
Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Daughters of the Devil

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Magi Project - Report No. 106


It has been a few years since the start of the project, and while the actual results have been limited, what we have learned will prove an essential foundation of the tests to come. The first wave of subjects, titled #001 through #006 has given us much information about aspects such as DNA, Mana Flow, and other aspects which will aid in the true start of the test with the next wave of subjects. This first wave, aside from a few exceptions, was solely meant to test aspects of the body in regards to Mana and other aspects rather than to actually heed results. The few of this first wave which were genuine tests to attempt to recreate a mage solely with our already present knowledge have failed and both test subjects have perished.


This leads us to our initial plan for the second wave of test subjects, all of which will attempt one of various methods to recreate the mage. This next was was initially planned to consist of 7 subjects to be labeled #007 through #013. The methods used are numerous and there is much debate as to which will be successful. The details of each test are described in the documented files of each of the subjects. Most of the tests consist of either forcefully attempting to create a Magical Affinity higher than 100, or in the case of some of the test subjects, to artificially create a Magical Affinity higher than 100 by increasing the efficiency of mana in the body. The later of those two being used on subjects like #008, which will attempt to alter the flow of mana in the heart, and #007, which will attempt to alter the flow of mana in the brain, among a handful of others, with #007 through #009 all being tested with various methods of this theory.


Initially this was intended to be all there was to the second wave of test subjects, however through some connections and a bit of luck we have come into contact with a scientist who may be able to help us with yet another possibility: replicating the DNA of a mage which was already above a 100 in Magical Affinity. The scientist was well known during the Empire’s age, and contributed greatly to many of the Empire’s military advances in all sorts of technology from rockets to mages. After the war he was brought over to the United States to work for their space program, where he would contribute to the first space launches before eventually retiring. After coming into contact with him, we managed to make an arrangement for a new test subject, labeled #014. The Doctor’s name is Adelheid von Schugel.


Dr.Schugel has provided us DNA supposedly from the mystical ‘Eleventh Goddess’, a person considered to have been the top mage in the Empire before its collapse, of which all documentation of their name and all details of who they were have been mysteriously wiped. If the rumors and some of the more outlandish documents are to be believed, the true extent of this mage would place them well above a 100 in Magical Affinity, which when mixed with the Elenium Type 95 Computation Jewel, Dr.Schugel’s invention, their magical power would perhaps exceed even some high-ranked mages of the Great War if the experiment is successful.


Speaking of the Type 95, Dr.Shugel has also provided us with what he claims to be the original Type 95 used by the Eleventh Goddess, which supposedly had been found in the rubble of the Nuclear attack, surprisingly intact. The doctor states that he acquired it before he retired through his newfound connections within the Unified States. 


With all of this vital information as well as the essential DNA (It is unclear where he truly got the DNA from, however supposedly he used to work closely with the Eleventh Goddess for a while), we have begun work on Test Subject #014 alongside the other test subjects #007 through #013. Dr.Shugel, as per his demand when offering the DNA and the Type 95 to us, will take on the role as the head of Test Subject #014’s development and study.


The next wave of test subjects are scheduled to be created soon. We will await further results.

(‘We’ve finally made it this far… I’ve gotten them into Eden Academy… Now the next step is to get them to be Imperial Scholars so that I can get closer to the target. However I do have a backup plan. If they can’t become Imperial Scholars, I can always urge them to become closer friends with the second son of the target, Damian Desmond. By becoming friends with them they could go to their house and bring me with them, allowing me to get close to the target through that means. It's this scheme which is the real hope I have for Anya. Tanya, for all of her intelligence and the fact she could probably reach Imperial Scholar on her own from grades alone, doesn’t seem to get along with other children. While Tanya seems to understand the basics of interaction and conversation, she doesn’t strike me as someone who would get too many friends. Anya on the other hand is the one I'm most worried about grade-wise, however she may be the best for the friendship scheme, she’s much more child-like, and thus more likely to get along with her peers.’)


Loid looked down below as they called all the children one by one to their individual classes, he had purposefully adjusted which class that Anya and Tanya were put into, primarily in any hope that the friendship scheme succeeds. However as he looked down at who was in the class he realized the full extent of the influence these children held, all being children of powerful people in the government, military, business, and numerous other areas. Every single one could provide vital intel into Ostania, if either Tanya or Anya could make even a few friends among said group, the knowledge WISE could gain would be immense.


