Magic Academy: The Cosmic Mage

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The Academy

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Grey Schnee, a student of the Hecate Academy, with an average standing. His black hair reached his shoulders along with bangs that slowly covered his eyes. His spiral like light blue eyes were mesmerizing. 

Grey Schnee was a 1st Year Student of Class C-2, he had just enrolled for the last 1 month, and he was slowly getting used to his own life.

"Being reincarnated into this world, along with your knowledge is a thrill." He added Grey who changes his clothes into his school uniform with black robe, and 3 stripes on the shoulders.

Each stripes represents their ranking, 1 stripe is the E-Class, and 6 stripes is the S-Class. He belongs to the C-Class, the middle of the rank.

Each class represents their magic capacity and capability, the stronger your understanding, the better you are in controlling your magic. The S-Class are the true geniuses of the Hecate Academy, and only a handful of them are at the S-Class, the S-Class only has 4 students at the moment.

"I'm almost late, I don't want to get hit in the back by Miss Vera again." He sighs, while mentioning the name of her advisor. 

"Well, it's almost 8:00." He muttered, he was finally suited, and everything was ready.

Then in his right hand, a large magic circle appeared, and there were 10 of them. He was a tier 10 mage, or so he proclaimed himself as a cosmic mage. 

"The S-Class are mostly at tier 6 mage, and above." 

"While the A-Class are tier 5 and below."

"So on, and forth." 

"Hmm…" He keeps muttering to himself.

"Trying to show off is a goddamn pain in the ass. I don't want too much attention, I'm tempted to do it but it ain't worth it for me." He looks at his book, and grabs it.

"In general I can only cast tier 3 - 2 spells, but with the universal law, I can only apply to myself as a buff and some weak magic, but that doesn't mean I can't combine them." He keeps talking to himself.

"Cosmic Flare?" 

"That would be overkill, I can just use normal magic for now." So many thoughts are running wild inside him, that he forgot to keep walking towards his classroom.

"Well shi-" He looked at the timer, and it was already 7:55, and his class would start at 8:00.

"Ah Screw this, I'm using universal magic." 

He then casted, a powerful tier 9 magic circle. There were 9 magic circles surrounding his back. "Universal Magic: Time Law: All Time should be halted." He chanted, as the entire kingdom was put into a halt, as the magic was invisible to the people, it was a completely overpowered spell that stopped all movement." 

"Yeah this should be good." He added, while he walked towards his Class C-2 room.

"This is a nice leisure walk, unless someone spots me right now, who has the power to nullify time magic." He added.

"It's boring to see everything in halted motion because of time magic, I can try using forward and reverse, but with a small wrong step of using it. Might decimate some people or even the entire kingdom." He added, while he yawned.

"I'm having problems with my sleep schedule, I'm too excited for this world." 

"Who would have thought that understanding science in my world would push me to become a tier 10 mage in this world, science space stuff." He grabs a piece of paper on the ground, and he just throws it at the nearest bin. 

"Time is man made, Space is everywhere, Gravity is a bi- I meant beautiful. Universal law, and stuff, colliding stars, black holes, stars…" He keeps talking until finally reaching the front door of his classroom.

"Here I am." He dispelled his magic that everything was in motion once more, the spell he casted didn't leak anywhere, or they would be able to trace it back to him. 

 "Hey where did you come from!?" One of the students who was surprised to see Grey suddenly appeared. 

"Magic?" He just said, while the student just look at him.

"(  °-°) okay." He said, while walking past him.

"(⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) that was close, luckily I can just use that as an excuse, since its natural now." Grey remarks, which is entirely true in this new world if something unexplainable happens just say magic and they would believe it. 

He opened the door, which revealed a giant classroom, where everyone was trying their magic in their palms as a practice.

The classroom was like a stadium, as the further you go, the higher the place it would be. He was seated on the 3rd row of seats, and beside his seat was one of his classmates.

"I'm now in class, it's time for me to proceed to listen… and fall asleep midway in the lecture." He said inside his thoughts, while smiling.

Then their advisor finally appeared, her name was Vera Gladia, she was a tier 7 mage teacher. She is responsible for teaching the Class C-2 students, for the time being. Her subject was called Magic Philosophy. 

Magic philosophy is mostly learning the nature of magic, along with its properties, while also conducting some small experiments from time to time.

Vera Gladia, she was an elf with red hair, and beautiful pinkish eyes that is accompanied by a voluptuous body, with a red robe with a star on its sleeves, indicating that she was a teacher. 

