Magic Makes my Life Less Lonely!

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – ☆A Garden at Dusk☆

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The morning began later than usual for me. I allowed myself to sleep in today since Jasper wouldn’t be coming until closer to noon. I stretched and snuggled under the cozy comfort of blankets for a little longer. It was so nice to just relax for a while and let the day go by without me. But always in the back of my mind was Alkan... A few days had passed since our dinner and I’ve had a strange feeling ever since. And today, he was coming for another appointment. I was surprised to see his name written on the signup sheet last night; he’d never actually signed up before, afterall. I had traced my finger over his signature. Beautiful, calligraphic handwriting that swirled across the page gracefully. I may not have told the others that he was coming today...

“Mmm…” Cushion started to stir beside me.

“Good morning, Cushion.”

“Mmmm, good morning, Elio...”

“Morning!” I heard Tooth chime in from the vanity table.

“How did we all sleep?” I asked the group.

“Wonderfully, like a log! You?” Tooth was always so chipper in the morning.

“I dreamt about the story Novella told us all last night.”

“The one with the princess and the prince who loved her?” Tooth asked.

“Of course!” I giggled, “I love that one, but I was the princess in the dream!”

“Who was the prince? Was it Jasper? It was Jasper, right?” Tooth teased.

“You’re always trying to set me up with him, Tooth!”

“It was that hot vampire, Alkan!” Cushion said between yawns.

“Cushion!” I was surprised at it’s bluntness! I wasn’t wrong though.

“Well...though I think you need to be more careful...I wouldn’t blame you.” Tooth sounded annoyed with itself for admitting that. “He is quite the looker, I SUPPOSE!”

“How about we stop talking about boys and start getting ready for work? Please be on your best behavior when Jasper arrives, ok Tooth? He’s definitely not interested in me!”

“I’m always well-behaved! And how do you know unless you ask?” Tooth pleaded, but I wasn’t going to entertain this train of thought.

“Anyways...I’m going to make some coffee. I’ll be back in a sec,” I said as I pulled back the fluffy covers. I strode down to the kitchen and grabbed the espresso pot. I had thought about enchanting it...but the cottage was already getting crowded, and I didn’t want another Tick and Tock situation with Brew! Not to mention the strain from maintaining the enchantments would start to get a little overwhelming. I grabbed the coffee and spooned a few heaps into the reservoir before I filled the pot with fresh water. While it heated on the burner, I thought about finally reading the catalog I’d got a few days ago.

“Good morning, Tick and Tock!” I tried talking to the clocks, but they remained still. I guess they didn’t have much to say this morning. Ah well...I wouldn’t need them for a while anyway!

Shopping from bed sounded nice today! Maybe they had some new curtains? I’d been meaning to buy some that matched the pastel paints I used around the cottage. I went to the table where I left the other day, but it was nowhere to be found.

“Strange, I could have sworn I left it here…”

“Ahem,” Carton called from the corner. “A difficult search for a lost item?”

“Morning, Carton. Have you seen the catalog I left here?”

“Sadly no, but perhaps you may find something else within!”

“Uh-huh…” I walked over and opened its cardboard flaps. There were still the books from the other day, and…yep, sitting on its side was the catalog.

“Oh my, perhaps it fell into me without my noticing! Well, I’m glad I could be of service!” it said, clearly proud of itself.

“Perhaps indeed…thank you, Carton.”

The catalog was for a shop called Starberry Milk in Crystalis. Never heard of it, but I had probably left before they opened. It looks like they opened a store in Windbloom recently though. Too bad that didn’t matter either way, I have no plans to do anything but order through the catalog!

I figured the espresso was done boiling, so I walked over to take it off the burner. Yep, definitely done. I poured the dark brown liquid into a glass cup, but I decided to make it extra special today. I stirred in a healthy heaping of brown sugar from the pantry and when that had fully dissolved, I poured a splash of cold milk on top. Now to add a few ice cubes and straw, and my morning coffee treat was complete. I mixed the sweetened espresso with the creamy milk with the straw before having a taste, turning the drink a lovely tan. Mmm, it was delicious! I pulled a tray from one of the cabinets, placing my drink and catalog on top before returning upstairs to my room. I placed the tray on my bed, and crawled back in.

“Welcome back to the comfiest place in the cottage!” Cushion said with a big smile. I smiled back while I took a drink of my espresso drink.

“Wow, that looks good! Let me guess, a brown sugar latte?” Tooth said as it squinted from the vanity table.

“You know me too well, Tooth!”

