Mage Warcraft

Chapter 1: The Foster Child of Kal’dorei

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It was a peaceful night in Kalimdor, when all Night Elves were startled by that powerful bolt of magic that struck in the middle of their glades.

They all came out to investigate, and saw a little child in the middle of the crater, unconscious.

They were horrified.

'It's a child!'

'A human child!'

'What sick manner of arcane has done this to a mere infant?!'

'To their own young, how appalling...'

'Human Mages go as far as this? Despicable.'

One of the females picked up the unconscious, weakened child, revealed to be a female when she was turned over to be held in the arms properly.

'We may not welcome any race, for they desecrate nature itself with their folly...but not even we would turn a child who has yet to know wrong away.' spoke the woman who held the little girl. 'We shall teach her what is correct, before she goes back to her own kin, perilous journey it may be. Perhaps through her, we can influence her kin to know what is right as we live with nature, the skies and the stars. We shall see her identity, here and now.' she summoned a lot of Wisps to converge upon the child, and show them the visions they desire, the truth about the girl.

Shirou Emiya, the last think he remember is dying in the grail war with Sakura crying cradling his disintegrating body.

Well, HE, from now on a SHE, is now in a result of Sakura's wishes with her body. She somehow knows many fields of good magic that is a perfect counter against evil magic she has yet to master, and her mind clear with no reality marble since never before, but no skill. She must practice to mastery.

'So that is her truth.' Tyrande whispered. 'Knowledge of sorcery that is a perfect counter against evil, is it? Put her in a room in the temple to heal...while we talk about this matter.'

Shirou, Now Sakura in honor of his friend was a vessel. A living vessel of magical knowledge from her old world of Earth. A seemingly peaceful place full of just humans!

To Night Elves who abhor magic considering what happened to their civilization for tens of thousands of years, they knew they cannot condone her stay here even if she was innocent. For her knowledge will tempt them into learning sorcery again! They CAN tolerate learning magic that heals and does not harm nature. Other things? Nope!


Sakura grew up in Night Elf Society.

At first, their appearances made her nervous, because they were all very tall with strong bodies, but they showed her kindness and gentleness.

She learned their language, culture, faith and way of life which she found AMAZING. She liked their simple, free way of life, and the fact that they were wise people, so she respects them. As a child, she lived in a temple where she was educated and trained while learning sorcery. She was told to prioritize healing spells, protection spells, purification spells and spells that served nature well, so she did out of respect. Once she has done her research, she keeps her notes and written books under lock and key.

She learned that in Azeroth, Magic is corruptive and addictive, like a drug. Even more reason for her to stay away from the sorcery of Azeroth, and she was better off sticking to what sorcery she knows. The Night Elves were also on the fence about Sakura, wondering if her world's magic will cause addiction over time. So they watch her as she trains and grows strong. But she never got addicted, even when she consumed Moonwell waters and practiced her world's sorcery.

She also could not befriend her fellow children nor play with anyone because Night Elves age very slowly. It takes 4000 years for a night elf child to become a teenager, and 3000 years to adulthood before immortality sets in! She was sad about that, thus took to befriending and playing with animals instead on her spare time...and studied the life-prolonging magic in order to stop her aging to physical 13 years old, for the sake of mastering all arts in allowed to her among the elves. She lived in her own house then, and crafted her Workshop underground her home and walled it with stone. She also wrote books detailing her life and experience with the Night Elves after her past, and wrote magic books. When the elves found out she suddenly stopped aging, she revealed her world has such knowledge, sorcery to stop aging, just so she has time to master everything. It was a form of immortality, sorcery from the Age of Gods in Earth. Well, the elves gained Immortality through the World Tree, not like they can comment on it...

Knowing how to do chores and how to cook, making her finally independent. She was glad that in regards to food, the night elves have rice. His talent for Cooking translated well in this world, writing cookbooks and recipes for delicious dishes. The night elves were thus, stunned by what they called 'flavor assault' and found pleasure in delicious food and learned how to use flavorings in such a manner. And as some foods have health benefits as Sakura found out, they cultivated and ate more of it, and got stronger. This was her sole contribution to their society she was praised for it to her delight.

It was pity that she no longer has her brand of magecraft, but she was a very skilled warrior skilled in the bow, stealth and tracking. She can even meld in the shadows like they could, and had the ability to create Moonwells.

When Sakura mastered the first few arts she was allowed to study within Night Elf society, she allowed her body to age again, before stopping it again. As an adult, she wore face paint instead of having it tattooed on her face like most elves.

'Sakura.' Tyrande spoke to Sakura who now has the age of a 17, despite her age of 655 years, and never showed magical addiction much to their relief as if she even showed slight signs, she would have to be killed. A minor sign alone, is using magic for every single thing, and living the life of a lazy layabout, when Night Elves believed in hard work and effort.

