Magan to Dangan o Tsukatte Isekai o Buchinuku!

Chapter 205: 205 Lesson 250:

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While protected by the soldiers of the Beast Man, Caro is passed into the city with his carriage.

Balkias was quickly getting out of sight of those around him at the same time as the carriage moved out.

Right now, Caro had been put through to one of the guard's stuffing rooms.

"Ha... why are you doing this..."

Caro was reflecting in his heart that he was only thinking about heading to the kingdom of the Beast Man and did not have a complete picture of the situation in the country. Though the ex, he puts his shoulder down when he makes Atal, his husband, feel uncomfortable.

He also had the trust that at the same time, if he was an atar, he wouldn't have been terrible.

"Bal, I hope you're okay too..."

If you're worried about Balkias spending time alone in a land you don't know, the door to the room is knocked.

"Excuse me."

A tall cheetah beast man enters the room. He wears skinny glasses and he embodies a man who can, dressed in crisp military uniforms.

"Ha, ha!

Caro, who was thinking, rushes up and replies. I didn't think I could bother Ataru because I made a rough impression here.

"Pfft, you can sit down. My name is Talosa, and I'm holding the captain of this guard. See you later."

The man named Talosa, who grinned softly and narrowly, greets his ex-slave Caro without breaking his polite attitude.

"Wow, I'm like Caro. Uh, I'm an adventurer! So, uh, the..."

Caro was perplexed because Atal always took the initiative at times like this, so he didn't know what to ask from.

"I know you have a lot to ask, but let's sit down first. Tea should be brought in some time."

Now it was Talosa who dominated the air in this place, and Caro felt it was away, but he thought he had to cross the course of the place and somehow pull the information out for Ataru as well.

Silence wraps the place up without distracting ourselves from each other as we both explore.

"- Well, I'd like to ask you a few questions from me first, would you mind?

Talosa, who opened her mouth abruptly while fixing the position of her glasses, was in the kind of tone that was giving her a choice, but she was like saying she couldn't say no in this situation.


Keeping his expression tight as he had decided, Caro returns a simple reply. It was because I thought it wise to be without saying anything extra.

"Yes, thank you. That is the first question. Are you… No What purpose did you have in this country?

The first question was obvious, but Caro remembers hitting on where I dared to re-say you guys.

"... I'm a beast man, as you can see. But I don't remember what my hometown was like. When I heard about it, Mr. Atal asked me to come with him, and he brought me here."

That's what got you out of the way - and Carol swallowed up more words than that, enclosing a desire to.

"I see, is that Atar the guy of the people who came on the carriage with you?

"Yes, there is. Without Lady Atal, I couldn't have come this far."

Caro snorts firmly at the inquiry of pale Talosa. That's why I wanted to say that I'm an important person.

"Hmm, that means it was the brave legs of our guard who captured him."


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I thought you'd understand the story, Caro, and it makes me shout out loud.

"Pfft, I finally know how much you care about him. … but you can't let him go instantly"

I just thought the story would go smoothly like this, why? Carol had her eyes open with the thought in her chest.

"You mean Caro now when you speak with a look on your face. There's nothing wrong with him if he was just taking Mr. Caro. It's hard to miss it if you treat it like a slave, but it doesn't seem so."

"- Then why?

If there's nothing wrong with it, isn't it strange that we can't let it go? Yes. I also expected Talosa to return it.

"The child of the beast man you were taking...... it is the problem to have that child. He was taken away by the hands of other races who snuck into the country."

That's what Talosa tells me in a chilling voice, and Caro stands up unexpectedly just saying she can't stand it.

"Oh, Master Atal would never do that!

Speak up with a sad look and claim Atal's innocence. Because Caro has always seen that he has never acted to harm anyone from himself at any time.

Along with that, a footstep called Dotadota approaches the room and the door opens.

"- Master Talosa! Is something wrong?!?

A soldier who was guarding near the room seemed to hear Caro shouting.

"Nothing. Stay back."


He was a soldier trying to eat down on Talosa's words, but when Talosa glances at him, he rushes to correct his posture.

"And excuse me!

A rushed soldier rushes out of the room, and a cat beast woman soldier comes into the room with tea for that and misplaced. I'm surprised you felt uncomfortable with the atmosphere in the room.

"Is there something wrong?

This one asks in a calm tone, but when Talosa shook her neck to the side, she lowered her head and left the room without further investigation.

"... sorry for the noise. And that's what you said earlier, but I'm also thinking he wouldn't be the killer. But it's not that easy."

After I lowered my head gently, Talosa spoke slowly. He felt he was going to explain the situation. When Caro sat down again, he decided to tie his mouth tight and listen to the rest of Talosa's story.

"Earlier, I called you Sakura, but that person was a pretty high-ranking geek, and I am very outraged that one son was captured. And the man of the people who showed up with your children... and besides your children, you can follow the young beasts - that's enough."

It is a statue of the culprit dressed not for Talosa, but for someone of high standing, or those around him. I guess the disgust towards other races, especially people, is strong enough for them to be older.

"Oh, shit... hey, can't you handle it? We just helped that kid get attacked by demons. What the hell? I can't believe they treated me like a murderer when I helped them but I couldn't make any claims..."

Rocking his gaze confused, Caro drops his shoulder as it is, gripping his fist hard and wandering.

"… there is a way"

"I will!

Tarosa unwittingly laughs at Caro's reaction, who raised her face with so much momentum as Gabba. To her, who declared she would do it before explaining what method, and to herself, who is trying to teach her how to do that.

"- As a country, I wish I could cut him off by deciding that he was the killer, but you won't allow that... and I'm unhappy too"

That's what I said. There was a suspicious smile on Tarosa's face with sagging.

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