As he sat in his own thoughts he heard the announcer call out again, “Tanya Forger!” followed immediately by Tanya quickly and neatly standing up, pivoting, and walking down to the stage and joining the other children in ranks. It was surprising how neatly she did so, one would think she had experience in this, or perhaps practiced for this exact day. Whatever the case, Loid didn’t care, mostly hoping Tanya could put up a good front and develop a reputation among the teachers as a model student.


The announcer called again, “Anya Forger!” as Anya looked up at Loid who nodded, followed by Anya getting up and walking up to also join her peers, doing so much more awkwardly than Tanya did, likely already setting a clear difference in the two in the minds of the children.


The announcer continued, “Becky Blackbell!” as a girl with black hair and twin ponytails joined in behind Anya before speaking to her, “Pleasure to meet you, I’m Becky, what's your name?” (‘She looks like a baby, I wouldn’t mind taking care of her. The girl in front of her though…) Becky looked as Tanya turned her head slightly towards them, her eyes gazing back at Anya and Becky, (‘...If that’s her sister, she scares me.’)


Anya, reading and understanding Becky’s thoughts simply made a ‘hmph’ noise and turned away, Tanya having lost interest before she even had done so. 


Finally the announcer, after having announced the names of numerous other children, continued to speak, “...and you will be under the tutelage of Master Rerugen.” A man with aged silver hair with a slight tint of blue in some areas stood up, adjusting his glasses as he walked forwards to the front of the line of children.


Tanya looked up in awe and shock, though remaining still and hiding most emotions from her face, (‘General Rerugen?! He’s alive?! How old is he? He must be getting up there, good to see he’s doing well I suppose. Towards the later years of the war we seemed to get along quite well, sometimes it felt like he was the only one who understood how much was at stake for the Empire and what had to be done. But that was my last life, and even then it was towards the end of the war which ended several decades ago for him, just 6 years ago for me. Who's to say how he thinks of me and the other officers? I should be cautious though, no telling if he’ll recognize me, and even if he doesn’t he may very well recognize the Type 95. It might be safe to not wear it to school and make him think of any similarities as a coincidence, but the risk to my safety is too great, I’ll continue wearing it like I am now. Besides, people have already seen me with it, I doubt I can gaslight everyone into forgetting.’)


Anya looked forward, mostly focusing on her sister’s thoughts rather than the situation around her, (‘Sister knows teacher? Amazing! That means our teacher fought in the war too and worked with her… I wonder if she can convince him to give us good grades!’)


Rerugen led the group of children through the school, showing off and explaining many of the areas until they reached the dining hall where he again explained the obvious purpose of the room as well as showed off the door leading to the dining place of Imperial Scholars.


One kid with dirty blond hair dressed in a bowl cut spoke up, proudly exclaiming “Lord Damian’s gonna be an Imperial Scholar in no time!”


The brown-haired kid, who could only be assumed to be Damian, replied, “Of course I am.”


The other kid standing next to Damian, with blonde hair styled in a way that baffled Tanya on how he managed to make his hair look like a cone, spoke next “We’d expect nothing else!”


Damian proudly spoke again, “I mean, my father is the head of the National Unity Party.”


Tanya looked over curiously at the three boys, it was clear it was just some rich kid with powerful parents and a pair of yesmen hoping to gain his good favor, however it was undeniable that he was someone Tanya had to get on the good side of, despite his unsavory personality. (‘The son of the head of a powerful political faction… He’s not someone I can ignore, nor someone I can afford being on the bad side of. The National Unity Party has come up quite a lot in my readings on the Imperial Unification War, there’s no doubt the party is still a highly powerful and influential one, and if the praise they’re singing is anything to go by, so too is his family a powerful one.’)


As Tanya thought, numerous people around Damian began to, as Tanya had assessed, basically spoke in awe about Damian, or more specifically his family. It seemed that they were just as influential as Tanya had deduced. Damian meanwhile looked over and approached Anya, with Tanya standing just nearby, mostly so she could step back and assess the situation and the people she was classmates with. “What about you? What does your father do? If he’s important enough, I’d consider letting you be my friend, too.”


Tanya sighed as she waited for Anya’s responde (‘Anya don’t fuck this up.’).


