Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 104: 104 103. Purple Bigonous Beast

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"Wolf, are you taking a bath on your way home in the morning? Your hair's not dry."

"No, I've been practicing and taking a bath in the morning. Either way, it's hot today, so I sweat it, it's a hassle."

"Morning practice is going to be training..."

Waiting room for the Demonic Crusade Squad, Dorino looking at Wolf with a frightened face.

Build strength such as running in this morning, and plan to train against each team this afternoon. I don't understand that even though I plan to spend the whole day in this heat, it's called morning practice before that.

"Me, morning practice with seniors, I could only keep up with half..."

I couldn't see in the shadow of Wolfe, but Kirk was following me. My hair is still wet.

He's been with Wolf a lot these days, but apparently even dated him for morning practice.

"What were you doing in the morning?

"Ten rounds of the squad's training ground, five hundred barebacks."

"You guys, that amount is weird before training, right?

The squad's training ground is quite large when you go around the whole thing. Running roughly ten times in the morning training. It is not the amount of warm-up before breakfast.

"No, Senior Wolfe doubled that..."

"Wolf, are you on a diet to jump more?

teasing, Dorino asks. But Wolfe remained subtle in the face and didn't even laugh.

"... I haven't slept well in the last few days. I thought I'd move to sleep."

Then go to the infirmary and get some sleeping pills.

"Dorino, Wolfe and myself, sleeping pills hardly work."

Randolph speaks low from next door.

Both Wolff and Randolph were born in the Count's house. Just in case, sleeping pills are one of the medicines you should get used to early.

Most of all, it wasn't until Wolfe got used to being in college.

"Uh, you're right. I've heard that before. Sorry, I forgot."

"Um, why don't you ask your magician to do some sleep magic?

"That only works for a short time"

"Right, about three hours for sure..."

If you look closely, there are rare bears floating under Wolfe's eyes.

When Dorino pounded his shoulder, he opened his mouth to his ear.

"Wolf, if you want to sleep so much, even where you have beautiful sisters in a long time..."

"It's an immediate crusade order. Get all the waiters of the day!

Behind the nearly mentioned drino, a loud voice sounded.

Grate, the head of the Demon Crusade Squad, came in early. The nervousness runs to the crew with that awful and harsh look on their face.

The waiting room was filled with crew members as they hurried to summon those who were outside or in another room.

"A crusade order. In the waters of the South Street came out the purple binoculars (bicorns)."

Shiatsu, the air in the room changed heavily. Normally, the sober skilled knights look down on their faces.

"Four heads confirmed, maybe there are more..."

Grate's words began to be whispered by soldiers who usually had no private language.

"... I don't want to go"

"I want to shy away from it..."

"I can't do that... I definitely can't..."

Behind the knights distorting their faces, a new knight tilted his neck.

"Are purple binoculars (bicorns) that strong?

"Oh, haven't we met yet? The purple of a binocular-beast (bicorn) is a mutant of poor nature, not so much combat power, but it's a terrible hallucination."

"Hallucinations that bad?

To the junior who asks in a whisper, the knight answers with a nodding eye.

"... show him who he likes or who matters. With a wife, a child, a lover? Hence, I can hardly defeat it. Magic defense is only expensive, so magic doesn't die unless you hit it exactly. Besides, when I go nearby, they kick me in, but that kick is vicious. If you hesitate to slash him because he looks like the guy you like, he gets hurt or dies. By the way, bicorns are omnivores, not herbivores."

"Wow... I hate it too much..."

Understanding why the senior knights are strange, the newcomer frowns.

If you see such hallucinations, I don't think you can fight very well.

"The opponent is the opponent, I want to move early and get it done by the end of the day"

"Captain Grate, I have a question! Do I have to rush that far? Ask the Knights for help with the knights who can use the bow..."

