Mage Warcraft

Chapter 5: The Meeting

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Days later...

Tyrande spent more than 'a few days' awakening the was not an easy task.

The most difficult to wake, were the Druids of the Claw.

In the Barrow Deeps where they slept, the Night Elves sealed the Barrow Deeps shut, that undisturbed for such a long time, even Malfurion Stormrage wondered in a polite way, if they'll still be 'right in the head'.

Well, they weren't. Sleeping as beasts made them lost to feralness it took some convincing to do force.

Then Tyrande freed Illidan Stormrage, causing the Wardens to get into a snit, and Malfurion wasn't happy, further alienating Illidan. At least Tyrande was willing to give him a chance! But not even she, can go against their entire race, sadly. But what made his heart soar, was the fact that it was she who let him out and needed him. But alas, this battle, then he's banished. Forever.

That was when Illidan met Sakura in his wanderings, a powerful magic-using human when he went out into the wilderness as fast as he could to avoid the Watchers. It's been so long since he felt the warm sun upon his skin, smelled fresh air and saw trees.

'What is your business in Kalimdor, human?' Illidan asked her warily.

'I am Sakura Darkgrove, a former child-ward of the Sisterhood of Elune.' Sakura introduced herself. 'But aren't you a little too far from the preparation site, mister? I mean, we're preparing defenses around Mt. Hyjal against the Legion.'


'Then how did you come to be here? We never welcome outsiders, I'm surprised Tyrande took you in, even...'

As a sign of trust, Sakura told him about herself. But she was baffled on how can he NOT know when every elf in Kalimdor knew about her as being adopted by Tyrande is huge news.

He just fibbed that he was on a long journey that when she told him they're fighting the Legion honestly shocked him. He knew through Tyrande, but a little lie won't hurt.

Illidan spiritually-looked at the young human girl dressed like a night elf, even the tribal marks! But wore garments befitting of a sorcerer.

Sakura, Before that Shirou Emiya, through magic ended up in Azeroth a couple millennia ago as a four years old child, almost mid-4000 into the 10000 years mark since their defeat of the Legion and the Sundering of their world. Only the Night Elves know her true origins which was another world.

Sakura understands and owes them regardless, especially when Goblins by a shipyard told her that 'Nobody treats half-breeds nicely, it's for the best, lass.' thus cannot mate with a night elf even if she had immortality magic to stay young forever. So she will aid any nightelf if asked, if they ever went to Lordaeron, even if those who asked her aid are in conflict with one another, she will provide material, magical and financial aid without bias in her city, Moongrove but never military to avoid said bias. That could come in handy one day, wherever heck this Lordaeron place is...

Apparently in her world there's the equivalent of a mini-sunwell in Quel'thalas as she put it. But it grants wishes and is only active once every sixty years. That means the leylines in her homeworld are pathetic, not enough to cure his own magic addiction. He once asked Sakura if she had any ideas about he hasn't had magic in 10000 years.

He hid the fact why he er, has no access to Magic, in order not to have another enemy. However...Sakura said:

'Actually, you're halfway cured if you managed THAT long without a sliver of magic!' Sakura sputtered out, astonished. 'Even the exiled Highborne of 10000 years ago calling themselves Quel'dorei showed magic addiction and can't even last half a day without!'

Her words just as stunned him.


That got him pausing.

'-what I mean by halfway is that you did it alone, with no support whatsoever as while you fought off the hunger, you're NOT supposed to do it alone!' this child sputtered out upset. 'You need emotional and spiritual support and encouragement of family and friends! That way you would have the will and spiritual strength, drive and motivation to get better while denying your body the magic it craved as you endured the agony of craving, the physical, mental, spiritual and magic agony of severe withdrawals is worse than physical torture itself.'

Illidan recalled his years in prison. How he twisted, writhed, and howled in agony, making his Watchers think he went crazy, fueling their drive to keep him locked in.

'Fighting it off alone without support is agonizing so I understand you're uhm...broken...' she squeaked awkwardly before perking up. '-but please look on the bright side, you're cured! You now need a reason to be happy and find a way to enjoy life without magic to overcome mental health issues such as depression.'

