Mage of the Abyss

Chapter 34: Chapter 32 – Rosa Mithra

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In a broad daylight, black tire screech on the city's border. A car, driving far away from the suburban area towards a swamp in the distance. Two men are loading up their guns in preparation for their plan.

“You sure she’s there?” asked the tall muscular man, Malek, the person who gave Siola the gun she never had the chance to use.

“Yes, boss. Pretty deep in, but the boys from the third island saw a girl walking up to the C-mall and bought one of those gaming capsules. Look, they even got pics of them installing it there.”

“Alright. So, she might still be inside that thing now?”

“It’s possible, but no guarantee, boss. It’ll be hard when she’s still playing, thanks to the shield of the capsule, but we can still wait there since nobody will come after her.”

“You better pray you’re right. We’re here.”

The men stepped out of their car while carrying their guns. They wore casual clothing while the tall one wears slightly open clothing, a sleeveless to show off his other guns.

“Holster that thing. Wouldn’t want to jump on her too soon, she got a good aim on you last time.”

Just by remembering it, the guy shivers as he strokes his metal butt.

“Can’t believe the fucking Mithras actually thought their kids how to shoot.”

“Do all nobles are like that, boss?”

“Well, never heard shit be like that but you never know.”

They then found the rundown building Siola, “Alright, get ready,” said Malek.

His partner nodded.

Crossing the bridge, they went. But upon entering the building, they found an unexpected appearance of another person just standing there. Staring at Siola who is still inside the capsule.

A young woman, with massive curly black hair that extends all the way to her waist and wearing an all-black outfit with a crop top revealing her waist and stomach. She wears all kinds of gothic accessories including a black collar, bracelets, and more. Her fingernails are also painted black, but what caught Malek’s eyes is the dim light flowing in the vein of her fingers.

She heard the sound of the door opening, but she did not react to it at all nor did she shift her attention away from Siola. Malek stopped his partner from moving too harshly, and both of them have gotten slightly nervous after seeing the unknown variable.

“Ahem, sorry for intruding, but I was looking for a girl— that girl in the pod,” Malek said as he approaches closer. However, the young woman didn’t respond.

“Ahh, you might be wondering who I am, but I’m not anyone suspicious or anything. I lent the girl over there a gun so I’m just here to check on her. Thought I’d give her a better one instead.”

Her head tilted for a moment, and that was enough to make the two men flinch in response, Malek is close enough to grab her from behind now. But then, she turned her head slightly as she spoke in a muffled voice behind a black mask covering half of her face, “You…” her brown eyes narrowed as they shrank to simple white dots and her sclera turn completely black. Glaring at him in the eye and asked, “You gave her a gun?”

“W-Well yes, I thought it’d protect her. You know, in this kind of—”


Swirling air rotates in slow motion as the back of the delicate fist of the young woman was sent into Malek’s six-pack abs. Creating an explosive impact and rendering Malek to have a mixed expression of both pain and shock as his eyes widened when his gut is punched.

*Bwoosh *Bwoosh

The dim white veins glow as air were pumped out of the young woman’s left elbow and wrist, cutting her flesh but no blood coming out of them. A metallic hard material can be seen then. When she aligns her hand straight up, her entire forearm detached itself from her elbow and propelled to Malek’s jaw.


With that impactful force hitting him directly to the bottom of his face, several of his metal teeth flew out of his mouth with his entire body slightly lifted for a brief moment as the young woman’s forearm flung in the air.

*Bwoosh *Bwoosh

Her right-hand clenches as white veins surge brightly. Several more air gushes out of her arm, cutting several parts of her skin, and this time, they’re glowing so brightly from the inside as she clenches her fist so tightly before sending it straight to Malek’s chest.


The close to 7ft tall man flew and crushed the wall behind him, sending the man outside and making himself part of a large tree. The young woman grabbed her forearm whilst it was still in the air and reattached it back to where it belonged.

“BOSS!!!” Malek’s partner screamed.

He quickly shifts his attention to the young woman and pulls the trigger of his shotgun.


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“Huh?” it won’t fire, and when he looked up at the young woman, he found out why the gun won’t go off. The white irises are now layered by two white lines, animated in a both clockwise and counterclockwise motion.

His vision became static as he can’t turn his eyes away from hers.

“F-F-Fuuuuck…” the man loses control of his body. Kneeling, “Wh-why the suits… Hngh, made that sh…” struggling to stop his hands from pointing his shotgun at his own head, “No! Wait, I don’t, I don’t wanna die here. Please, I was just taking his or—”


*Splat *Splat

His head splattered everywhere.

“They weren’t the ones who made it.”

Silence came a moment later and the young woman went back to gaze at Siola who soundly slept in the capsule. But then, appearing from the side further off the broken wall, Malek stood once more with some of his teeth grinding at each other. Veins popped all over his forehead as his eyes all turned white, “Mithraaaaaaaa!!!” yelling as he charged with all his might.


But his head was blown to pieces before he can even reach the broken wall. His body falls to the muddy waters below.

{All targets have been eliminated. Shall we inform Madam Linda—}

“No, let her wait a while.”

Caressing the lid where Siola’s face is shown, patting it gently. She then left the house and a man is waiting for her by the door. In a completely metal body frame with a shrouded outfit, he saluted her with his fist on his chest. His eyes shine in white.

“Take that idiot back home.”

He did not reply and simply nodded.

But before the young woman walked far, she raised her index finger, “And oh, don’t touch her. Just bring the idiot with whatever that thing is as is.”

He nodded once again with a slight bowing posture.

A flying car appeared in the sky, guarded by multiple bulkier cars full of armaments. Several agile tanks appeared and one even stomped the car that the two men had brought. Several metal robots with a badge of [MCPD] got out of the tanks and cut the bridge to the rundown house. Replacing it with a metal foundation that extended all the way.

When the flying car descended low, the door opens vertically and a man with half of his face burned, revealing the metal skeleton. His blue eyes shine. Then a masculine voice is heard in her head.

{This collaboration is not what I expected}

“You got what you wanted.”


Leaning down yelling as he keeps his composure, “300 people died! 15 of my own men quit life! And look at me! I thought there would be 3 billion dollars in that place.”

“3 billion dollars in assets, yeah.”

“In cash!” nodding a few times as he kept his wide forced smile, “In C.A.S.H! CASH!”

She smirked, the young woman propelled herself high, jumping several meters above, and grabbed the robotic hand that was reluctant to pull her up. Once she was in the flying car, she tapped the driver and said, “Sky Sect Border.”


Seeing that the hand that helped her is the only hand he has left, “Well, Sky Sect Border after that.”

Leaning outside, viewing the total security of the transport that is about to happen in the rundown building, she narrowed her eyes down with a tightened pain in her chest.

‘Sleep tight, little queen. I won't let you go again. Never.’

On the other end of the view, Siola is there in her capsule, still sleeping soundly despite the extremely loud noises from the outside.

As she was brought into a large compartment, her story continues.


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