Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – A New Family

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The noises and the commotion around Anthony were confusing. He had to find out what was going on, or where he was, for that matter.

He sat up in the bed and saw several adults gathered in the room. They weren’t paying any attention to him at the time. Probably because the atmosphere in the room was rather depressing.

A beautiful, silver-haired woman, with elegant, pink dress, was sitting on the chair sobbing. She held her face with both hands so he couldn’t see her face. A middle aged man, with beard was comforting her. Must’ve been her husband, Anthony thought. There was also a young maid, age fifteen or sixteen, who was holding a tray with some drinks.

Did someone die? They seem to be quite distressed.

Whatever happened, Anthony had to get some answers.

“Excuse me, huh?” he was dumbstruck at how childish his voice sounded.

It didn’t sound like his own voice but more like a small child’s instead. Before Anthony could grasp why it was so, the room became extremely quiet. Except for a cup falling on the ground and smashing to pieces.

“Na… Narias… Narias!” the woman in pink dress rushed to him.

Wow, she is so beautiful. Huh?

Anthony caught a glimpse of her face when she was close enough. The woman’s silver hair was long and straight. Red cheeks, and warm, sparkly eyes, still full of tears from crying just a moment ago.

“Narias!” to Anthony’s huge surprise, she hugged him tight and pressed against her magnificent bosom.

“Hey! You can’t-“

His words were cut short when his face sank in between her wonderful breasts. But that wasn’t the only surprise. She lifted him up in the air and held tight in her arms.

What? This is not possible…

Anthony couldn’t believe he was lifted up by a woman. Even if she was stronger than an average person, lifting a sixteen year old teenager so easily couldn’t be possible. He was flabbergasted.

Anthony tried to push himself away only to have his small hands sink into the softness of the woman’s breasts.

Huh? So soft… Hey! What am I doing? Wait, she doesn’t mind it at all. And why does it feel like my hands are much smaller than before?

“Wha-“ he tried to pull away but the woman who held him pressed his body at her chest again.

As surprised as Anthony was, he didn’t mind being pressed against a woman’s chest. Especially, by such a beautiful woman as she was. After all, this was the first time he experienced the softness of womanly bosom.

However, for some unknown reason, Anthony didn’t feel aroused at all. His teenager’s thoughts didn’t match his body’s reaction. For someone as rational as he was, it didn’t make sense.

Even if he was a bookworm who could stay calm and not show his emotions, as a sixteen year old boy, he couldn’t ignore his growing urges to be attracted to the opposite sex. He wasn’t dense, he knew how his body should react. After all, he read quite a few books about a human’s body and the needs that come with it when growing up.

But the current situation seemed absolutely absurd. For one, how could an average built woman lift a sixteen year old teenager with such an ease? The better question probably was, why would she want to get close to Anthony in the first place? He didn’t know who she was.

Anthony had to get some answers. Well, after he escaped the heavenly titty hug, which in all honesty, he wanted to enjoy a little longer.

“Alvina, darling,” Anthony heard a man’s voice. “Please, give Narias some air.”

“Oh my,” the woman in the pink dress pulled away. “I’m sorry. I was just so excited to see our little baby was alive.”

She let Anthony go and let him sit on the bed.

Alive? This is too weird. And why are they calling me ‘Narias’? - Anthony wondered.

He had too little information to know what was going on. The last thing Anthony remembered was, he was talking to someone engulfed in a bright light. The man’s voice had offered him a deal where he could read a lot of books.

As soon as Anthony agreed, he woke up in a strange room, surrounded by strange people, who looked like from an old age’s drama movie. Of course, he had no complains about his face ending up in between a beautiful woman’s bosom. On top of that, his hands got to experience how wonderful a woman’s breasts feel as well. But other than that, Anthony had his head full of question marks.

“Excuse me but… who are you?” he asked in a soft child’s voice.

“Huh? What?” the beautiful lady gasped, covering her mouth with one hand.

“Narias? Don’t you remember who we are?” a middle-aged man with a beard and dark brown hair asked.

The name they referred to Anthony didn’t make sense. He felt they were confusing him with someone. Unless Anthony was confusing himself with someone he was not anymore.

“Young Master, don’t you remember who we are?” an attractive, young maid asked as well.

Narias? Young Master?

It wasn’t that Anthony couldn’t remember where he was or what happened. He simply couldn’t grasp that the deal he made with the man in the bright light was already fulfilled.

He lowered his head to gather his thoughts. Once he did that, only then he noticed how his hands, carefully placed on his knees, actually looked. They were tiny. And his legs were so small, he couldn’t yet reach the floor while sitting on the bed.

“Huh?” he stared at his palms for a second.

Then touched his legs, then his belly, then went up and touched his face. The sensation was as real as his body’s reaction. As unbelievable as it was, he actually was inside a small child’s body.

