Mage of the Abyss

Chapter 11: Chapter 9 – Towards the Gate of Righteous End

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Prison Realm. One would at least wonder what the latter means, a [Realm]. In this game, think of it as its own galaxy. A few numbers of planets exist within a Realm, and when [Transcendental Realm Expansion] is open, the planets within are fully explorable. But then why the game is called Ekolia when other planets exist?

The answer differs depending on what version of Ekolia one plays on. Mine, that which at version 8.4, the reason is that Ekolia is the center of everything. There is nothing like the one called the Realm of the Surface.

But right now, not only that the expansion is not yet open, I’m literally in prison. Circular layout, the center is where the prisoners are put behind bars, and there are three layers. The second and the third are separated by walls and the only way to go through them is by passing one of the four gates, and they lead towards a portal that will teleport us back to the Surface that is Ekolia.

*Stab *Stab



Plucking [Boland Stone Shiv] out of a draugr stomach, I grabbed its shoulders and stabbed its head before kicking it away.


{+50 Exp}

Brushing the dirt with the lower part of my clothes, ‘That’s a good chunk of Exp. No wonder people take a while to escape. I can make this place a farming spot before escaping, but…’ I turned around to see how the others are doing.

We have 5 injured, and one of them is an essential damage dealer of our team. That means only Boland, Kenmartha, and me – the three of us are the only damage dealers we have which is enough in a party, but not in this scenario where we have to protect 5 people at the same time.



Low attack damage, but I can feel my next move is going to deal much higher damage. Thus I pulled the draugr by the hand, and then stab its neck before violently twisting it at an angle.


{+50 Exp}

This meatless draugr is the second weakest creature that I encounter in the Tutorial, ‘And it seems that I don’t get a party bonus Exp when dealing with these mobs, that’s messed up. Looks like the update for that feature isn’t here yet.’

Back in my previous life, you get bonus Exp on Non-boss kills when you are in a Party. That’s important for me, but what’s more important is those guys.

“Sir Boland! You guys okay?!”


Cutting the undead in half, he yelled, “Yeah! Nothing to worry about!”

Mm, I should worry less about them. They’re all double digits in levels. Worrying about myself more who is still a newborn baby would be a better decision for us all. Several hours passed and we were already exhausted, and yes… me too. Mostly me.

*Pant *Pant

I may have underestimated the scale of this place.

“Haa… Haa…” my vision becomes blurry, ‘So, this is what it’s like playing on Realism Mode, huh. No biggies, it’s just the start. Once I get my hands on some spells, I won’t have to move my body like this, but damn. I’m thirsty, but not the perverted kind of thirsty.’

“Hey, you’re okay, kid?” said Kenmartha.

“Kid?” my jaw dropped. I kept staring at him and he just tilts his head like he didn’t know what he just said to me. I rolled my eyes, ‘Fuck! Even NPCs are calling me a kid.’


Something was caught at the back of my eyes. There shouldn't be anyone around here so why is that guy, “No wait… HEY!” I ran up to him and yelled again, “Galliano!!”

When the black man turned around, it turns out, it was really him.



Why is there a rock on the pavement, and why out of all the places it could’ve possibly been, it had to be there and I had to be one to suffer.


I fall flat to the ground.

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The impact was great, “Oww, oww oww,” my eyes twitching, ‘Fuck, it hurt so bad. And come on, did I really lose that much health just because I stumbled a little?’

“Hey, hey, are you okay?” assisting to lift my body.

“Ah yeah, that was… quite unsightly of me.”

“Haha, what’s with the honorifics? You’re a noble or something?”

Kind of insulted a little bit since I was in fact am one, mister. Was, but yeah. Boland must’ve seen me fall, he’s coming straight in this direction, “Lass, are you alright? Who is this?”

I went to introduce them, “Yeah, just a little dizzy. He is uhm, my acquaintance. I owe him a favor and he will be joining us in getting out of this place.”

“What? You’re a friend of this Traveler?”

Galliano’s eyes peeled, “Hm?”

‘Wait, that’s odd. The way he words it. As if I’m not a Traveler too. He can tell that Galliano is not an NPC right off the bat. Is this another thing when enabling Realism Mode? I don't get easily recognized that I'm also a Traveler?’

Wait, more importantly, I then explain, “Not much of a friend but it doesn’t matter, we need all the strength we can get. The both of us can benefit from working together.”

Galliano was about to say something, but I tapped his stomach to silence him. Though I originally intended to tap his chest, it’s just that I don’t wear my high heels right now so…

“Can we trust him with our circumstances?”

“Hmm,” narrowing my eyes down, I suddenly remember something, ‘Come to think of it. Galliano is being hunted by what I assume is the guardian of the West Gate. It’s a risk to bring him with me, but I’ve already promised him. No matter, we’ll get out before the thing catch him or us.’

“I can vouch for him.”

Boland nodded, “Alright.”

When he leaves the range where Galliano and I can talk without worries, I sent him an invite. Requesting him to join the Raid Party.

"Hm? You haven't named yourself yet?"

"Ahh, maybe later."

! {New Raid Party Member Added}

~ {Galliano / Lv. 6 / Monk / Unassociated}

“Wha, you’re still level 6? I mean I’m not one to talk, but…”

Rubbing the back of his head, “Haha, I kept getting killed by that bitch so my levels keep going down no matter how much I grind for them.”

“Just who exactly is this bitch, I wonder?”

“Nasty one, I tell ya. White armor, kind of like a knight with dragon armor or something. Kept laughing at me whenever she slit my throat, but thank God, I max out that sweet Pain Reduction to 0, you know. Otherwise, I might’ve gone insane by now.”

So jealous!

“Right, who are those geezers?”

“Them?” I smiled after seeing everyone holding on, “I gotta get them out of here. Same as you except they only have one life, and those people wouldn’t last here.”

“So, it’s a Quest? Here in Prison Realm? Ain't that a rare one?"

"Not really."

"Hmm, you sure they’re not dragging you down?”

“Hah,” smiling as I momentarily ponder, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t mention the Quest,’ closing in on him with my forearm on his stomach, I said, “We kind of scratched each other’s back,” tapping him as I walk away, “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

He didn’t say anything. He just smiles as he joined our little group. With another pair of hands, the chances of us escaping this place grew.

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