“Well, it is a mainstay!”

“Yep. For a lazy day like this, it just felt like this would be the best indulgence!” I said. After another sip, I started flipping through the catalog, looking at all the cool knick-knacks they had for sale. One section had a variety of cute figures to decorate a bookshelf or mantle. A few were big enough for outside in the garden. Another section was for gems and jewelry, filled with beautiful necklaces and sparkling rings that I would never be able to afford. There was one bracelet that caught my eye, a delicate silver band studded with small fire opals. “Ten platina?” I mumbled aloud. “That’s ridiculous.” My jaw dropped when I saw a particularly stunning rose quartz specimen! Maybe if I got it, I’d be lucky in love? Heh, I could dream! Truth be told, none of these were my taste anyway.

“See anything good?” Cushion asked.

“One or two things, but way out of my price range. Hang on…what’s this?” The last section was filled with magical reagents and supplies! There were all sorts of herbs, powders, candles, and tomes. And for decent prices too! I scanned each page carefully, noting what I was running low on so I could do a restock. Better to have more than needed for a spell than to be out, after all!

“Let’s see, I need wormroot, fairy tears, probably should get some more unicorn hair... Ouch, it’s more expensive than saffron!”

“That’s because nearly no one ever sees them.” Tooth pointed out.

“True...I’d be better off making friends with one and asking politely than buying more from a store!”

“I’d love to see a unicorn…” Cushion sighed.

“Me too, Cushion...maybe one day!” I continued through the list. “Sage oil, glow salt, phoenix—!” My stomach suddenly dropped, and my heart sank. Phoenix feathers…never again was I going to use them for anything, no matter what. They had caused me too much pain…

“Elio? You ok?” Tooth asked nervously.


“You dropped it and startled me…” Cushion whined.

“S-sorry! I just got lost in thought for a moment. So many things to order, you know?”

I picked up the catalog and grabbed the small order slip from the middle. I decided on just three unicorn hairs. Though the prices weren’t outrageous, I was lucky Alkan had been so generous in his payment the other night. Taking another sip of my latte, I scanned the page once more for anything else that I needed, adding some moon sand and a mermaid shell. Specialty reagents like those were hard to come by, especially when it was hard to know when clients might need them!

“That should do it!” I said, closing the catalog. My gaze drifted over to the twin clocks on the wall.

“Tick, Tock, could you tell me the time?”

“...You go first, Tock.” Tick muttered with a glare.

“Why? So you can disagree with me?” Tock scoffed. “YOU go first!”

“No, you! I insist!” Tick said again.

“After you, Tick!” Tock held firm.

“Alright you two...why don’t you just say the time at the same time!” I suggested. “On the count of the!”

“11:34!” Both clocks said together.

“...Did you both actually have the same time for once?”

“Well, a broken clock is right twice a day, as they say!” Tock chuckled.

“Indeed, I guess that’s why you finally got the right time!” Tick shot back.

I let them continue bickering and turned my attention to the little comb.

“Ok, time to get ready. What do you say Tooth, help me freshen up a bit?”

“Yes! I’ve got this!” Tooth cheered.

After a quick shower, I dried off and checked out my closet. “Let’s see here…aha!” I chose a loose fitting tee, a flowy cardigan with a cute star pattern, and some distressed light blue shorts. I pulled the tie from my hair and let it fall free. Tooth hopped into my open hand and together we started to brush. Tooth was always so gentle, getting each tangle and knot out with painless ease.

“Perfect, smooth and shiny,” Tooth said triumphantly, hopping back onto the vanity.

“Thanks Tooth. I think though...I’ve got to go a little extra today.” I carefully took a strand of hair from the side of my head and split it into three parts. Crossing each strand, I braided them into a cute triple-braid and secured it with a band.

“Oh I like that,” Cushion complimented me from the bed.

Should I I hadn’t opened the vanity drawer since I moved here, and for good reason. When I lived in Crystalis, I would dress up quite often, but after the incident...I guess I just stopped caring. No amount of glitter or glitz would salvage my reputation after that… Maybe now I had a good reason to care a little. I pulled out a small tube of shimmery lip balm, and applied it evenly across my lips before smooching them together for good coverage. Next came a swirl of light green eyeshadow, patting the outer corners of my eyes before repeated with a lovely blue for the inner corners. I blended them out to create a light gradient of blue-to-green, highlighting my eyes.

“Bravo! You look so pretty, Elio!” Cushion shouted from the bed.

I giggled, “Thanks Cushion! Have to look good for my clients, you know?”

