Magecraft: Original Sin

Chapter 5: The Boy With Red Hair [Pt 1]

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"Let us begin!" The moderator made a booming sound.

His energetic declaration was reciprocated by a more thunderous cry from the audience as they watched the first two contestants stand opposite each other on the stage.

On one end was a massive figure. He was bare-chested and had tattoos on his body. The serpent that coiled about his body in the form of an exquisite design was a testament to the great prowess he had.

This tall and muscular man was well known across the land as the mighty 'Tall Serpent'— one who relied on his quick reflexes and brute force to annihilate his foes.

Facing him was a shorter, more slender person. Having a height of barely 5'7, his smaller frame was supported by an exquisite red armor that glimmered in the sunlight. He had a sword in one hand, taking on a stance that was popular among everyone gathered there. This man was a seasoned sword-bearer known as the 'Armored Frenzy' due to the ferocious strikes he made every time he fought against multiple opponents.

Having two highly esteemed warriors start the tournament was a treat unlike any other. On the edge of most of the warriors' minds was gratitude, as they were happy they weren't the ones challenging either champion.

With the referee's words signaling the commencement, the air around the coliseum grew denser as all eyes were fixated on both exemplary men who had already taken their battle stance.

The Tall Serpent clenched his fist and slightly crouched, eyeing his prey diligently. In a flash, he would lunge at his target and achieve a decisive victory.

While playing the scenario in his head, his adversary— the Armored Frenzy also calculated the angle of each strike that he would take. Since his opponent was a highly revered fighter, there was no need to go easy. Even though he donned a real sword as a weapon, there was no way he could mitigate his swing.

'If he loses an arm or more, then that is simply his fate!' The armored warrior told himself

After all, they were all ready to risk their very lives for a chance to achieve absolute victory and obtain the ultimate prize.


Both parties dashed at each other at the very same moment, not leaving even a second interval. Dust rose from their respective location as the wind howled in response to the quick movements made by the veterans.

Armored Frenzy raised his blade and gave a swift horizontal strike that slanted a little, as he intended to follow up with a twist. His opponent caught the speed of the blade and instinctively realized that if he failed to dodge, his chest would have to say goodbye to some flesh and blood.


The blade was swung once again and the Tall Serpent was a little bit faster as the sword's edge nearly grazed his chest. Giving a short breath of relief, the larger man took a step backward. However, the blade wielder wasn't done in his attempt at victory.

Twisting his body, just as he had intended, the nimble man generated a vortex that greatly increased the weight behind his sword.

Taking heavy, yet quick movements, he closed the distance between himself and his target, while maintaining absolute focus on his technique.

The frenzied vortex was capable of cutting down multiple enemies in a single swoop. It was quick, it was powerful, and it was one of the three ultimate forms this man had perfected as a warrior— Sword Vortex Swallow!


The wind seemed to curl up into a mini-tornado as torrents of dust arose from their settled state. The Tall Serpent saw the terribly swift and precise movement of his adversary and instantly knew he would lose— that is, if he didn't pull out one of his own big guns.

Clenching his teeth in complete focus, the large man loosened his muscles and dislodged his bones, creating a perfectly flexible form.

The reason for his title was due to his versatility in both strength and flexibility. He could choose to be as sturdy as a mountain or as malleable as a snake. This technique of his was dubbed rightly as the 'Unbreakable Malleable Body'.

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Using this move in an instant, the Tall Serpent moved in a way that would have been considered impossible for a man his size and perfectly dodged the vortex that was launched in his direction.

The red-armored warrior was stunned by this. He had thought his blade would strike faster than his adversary could make a counterattack. Apparently, he was wrong.


The dodged sword vortex attack pierced thin air, causing the dust around to fly away in response. Feeling frustrated by his failure, the Armored Frenzy bit his lip. Unfortunately for him, the Tall Serpent had already rejoined the bones in one of his hands and strengthened his muscles.

Appearing behind the blade wielder in a flash due to his quick movements, the giant made a comeback— quick and precise!

Digging his enhanced leg into the earth, he clenched his fingers and formed a tight fist. Launching it at his target, the large figure put all of his weight into the attack and sent it with full force.

This blow sent his opponent flying with a single hit. The impact of hard flesh hitting the hard helmet of the sword-bearer sent a brief shiver down the spine of everyone who watched. The iron protective gear had shielded the warrior from receiving the full brunt of the assault— unfortunately, it wasn't enough!

Hearing loud ringing in his head, the warrior lost his sense of composure. Taking advantage of this, the Tall Serpent sped sharply toward him and launched another quick, yet powerful punch.



This time, the hit was directed straight at the opening in the fighter's helmet, causing a few teeth to fly and blood as well. The decisive blow was struck, sending the warrior to the ground. While the other raised his tightly clenched fists up in celebration.

"WOHOOOOOOOO!!!" The warriors yelled words of praise to the victor, feeling pumped up by the first round that had just been fought.

They forgot that they would soon be on the same stage with the same monster that dominated the large arena below them.

"The winner for the first round is… 'The Tall Serpent', Zeke Larnard!"

More cheers sounded as the brave men all raised their voices in cheer for the lone warrior who reveled in his superiority.


Seated on one of the seats was a person who did not laugh, cheer, clap— or show any other emotion of praise. It was the opposite, actually. This lad frowned a little in dissatisfaction.

The cheers given by the crowd were a little mind-boggling to this young person. He couldn't understand why they made such crazy sounds for a pitiful performance by two equally miserable warriors.

"This is it…?" His young, childlike voice came out in a whisper.

With condescending red eyes and a deeper scowl, he furrowed his brow. Yes, this was truly not what he had been looking forward to. His hair flowed in line with the gentle passage of the wind, it was red and roughened. With yet another air of displeasure, he made one final statement.

"… How disappointing."

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