Magic Makes my Life Less Lonely!

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – ☆A Wish on a Star☆

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 A day had passed since the success with the phoenix feathers and I could barely contain my excitement! Alkan’s delicate penmanship was on the signup sheet this morning, meaning he was coming tonight. Boy was he in for a surprise! It was so hard to concentrate on my other clients today; I almost gave a woman a jar of pickle juice instead of a luck potion she asked for! But all my customers were done for the day, and it was just me and Alkan and the eyeliner and the garden.

Since I was going to surprise Alkan, I kinda wanted to dress up how I used to. I wanted him to see me as I really am, too! I went upstairs to my closet, and opened some of my boxes I’d nearly forgotten that were packed far in the back. These were some of my nicest clothes I’d bought in Crystalis, some I even wore during my few appearances in the royal court!

“Going through the good stuff?” Tooth peeked over to me from the vanity table.

“Hehe, is this a date niiiiiiight?” Cushion cooed from the bed.

“Silence, you fluffball! Elio isn’t going to date a vampire,” Tooth griped.

“Hehe, that’s what you think...” Cushion said, unfazed.

“I’m just really excited about all this. Not just Alkan, but to be trying to take better care of myself again, that’s all! I used to love dressing up in Crystalis.”

“Well...I’ll never complain about you looking after yourself! I’m glad to hear it.” Tooth stood proudly.

Truthfully, it was Alkan’s doing. He always looked so dapper. I dug through my many different garments in the box, until I located a frilly orange corset with a geometric pattern that was embroidered in sparkling thread. This. This is the one! Some flowy pants and the right chunky jewellery and this outfit would be eye-catching!

After I was fully decked out, I braided the hair on the side of my head and tied everything into a low ponytail. It felt nice to be getting back into the habit of looking good and making an effort this way. I guess Alkan had inspired me! One last look in the mirror and I felt good about how I looked. I took Cushion and Tooth and brought them down into the living room.

Night had fallen, and I had everything set up for a lovely evening tea for when he arrived. Brew had finished boiling the water and only whistled for a second before hopping to a nearby trivet to cool down. I got a teapot and was preparing to choose a calming tea when I heard a knock at the door. I guess that was him! I danced to the door to let him in.

“Good evening, Alk—”

“Can you believe that Mildred?!” Irina burst through the door, pushing past me and into the living room. “You would think with all this talk of her in town she’d cease her attempts!” It was definitely all talk that Irina herself had started.

“I-Irina! What are you…” I tried to find the words but as usual she was a hurricane of action. She was definitely not on the signup sheet.

“That woman is up to her wily-ways once more, why...she feigned tripping just the other day, right into Mr. Bartel’s arms!” she said, her voice sounding exacerbated.

“Is that Irina?” Cushion cheered. “Elio bring me over! I need to say hi!”

“Shh, Cushion!” I scolded. I was so confused about what was going on, I needed a moment to think. “Sorry Irina, did we have an appointment?”

“Hmm? Oh no, I just had to see you post-haste, and get the perfume! I trust you got my note the other day, correct?”

Note? What note-OH! Her attraction perfume! With everything going on with Alkan I had completely forgotten about it.

“Yes! Lilies! Sorry, I’ve just been so busy lately with, um, work and such.” Irina just stood there, looking at me slightly judgingly in the way only she could. “I’ll get to work on it first thing tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? No, I need it tonight! ASAP!” She nearly stomped in exasperation.

“I understand, but—”

“No, you don’t. Right now, as we speak, Mr. Bartel is cooking dinner for that...Mildred! With all the talk of this ‘night prowler’ the town guard is searching for, Mildred is too afraid to leave the house. At first I thought it was a gift from above—that hussy would finally be out of my hair and I’d have Mr. Bartel to myself. But now? They’re having dinner, Elio!” Irina seemed beside herself. Even with Alkan on his way, I couldn’t just leave her like this. I had to help her.

“Ok, Irina. For you, I’ll get on this immediately,” I said as upbeat and determined as possible.

“Oh wonderful! I can always count on you, Elio. I suppose I’ll just…” she said, waddling to the table with the tea setting.