"When I was younger, it was said that the place where the purple of the binoculars (bicorns) would come out was' where I could meet the dead ', and those who would go there continued, with more victims. I crusaded after that, but they resented me very much"

"... Got it"

Even in illusions, I can understand your desire to meet the deceased.

But that still puts more victims in trouble. I also want to avoid being crusaded and resented.

"Give a little allowance to those who want it, it's a coin if it's less than the number."

"I hope. I don't need any allowance, so if you can, let me buy the binoculars (bicorns) material as a priority."

"Fine. If it's for one head, it's going to turn."

"Thank you"

Wolfe was the first to raise his hand.

The purple of a binocular-beast (bicorn) is said to have a high magical defense. If I thought it might be material for the Devil's Sword or the Devil's Instrument, I was offering it immediately.

"I hope so myself. Sometimes I don't want to tell my wife and I want to have a good drink"

"Okay. I'll pay in kind from my collection."

A slight laugh spilled over Grate's dialogue, but there are still few hopeful.

After all, there were only ten hopefuls, including Wolfe. Of which, there are five red armor.

The rest is decided by coins in order to keep the personnel in check.

Divide left and right of the room depending on whether the coin table appears or the back, and make several shakes.

"My luck, do what you can!

"I don't want to go from the bottom of my heart......!

After prayer and mourning intersected, a crusade was confirmed with the addition of twenty more.

Griselda, the deputy captain, and thirty crew members, four demon mentors, head for the crusade in an early run of horses.

It was too late noon when we reached the South Street water field. Stop the horse quite in front of the water field and travel only by crew.

"... I know you're hallucinating, but it's tough, this is"

"Pretty much because I, the Magic Instructor, would be a double copy even with the anti-hallucination Magic Instrument... the two right ones seem to be particularly strong individuals"

Griselda and one of the Magic Instructors discuss it with Hiccup.

The binoculars (bicorns) seen by the Magic Instructor using the Magic Instrument were dark purple with black, very similar to the unicorns (unicorns). But it's only one turn bigger than that, with slightly thinner and sharper eyes.

What is decidedly different from a unicorn is two obsidian horns.

"Is it difficult to attack a binocular-beast (bicorn) with long-range magic?

"Yes, the binoculars (bicorns) have a high magic defense, so you can escape if you don't stop them with one blow. Four, so I thought I'd buy you some time so you can't get away with wind magic or ice magic."

"Then let's slap the blunt spot of movement. However, this could be...... quite difficult. It's hard for both of us to kill..."

Griselda made an uncommonly upward voice, keeping her gaze on the binoculars (bicorns).

"Lieutenant, the... Excuse me, but what are you two?

"I can see my wife holding my beloved daughter"

"That's tough..."

Is there a binocular-beast (bicorn) that looks like a wife and a beloved daughter, who can slay it without hesitation?

"How about that one?

"You look like a wife. The magic is quite tempting, too. How about you?

"I look like my fiancée. You can't shoot this with normal hallucinations."

Every voice that was whispered was filled with distress.

Even when using a magic guide that can be soundproofed to close range, only the troubled atmosphere is well communicated to each other.

"... I don't know what to do, you always look like a maid I see"

"Wait, let me hear more about that later. So, I look like Fabiola, the most popular of the Xiao Darkness Hall."

"You, you weren't contributing in play, were you serious?

"I'm starting to sweat..."

Some of the unconscious minded talk in pain.

"So, what about Randolph?

"... you've never had a more unpleasant hallucination"

Randolph had a rare, tight grin, just staring at the binoculars (bicorns).

"Can someone with red armor go ahead? You don't have to."

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"... I'll go"

Wolfe came out a long time ago to inquire about deputy captain Griselda.

I have a black forehead on my nagging face and I can't read that look.

"A boulder, a Volfraid."

"No, you said last time you only looked like a binoculars (bicorns)"

"I feel sorry for you in a way... that not a single person thinks"

"That's right..."

A little further away, some knights are pointing their sympathetic obsession at Wolf.