"Alright, roll call. Jaden?" 

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As the names passed by, Grey was bored at the moment, as he was waiting for his name to be called. 

"I have only chosen Magic Philosophy on my schedule, since it's the only subject that I found amusing. Magic Alchemy, Magic Smithing, Magic Construct, and etc… I found them interesting, but Magic is what I found more interesting out of all the bunch." 

"Grey Schnee?" Vera called out his name.

"Le Present." He answered.

"Here you go with your weird answers." Vera was amused by his behavior.

"You flatter me teach!" He just smiled.

"Alright, no more fooling around, let's start the class." Vera clapped her hands, as a magic circle appeared on the floor on where she was standing, there were 6 of them. She chants a tier 6 magic telekinesis on multiple objects, where she would write on the board while lecturing her students.

As time passes by, some people are almost falling asleep due to the concept of philosophical questions related to Magic. The only people who chose this subject are wanting good grades and wanting to pass easily. 

But for the others who understand it, Magic Philosophy is more than just a philosophy, it's all about understanding its nature. Like how it forms, and such. What is the main cause of Magic to appear in the first place?

Vera, who keeps adding more information to the lecture, was feeling a slight disappointment as the others aren't interested in her teachings, she could see them barely hanging and almost falling asleep.

The lecture goes by 2 hours, and it's already 10:00, which is their free time. "Class is over, dismissed." Vera who then dispelled her magic. 

"That was fun." Grey added, while walking outside the door, as in the hallway. He could hear some wild ruckus, it was the S-Class.

"What is it this time?" He just sighs, while looking far away, he could see a boy with blue hair, and blue eyes, but you could see on his robe was a 6 stripes. He was the newest S class student. 

"Hmm… wait for that guy… I know him! That's the guy in the cover picture of the game! That's the Main Character!" 

"Looking at it this way, he does look handsome. That's a lot of people surrounding him." He added, while he ignored them, as the attention of the others keeps gathering more people.

"I don't even know his name, but it's more appropriate to call him the MC instead." He uttered, while leaving the hallway and what greeted was another S-Class student, as she was another elf and she was a princess of the elven kingdom who is studying in the Hecate academy.

"Oh great! Another heroine that is from the cover! Time to bail." He then vaulted out of the window jumping away from the scenes.

"If I don't know her name, I'll name her. Main Heroine 1!" 

He just walks away, he was a carefree person that is almost like he was an idiot to begin with, an airhead so to speak. 

"4 hours of free time, the best feeling!" He shouted, as his next class would start at 13:00, and it's another magic philosophy. 

Since he jumped out of the window, someone noticed his actions and he was being watched by someone on the 3rd floor. It was a girl with horns, and her arms has a red armored scale. 

"I can sense a powerful magic that's been casted inside the school, but I can't even trace a leak." She said while watching from far away as Grey schnee was minding his own business.

"Such eyes are wavering around me." Grey was looking down, his light blue spiral eyes were glowing, the spiral like pupils were slightly moving, as it was moving in a clockwise direction it was like a solar system.

"Universal Law: Magic Eyes: Overseer." His eyes were covered in multiple layers of magic circles, it was 4 pairs of magic circles rotating in a spiral clockwise that matched the line, it was a tier 8 spell. 

Overseer is a magic that tells everyone in your vicinity, no matter who they are. invisible, ghost, life, bugs, and such nothing can escape from the eyes of the overseer.

"A Dragonoid… interesting." 

But somewhere, inside the campus there is an Arena where students can accept a duel from the same rankings. But an explosion occurred inside the arena, it was the MC's doing, he was against the Main Heroine 1 the Elven princess.

But the MC was stronger than her, so she was defeated in the arena. The Elven princess saw the MC as powerful, and kind which attracts her preference of man, and he's also handsome.

"Hero!" Said by the elven princess Main Heroine 1. 

"I'm no hero! Please don't call me such a title." Said by the MC who is flustered.

"What is this cheap conversation? It's kind of… what do you say… a trope common of saving a beauty or defeating them which leads them to liking the MC. That kind of trope, but the conversation… they really need to work more in that department." He muttered while using his overseer.

But suddenly the MC felt a sudden chill of nervousness, a powerful almighty being was watching him and froze in his place.

He looked into the sky, and could feel the gaze of the being. "What is this pressure… it's so powerful…" Said the MC who muttered it without anyone hearing it. 

"Oh well, let's just hope we don't become enemies." Grey Schnee who stated with such confidence.

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