Mage Warcraft

Chapter 7: Guests (+18-rape)

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It has been a week since everyone found out what became of Prince Arthas that there is now a kill-on-sight order as declared by the pained King who put a hit on his son's unlife as its people first, before one man. The gates of the city shut tight, and military outside to protect the farmers and farmlands.

The humans are now tightly guarded as well, until everyone gets news that Lordaeron is safe once more.

Dalaran and Moongrove are researching together how to combat Northrend in order for the whole world to team up against the Undead.

And now, Moongrove hosted the non-combatants of Quel'thalas led by Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider.

'I thank you for granting us asylum, Headmistress.' Kael bowed before his former teacher.

'I have sworn to aid the kaldorei, be they ancient or descendants, young Prince.' said Sakura. 'During your stay here, I hope you prepare yourself for what's coming...that Quel'thalas' fall is inevitable, and you must become King after your father.' she told Kael and her words shook the prince, her words hammering down what he dreaded as he knew what she implied. 'The undead are relentless killing machines who never tire. They will not stop, until you are one of them.' she said, shaking her head. 'While you have time, decide what is best for your people. As long as you live, Quel'thalas lives. But if all Quel'dorei die, then Quel'thalas is truly finished.'

'My lady...' Kael was uncertain of his future as King. 'What must I do to be King?'

'You must always be prudent. Always think about the future. Actions made in the present, give birth to the future.' Sakura advised. 'That is why, when you make plans, think of how will it affect the future of your nation, your people in the long run. A nation's primary three needs is security, accessible resources, and arable land. Rulers who foolishly live in the moment, can only await their own end.'

'...yes, teacher.'

'For now, you and yours will stay in Moongrove until all of you recovered from weariness. Rest and heal, then seek Elune.' Sakura advised. 'Be sincere and heartfelt with your prayer that she may hear you.' she told him. 'And listen to her voice.'

'...did you, when you built Moongrove?'

'I sure did...' said Sakura softly. 'Its not easy being a ruler of an Academic City when I first started.' she admitted. 'And now, my prayer for the past few decades, is that I remain the way I am. A guide. A teacher. And someone to rely on without becoming something like Azshara.' she said. 'Right now, I'm almost equal to her in power. Just without her god-complex arrogance, haughtiness and ego and I rather it stay that way.' she told him curtly. 'She is the reason why the Legion got into this world ten millennia ago. To put it simply, she is why we are in this mess now. That former queen of the highborne.' she stated in cold disgust. 'It is we who cleans up her mess...with great casualty at that.' she sighed. 'We will be at war soon. Focus on your people, young Prince. You do not belong on the least, until your numbers are over at least, two million strong.' and she was gone.

Kael knew that to go to war is folly.

Their able ones have fought in Quel'thalas. What's with him are all women and children, and a hundred engineers as well as a hundred priests as Healers and Swordsmen as protection, and the treasures of Quel'thalas.

By Sakura's words, Quel'thalas has fallen. His heart ached for his people and his father, but she's right. They all must survive, and thrive!

He may be a good Prince, but good King? Where does he even start with that? He doesn't even have a Queen!

He longed for Jaina but she still has Arthas in her heart! That good-for-nothing traitor to his people! His heart raged at the thought of the man. As long as he lives, Jaina will never be his. His heart broke and found himself before a Temple of Elune.

What has he got to lose in his moments of grief?


Sakura has sent puppet birds bearing news that Quelthalas has fallen.

First Dalaran, now Quel'thalas since Arthas has begun his new career as a Death Knight. All countries are working on evacuating the people from the countryside to prevent him from amassing an undead army by killing townsfolk.

'Sigh...the countryside sure is vulnerable...' Sakura frowned, worried about the countryside. 'Well, that brat should learn nothing good happens when you turn on your own kin. The hard way, preferably!' she harrumphed. She decided to gather her priestesses who knew holy magic, and warrior monks to protect them, and sent them on missions to purify the land and the cemeteries so that no Necromancer Magic can arouse the dead from their sleep, and destroy any undead they see.

All of them, as priestesses of Elune dressed the part. Flimsy white silk tunics held in place with silver brooches that clung to their bodies that left little to imagination on their alluring bodies, veils of gauze on their heads and wore gladiator sandals. The warrior monks also dressed like yamabushi armed and armored while also capable of holy magic and sorcery. The priestesses were more on healing and purifying.

Oh, and they're also temple prostitutes as well, offering their flowers to their guardian priests who are also their lovers.

Sure Sakura knows the art of carnal pleasure but not even once did she indulge in it with anyone in her city.

Too awkward as she raised them all she's like everyone's mother for crying out loud! Doing it with anyone in her city is like incest even if they're not blood related?!

Her mind exploded. Literally.

She didn't even turn to her students.

She was one lonely immortal lady who appears forever 17 years old.

The reminder that she's 'forever single' got her gloomy.