“You mean Jasper right?” Tooth teased. “And it’s ‘handsome’, Cushion!” Tooth tried to correct but Cushion wasn’t having it.

“Nah...Elio’s definitely more the pretty-type! But yeah, for Jasper...right Elio?” Cushion shared a knowing winked. It knew who this was really for.

“Either is ok for me,” I shrugged. “It’s a compliment, and I appreciate the thought!” I looked at myself in the mirror and for the first time in many months, I felt a little like my old self. Was I...smiling? I blushed and looked away in a hurry. It was surprising; I forgot what it felt like to feel comfortable in my own skin.

“Elio! I think I see Jasper!” Brew called from the kitchen.

“Coming!” I yelled back, running down the stairs with Cushion and Tooth. “Can you put some water on please, Brew?”

“Aye, aye, Elio!” Brew said, hopping into action.

I quickly put Tooth and Cushion on the couch and laid out some cream cookies on the table; Jasper had a big sweet tooth and I knew he’d appreciate them. As I finished, there was a strong knock on the door.

“Door’s open, Jasper! Come in!” I yelled.

“Afternoon Eli--whoa! Dude, you look so pretty!”

I caught myself turning away in embarrassment. “T-Thanks, Jasper!”

“Teehee!” I heard Tooth covering its smirk, before I glared at it.

“What’s the occasion? Special someone coming to see you, bro?” I smirked back to Tooth. Clearly Jasper wasn’t interested. I had won this exchange without saying anything.

“You could say that...I just felt like dressing up, being a little more me today.”

“Nice, well you look great! I’d say whoever it is, they’re very lucky!” I smiled sweetly; it felt nice to be complimented on my appearance, after looking somewhat disheveled for so long… I saw Cushion stick it’s tongue out at Tooth from the corner of my eye. “Speaking of luck, I have to tell you something!”

“Oh? Is it about the lotion?” I asked. “Did the boys at the blacksmith like it?”

‘Yeah! Well kinda. But like--” he stammered excitedly. “Ok, so I brought the bottles in for the guys, told them they were a gift from you and guess what? They tried the lotion!”

“And?” I asked eagerly.

“They said it felt great but they didn't want to go around smelling like a field of flowers, which I think is stupid—flowers smell amazing!”

“The fools!” Tooth cut in.

“I know right? Anyway Greta, my boss, comes in and starts telling me about all the good work I’ve been doing. Then she starts sniffing me and says she appreciates a man who isn’t afraid to express himself. And now I’ve got a date!”

“Wait, you’re dating...your boss?” I asked quizzically.

“No, her daughter! Iris! She’s sweet and charming and beautiful… Did you know she can bench more than me?” He was so excited, I couldn’t help but be excited too.

“Aww, Jasper! Congratulations!” I said

“Thanks Elio! Are you sure you didn’t make a love potion instead? But yeah, I’m planning on taking her to the Fairy Festival, it’s coming up quickly!”

“Well I hope you have fun! I’m glad I could help.”

“Water’s ready, Elio!” Brew called again. “I would have whistled, but I wanted to hear Jasper’s story.”

“No worries, Brew. Goodness, how rude of me. Sit down Jasper, I’ll get the tea ready.” I said in a tizzy. I grabbed a green mint tea from the cupboard and quickly put the cups together.

“Oh yeah, I brought you something! Here!” he said as he put something on the table. It was a small brown bag with polka-dotted tissue cascading in ruffles out of the top. I’d give him an ‘A’ for presentation.

“Oh! Thank you, Jasper!” I smiled, as I prepared the tea.

“I hope you like it!” He grinned proudly.

“I’m sure I will. What is it?” I asked as I brought the tea to the table. I took the bag and noticed right away it was quite heavy. What could this be? I reached inside and pulled out a small iron hoop attached to a simple and perfectly cast iron image of a shooting star.

“Jasper...did you make this?”

“Yup! Remember how I promised you an iron knocker? Here it is!”

“This is beautiful…”

“I’m still learning, but I think I did alright! Do you like it?”

“Yes! I love it, it’s so cute! Thank you!”

“Awesome! I, uhh…I can install it for you, if you want?”

“That would be wonderful, Jasper. Thank you!” He started to come grab the knocker from me, but I pulled it away. “But, let’s have tea and cookies first!” He smiled brightly, delighted at the suggestion.

“Alright! Let’s!” He sat down and took a giant sip of the tea. I'm glad I decided to use the oversized tea cups.

