl but he already stepped out of my reach.

A minute later Jester entered the house.

“You are so defenseless, what if someone tried molesting you?” His smile was gentle but I immediately felt like throwing from just looking at him.

Jester, where the f* is my food?

Killjoy… here, open your mouth.” He was disheartened by my anger and decided to stop fooling around and feed me. Like normally, without bs*.

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I will have to spend a few more days like that so I asked to bring me some books.

Old man brought me some novels and lit a candle. Then he returned to the tank to continue working on fitting the ammo and everything inside. I can only feel sorry for them.

Like that we continued our lives. Jester and Old man were keeping guard around the tank, doing maintenance, walking and having time outside… I kept lying on my back as if I was a part of the planks I was tied to. Occasionally they brought me food and told stories how the life outside the walls was going.

I am fed up with this. To hell with this lying down, I want outside.

MAMOCHKA!”[MOMMY!] A few seconds after I stood up I felt like weeping and howling, I couldn’t even stand up after I fell. All I could do was to cry and shudder in pain.

“Oh my God! Hey, stop moving! You’ll only make it worse!” I heard something but I can’t understand what is going on. Soon I blacked out.

Old man’s POV

I was doing some exercises to keep myself in shape when I heard a girl’s shouting. Considering where it came from I almost had a heart attack. I prayed that it is just a mistake and she is fine. When I was near our house, I heard hysterical crying and rushed in. The captain tried standing up but considering how she hurt herself before, this was impossible without consequences. A few seconds after I rushed in she lost consciousness due to the pain shock. For a child like her it was too much to bear.

A minute later Jester ran inside.

“Dima, bring something to place her on. I am not a medic but I can tell we will just f* break her spine if we lift her like that.” While he was away I decided to try calling the ‘Ether’ she contacted before.

“Ether, erhm… this is Beril- erhm… acting? We need medical assistance. Over.”

Please, respond!

“Beril-acting, this is Ether, understood. Mi-8 is coming. Deliver the wounded to a suitable landing zone and load them in.” I was about to become white from nervousness but was relieved to hear that she will be taken care of.

We did as instructed and loaded her on board of a helicopter, there was no one inside but after we exited the rear ramp, the helicopter flew away as if it was fully crewed.

To our greatest surprise, 5 minutes later it returned and unloaded the commander.

After the helicopter’s ramp was lowered we heard familiar gentle words.


She was swearing at us from a wheelchair. And I can tell she wants us dead immediately.

At least judging by her one-piece pink dress and girlish make up.

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