Anya remained calm as she spoke, “He’s a sp-feelings doctor.”


Damian looked smug as he replied, “Hmph. So he’s just a nobody.”


Tanya looked frustrated as she saw his reaction,(‘Dammit. I suppose that's not Anya’s fault, but I have to repair our reputation. These morons only care about the influence or power of one’s family, so I need to make our family look more important. But how… wait…’).


Tanya readied herself and stepped forwards, “Our father may not be the most powerful or well known of people, however our mother was an exceptional woman, a veteran of the Great War and one of the top mages during it.”


Damian was somewhat startled by Tanya’s interjection, but went along with it, “A Mage? That was a long time ago! No way your mother was a mage, she would have to be old by now!”


Tanya nodded, “That would be the case had she not been a mere child when she joined the war, though even then, she was nearing the older side when she gave birth to me and Anya.” (‘Sorry Loid, but it's gonna appear as if you like older women, but it's a necessary sacrifice.’)


Damian still seemed somewhat confused, but was more or less willing to accept it for the time being as Tanya continued, “You see this amulet around my neck was actually the Computation Jewel she used as a mage, the Type 95, the only one of its kind as only she could use it.”


Damian was now curious, but he seemed to believe it, at least for now, “And what was her name?”


Tanya smirked, there was no going back now, “Her name was Tanya von Degurechaff!”


Rerugen’s eye twitched as he stared in awe at the child, he hadn’t noticed until just moments prior, but the Child looked so familiar, however now that the child spoke the name of the Devil, it was impossible to forget her face. (‘The damned devil had a child?! No… it makes perfect sense. They look so similar, so much so it's honestly hard to believe they were just their daughter. Whatever, the Computation Orb doesn’t lie, it's the Type 95, only one person could use it, and since nobody remembers Degurechaff’s name, there’s no way in hell she would know unless she was truly their daughter.’)


Damian was still skeptical, he had believed it momentarily, just out of curiosity, but the more he thought on it, the less he seemed to believe. “There’s no way your mother was an Imperial Mage as a child! You’re lying! I would’ve maybe believed you if you said it was your grandmother, but saying it's your mother is just false!”


Tanya briefly had a moment of panic as she tried to calculate a rebuttal, however she would be saved by Rerugen who spoke, “I have had the… unique experience of meeting Colonel Tanya von Degurechaff myself during the Great War, and I can tell you that she is speaking the truth.”


Tanya smirked, (‘Brilliant! Nobody can deny the teacher!’)


The other students were shocked, one speaking up “Mr.Rerugen you fought in the war?”


Rerugen adjusted his glasses before he spoke, “To say I ‘fought’ in it would be incorrect. I was, however, part of the General Staff during the war, and I devised many of the Empire’s many strategies during the war. What Tanya Forger says is, in fact, correct. Before I was promoted into General Staff, I met Degurechaff when she was training troops, at the ripe age of 9. On her first combat mission, she took out numerous mages and earned the Silver Wings Assault badge, a feat many mages would never accomplish. She was certainly an interesting woman, and an even more interesting strategist. There’s a reason she was called a Devil. To be frank with you, Tanya, I was not aware your mother had even survived the war, let alone being still alive.”


Tanya shook her head, “Apologies, Mr.Rerugen, but my mother died when I was young, I don’t have much memory of her.”


Rerugen nodded, “Hmm, if it helps I do very much see your mother in you.” (‘Not that it's a good thing…’) He couldn’t say the last bit out loud, and frankly he’s not sure why he went on that tangent in the first place. To him, he supposed, he was just speaking out his memories as a way to properly organize them. For many years he had pushed away the memories of the war, that period of his life was filled with stress and headaches. So much so that as the war neared its end, out of desperation he had aligned himself with the ideals of the devil he now spoke of. Despite how much they worked together in those later years, he realized in the decades following that it was out of desperation, and now he remembers truly why he called her a devil in the skin of a little girl. This child was supposed to be her daughter, the daughter of a devil, and while that doesn’t mean she’s anything like her mother… He could see the same glint in her eyes, a gaze that was cold, calculative, and terrifying. Perhaps it was genetic, or perhaps… There was something else about this Devil Child.