I quickly grabbed the perfume from Irina and went to work. Mr. Bartel’s favorite scent was lilies, so it shouldn’t be a problem to magnify his attraction to it. I just need to get some fresh lilies, and luckily I had several kinds growing in my flower beds around my garden. I ran out to the garden and looked across the various flowers. If you looked closely, the goldenhorn flower buds began twinkling softly in the setting sun. Wow...Rosetta wasn’t kidding, this was beautiful. Alkan was sure to love it.

Lilies... Lily of the valley had a particularly alluring scent, and it wouldn’t require a lot since numerous flowers bloomed off a single stem. Kneeling down, I carefully sheared a single stalk, careful to leave a clean edge. I touched my fingertip to the plant’s stem and closed my eyes, whispering a gentle chant of healing. Can’t let such a beautiful flower die, right? I went back inside and began to pluck the flowers from the plant, dropping the delicate white bells into the mortar and pestle.

“That smells so pretty, Elio!” Cushion said with excitement.

“Yes, very lovely indeed,” Irina said, munching on a cookie and sipping some tea. I guess in the short time I was outside, she had helped herself to my evening tea spread meant for Alkan...

I charged ahead with my work. Spells of infatuation had to be cast narrowly in order to be strong. With Mr. Bartel’s favorite flower, it would be able to target him directly. With this, Irina’s sure to catch his nose, and then eye! I began grinding the flowers into a smooth and saccharine-smelling paste. Next went some sweet almond oil and a bit of alcohol, before I mixed it all together vigorously, becoming a smooth liquid. Now, it was time for the magic! I closed my eyes and said:

“Smelling sweet and seen as fairest, bring a lover to the one who wears this!”

Heart-shaped sparkles shimmered brightly inside the liquid. I transferred the perfume to a bottle and swirled it gently. Eventually the hearts dissipated and crackling stopped when they were completely combined into the fragrant liquid. I capped it, and located a spool of ribbon in my workstation’s drawer, a cute and cheerful yellow with white pinstripes. I cut a length from the spool and tied it into a bow atop the bottle.

“There we are, Irina. All done!”

“Wonderful! With this secret weapon, Mildred doesn’t stand a chance!” she cackled.

“I’m glad you like it. You paid in advance, so we’re all set!” I said eagerly, trying to get her out the door. I loved Irina, but I was cutting it close to when Alkan was supposed to arrive.

“You’re such a fine lad, Elio. Thank you so much. Now enjoy your evening with your mystery man!”

“M-mystery man? How did you…” I asked

“Well you obviously didn’t lay out that cute little tea for me! Also I’d try a different cookie, the ones on the table were a bit stale, dear.” She quickly gathered her things and headed to the door. I could only give a little chuckle as I helped the old woman out.

“Bye Irinaaaaa!” Cushion called.

“Good luck, Irina. And get home safe!” I waved gently as she walked away.

“Well of course I’ll get home safe, why wouldn't I?” she asked, turning to stare at me blankly.

“Uhhh...because of the night prowler?” I said, a little tongue-in-cheek.

“The what? Oh, yes well...I’m sure that’s just a load of bluster anyways. In fact, I think it may all just...disappear in a day or two!”

“And why do you think that?” I asked

“Woman’s intuition, dear! Toodles!” She gave a little wave and almost skipped down the road back to the village. That Irina, she’s a shrewd one…

I took one last look outside before heading inside. It was dark, the moon and stars obscured by thick clouds. There wasn’t any wind, but I could make out rustling somewhere in the woods. Maybe a deer? The more I lingered, the louder and closer it got.

“Maybe it’s the prowler,” I chuckled to myself. I headed back inside and quickly cleared the old cookies from the table. Luckily I always had more in ready supply! I called out to Tick and Tock for the time, hoping I had a little bit left before Alkan’s arrival.

“Mmm, I’d say 8:23” Tock said

“A little unsure, are you? It’s 8:18!” Tick mocked.

I still had a few minutes, thank goodness. The house looked good, the tea was set and I did one final check in my vanity mirror upstairs with Tooth and Cushion.

“You look great Elio!” Cushion smiled.

“Not bad at all,” I chuckled. “Ok, it’s almost time.”

“Just be careful!” Tooth urged.

I smiled and went back downstairs. I was all ready for Alkan to arrive at 8:30, but as the time came...there was nothing. Maybe he ran into Irina on the way and she’s chewing his ear off. 8:35...8:40...8:45… Something’s wrong; Alkan is never late. It couldn’t have something to do with this prowler business after all, could it?