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“So, they didn’t like the lotion?” I asked before sipping my tea.

“They dug it, dude! They just...didn’t like the smell. You know how guys can be,” he shrugged. “I don’t feel embarrassed after we talked last time though, you were right!” he exclaimed, gesturing at me with a cookie. “There’s nothing wrong with a man wanting to smell good!” He chomped down on the cookie with one big bite.

I smiled, Jasper was truly a loveable himbo-type…”Well, I’m glad you’re not giving in to peer pressure! Maybe…” I had an idea. “Do you like bergamot?”

“Can’t say I know what that is…” The corners of his mouth upturned in a silly manner. I got up and went to the shelf to retrieve the jar of dried bergamot so he could smell it.

“Smell this,” I said as I unscrewed the lid on top and held the jar to his nose. “What do you think?”

“It’s ok… I really like florals, I think.”

“Ok, what about a jasmine? That would pair nicely with some citrus!” I suggested. He scratched his cheek as if he wanted to ask what jasmine was...but was too shy to admit it. Without missing a beat, I went to retrieve my dried jasmine flowers in another jar. I opened it and held it to him to smell.

“Wow, that smells wonderful!!” he exclaimed, his eyes widening.

“So, we have a winner? You like it better than the orange blossom we were doing before?”


“Great, I’ll get to work on it!” I smiled and took one last sip of tea. I took the large jar of dried jasmine blooms over to my workstation, and placed it there.

“I’ll get to work on the knocker!” he said, smacking the table as he stood. He quickly downed his tea and, grabbing his things, started working at the door.

While Jasper measured and hammered, I ground the jasmine with my trusty mortar and pestle. I added a little water so the oils could separate, forming an extract. As that sat, I readied the body of the lotion, mixing shea butter, and olive oil in a large bowl.

“That smells so nice…” Cushion sighed.

“Wait until the orange zest is added.” I said. A nice pool of oil had floated to the top of the mortar that I was able to spoon and fold into the lotion mixture. I never kept dried orange zest as an ingredient for spells, but I definitely had an orange or two in the kitchen! I wasn’t particularly hungry though, and it seemed a shame to waste the fruit itself. Jasper’s hammering continued at the door unabated. He was working hard to get that knocker installed for me. Idea! I quickly segmented the orange and brought it to Jasper on a little plate.

“I thought you’d like a snack,” I offered, showing him the plate.

“Oh thanks dude! Just finishing up the last of the hammering. This knocker isn’t going anywhere,” he said with a wide grin.

“Well eat up, you deserve it.”

“Now, you shouldn’t have any more v-problem with this iron here to protect you!”

“Yay! That’s great news, right Elio?” Tooth skipped about.

“Yeah...thank you, Jasper!” I gave Tooth some side-eye.

“We’re so lucky we have such a strapping man helping us! Iris is a lucky girl,” Cushion said, teasing Tooth.

“Aww, you guys are awesome!” Jasper responded with a mouthful of orange. I walked back to my desk and continued with the lotion. The mixture was ready, so I poured equal amounts into two bottles. It was missing the last and most important step...magic! I held my hands above the jars, and closed my eyes.

“Smooth and soften, protective potion...heal the user of this lotion.”

Once again, shimmering green and blue sparks erupted from my palms and danced into each bottle. Now the jars were steeped with healing magic, I capped them and carefully placed them side-by-side in a cloth bag, ready for Jasper and the blacksmith, herself.

“Alright, Elio, I’m just about done!” He smiled as he hammered the last nail into my door. He tugged on the iron knocker to ensure it was steady and unmoving. It seemed quite sturdy!

“Alright! That should be good! No more vamps coming to stalk you at night!” He wiped his brow.

“Thank you Jasper! Here’s your lotion!” I said, holding out the bag.

“Oh! You even packed them up for me? Thank you!” He smiled and took the handles from me. “Let’s see, two bottles, so it should be six gold, right?” He said as he dug in his pocket.

“Let’s do three,” I chuckled. “And there’s one for Greta on me!”

“Really?? Ah, thanks dude! I know she’s gonna love it. It’ll be a gift from the two of us!”

“That sounds wonderful.” I nodded with a smile.

“Let me know how the knocker works!” He said as he waved goodbye to me.

“Thanks, Jasper! I will!” I said with a small wave.

“Take care!” He said as he walked out the gate, and began to head down the road. He really was a good guy.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Night had fallen once more and my last customer for the day had just left, or at least the customers I told my little friends about. I found myself looking forward to that handsome and mysterious man’s arrival more and more as the day went on… I glanced at Tick and Tock on the wall. Alkan would be here soon.