'Haaa...I'm never gonna get married, am I? Everyone around me is too young!' she moped on her desk. 'Only the Kal'dorei are older than me so its not weird but I can't marry any of them due to half-breed discrimination and it's been several millennia already, gimme a break!' she wailed as there's no denying that she's a very single and lonely woman.

'Trouble in paradise it seems?' Sakura got startled with the rather familiar voice who made himself welcome in her office.

'Oh! Mister Illidan!' she gasped out, standing up looking flustered at being caught in such a moment, though she noted the horns and wings. 'Oh my, you pursued Demon Hunting as of late? You didn't have those before.'

'Its a rather necessary change.' said Illidan ruefully. 'I came here for your aid, though I understand your stipulations regarding that.' he said. 'I need supplies. Lots of them enough for a force of 60000 for a long journey spanning at least, five years. And clothing for myself.'

'Oh, I'll get them ready, please wait in one of the temples.' Sakura smiled reassuringly. 'And when you see some Quel'dorei, they know nothing of their ancestor's history, so they won't recognize you. They've never seen a kal'dorei nevermind hear of them so no conflict will occur as in Moongrove, Racial Discrimination is Taboo because in this city, everyone is welcome as long as you're not racist.'

'Quel'dorei descendants?'

'Yes. The remnants are driven out of Quel'thalas by the undead. And their military has fallen as did King Anestherian.' Sakura explained. 'Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider led civilian women and children here for refuge while he figures out what to do next for his people. The humans of this continent are on the offensive, so do watch out when you leave my city with necessities. They may attack you out of mistaken identity since Legion Dreadlords also have horns and wings.'

'Duly noted.'

The Sunstrider Family was once of the Highborne. The dynasty began with Dath'remar Sunstrider, who led the highborne across the sea in their exile by his brother due to their refusal to forsake magic. That was as far as Illidan knew.

'Well, unlike you they couldn't turn away from magic. They didn't even bother putting effort in so they're forever hungry while you're free from the hunger and can live a true life.' said Sakura. 'Those children will suffer anguish, now that the Sunwell in Quel'thalas is stolen and tainted by fel magic. I suppose that's my next task now after fulfilling your requests.' she said, scratching her head.


'Did business go smoothly, Lord Illidan?' the voice of Lady Vashj questioned when Illidan returned to the ocean as behind Sakura's cities was the ocean. There's even a Goblin Shipyard which was convenient! 'You have great confidence in this person you said we should approach.'

'Of course. Sakura has sworn to aid elves without question, except military aid to avoid bias incase two elven factions are in conflict and we are in conflict with that annoying Warden. She will never raise a hand against elves as its them who saved and raised her as a child. She will fulfill all my other requests hence.' said Illidan. 'For now we wait. She made me wait in a Temple of Elune while she gathers what we need. You and the others must stay elsewhere for the time being.'


Vashj was in deep thought as she and the Naga waited in the ocean while Illidan has to be within a temple, before she decided to explore.

Sakura was a human girl raised by the Kal'dorei. Raised in their ways. The structure of the Magical Academic City Moongrove reflected it. So many races are within. Human. Orc. Dwarves. Gnomes and Pandarens. And are those the Highborne but just got shorter? And they're all chatting amicably? The humans within the city that are clearly residents dress like kal'dorei, white silk and leather with jewelry. The foreign ones wear their native clothing.

Their talks were about the Undead Scourge threatening this continent of Lordaeron summoned by the Burning Legion and how countries are taking action. And apparently a prince of all people joined the very undead that threatens their world!


Not to mention the residents didn't bat an eye at her appearance, though the guest students were clearly unnerved by her serpentine body though not speak of it.

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Racism and bias and prejudice is punishable by expulsion. That was Sakura's ultimate law in her city. So anyone can be here and live safely and quietly. Or in her case, shopping.

'Oh! Good day lady newcomer, what would it be?' a shopkeeper asked her jovially in a jewelry store where jewelry of all shapes and sizes in incredible craftsmanship were up for sale. They're gorgeous! Not even jewelers of Suramar and Nazjatar were capable of making such artworks!

'Do you have everything my size, youngster?'

'Of course madam. All sorts come here so we take into account their sizes.' said the shopkeeper jovially as he opened a glass shelf and pulled out a drawer containing rings, necklaces, bracelets, bangles, anklets and the like.

It was good she carried money. Jewelers back home should study how to make such wondrous pieces for the glory of their queen! She ordered a siren to take her purchases home so that these pieces be studied immediately!


'Phew...that should do it.' it took several days to fill several ships that will last five years for a force of 60000 on Sakura's request. It's easy to grow food when you have magic and the Moonwells. She also put in barrels of water, liquor, medicinal potions and other necessities.

'I give you my thanks, Sakura. My journey is long as I seek a difficult quest.' said Illidan.

'Think nothing of it, Mister Illidan.' said Sakura. 'Be wary of the Scourge and the Legion.' she warned. 'All who seeks them and any who summoned them must be destroyed along with their folly. All races of Azeroth have agreed in unity over that matter.'