Heh, if only he could, he thought dryly. He's cured now at least.

'Try going Druidism, Mister Illidan. It's magic but not addicting since the druids here are still quite healthy, or Shamanism.' Sakura encouraged. 'Return to Elune, that she may show you salvation. She helped me with my most difficult task.'

'A task?'

'You see...'

What he heard next...was mind-blowing. That blew him up worse than having his heart crushed when Tyrande chose his brother, and said brother denounced and banished him combined!

This cunning girl!

How could they have known what they lived with for so long, that several millennia later, salvation sneakily came in?! Their adoration, loyalty and devotion for Azshara was FAKE?!

'I can't tell to the others though...I doubt they'll believe me readily.' said Sakura sheepishly. 'I only have the writings of those elves in the past who got lucky. Might as well keep that secret until my end. Stuff like that should be experienced as experience never lies, while history can be faked and truth forever buried. Who knows when Azshara will return again...'

'Wise words, young one.' said Illidan with a somber sigh, wondering how many more shocks can he take. He really appreciates her cunning. 'Before I leave Kalimdor to further my quest to break free, I shall aid you and yours.' so he stayed in her temporary city on the islands, and took refuge in one of Elune's Temples where she encouraged him to seek their goddess once more for salvation, and a new lease in life while seeing what city Tyrande's ward created. His needs in her city are provided too, even got human priestesses to tend to him. They too, dressed like the Sisterhood. They know Tyrande Whisperwind of the Elves is Chief Priestess, but they never met her, only seeing her through Sakura's illusion magic throughout history.

Nice accommodations and treatment, a great contrast to being scorned, despised and being treated rudely by his comrades as the watchers ensured his time in prison was as miserable as ever despite his efforts to foil the legion by being a double-agent and creating a new Well of Eternity for their sakes. This was his first ever kindness after so long.

But for the showdown, he needed to get mentally ready as he recuperates in this temple. How long has it been since he had a bath?(those priestesses scrubbed him real good and washed his hair four times until it was a cleanliness they liked and were insistent about it) Food?(superbly delicious or was it because he had nothing but food about to go bad?) Bed?(he had a cot on the cold floor and nothing else) New clothes?(his old one is in filthy tatters) The water of the Moonwell healed his body once more, but true healing, is a long way to go.

Sakura said he's messed up in the head from addiction. But he believes he is sane.

That, and being stuck underground for 10000 years that she didn't know about doesn't help his case.

He spent his days sunbathing, and gorging his fill of delicious food and moonwell water as who knows when Maiev might get lucky with him and take him back to his cold, dear ol' cell...


Days later...all five leaders came following a vision from the Prophet...with Sakura coming last.

'Sakura.' Tyrande greeted.

'Ishnu-alah, Priestess, Shan'do.' Sakura bowed politely before the elves. Malfurion got intrigued, as an unknown knows manners.

'Teacher, you're here too?' Thrall spoke out. His old Healing and Fighting teacher is here. She didn't just teach him Healing, she also taught him how to train a battle-ready body for both men and women, even giving him a book about it just incase. So it's easier for them to wield weapons, and fight brutally with grace and skill. Grom mentioned she was here, and helped the Orcs avoid angering the Night Elves and Cenarius, saving them from major trouble and for that, he was grateful. So he changed how his men are trained before joining with the Warsong Clan.

'She and her citizens are the first to come here on the behest of the prophet, Thrall.' said Jaina. 'I have no idea when you came here, but I came after a month she did.'


'It seems we are gathered by the same man once again.' said Sakura as a raven came, perched onto the soil and became their culprit.

'Indeed, I have, Headmistress.' Medivh acknowledged her assumptions.

He then told them his tale.

It was he who brought the Orcs into Azeroth, though doing so opened a pathway for the Legion to come too. So he hopes to set things right, by gathering them into an alliance to save Azeroth from the enemy of all who live, the Legion.

So they built different bastions. Jaina and Sakura in charge of the first, behind them Thrall, and this, was to buy Malfurion time to spring a fatal trap against Archimonde.