“It’s 8:55…” Tick said

“Tick!” Tock winked. “I’d say it’s closer to 8:38, don’t you think?”

“Oh yeah, silly me! It’s 8:40”

It was nice of them to try to delay the time for my sake, since Alkan was pretty late, but I was getting worried. Suddenly there was a firm knocking at the door. Finally! I threw open the door and Alkan was standing there...with a woman clad in large armor!


“Sorry for bothering you this late, Elio, but I was doing my rounds and I found about your property in the dark,” Mei stated in her official sounding voice. “He claims to have been on his way to see you, but I believe him to be the prowler we have been looking for.”

“But I was—” Alkan tried to say.

“Quiet, suspect!” Mei commanded, causing both Alkan and I to clam up. Mei could be so intimidating. “I had half a mind to bring him to the lockup immediately, but I figured I should be thorough. Can you corroborate his story?”

“Yes of course! I’ve been waiting for him all night, Mei. Alkan’s one of my clients!”

“Your...client? Forgive me, but this is rather late at night for a work visit, don’t you think?” Mei said suspiciously. “And what would one of your clients be doing wandering so far off the main road at night?”

“Oh my, well this is a little embarrassing I admit…” Alkan said sheepishly, “but I had stepped off the road to inspect an intriguing flower I thought I might pick for Elio here.” I blushed at his words, though only a little given the ridiculous situation. “And, forgive me, but I had only taken a few steps off the road. However, YOU approached from inside the forest. If anyone was lurking, it was yourself!”

“W-Well I…” Mei was clearly thrown for a moment, stammering as she spoke. “I am a guard of Windbloom and as such, I was searching the forest for any leads! This prowler situation has the town guards going in circles, and with the eyedrops you gave me…” Oh dear, the night vision potion. If I knew Mei, she would have been searching relentlessly for anything out of the ordinary any chance she got...

“You were being extra vigilant to keep us all safe,” I said, trying to smooth everything over. “But I think we can agree that Alkan is not the night prowler you’ve been searching for.” We stood silently as Mei thought.

“Alkan…” she said, eyeing him up and down. “Have we met before?”

“I do not believe so?”

“Strange, that name has a familiar ring to it. But...Elio is correct. You are free to go, with my apologies. I would suggest in future to stay on the road, lest someone gets the wrong idea.” She offered with a small nod and left, her armor clanking as she started her patrol once more.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

The vampire-like man turned to face me, grinning ear-to-ear.

“What an entrance… Good evening, wizard boy,” he winked.

“Good evening! Would you like to come in?” I smiled, knowing he would await the invitation.

“Certainly, thank you,” he said as he strode in, shutting the door gently behind him.

“Would you like some tea? I’ve had the water waiting for you,” I said, gesturing to the table as I made my way back to the kitchen.

“Oh yes, would you happen to have lady grey?” Alkan avoided his usual seat at the couch and sat at the table this time.

“I do! It’s one of my favorites!” I smiled and retrieved the jar of lady grey from the cupboard. The citrus aroma wafted from the pot and added it to the steeper inside the teapot and filled it up with the hot water from Brew.
“Thanks for this as usual, Brew.”

“It’s my pleasure!” It said before closing its eyes and sleeping once more.

I brought the teapot to the table and poured some for Alkan and myself, offering a small, nervous smile.

“’s your day been?” I asked Alkan.

“It’s much better now, on account of seeing you, wizard boy.” He grinned.

Wizard boy...I liked when he called me that. I blushed as I sat myself down in the other chair, across from Alkan.

“So, dare I ask...were you able to find a solution to my problem?”

“Indeed I did!” I said excitedly. “And that’s not the only trick I have up my sleeve! I may even have another surprise later in the evening.”

“Ooooooh? Are you both a wizard AND a magician?!” he said dramatically, moving his eyebrows up and down in that silly-way he did when he joked. We both began to laugh.

“You’re silly…” I covered my smirk.

“But I always make you laugh!”

“That’s true…” I couldn’t help but smile, and he smiled with his fangs back at me.

“I thought my request was surprising enough. What is this other one?” he tilted his head slightly, but grinned excitedly.

“You’ll see! But for now, let’s have our tea,” I said secretly. I poured tea into our cups and plopped a couple cubes of sugar in mine, finishing it with some fresh cream on top. The color changed from a deep ruby to a bright orange. Alkan did the same. I sat and waited for him to raise his cup before I took a sip myself. Delicious bergamot with the slightest hint of citrus.