'Mm.' and Illidan left on the ships Sakura had procured to carry all those resources across the sea.

And it wasn't even several weeks later, that Sakura had guests too.

'Its difficult navigating the waters close to this many towers.' Maiev Shadowsong grumbled irritably. Instead of a straight and easy path, they're forced to make long turns and cuts just so the ships will go through!

'It merely speaks volumes how seriously the young ward takes the safety of her people Maiev. An impregnable defense is indeed noteworthy.' said Malfurion thoughtfully as they disembarked and stepped foot in Moongrove Port, before making their way to an obvious castle.

'This city is rife with magic. I can feel a thick presence of magic the closer you are to the city.' Tyrande noted. The city was beautiful. Full of nature, flowers, and architecture expected of their cities of old. And each resident, is very powerful as is the students from foreign countries.

The castle was smooth, sleek and beautiful with gardens of fruit trees and shrubs. There's even large mushrooms.

At the first floor, is numerous human children who were cared for by numerous women. They were all filthy, hurt and gloomy.

'Where is Lady Sakura? We need to talk to her.' Malfurion approached the women.

'Milady is attending an International Conference, milord.' one of the women replied. 'She is meeting with other Kings in Lordaeron City. We shall arrange guest rooms for you upstairs.'

'Mm. We are grateful. What about of the meeting?'

'Everyone is cooperating to find Demon Portals the Legion uses in this continent.' said the same woman. 'Headmistress will be home in a week.'

'I see...and what happened to these children in your care, youngster?'

'...they are survivors of countryside attacks by the Undead...all of them vulnerable to the scourge, unlike walled towns and cities...they are healing here while their parents and older siblings were conscripted into the military by Lordaeron to form a massive allied force by international royal union decree of all rulers.'




'Uff, I hate these meetings.' Sakura complained to Kael as they're out of earshot, instantly changing to casual wear. 'Do these people know not that bathing every day does wonders for how you smell? These people bathe once a week, and they're all physically active! They cover their...odor with perfume which makes it worse!' she was the only female ruler among human rulers in Lordaeron. In serious meetings, she wears more conservative dresses than ones she usually wears at home, so Kings, Princes and Military Officers will NOT try to look at her breasts during meetings. As much as them looking amuses and flatters her, they're all in a serious situation here! 'I long for fresh air out of this castle!'

'Well, they're like that as long as I remember, teacher.' Kael smiled ruefully. 'You just get used to it in time. They really smell, unless they are your students whom you raised to take daily baths.'

'At least their scions smell nicely.' Sakura grumbled. 'They should learn from my students! Well, its almost time for meals. We should get ready for the banquet.'

'Yet another thing we put up with.' said Kael as Sakura shivered.

These people's cooking skills...are lacking, to say the least. They just endure out of politeness and mostly eat fish, fruit, bread with cheese and vegetables. They cannot eat the roast or grilled meat...with good reason. They tend to be partially both charred and undercooked!

And these humans eat it all!

They can only inwardly shiver.

And its only recently-discovered that Sakura cannot drink wine after years of drinking moonwell water. She got quickly drunk and fainted.


'Did some idiot poison the Headmistress?!' medics were called who said,

'She's not poisoned milords, she's just drunk.'


'From just one cup of wine?!'

'Well, her city has no taverns for a wonder she only drinks water!'

However, that night, many sought to take advantage of Sakura's drunken state.

One by one, they come to bed her.

Drunk she may be but she's somewhat aware, but can't move at all.

The first man, was an old general of Lordaeron with children and grandchildren. He disrobed her quickly put her head dangling at the end of the mattress before pushing his cock inside her mouth, he started to piston with vigor to her disconfort, while his hands roamed her body giving her goosebumps, he played with her breast and pinched her nipples it hurts, massaged her vagina making her wet, his length all the way inside her throat making her choke.

When he left her mouth, she was still choking but distantly aware he had turned her around, her knees on the floor, face down on the matters before, he was behind her and with one thrust he was all the way inside her, her body convulsed from pain at losing her virginity, she let out a pained moan, her voice must have made him more excited as he started to piston with new vigor to her disconfort, he was still at it when the second one was in front of her, she felt her hair being grabbed from behind, her head lifted to welcome the cock in front of her in her mouth.

they where both thrusting, one behind and one in front, the general got more and more excited, he started slapping her rear making her moan around the the cock i her mouth and clamp the one inside her vagina, it stung and she wanted too die once he emptied himself inside her, her walls milking every drop while her body convulsed.

It was far from the end, one after another, they exchanged her like a commodity, changing position from doggy to mercenary and then sandwiching her between three while the rest touched themself around her, having a cock in her ass was the epitome of disconfort, especially with two others in her vagina and mouth, they kept fucking her alll the way into the night shooting inside every hole she has and across every surface of her body, she was bloated and drenched by the time they left.

Sakura once awake wobbled to the bathroom, she saw herself in the mirror bathed in their seed and skin red all over fromrough handling, eyes dead. She punched the mirror.


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