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'This is it Jaina...are you ready for the worst?' Sakura grinned as she built Starfall Towers around Mount Hyjal.

'As ready as I'll ever be...hopefully we can go home someday after your puppet army kills them all in Lordaeron while we take care of most of the headache here.' said Jaina with a sigh. She looked at Sakura's Mages in contrast to the Quel'Thalan Priests and Sorceresses she brought with her. They have the same strength in regards to magic levels, but in bearing? They have the upper hand! How are they in battle?

'Yeah, let's give it all we've got...but save enough energy to teleport away when you're almost out of energy.' said Sakura as she and all mages present were equipped with ten runic mana potions around their waists. But for now...we have a welcome aide coming soon.'


A muscular man came. He was blindfolded, long silky vibrant hair in a ponytail, and wore good clothes under new armor and possessing new weapons granted to him by Sakura.

'Oh my!'

'He is Mister Illidan Stormrage.' Sakura introduced Illidan to Jaina. 'He's a Night Elf wanderer I met while preparing defenses around Mt. Hyjal. Scary-looking guy but he's nice...but behind the times.'

Illidan snorted.

Nice? He CAN be under circumstances but he's mostly a bitter man. 10000 years in a dark prison and knowing your kin hated you for doing what you felt was right, and judged without hearing his side was why he's behind the times. But this girl asked him nicely for his help against the Legion as Tyrande had done the same. But with Furion around, he's more inclined to listen to this girl who gave him aid. For now.

'Well after this business I'll leave this place and that's that, young lady.' Illidan told Sakura. 'Ten thousand years we fought and put them in their place...we shall do so, again.'


'Tyrande, what's he doing here?!' Malfurion gasped as from the summit, they saw Illidan approach the human girls. 'Didn't we just banish him?!'

'That's not my doing this time Furion.' said Tyrande, shaking her head. 'Sakura must have met him and asked for his aid. That child I raised knows not what happened in our history, she is blameless. But she'll know soon assuming we survive this again, Furion.' she sighed. 'I just hope it will not end with another...Dark Tide.' she said anxiously. 'That's what they call that raging maestrom where the Well of Eternity used to be these days...'

'I assure you that what I have in mind shall not repeat that bleak history of ours.' Furion swore to her grimly. Never again will we have another Sundering. I doubt Azeroth will survive another...' he shuddered. 'We will all perish. But even Lord Cenarius guarantees it will work. Worry not my love. We'll deal with all else later.'



In the meantime...

In Lordaeron Continent...

Sakura's puppet army was infamous in all Kingdoms.

Puppets with ball joints with bodies of women with blades instead of hands, or armed with rifles that fire bolts of magical energy instead! There's even a siege flamethrowing weapon designed to burn Scourge Settlements. They wander ignoring the living, only attacking if attacked, but otherwise content with wandering around in search of Undead Prey. And woe betide you if you're an matter what appearance you take, you'll be targeted and killed! There are also flyers that serve as scouts and declare towns and areas 'clear!' before moving on.

Dalaran agrees that to raise a puppet army that runs and never stops, was an incredible piece of magic, clearly more efficient than golems any day now...faster, skilled in combat with their own programmed intelligence, and no need for upkeep! What's frightening when they detect prey, is that that have the ability to move insanely fast, you'll be hunted down and torn to pieces in a blink! Before you can even turn to run, you're dead!

That, was what Tichondrius had to deal with when he came to Lordaeron and the puppets were nearby...before he could use magic to escape, he was torn to pieces and burned. Arthas who came quickly fled. He was thus, alone and following the orders of his new master Ner'zhul with Kel'thuzad's ghost for company...

'Damn these puppets, what the heck are they?!' Arthas swore as many times he barely avoided complete death! He can only teleport around to escape!

'They are the puppet army Sakura Darkgrove created against the Scourge.' said Kel'thuzad, appearing beside him. 'These dolls destroyed much of everything I built.' he sighed. 'For now, we must build our forces in Northrend before we can claim this land as ours. We must create a force stronger than these puppets.'