“Huh?” Anthony gasped again, with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

“Narias,” the woman, whose name was Alvina held his hands inside of her palms. “Please, are you ok?”

Losing his head wasn’t Anthony’s thing. He knew something unbelievable had happened to him. His, now small brain was processing all the information that was available to him. The car accident with his sister, the hospital, the blood transfusion, the talk with a man in the bright light.

Was it for real? That man was actually telling the truth?

As inconceivable as it was, Anthony had to admit, it was too real to be a dream. So, considering the situation, he did the best sensible thing he could think of.

“I’m… sorry. My head… feels dizzy. I can’t remember what happened,” Anthony scratched the back of his head, while adding a silly smile on his face.

Instantly, a visible sigh of relief could be seen on the adults faces.

“Phew, don’t scare me like that, son,” the man with beard exhaled.

“You are such a trouble maker, Young Master,” the young maid smiled.

“We were in such a panic. You collapsed after your Wind Magic manifested. You tried to cast a spell but it was too much for you to handle,” Alvina, the woman who held him in her arms, added.

Son? Wind Magic? – Anthony couldn’t believe his ears.

That just added more confusion instead of clarity. He thought the best thing to do was to keep them talking.

“Really? Hehe,” he laughed silly, while trying to gather his thoughts. “Did I actually do that? I can hardly remember anything.”

“Might be a side effect of you exhausting your mana. It puts a lot of strain on your brain. Hmm…” the man placed a hand under his chin. “We didn’t expect your magic would manifest so soon. After all, you’ve just reached the age of three. Usually, kids learn their first magic at the age of five or even six.”

Three years old? – Anthony was about to gasp but restrained himself.

It struck him harder than he had expected. In his mind, Anthony had celebrated his sixteenth birthday just a day before. Well, not exactly celebrated. But reading books was as much of a celebration for Anthony as a normal birthday party for somebody else.

He could put a few, tiny pieces together. Anthony didn’t want to believe it but the facts didn’t lie, even if his mind didn’t want to accept it. He was a facts guy, after all.

Does that mean I died at the hospital and was reincarnated in another world? – Anthony’s mind was trying to tick all the boxes.

The doctor’s words in the hospital, his consciousness not being able to feel his physical body, the bright light, the mysterious man’s voice and the deal to make a family whole again.

That would’ve explained why he was inside a child’s body. Or couldn’t recognise the people around him. Or why the place looked like it was from a fairy tale he once read when he was small.

“My baby,” Anthony felt the softness of the same woman’s bosom again. “We were so worried. Please, don’t scare us like that anymore.”

It was the second time in one day he felt woman’s breasts with his own body, even if he was a tiny boy now.

Wait… You can’t… I mean… I could get used to that. – he didn’t resist anymore.

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No man could deny the blessing of sinking his head in between a beautiful woman’s bosom. Or a sixteen year old teenager reincarnated into a three year old’s body.

Either because of the shock of what happened. Or maybe because his new, tiny body was too exhausted, Anthony relaxed and drifted into sleep almost before he could do, or ask, anything else.

“He’s asleep, my lady,” the young maid pointed out when she noticed the boy drooling, with his head gently placed on his mom’s chest.

“Aaaa… He’s so cute,” Alvina couldn’t take her eyes of him.

“Our son had certainly exerted himself too much. He’s ought to have a proper rest,” added Naria’s father.

“I will go get his bed ready,” said the maid.

“Thank you, Layla,” Alvina thanked her with a smile.

The next morning, Anthony was expecting to wake up with a book on his face, as it often happened when he was reading non-stop. However, this time it was different. He woke up in a huge bed and, what he thought was a dream last night, turned out to be a reality aswell.

“Good morning, son,” Narias’ father was standing next to a window with a huge curtain, which he opened widely.

It was weird for Anthony to hear a man he didn’t know call him his son. But he had to suck it up and take it slow.

“Good… morning…” he responded in his new childish voice.

“Are you feeling better? You gave us a good scare yesterday,” the man with a beard sat down on the chair next to Narias’ bed.

“Sorry, I don’t remember what happened,” Anthony said, knowing full well he couldn’t know what actually happened.

“It was your birthday yesterday,” the man gave him a puzzling look. “Don’t you remember, Narias?”

“Oh, yes. Sort of…” the little boy admitted.

It wasn’t actually a lie. Anthony had his birthday yesterday. The only difference was, it was his sixteenth birthday.

“Well, your body went through a big shock. It might still be difficult for you. Nobody expected that you would manifest your Wind Magic and try to cast your first spell,” his ‘dad’ tried to remind him. “But the bigger surprise was how much mana you amassed. In the end, your body couldn’t handle the pressure and you collapsed. We were fearing the worst. In all honesty, you weren’t breathing for a good amount of time. I am so happy the miracle happened and you came back to us.”