Though what was most shocking to Rerugen was the fact that her twin sister shared none of these qualities. It was frankly whiplash to realize that the pink-haired child, Anya, was somehow also related to Degurechaff. Frankly it made him speculate if Anya was actually related to her. Tanya was no doubt related, perhaps in more ways than genetics, but Anya… There were certainly doubts. Whatever genes she got from her mother, it wasn’t anything dominant.


Many of the children were in awe at the story, but Damian scoffed, “You mean to tell me that kid’s the daughter of a great Mage?”


Tanya gazed over at Anya as Damian pointed to her, looking back at Damian as she muttered, “Yeah… I see where you’re coming from.”


Anya gasped, startled, before pointing her finger at Damian, “I wanna go play at your house.”


The child which Tanya had titled ‘traffic-cone head’ pointed to Anya angrily, “You moron! Know your place, uggo! This is the problem with measly little peasants.”


The bowl-cut haired kid spoke next, “You’re gonna get your gross peasant germs on him! Scram!”


Tanya realized the situation was escalating and decided to back away, realizing that differentiating herself from her sister was probably the necessary course of action for her own reputation.


Damian shrugged, “I can see Tanya being the daughter of a great mage, but someone like you.”


Tanya opted to remain silent, on one hand making an enemy of her own sister could lead to her downfall, on the other hand opposing Damian would sabotage everything she just did. Unfortunately this was a problem Anya herself needed to sort out, there was nothing Tanya could do at the moment.


Becky looked down at the slouched Anya, “hey, stop being so pathetic. At least say something back!”


Anya raised herself back up, muttering, “Like I care…” before looking up with the smuggest face Tanya had ever seen, followed quickly by a single ‘heh.’


Damian gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, shaking it in anger, (‘H-How dare she smirk at me like she’s mocking me?!’)


Becky looked in awe at Anya, much to Tanya’s confusion, (‘Look at that composure! She’s so mature! I was wrong about her being a baby!’). “You’re way more grown-up than I thought, I’m impressed!”


Anya looked over at Becky, happy with the comment before looking back smugly at Damian with another “heh.”


Damian was outraged, “Don't get cocky you stupid uggo! Uggo, uggo, Queen Uggo!”


Traffic-Cone head man, which Tanya still referred to as due to the fact he hadn’t stated his name yet muttered silently to Damian, “Lord Damian, perhaps you should broaden your vocabulary…”


Tanya was frankly just confused, never had she seen anyone piss someone off so much without saying a word. Though, these were children and she was used to war-thirsty adults, so there were probably some differences to be had.


Becky looked over at Damian before speaking, “What’s your problem? Sure, she’s uglier than me, but you don’t have to be so mean.”

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Anya looked over to her, shocked.


Damian remained upset, “Shut your mouth!”


Rerugen shouted to the bickering children, “Enough of that! We’re moving on.”


They both turned and stood neatly towards Rerugen, Damian visibly flustered while Anya maintained the same smug face as before.


The group moved on, passing by a few areas until they reached a hallway where Damian threw a crumpled piece of paper onto Anya’s head, his two yesmen laughing as Anya looked back. While the rest of the group continued walking forwards, Anya, Becky, and Damian’s group remained behind, with Tanya briefly going ahead before realizing the commotion behind her and deciding it’d be best if she made sure Anya didn’t do anything that would hurt her.


Anya continued with her smug face as Becky came to her defense, “If you don’t quit it, I’m gonna tell the teacher!”


Damian continued walking, “What? You got proof we did it?” As he walked he shoved Becky to the side, “Go on, move!”


Damian walked up to Anya, standing above her as she maintained her smug face, “Hey you smug uggo. I’m gonna bully you every single day! I’m gonna teach you a lesson so you’ll never be able to smirk again!”


The three boys continued mocking Anya, her smug grin breaking as she turned to look towards the teacher as Tanya gazed at her, wondering (‘What is she looking at? The teacher? He’s not in a position to help her, she’s not the brightest but surely she knows that… So what is she… She wouldn’t!’)


Anya turned back quickly, moving her fist in a blink of an eye towards Damian’s face, however was stopped suddenly by Tanya’s hand gripping her arm from behind. Becky jumped back, startled, not only at Anya’s sudden attempt to Punch Damian, but that she could’ve sworn she had seen Tanya’s eyes glow a golden yellow for just a brief moment as she did. Whatever she had seen faded away before she could process it as she blinked and reaffirmed that Tanya’s eyes were still very much blue.


