Mage of the Abyss

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – My Return

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Tring-ring-ring!! Sound of an old alarm, waking up the sun. Slowly, I open my eyes, “Mm… nuh-uh?” trying to reach out to anything I can hold onto.


“Ouch, my b...”

Rolling around made me fell from… a sofa?

“Hm?” I smell something, “What the hell is that revolting sense of… no wait, it's me.”



As it turns out, my armpits just became a bio-weapon. The scent is so strong, it could even kill an elephant, “Might even be able to kill the masses with this, Hahaha!”

Glancing around though, I found myself in a place that I’m familiar with. It didn’t take long for this cramped and dusty environment to wipe my grin away though.

“Heheh, what’s this? I’m still alive? Did those two get a brain surgeon or something?” I tried my best to smile, but… that sense of discomfort. My bad habit of predicting the future kept me anxious, what’s gonna happen in the next second? Finding out that I’m alive after those bullets I took, I really don’t like where it’s gonna go if it’s something I did not expect.

Stretching my thin arms, I let out a bit of a moan, “Hnnn…” I sighed, “All right where the hell am I? Did somebody kidnap the beautiful me or what?”

My body feels different. I’ve put all kinds of cybernetics enhancement so that I’m always at my best and even some bio stuff, but sluggishly, I stood. This place, something like an abandoned restaurant, a scene that I’m familiar with, “Small, and what's it with these cheap-ass chairs? Wood?”

I don’t want to admit it.

“Wait, don’t tell me…”

Walking out, I can see the whole building.

“Fuck me.”

Walking back inside, seeing the living room or should I say, the diner, got mixed up with the kitchen reminds me of when the time Kurira went down on me, right on that counter. This place got a bathroom and storage full of empty boxes.

“Oh, shit…”

“No wonder it feels familiar. This is the same house where I got dumped by those fu– I mean, awful people.”

My family. I’m not worthy of the name of Mithra, they said. I did cause a little bit of scene from time to time but the way they treated me afterward, especially my mother and grandfather. Just thinking about it boils my blood.

But then I accidentally glanced at the paper calendar, a flash of memories where I rip things apart and cry, lifelessly staring into space on this very sofa.

September 28, 2076.

My eyes peeled, and I quickly turned my head away, sweating. Then I glanced again only to turn my head again, “Argh,” looking at my hand, feeling my arm only to smell the chemically-inducing scent of my armpits, “Nooooooooooooooooo!”

I’ve returned to the past.


Staring at the ceiling, “But why,” narrowing my eyes down, I pondered to myself, ‘Was it to remind me that I once had a family?’

My sister Rosa, I can see her red-filled lipstick of a mouth screaming, mumbling, spouting all kinds of nonsense. Turning every single member of the family against me. Or maybe not, I don’t know. I used to be my grandfather's favorite. My mother holds me dearly, and I even have another mom, Sadrin, who is the head maid of the house. My father rarely talks to me, and this one time when he raised his hand, I can still feel my cheek burning because of it.

But then there are also people who are still kind to me and related in some way to the Mithra Household. Aunt Linda, mother’s sister. Uncle Martin, Sadrin’s brother. The latter had a wife and a kid but with that kid, I severed my ties with her so long ago.

‘She must be in the university around this time. I wonder if I can meet her again just to say that I’m sorry,’ for rejecting her silent confession.

“Nothing can really fix what had happened. Nothing.”

I sighed when suddenly, a faint pleasant smell passes through my nose.

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"Bah, this is bad, what a disaster! My armpits just turned into aphrodisiacs."

Rose from the sofa, I quickly head to the bathroom.

“Dammit, so itchy…."

As soon as I entered, my eyes stopped at a mirror behind the shower. Chuckled after seeing myself in the reflection, “Heh, so I went back to this ugly face, huh.”

Short hair nerd. Plain, and worse, my freckles.

‘This is the face that those two fall in love with. I changed it because I don’t.’

“Hmm, looking at it again after having the face of a Diva. I kinda like it.”

It put a smile on my face, seeing it go back to its origin. I cannot even remember how many surgeries, enhancements, and other divine goods I put in my body. Instinctively, I went nude and posed with my arms up.

“Hehehe, I might end up in the top ten of worse-looking kid of the year.”

I couldn’t grow anymore than this, so I had height adjustment among other things. This year is 2076, which means 4 years in the past. Making me 21 years old now.


The shower still works, but it’s cold.

‘I gotta change that. Gotta gets back up. Going back to the past might give me another opportunity but it also means that I’ve lost everything.’

My wealth, my friends.

‘How do I thread from here, I wonder.’

Wealth, Power, and Connection. These three things are what makes someone truly important. Everyone has a status, and those three things determined if it is the good or the bad kind. This place for example, is at the bottom of the barrel. And the residents can’t just walk to someone above expecting them to hold a conversation. They won’t accept you, or even look at you.

“Haa… times like this really make you want to play that game. I wonder what’s the state of the world at this time. Must be suck bawls.”

Which reminds me, ‘Heheh, wish we could at least celebrate that moment. We actually won against two demigods, and all of that was thanks to me. My chronomancy class, that spell.’

“Haha, only I know how to get it.”

‘But does it even matter now? I’ve lost the years of memories I spent with those two. Even if I were to obtain it again, who the hell am I gonna talk to about it? Who am I gonna brag about it too?’

Without realizing it, tears have fallen and mixed with the water. Dripping together, but I can tell when it went alone; When it falls to the floor.

*Sob *Sob

Kurira’s face, “Pfft, she was really… looking stupid there.”


*Sob *Sob


Slamming the door open, I walked out of that shitty cold bathroom. Heart beating like I just jog for thousand miles, the pain in my chest which has none of the useless fat others usually has!


“That’s enough sobbing! Capital— No, Desolated Sector! Dola HAS RETURNED!”


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