A life with the elves and everything and anything mystical about them, made her 5'7 feet tall, with a strong body capable of both war and female allure, as far as her human genes can afford her even with their magical food blessed by the Moonwells. She wore a typical white dress civilian elves wear and is barefoot, when not in armor, and her hair worn long and parted in the middle like everyone does. 'You are now of age.' she said. 'You are now a young maiden who must rejoin her kin. It is time for you to go.'

'Yes, Priestess.' Sakura kneeled respectfully. 'Thank you and everyone for everything you've all done for me.' she said in genuine gratefulness, before raising her head in genuine curiosity. 'But...what are humans here like?'

'...they are a rather obnoxious lot with disregard for nature and life.' said Tyrande in distaste. 'They even wage wars as if, if they don't, war will go out of style.' she said. 'Their Kings and Queens war over even pettiest matters. They know not serenity like we do. They know not what it means to live like we do. They hunger and crave for power and gold when its often best to be content with what we have. A constantly-hungry race. Perhaps, you may teach them when you go there. Change come in small things and that small thing will grow big over time. Hopefully they learn peace like we do.'

'S-seriously? They're savage?' Sakura stammered nervously, wide-eyed and shaken at the idea given her life, she couldn't accept savagery herself.

'At least we think so.' Tyrande said, 'Yet in irony, they think WE'RE savage because we don't own nor use their machines. I suppose cultures truly differ, young Sakura.' the high priestess can only shake her head.

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Thus on her final day at her home...

Sakura packed up her books and magical items she created, seeds of food she saved up, and materials needed to create a Moonwell and tools to craft and maintain her weapons as it will be all she needed, and the traditional night elf armor she wore. She has no idea what humans here wear, not like she can wear her white dresses there!

She borrowed a Hippogryph from the nearby Ancient of Wind, so she could go to a Shipyard quicker, and get a ship to sail for Lordaeron, a continent the goblins said, has humans.

'You're one strange lass!' the Captain Goblin said. 'You say you lived with the Kal'dorei and never seen a fellow human?'

'Yes...due to bizarre magical circumstances, I fell in Kalimdor as a child and grew up among them.' said Sakura. 'But I can't stay for long, and I should be with my kin now that I'm an adult.'

'Well, you should be...half-breeds get the short end of the stick.' said the Captain. She got a ship for 200 gold, and she set off for Lordaeron, a trip that took her a month to get to, and upon disembarking, she took a deep breath, as her ship left her, sailing back to the shipyard it came from.

'This is it...' she thought nervously. 'My journey begins. But...I better observe humanity here first, then I'll make my decision.'

She traveled for many days and nights, living off of fruit and river waters. She was thus responsible for sudden appearances of fruit trees around the countryside, fruits the residents of this continent knew nothing about...until she came to a small village...and observed through kingdoms, before observing the common folk.

Her mother reads her fairy tales and stories of heroes...

...thus everything starts with kingdoms and royal families. Always.

Humans have a relatively short lifespan, less than the majority of the other races on Azeroth. Around the age 12. This has led to the formation of different nations and orders across many lands and to the forging of alliances not only between each other, but with other races, and seeking to do whatever is necessary to protect and secure their nations so future generations can live peacefully and safely.

If she and Night Elves follow Elune, these humans have their own religion too, and humans follow the Holy Light. Cathedrals and churches stand in their cities, and their priests preside over followers, heal the wounded, soothe the weary, and crusade against what they consider evil. Humans have an order of holy warriors, paladins, who follow the Holy Light and crush evil and chaotic beings in its name.

They are also adaptable, with Sakura herself being an example. Humans can be some of the most highly skilled and adaptable magic-users. Any list of the most powerful mages in history will be dominated by humans. Their mastery of these arts are rivaled on Azeroth perhaps only by the high elves and gnomes. Humans are most known for their arcane magic and divine magic. These magics are used to heal and create in times of peace, and to harm and destroy in times of war.

Humans have a relatively good understanding of machinery. However, this understanding does not come close to that of their dwarven and gnomish allies. The efforts of human engineers are laughable when compared to those of the dwarves' and gnomes'. These races have provided their advanced artillery, metalworking, and engineering skills to the Alliance during times of war. Even so, humans are a young race, and thus highly versatile, mastering the arts of combat, craftsmanship, and magic with stunning efficiency. Humans have a great deal of respect for both the dwarves and gnomes for these accomplishments and are eternally grateful for their contributions to the Alliance. Humans, for the most part, do not seem to be particularly aware of nor concerned about the harms the advancement of civilization and technology as well as the use of arcane magic may bring upon nature and the world. They were like magi in her old that regard.

As for warfare, Human bases are very difficult to penetrate. Their warfare horrified Sakura and sees this as a threat to her adoptive community.

She also came upon elves called Quel'dorei. She had heard they were once Night Elves who were exiled. When the night elves adopted druidism, they outlawed the practice of arcane magic. The use of its dangerous powers was punishable by death. However, many Highborne loyalists of Queen Azshara survived the Sundering and grew restless. They suffered from magical withdrawal, and 7,300 years before the invasion of the Horde through the Dark Portal, they spoke against Malfurion Stormrage and the Druids.