“So what now Elio? We’ve got the whole evening to ourselves!” Tooth said excitedly.

“I have an idea—” Cushion tried to say, but Tooth cut it off.

“What we need is something fun!

“Yeah, like—”

“Something exciting!”

“Yup, like a—”

“But what? Hmm…” Tooth pondered.

“Actually, I think I’m going to sit out in the garden for a while. Clear my head in the night air, you know?” I responded.

“Ok, have fun!” Tooth said happily. “Oh sorry Cushion, did you say something?”

“Me? No...” Cushion replied, miffed. “I totally didn’t have an awesome idea…”

I left them in the house to work it out. The night was cool and calm, filled with the sounds of the little froggy peepers. The clouds above passed over the bright moon, casting shadows on the ground below. It was a pleasant evening to sit in my favorite butterfly chair and contemplate the world. Or nap. That sounded nice too, but Alkan was coming and the slight twinge of nervous excitement I felt in my stomach kept me from drifting off completely as I waited. The glow from the cottage windows cast a dim illumination over the garden. I could make out the gentle swaying of the plants and flowers around me. As they moved, my head moved with them back and forth. Back and forth…back and...

“You have a pleasing little garden, wizard boy.”

“Wha?!” I cried, falling out of my chair. Who the heck said that? As I scrambled about on the ground, frantically looking for the source of the voice, a familiar hand appeared from the darkness.

“Goodness, forgive me! I did not mean to startle you, Elio!” Alkan knelt down and helped me back up on my feet. His velvety skin felt tantalizingly smooth on mine.

“Oh Alkan,” I laughed, “I nearly jumped out of my skin! I must have dozed off a little and didn’t hear you coming.”

“Yes well, I’ve been told I can be quite...quiet. I hope you are not hurt,” he said apologetically. He seemed genuinely concerned if I was ok.

“I’m fine! No worries at all,” I laughed it off. We both smiled and stood there for a few moments, silently staring at each other. I looked down and suddenly realized I was still holding his hand and I immediately broke out into a little nervous laughter, releasing his hand. “S-So, you like my garden?” I stammered.

“Yes it is lovely! You certainly have a green thumb.”

“Ha, I wish! One of my customers is our local florist, Rosetta. This was all her, with maybe a tiny touch of magic from me.” I confessed. I could never take credit for Rosetta’s amazing work.

“Wonderful… I have always loved gardens, but I only ever manage to see them cloaked in the blue hue of dusk. I never see their full, vibrant beauty. It must be even more magnificent in the daylight…” Alkan’s smile faded and his demeanor changed a bit. He seemed genuinely upset about this...

“Let’s go inside, shall we? We have an appointment to get to!” I said, guiding him around to the front of the cottage. Maybe when we get inside I can cheer him up! As we approached the front door, he stopped dead in his tracks.

“Oh my, what is this?” he asked, pointing to the door knocker. I forgot all about it…

“Oh, uh, that’s-” I started, as Alkan reached out and grabbed the knocker. Oh no!

“Is it a shooting star? How...cute!” he exclaimed. “It fits your aesthetic so well.”

“Y-yeah, another client made it for me. He’s an apprentice at the blacksmith.” He didn’t seem bothered by it.

“What good craftsmanship,”he said, investigating it with his hands. Hmm...well, either Jasper got it wrong and iron doesn’t repel vampires, or Alkan just isn’t a vampire. Either way, I felt happy it didn’t affect him.

“Please, come in,” I said, opening the door. As I looked inside, Tooth and Cushion were arranging the couch pillows on the floor. “What are you guys doing?” I asked.

“Nothing…” Cushion said suspiciously, “what are you doing?”

“Are you ok? We heard AAAAA-Alkan! W-what a surprise!” Tooth exclaimed nervously. “I didn’t know you were coming today...”

“Really?” I said, playing the fool. “His name was on the signup sheet. You, uh, you didn’t see it?” I quickly cleared the pillows and put them, and my friends, back on the couch.

“I must have missed it,” Tooth said with a glaring look on its face. I knew I was going to get an earful later about this.

“Hi Alkan!” Cushion called up, blinking cutely.

I motioned for my most handsome client to take a seat at the table, but as usual he seemed to prefer the couch. He plopped down next to a very excited Cushion, who was practically swooning audibly.

“Would you like an evening coffee or tea?” I asked him.

“I’m quite alright, thank you,” he declined politely.

“Right, so how can I help you this evening?”