Tanya gazed at Anya who turned back, giving her a death glare that would intimidate almost anyone, let alone a child like Anya (‘I will not let this child drag down my reputation! This is a class full of heirs to powerful people, if I have to be dragged down by Anya’s reputation, I’ll never be able to gain any benefit from it!’) Anya seemed to realize what Tanya meant in her thoughts, lowering her hand as she turned back to Damian.


Damian jumped back the most, startled as he shouted, “Y-You were going to punch me!”


Anya gazed blankly forwards at Damian, who was now standing several feet back, “You got any proof I did it?”


Damian grumbled as he and his followers continued walking down the hall, grouping back up with everyone else as Anya, Tanya, and Becky followed shortly behind. Tanya breathed a sigh of relief as the crisis had been averted, if she could, she would discipline Anya, but her best choice was to simply tell Loid and hope he does so himself.


After a few more areas they were brought back to an open room where all the children rushed to their parents. Anya quickly dashed over to Loid and Yor while Tanya continued to walk at a normal pace.


Loid patted Anya’s head and smiled, “How was it, Anya?”


Anya raised her arms happily, “The school is big!”


Loid nodded, “Is it now.”


Tanya gazed slightly annoyed at Anya, sighing, “Anya almost punched a kid.”


Anya looked over at Tanya in shock


Both Loid and Yor looked shocked as Loid muttered, “Who?!” Though he intentionally kept his voice down, seemingly not wanting to cause any unwanted attention or trouble.


Yor seemed more concerned about another aspect, “Tried to?” (‘Tried to? There’s no way the punch that I taught her could’ve failed! Maybe Anya missed? Maybe I didn’t teach her well enough? Wait no, she shouldn’t be punching children at school!’)


Tanya nodded, “She tried to punch the son of the head of one of this country’s major political parties. I doubt parents care that much to use their political influence against people for something their random kid did, but still probably not the best decision. Either way I grabbed her arm before she followed through with the swing”


Anya looked down, fidgeting with her fingers as Loid panicked (‘Son of the head of a major political party?! There’s no question, she really almost punched the son of the target… the one person I wanted her to befriend… No, it's not unsalvageable yet! She didn’t actually punch him, so if she apologizes she might still be able to befriend him!’). Loid nodded to himself before speaking to Anya, “It's alright, just make sure you apologize to him tomorrow and don’t do it again. Violence is never the answer…”


Tanya thought to herself, (‘Violence is sometimes the answer’).


Yor thought to herself, (‘Violence is always the answer’).


Anya looked at the three of them as they each gave conflicting thoughts, eventually giving up and nodding to Loid.


Loid sighed as he simply hoped that plan B was not sabotaged just yet.


Afterwards the families of all the children lined up on the stairs for a group photo, the faces of the forgers varying, from Anya’s flusteredness, to Loid’s anxiety, to Yor’s guilt, and Tanya just standing neatly with her hands behind her back, though none of these expressions were too noticeable.


As they left Eden Academy that day, one thought was going through everyone’s heads:


(‘This is going to be a mess.’)

-Several Years Ago, Eastern Neilsberg-


A knock is heard on the door as a young woman with long brown hair and a scar over a single blinded eye approaches it, shouting “Coming!” from the other room as she opens it. As she does, in the doorway stands a man a bit taller with her with brown hair standing in a military uniform.


The woman seems slightly surprised to see the man as she mutters, “Oh, Weiss, I wasn’t expecting you, here come in take a seat, what did you come all this way for.”


Weiss nodded and stepped inside, “I wished to talk with you about something, thank you for your generosity, though you can call me Matheus, we’ve known each other for a long time, after all.”


“R-Right… Well there’s a table right there, sit down. I have some coffee prepared already so I can share some with you.” the girl replied, quickly hurrying into the other room before coming back with two cups of coffee, placing one in front of each chair as Matheus sat down in one and the girl in the other.


Matheus took a sip of coffee and nodded, “I remember now why Degurechaff thought so highly of your coffee, Viktoriya.”


“So what is it you wanted to talk about, Wei-er-Matheus.” Viktoriya muttered, still somewhat surprised that he had come so suddenly. She had been in semi-frequent contact with him over the past few years, enough for her to know that he has had a successful career in the military since the end of the war, and enough for him to know that she was now married with two kids.