'I leave their destruction in your hands, lich.' said Arthas. 'I'll oversee the expansion of our numbers.'

'Very well, young Death Knight.' and the two vanished for safety.

Ner'zhul told Kel'thuzad that the greatest threat, was Sakura. She was too powerful than any sorcerer in Azeroth and well-defended for a human, and single-handedly took down the Scourge they built!

She must be taken out of the equation!

But not after using her to get Archimonde killed, of course...Ner'zhul would tell Kel'thuzad what's going on in Kalimdor...the only thing he cannot see, was what's going on in Sakura's city, frustrating the Lich King. He cannot even read her mind and the minds of all who goes in her city!

xxx hour before sundown, dinner meeting...

On one dining table were the leaders and on another, two each of their retinues near their table, served by Sakura's maids.

'OK, from our rather, horrendous experience, those freaks attack at night.' Sakura told the other leaders. 'We get reprieve during the day.' she said. 'It's when it gets dark, that things get really interesting and that's me being nice about it.'

'You call non-stop assaults 'nice'?' Jaina deadpanned. 'We had to keep standing than be torn apart!' and devoured, but that's not something one should say on the dining table...

'Having dinner before then is a really good idea.' said Thrall. 'Tis' folly to march to war on an empty stomach. This strange silver water on our table warms my body in this cold place as well...I think when we survive this, my people and I will settle where it's warmer.'

'Sakura, about that guest you have with you...' Furion started,

'Oh, Mister Illidan? He's a little better now compared to a few days ago when I first met him.' said Sakura. 'He told me he wandered for 10000 years since the Sundering to fight off Magical Addiction.' the nearby elves looked at her at this. '...but the idiot fought addiction alone, something those afflicted by it should never have done.'

'Addiction...Illidan is a night elf too by the looks of things.' Jaina mused. 'And you told me the Quel'dorei came from here...they too, suffer from Magical Withdrawal Symptoms they can't last half a day without magic sources.'

'That's why I never dared touch other sorceries in Teacher's school, I was afraid of that.' said Thrall. 'We orcs are prone to corruption by magic because of our ancestors' corruption by the legion, making us their descendants highly-susceptible so I embraced my kind's spiritualism-based sorcery where we draw on our own spiritual energy, not mana of this world. Mana is akin to a drug yet humans seem unharmed by it as there's so many human sorcerers practicing arcane.'

'And that's why we banned magic practice since.' Furion told them. 'Never fight addiction alone you say?'

Sakura repeated to them what she told Illidan.

' he's understandably cranky and lethargic according to the temple maidens I assigned to him and spends his time sunbathing in the day and in a warm bathtub at night feeling cold...but he feels the symptoms of improvement as spiritual coldness is a step away to complete physical and spiritual healing and detoxification. Mental issues are all that's left and even then, he's mentally scarred for the rest of his life as he fought addiction alone, no friend nor family to help provide positive force and he wouldn't comment on that. Deceased?' Sakura wondered in child-like wonder.

That got Furion and Tyrande pausing, perturbed and feeling a pang of guilt. How could they have known that after throwing him in prison, denied of magic, he spent the next few millennia fighting off addiction while magically-starved? Were all his actions caused by need to stave? And creating a next Well of Eternity out of fear of losing what kept him stable?

'I see.'


'Those elves look a little...disturbed when we talked about Illidan.' said Jaina as after dinner, Sakura teleported home her servants and everything else used in dinner.

'They disliked magic because of what it's done millennia ago, and no way of knowing how to deal with it.' said Sakura. 'I spent the next 5000 years finding answers by opening history books and medicinal books I can get my hands on, studying well-compensated volunteers and everything...that was the best answer I could get.' she said. 'Being a a lifetime of study for answers. A better life? Curing illness? Making better protections? Stuff like that. Then there are those hungry for power who should be put down like feral dogs who are a danger to others. We mages should support and protect life, not destroy it.'

'And the Scourge and Legion are using magic to destroy life as we know it...' Jaina whispered with a choke.

'Terminate them like you would an insect!' Sakura instructed coldly, her eyes glinting coldly, 'For its what they deserve.'

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