“Absolutely splendid,” Alkan remarked. “Thank you, Elio!”

“Of course!” I smiled and took another sip. “Please, have some cream wafers.”

“Oh, that sounds delicious!” he said as I gestured to the plate in front of him. I had arranged a colorful selection of wafer cookies on a plate. Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry! I wonder which ones he would like best?

“Thank you, wizard boy,” he said politely. I waited for him to grab one, but he didn’t.

“Please, help yourself Alkan!” I gestured politely once again before reaching for a pink, strawberry cream wafer. Our hands touched, and I pulled back instinctively.

“Oh...sorry!” I said reflexively.

“It’s quite alright. Nothing to apologize for,” he said quietly.

“I-Is strawberry your favorite flavor?”

“I am partial to it, you could say.” We both smiled. I went to reach for a chocolate cream instead, but our hands met once more!

“It seems we cannot keep our hands to ourselves,” Alkan teased.

“Ahem!” I heard a small voice call from the stairs, a certain little comb hopping off the lowest step and into the living room.

I looked at Tooth, and back to Alkan before I blushed, quickly grabbing one of the vanilla cream wafers. Alkan grabbed the chocolate, and we both munched on them.

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“Hehehe!!” I heard the sound of fabric gliding across the floor, coupled with some small giggles. Cushion used the stairs as a slide, and landed at the bottom.

“Good to see you, Tooth. And hello Cushion!” Alkan smiled at them.

“Hiiiii again, Alkan!” Cushion said, waving a corner.

“Hey,” was all that Tooth could muster. Alkan wasn’t fazed by this in the slightest, and chuckled to himself.

“I can’t wait to see what he looks like…” Cushion began saying.

“Quiet, you feather brain!” Tooth scolded. The two continued talking quietly, and hopped to the couch. I guess our little tea party was over...

“Why don’t I show you what I came up with for your request?” I said with an awkward smile, and drank the last of my tea in a hurry.

“ business,” Alkan nodded and smirked, flashing his fangs. I went over to my work area and grabbed the cosmetic tube, filled with the phoenix eyeliner.

“So…” I said, handing it to him, “this is what I made.”

“Hmm, a tube of some kind?” he said, sounding a little confused.

“A tube of eyeliner. Well, magic eyeliner.”


“Yes! Do you...have a problem with wearing it?” I started to feel a little anxious. Maybe he wouldn’t like this... “I really hope you don’t...It’s made from phoenix feathers, and I want this spell to work and I tested it out to make sure it was safe and—”

Alkan reached over the table and placed his hand reassuringly on my shoulder.

“I do not have a problem with it. I trust you, wizard boy.” His eyes were kind, and gazed deeply into mine. “I do have one other thing I will need your help with, though…”

“O-Ok, u-uh...what is it?” I couldn’t believe he had touched me so forwardly!

“I need you to put it on me. I am afraid I would look rather dreadful if I applied it myself,” he shrugged.

“O-Oh! Ok! I uh...I can do that!” I smiled, shyly. I took out the applicator and gulped… “Close your eyes, please.”
He smirked cutely and did as I asked. I had to rest the side of my hand on his cheek to steady it... Touching his face like this felt incredibly intimate. His skin was velvety smooth. It wasn’t cold exactly, but definitely on the cooler side. I began to draw a thin line atop his eyelid that seemed to illuminate faintly every so often under the light. Alkan laughed softly.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing. It just kind of tickles. Your hands feel so soft.”

I blushed and kept going. One more stroke and I was done with the top lines.

“Ok...” I said, pulling away from his cheek. He blinked his eyes open and looked about the room until fixating on me.

“How do I look?” he asked.

“...Cute! But you’re not done.” I smiled at him sweetly. “Can you look up at the ceiling please?” He tilted his whole head up. “Keep your head facing me, though.” I giggled.

“Oh? Laughing at me now?” he chuckled with a wink.

“Well, you’re being silly again.”

“I like it when you laugh.” I blushed again, but I continued to draw lightly on his waterline. Up close, I noticed he had the most beautiful lashes! Thick and dark, and pointed sharply at their ends. Once I finished the eyeliner, I looked at his face. I gave him a big smile; it really suited him. He looked so incredibly good with it!