‘Mana’? That was word Anthony didn’t expect to hear. At first, he thought the adults telling him about casting a spell was a joke. But the man with a beard seemed honestly sincere about it.

Anthony had heard the term before. His classmates used to play lots of video games, something he himself wouldn’t waste the time doing. He would hear them brag about their new in game characters, how many spells they had, or how big of a mana pool they reached.

But hearing the father of a boy Anthony has been reincarnated of say he did something as unbelievable as casting a spell sounded more like a fairy tale than a reality.

“Sigh…” Anthony sighed quietly.

“Hah. Don’t worry too much about it, son,” the man comforted him with a smile. “The important thing is you are alright. I will call Layla to help you get ready for breakfast.”

Right at the same time, the doors opened and the same, young, dark-haired maid entered the room.

“Oh, I’m sorry sir. I didn’t know you were here, Mr. Talrone,” she bowed down upon seeing the man in the room.

“It’s ok, Layla. I was about to go find you,” the man raised his hand for emphasis. “Please, help Narias to dress up. I will go see if my wife is awake then we can have some breakfast.”

“Sir,” the maid bowed in response.

After that, the kind man with a beard left the room. The young maid walked straight to the bed, where the confused three year old boy was trying to hide under the blanket.

“Now then, young Master. It is time to get dressed,” she smiled.

Needless to say, Anthony was rather uncomfortable to have a pretty girl help him dress up.

“I can… dress myself…” Anthony blushed.

“Huh?” Layla was confused. “But I always help you get ready for the day, young Master. Here, let me help you take these off.”

She quickly pulled down his pajama pants. It was evident she had done it before. The boy didn’t even have the time to react.

“Hey!” Anthony tried to cover himself with the blanket from the bed.

“What’s wrong, young Master?” Layla couldn’t understand his reaction.

Anthony tried to rationalise in his head again. In reality, for this young maid, he wasn’t a sixteen year old teenager but a three year old boy. Even if it wasn’t normal for him in his mind, it was completely normal for her. He couldn’t risk to reveal the truth about who he really was or else who knows what might happen to him.

Reluctantly he had to agree and he was dressed up in no time.

“Here, almost done. We just need to button up your shirt,” the young maid was leaning down and her face war right in front of Anthony’s.

She’s… cute… - he thought.

His face went all red. He was staring at Layla’s eyes, then nose, then lips. They were only a few inches away from his. Anthony had never seen a girl’s face up so close till now.

“Oh, your hair is slightly uneven up here, young Master. Let me fix it for you,” the young maid pointed out, after raising her head slightly.

Anthony couldn’t see her lips anymore. But now he could clearly see something better. Layla’s bosom was nicely developed, even for her age. He assumed she was around sixteen years old. Because she was leaning down slightly, her breasts dropped down as well, pulling the top of the front dress with them.

The view made Anthony’s head spin. He couldn’t blink. He hadn’t forgotten the wonderful feeling of sinking his head in between his, Narias’, mother’s bosom. And he wanted to feel it again. While his mind was drooling about what happened yesterday, Anthony’s hands decided to take charge on their own.

“Now this looks much bett- Huh?” Layla was almost done with the little boy’s hair when she felt two small hands touch her. “Oh? Isn’t it a little too early for you to be interested in them, young Master?”

“Huh?” Anthony looked up to see Layla’s cute, yet suspicious smile.

- ‘Squeeze,’ – in the meantime he felt his hands squeeze something soft.

“Huh? Whaaa..!” he jumped back, hiding his hands behind his back. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

Anthony was burning from the embarrassment. But even if he was hiding his hands behind his back, they were still trying to imitate the ‘squeezing’ of Layla’s cute, little breasts.

“Heehee,” the young maid chuckled. “That’s ok. But it somewhat surprised me. I would’ve never expected the young Master would be interested in girls at such a young age.”

It wasn’t my fault. My hands moved on their own. Oh wait, did she say she didn’t mind?

“That is… I…” no rationality could help get rid of his embarrassment.

“Heehee,” Layla chuckled again. “You are so cute when you are embarrassed, young Master.”

Anthony’s mind was screaming. He had never put himself in such an awkward position before. There were many girls in his class. And he had interactions with them on many occasions. But all the interactions happened only when the girls wanted Anthony’s ‘help’ with a certain subject at school.

They would act all friendly and stuff when that happened. Some of them would even pretend to like him only so he would let them borrow his notes, which they never returned afterwards.

He knew it was all an act. But he didn’t mind. Anthony had all the notes in his head anyway. Deep down, and especially in the later years, he held a tiny, unrealistic hope that one of them would be interested in him for real. Unfortunately, that never happened.



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