Dath'Remar Sunstrider, the leader of this movement, declared the druids cowards for refusing to wield the arcane. Malfurion and the druids warned the Highborne that any use of magic would be punishable by death. Yet, in an attempt to protest the druid's law, Dath'Remar and his followers unleashed a terrible magical storm upon Ashenvale. The druids could not bring themselves to put so many of their kin to death, so they decided to exile the reckless Highborne from their lands. Thus Sakura studied this new culture to send home to Priestess Tyrande. She snuck into Quel'Thalas and unknown to them, she lived among them wearing a glamour to pretend she was one of them.

These Quel'dorei under Sunstrider led the high elven fleets across the world for many long years. Their goal was to find places of considerable ley power for them to build their new homeland. After landing on the Lordaeron continent, they moved inland and formed a settlement in the Tirisfal Glades. After a few years, however, many were driven insane. The belief at the time was that something evil slept beneath the Glades, so the high elves abandoned the region and moved northwards. They wandered the land for years. Around this time, they had become completely severed from the life-giving energy of the Well of Eternity. This meant that they were vulnerable to the elements and had not received immortality from Nozdormu and the World Tree. They had shrunk in height and their skin had become a peach hue similar to most dwarves and humans.

The high elves soon discovered primitive humans, but associated little with them. The forest trolls of Zul'Aman, under the Amani Empire, posed a greater threat to their society. The elves soon grew to hate the forest trolls and they fought each other whenever they met. When the high elves went to war with the Amani trolls, the elves could not understand how the trolls' weapon enchantments were more powerful than their own. The elves then stole ancient knowledge from troll spellcasters, including the famous Zanza, and used stolen idols to craft their own versions of the troll enchantments.

After many more years, the high elves discovered a land in the northern forests which suited them, and founded the kingdom of Quel'Thalas. Unfortunately, they would learn that Quel'Thalas was founded on a sacred and ancient troll city. The trolls began to attack the elven settlements en masse in retaliation. Although the Amani outnumbered them ten to one, the elves utilized magic to its fullest effect and defeated the trolls.

Some elves, wary of the kaldorei's warnings, created a protective barrier around Quel'Thalas which allowed them to continue their magic without attracting the Burning Legion's attention. To do this, they employed a series of monolithic Runestones. Soon, Quel'Thalas became a shining monument to high elven prowess. It was crafted in the same style as the halls of Kalimdor,[17] with the addition of integrated magic and a brighter color scheme. Although they did not worship it, a great respect was maintained for nature. The high elves were careful to interweave their cities and architecture with their natural surroundings, creating a truly beautiful and tranquil land.

To sate their hunger for great magical power, the high elves created the Sunwell. It became the source of their power as the Well of Eternity had been in Kalimdor, although the Sunwell was much weaker, and the elves were forewarned of the dangers. As the high elves became more powerful, they cast an enchantment on the forests that bathed Quel'Thalas in eternal springtime, in defiance of the kingdom's location on the extreme north of the continent. From that point on, all high elves had access to the Sunwell's powers from anywhere on Azeroth. Over time, the high elves came to regard the Sunwell's waters as holy. Magic became part of their genes centuries before, but the Sunwell's unique energies became part of them acutely. For nearly four thousand years, the high elves remained relatively at peace. But while the elves established their nation, the Amani plotted their next assault. 2,800 years before the First War, they unleashed it upon the high elves. The Troll Wars ignited. Suffering loss after loss, the high elves turned to the humans of Arathor for support. The two formed a military alliance in exchange for the instruction of 100 humans in arcane magic. Together, they crushed the Amani; an empire that had endured for more than twenty thousand years. Humans and high elves have cultivated this alliance ever since.

And when the book arrived in Kalimdor, in Night Elven territory...

The Night Elves saw a mercenary in their territory with glowing eyes and carrying a package.

'Halt, state your business here!' the Huntresses demanded coldly. Glowing eyes is a sign of a magic user! How dare he come here?!

'Elune-adore.' the huntresses paused at that. 'I bring information from the continent of Lordaeron where I, Sakura Tohsaka have ventured to, to seek my human kin. Please give High Priestess Tyrande this book I wrote.' the mercenary, clearly under mind-control gave them the book. 'This man will not remember anything about Kalimdor nor any Sentinel when he returns home to Lordaeron. Farewell.' and the Mercenary went off. But as a precaution, the elves killed him anyway and brought the book to Tyrande.

Tyrande saw two chapters within the book, about humans and quel'dorei.

'...hmmph, so this is what happened to those exiles.' she read about the Quel'dorei first. Upon reading about humans, it was clear Sakura feared their warfare and by sending information home, she hoped her adoptive society would find ways to be stronger.

For now, she thought about the matter, studying the book thoroughly before she holds a meeting. Sent off to her kin she may be, but Sakura remained loyal to them that she feared her own kin and sees them as a threat to kal'dorei and becoming one of them would be quite the experience as the young girl wrote. That, Tyrande appreciated.

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