“So? What do you think?”

“Well, it’s not important what I think, remember! I just hope the spell helps.”

“Elio, it is important to me what you think,” he countered. He stood up, towering over me.

“...I…” I lost my words for a moment.

“That good, huh?”

“Let’s go to the mirror so you can see what you think!” I said as I walked over to the mirror hanging on the wall.

Alkan hesitated, but walked slowly over to the mirror. He stopped as he began to examine himself, a few sparks began to emit with each blink he did.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed!

“What is it?” he turned to me in astonishment.

“Do you not see those?”

“See what?” he said, clearly confused.

“The magic!” I gasped as he blinked again, throwing more sparkles into the air. Alkan turned back to the mirror and moved his face all around. He brought his hand up to run along his jawline. It was quite squared at the edges, and he seemed to appreciate it.

“I must admit I do not see the magic...but I do think I see something better. I am beginning to”


“Yes. I am still me in there…” he smiled at himself in the mirror. This was such a departure from the last time, sullenly staring at his reflection and letting a tear flow. Instead he watched himself and moved about, smiling all the while. I wasn’t sure if it was the magic I did...or the effect of the makeup...or just genuine self-confidence. Whatever it was, I was glad it seemed to work! I knew it though! It wasn’t that he couldn’t see himself in the mirror. He wasn’t a vampire, he could see his reflection just fine! Alkan couldn’t see himself, feeling lost as he looked in the mirror. I had known that feeling for a while...maybe that’s how I was able to understand this situation.

“Thank you, wizard boy. I think I can see that glimmer of the real me, deep down within myself again… If I keep trying, maybe I can find myself fully once more.”

“I’m glad I could help, Alkan, even if just a little! Self-expression can do wonders!”

“Oh Elio, you’ve helped me a lot. Thank you.” We stared at one another for a moment, the tension building in the air around us. I turned away in slight embarrassment.

“M-Maybe I should show you the surprise now?”

“Absolutely,” he said softly, smiling all the while.

“Alright, um...close your eyes, and I’ll lead you to it!”

He grabbed my hand and closed his eyes. My face must have been bright red at this point. I led him gently to the front door and pushed it open. Once we were outside, I guided him hand-in-hand to the garden. The clouds had gone and the move cast a beautiful glow over the evening. But it was the sparkling goldenhorn Rosetta had planted that really gave the garden a twinkling glow, making it feel like we were walking through a starfield. Alkan had wished to see all the beauty and colors of my garden in the light. This was definitely the next best thing, and I couldn’t wait for him to see it! The evening air was brisk but gentle as it caressed my face, and Alkan squeezed my hand affectionately as we walked past the butterfly-shaped table to the center of the garden.

“Elio, may I open my eyes yet?” he asked eagerly. I turned to face him, ready to see his reaction to this gleaming garden of light.

“Open your eyes!” I said. The light of the goldenhorn reflected beautiful yellow twinkles that shimmered across his eyes as he opened them.

“Wow...” he said, his mouth agape.

“You said you wanted to see the colors of the flowers during the day, so I thought you’d like this!”

“ wonderful.” He examined all the different flowers and plants the garden had to offer, smelling each of them as he passed. “Wizard boy...Elio...I…” he seemed lost for words.

“I hope you like it!” I said awkwardly.

“I love it. Thank you. I’m just...stunned that you did this. It was only an offhand comment. I cannot believe you paid that close attention.”

“Heh, well...I try to listen,” I smiled and rubbed my neck bashfully. “Care to sit with me?”

“Certainly. Let us enjoy the beautiful evening together!” He said as he glided to the butterfly table. We took our seats and gazed at one another, the sound of the evening crickets singing their melodies. I could smell the sweet aroma of the moon flowers as they began to open on their vines for the evening. Their vines twisted around the small gate that ran around the cottage, and stopped at the entrance near the mailbox.

“Beautiful aren’t they, the sounds of night?”

“Yes, it’s so soothing.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, listening to the symphony that filled the air. I come out here sometimes, and just sit by myself under the night sky. It’s so calming…”

“Elio…” I heard Alkan whisper, interrupting me. I opened my eyes and turned to look at my well-dressed mystery man. “Could I...perhaps take you out on a date?”

Butterflies ran through my stomach and my heartbeat began to quicken at the question. Does he...does he like me?