Matheus sighed, his friendly expression turning more dreadful as he placed the cup of coffee down onto the table. “You’re well aware of the war about to break out, yes?”


Viktoriya nodded, “It’d be pretty hard to ignore, wouldn’t it?”


Matheus gave a light chuckle, “Yeah, I suppose it would. You see Ostania wants every advantage possible, in particular, they want the mage back.”


Viktoriya simply shrugged, “That ain’t happening anytime soon, I’m sure you know that most of all. Mages are gone, not much that can be done about it. We had some of the highest Magical Affinities of any mage yet even we cant use magic anymore.”


Matheus simply shook his head and sighed again, “That’s not stopping them from trying. You see if, or more likely, when the war starts, Ostania has already prepared a ‘mage draft’ of sorts to take all the former mages of the Empire and subject them to testing. Some of the testing is simply messing with various tools and gear, however if those fail, they’ll move on to more… questionable methods to get what they want.”


Viktoriya was somewhat confused, “What is it that they want?”


“They want to give the former veteran mages back their power, by force or mutilation if they have to, so that they can fight in the war. Luckily as a high ranking officer I’m exempt, but unfortunately that’s not the case for you. What's more, is that in the case of mages of particular magical affinity such as yourself, they intend to take their children as well, believing they’re more likely to have inherited a good magical affinity as well. I don’t know what they intend to do in some of these tests, but I will say I do not trust some of the men in charge.” Matheus took another sip of coffee before placing it back on the table.


Viktoriya looked worried as she looked to the door behind her, thinking of her young children before turning back to Matheus, “Surely you came here for something besides just that.”


Matheus nodded and leaned forwards, “Correct. I have a way to ensure both you and your children’s safety. Unfortunately to do so, it would mean leaving your children behind with your husband and faking your own death. If you’re considered dead, I do have a method that would make sure your children are overlooked when this ‘mage draft’ comes. As for you, I have connections in Westalis that would be able to smuggle you across the border. However with how tense relations are, the method we’re using can only smuggle one person, and we can only do it once. It's unlikely we’ll be able to smuggle your children across until the war is over. Though… look it may not be easy to see from a civilian perspective, but this war is going to be bloody, and it's going to be long. Your children will have grown a lot by the time you can reunite with them. It may be better for them to assume you’re dead then for them to assume you abandoned them. They’re too young to understand the danger they’re in otherwise.”


Viktoriya looked down at her coffee, no longer drinking it, merely swirling it around in circles, “I see what you’re saying… Is this really the only way? Isn’t this treason for you?”


Matheus leaned back in his chair, nodding, “High treason. I’ll be killed or given the worst of the experiments if they find out. Luckily I won’t be. I’ve learned a lot from Degurechaff on how to manipulate the bureaucracy, I’ll be fine. This isn’t completely without a catch of course, You’ll probably be recruited into Westalis for some sort of mage-based agency. It's unlikely they’ll be doing any wonky experiments, but even if they do, it's probably better to just happen to you than to your children as well. I understand if you need more time I’ll be back by the end of the week for your fina-”


Matheus was interrupted suddenly by Viktoriya, “I’ll do it. I have no other choice.”


Matheus sighed and nodded, standing up, “I’ll be here in exactly a week, I already have everything prepared, make sure you have everything you can pack into a single bag with you. You probably shouldn’t tell your children, but you should tell your husband at least, since he’ll be taking care of them.


Viktoriya nodded, “Yes. Thank you Matheus. I’ll say hi to the other members of the 203rd once I’m over there.”


Matheus began to walk back out the door, “You better.”


[A week later, Viktoriya Briar would be declared dead after a drunk driving accident in Ostania. Her body was supposedly mutilated by the crash, only recognizable by her husband as well as her former comrade during the war.]


[The next day Viktoriya Serebryakov would be recruited to the Department of Magical Affairs (DMA) in Westalis. Viktoriya would go on to eventually become the head of the DMA.]


[Matheus Johan Weiss would go on to continue a successful military career until being succeeded by his son who would have an equally successful career and even producing a son of his own.]


[Viktoriya Briar’s husband would die a few months into the war.]


[Viktoriya’s children, Yor and Yuri Briar are orphaned]

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