“Yes, to business…” his face dropped once again. “I am not sure if this is something magic can help with, but you did such a good job with my last request. I had to try.”

“Magic can do anything! Well, nearly anything!” I tried to sound confident, but I could tell it was a bit difficult for him to say aloud. “What do you need?

Alkan stood up and walked over to a mirror hanging on the wall. “Come here, Elio. Tell me what you see.”

I came up beside him as he stepped away from me to look into the mirror. My reflection looked the same as it did this morning at the vanity; a nice outfit, my long hair in a braid, the hint of green and blue eyeshadow. At the risk of sounding superficial, I looked cute for the first time in a long time.

“I see...myself. Standing next to you,” I said, a little confused by the request.

“And what a sight you are,” he said sweetly, trying not to blush. “When I look in the mirror...I am invisible,” he admitted in a painful tone.

I was very confused. What does he mean he’s invisible? As I wracked my brain, a line from the vampire book popped into my mind, “...according to legend, vampires are unable to see themselves in reflective surfaces.” Is this what he meant? My stomach dropped at the realization. Oh my...could...could Alkan actually be...a vampire? I looked over to Tooth; it was glaring at me from the table with an undeniable look that screamed ‘I told you so’. This can’t be true!

“Alkan, I’m not sure I—” He turned away from me, and for a moment I thought I caught a glimpse of a small tear rolling down his cheek. Oh Alkan...

“You stand there and I see you brilliantly. Your face, your smile, there is no mistaking your presence in this world. But when I look into the mirror...I see nothing. I am a ghost.”

My head was spinning. With all the evidence, was it really possible? No, this was ridiculous! Alkan was not a vampire, there had to be another explanation...right?

“But I see you, Alkan, clear as day! You’re unmistakably you.” I tried to say comfortingly. “You dress impeccably well and at the risk of sounding forward, you’re quite handsome.” My face felt flush with heat, probably bright red with embarrassment.

“You’re too sweet, but it does not matter if you see me or not, you understand? I cannot see myself. Am I so grey and drab that I just...blend in with the backdrop of the world? It is like I am invisible.” He seemed so upset, I had to do something to help, vampire or not! Suddenly he turned to me and gently took my hands in his. He stared straight into my eyes, making my heart flutter. “Elio...I want to see myself like you do!”

Without a moment’s thought, I blurted out, “I can do it!” I quickly realized I didn’t entirely know what to do. “Though, it may take me some time to figure out a solution that will work!”

“Even just agreeing to try means the world to me,” Alkan’s face lit up as he spoke. “When do you think a spell could be ready?”

“I can’t say for certain, but...I’ll have something in two or three days? With some luck, I think I can find a solution soon!”

“Thank you, you wonderful wizard boy!” he said with a wink.

“I am sooo sorry to interrupt, Elio, but it’s getting pretty late and you had that thing you needed to do, remember?” Tooth interjected. I had no idea what it was talking about.

“Oh dear, I suppose I have taken up much of your evening. I should be going anyway,” Alkan apologized as he made his way to the door.

“N-no, it's fine! You’re not taking up time at all! It’s actually really nice to have you around,” I said, quickly running to him. I didn’t want him to leave yet…

Somehow I had missed a pillow from the couch and tripped on it, sending me flying to the floor once again. I suddenly felt hands embracing me, saving me from falling flat on my face. The speed he had moved to catch me was incredible, and I felt that fluttery feeling once again.

“Are you alright?” he asked, his voice deep and tender. This was the first time we had been this close. I could feel his warmth against me and the gentle rhythm of his heart beating within his chest.

“Fine...thank you.” We lingered for a moment longer. It felt good to be in his arms.

“You’re so clumsy, Elio. That’s the second time tonight you’ve fallen for me,” he said, helping back onto my feet.

“Ooooo!” I heard Cushion say quietly from the couch.

“I didn’t see it in the garden, but you look...stunning tonight.” This man… I felt faint.

“Well, of course he does,” Tooth jumped in again, “he got all dressed up for Ja—”

“For me! I wanted to look good for myself for a change, you know?” I said, trying to laugh off Tooth’s comment.

“I’m glad you understand then. So I’ll...I’ll come back in a couple days, then,” he fumbled through his words.

“Yeah,” I whispered. It was all I could muster. He opened the door, and gave a polite nod and a little wave as he stepped out.

“Good night, Elio.”

“See you soon, Alkan.” I slowly shut the door behind him, watching him leave until his silhouette disappeared into the shadows.

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