“A date? Like, a date? A date-date?” Oh goodness, I was making this awkward.

“Well, actually… Before you answer, I should come clean about something,” he said nervously.

No...he couldn’t mean what I thought he did? He wasn’t a vampire! I had already decided this. All the things the book said, all those signs of vampirism, they had to be coincidences, right? But...what if it was true? Maybe he was...I don’t know! It was finally the moment and Tooth wouldn’t be here to hear it! Tooth...was Tooth right? Was it all a ruse to get close to me to suck my blood? I shouldn’t be worried about Tooth, I should be worried about me! My mind raced. Let me think of a spell...hmmm...maybe I could cast a sunshine spell? I tried to remember the incantation in my head…

“I am not exactly who you think I may be… I don’t like to show it, but...”

No, this is Alkan. No matter what he says, he’s a kind, sweet man. But...oh goodness...

“I’m a v—”

“I already know!” I blurted out.

“Y-you do?”

“Yes...I mean, it’s been obvious since the moment we first met.”

“I see...yes I suppose it makes sense.’re ok with this?”

“Yes, of course. I mean… I’ll be honest, I was nervous when we first met, but the more we spoke and I got to know you...

“I am so relieved, Elio! I was so when you figured out that I am a viscount...well I was so worried you would not accept me.”

Wait...viscount? Alkan’s a viscount? Not a vampire? I was thrown… He was a noble. This explained so much! The formalities, the clothing, the busy days and open nights. I mean, it didn't explain EVERYTHING...he could still be a vampire. Maybe? Regardless, I felt a little relieved too.

“What gave it away?” he asked, his voice sounding so relieved.

“Oh! W-well you just gave off that air of nobility. I used to live in Crystalis, remember?” I said, trying to make something up that sounded convincing.

“Of course you did, how silly of me!” he said, chuckling to himself. “, if my stuffy lineage and royal duties do not bother you too much, I would greatly like to take you on a date, if you will allow me?” He smiled earnestly.

“I’d love to! But, uh...where to?” I suddenly realised a date meant leaving the house...

“Well, I do have one idea. The fairy festival should be soon, right?” he asked.

“Oh! Right…isn’t that Windbloom’s biggest festival?” I said, a little nervously.

“Yes! It is the highlight of our little town. Maybe...we could go to that?”

“That sounds nice...I just... “ I tried to say. “I’m not really one to go into town, I mean what if someone sees me and—”

Alkan placed his hands on my shoulders.

“It will be ok, Elio. I know you feel nervous leaving the house. But...that is why this is the perfect opportunity! It is tradition that everyone wears a costume to the celebration, you see.”

“T-They do?”

“This way, you can enjoy and not worry about anyone recognizing you!” He knew exactly what to say to put me at ease.

“People talked about Windbloom’s fairy festival often in Crystalis. I was always curious what it might be like to go someday...” my voice trailed off as I imagined what it would be like to go.

“Well, let’s go and enjoy it together!”

“B-But what if I get too nervous?”

“Then we can leave together and enjoy an evening stroll back to your cottage.”

“I don’t want to ruin the festival for you, though.”

“You wouldn’t. Anything we do, I would be happy to spend time with you. I just want

you to enjoy and experience the festival.”

“Alright. In that case, I am excited to go with you,” I still felt nervous, but...if I was with Alkan, maybe I could go for a few hours? He seemed understanding enough if I needed to leave early.

“Then I shall come pick you up in a few days, on the first night of the festival.”

“Okay...if I’m with you, then...I think I can do it!” We shared a smile, and Alkan winked at me before turning to stare into the distance.

“I’d best be off and let you get to sleep.” As we stood, Alkan came towards me, towering over me once again. Before I knew it, he had taken my hand and softly pressed his lips against it.

“Thank you for the eyeliner, and the wonderful surprise.”

I flushed with heat, and butterflies fluttered wildly about in my stomach.

“Adieu for now, beautiful wizard,” were the last words he spoke as he slipped into the night.

A viscount… My heart kept a steady pitter-patter long after he departed, and the smile that spread across my face was so persistent, it began to ache. I was swelling with happiness. I took one last deep breath of the cool evening air, and looked up at the starry night. A shooting star streaked across the sky, burning up quickly in its path. I closed my eyes and made a selfish wish I couldn’t speak aloud, but hoped with all my heart would come true.

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