Mage of the Abyss

Chapter 5: Chapter 4.1 – Interesting Exchange

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There are many things in the world that can intimidate people. Cosmic horrors, monsters, strangers, tall muscular man, and one that intimidates Siola the most is her asking for another favor with her most beloved Aunt. It’s even more intimidating when she’s not facing her face to face. Because she is now limited only by using one method of charm.

The voice of her Aunt Linda can directly be heard from the antiquated phone Siola borrowed that is now pressing her cheek, [… Should I remind you that in that closet of yours, there were these mountains of dolls, enough to smother your grandfather's sanity with just the sheer number you bought… and all of that, you used my money for it]

“B-Buh Auntie,” puffing her cheeks, “Thwat was bwecause iw wes ndiscouwnt…”

[Siola, I’ve looked at the receipt. Don’t you dare to lie to me young lady because there is not a single moment where a Mithra ever resorted to buying discounted items. And because of that, you sour the relationship between me and the rest of the family. Besides, what are you going to spend them this time? Oh, let me guess. Toys]

[Yes, of course you would buy those again, padding your time with playing games. Did you know that a “Time Killer” doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t have anything meaningful to do before you decided to “Kill Time” beforehand, Siola? Don’t Sadrin ever tell you that work comes first before you can play?]

“Buh, Aunt Linda!”

[Don’t “Buh, Buh” me, young lady. Every single time, you put on these cutesy puffing cheeks like it’s some kind of inflated balloons that I want to squeeze so much! And I can see you are doing it now, Siola]

And indeed, she is. Her cheeks become even more inflated as her aunt continues.

[Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?]

“I wiw wyum bwek.”

[You will pay them back? Somehow, I doubt it.”

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“Bwuh ai pwomiese, iw wownt bwe aik aws tweime.”

[Stop talking like that, young lady]

“Bwuh ai pwomiese, wuantie.”


“Ai pwomiese…”

[Siola… you dwimwit chu weweys dwo dis aike ai wiw wowewa wit wagwain]

“Buhnyumnyumnyu hwunyu.”


“Hyumnmyumyubyu myumumyuuu!”

Her cheeks puffed to the maximum they can possibly hold. And all this is happening while the merchant from whom Siola got the phone to talk to her aunt is now looking at her antics with dead-looking eyes, wondering when it’s going to be over.

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