The targeted youth, with the recognition of Griselda, went into preparation for the pioneer.

"Lieutenant, I'd like to get ahead of myself this time,"

It was a knight with blue grey hair who came forward like a Wolf.

But he's not red armor, he's a regular crew.

"It helps, but is there a problem?

"Yes, rather, because I feel like I would have lost this if I hadn't gone. Let me go."

"... ok. Please lead the way with Wolframe."

A beat late, but Griselda gave permission.

Wolf, along with his usual sword, hands a sword the same size.

Keeping both sheaths on the ground, he shook his arms gently to make sure they felt.

"Wolf, are you bringing two?

"Oh, I want it to be over in as short a time as possible"

"You... you okay?

Wolfe just nodded lightly and didn't give her a glance.

"Two to the right for now. Let me go because I feel so bad. Drino, can I take care of your back?

"Shit, I'm gonna be two seconds late. Don't worry, I'll kill you if I have to. Randolph, if one of you gets kicked, don't ask for a guard with your shield. Because you have physical enhancement, you should have it once or so."

"Leave it to me."

After checking his weapons and protective equipment, he checked his position with the Wizard and the other senior.

In case of discussion, other crew members plan to continue, but hallucinations are a source of concern.

A few knights, including a senior knight to the left, himself to the right and Dorino behind him.

Checking the scaffolding with binoculars, Griselda runs out at the same time she lowers her hand.

Wolfe opened her full body strengthening, using Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) bracelets, and accelerated.

This is the second time I've seen the purple binoculars (bicorns).

Last time, the binoculars (bicorns) only looked like the binoculars. I didn't understand everyone's confusion.

This time I saw myself, I understood.

And the bottom of my heart, I got angry.

What you see in front of you now is a red-haired, green-eyed woman.

You look like Dahlia smiling at yourself, but definitely not.

The red hair is softer and the eyes are dull emerald.

"... don't be ridiculous...!

It spilled through Wolfe's throat, which was incredibly low and squeamish.

In the first place, she hasn't made such a beast smell.

The moment I thought so and opened my eyes, the purple binoculars (bicorns) were only visible to the binoculars.

On the tip of the sword, which is dropped as it is crossed, the neck of the dichotomous beast (bicorn), which came towards it, falls diagonally.

To the other one trying to escape, he kicks a tree and catches up in the air, dropping his neck from behind. The other blade, which still didn't stop, ripped into two even its torso.

The red armor worn was stained even more red with returning blood.

On the other hand, a knight with a great sword headed toward the binoculars (bicorns) opposite Wolf.


With the screaming voice, the wind moves. Probably the magic of the magicians who tried to stop the movement.

The binoculars (bicorns), unable to move for a moment, attempt to intercept the knight with their forelegs. But the force was as if not enough, and he was slapped to the torso with his forefoot.

Not a single head who tries to escape from the side is flown by a great sword of battery, giving him a flashy blood splash.

When the tip of the great sword was lowered, the two binoculars (bicorns) were completely immobile.

"Everybody, look around! There may be others!

The following knights ran out in unison to the voice of the order.

Make sure there are no other binoculars (bicorns) and start reprocessing. The crew were finally starting to get nervous.

"... Lord Volfredo, you were angry. Did you see anyone?

"You're the Duchess of the House. If a lady you worship looks fancy in a forest like this, she'll be clean on a boulder."

"Uh, did he finally get serious, too? But hey, they're too bad..."

"Poor thing, but I don't have a choice. No matter how much Volfredo, there's no way that lady's gonna get serious."

Ahead of the rumors is Artea Gastoni, widow of the Duke's family.

The women tell me that they are making Wolf peel with power and financial power, and the men tell me that Wolf is shifting in power and beauty.

From the standpoint, the king's wife's sister-in-law, her early deceased husband, and the beautiful swordfish on her side - rumors are that she's an irresistible woman.

"Being aware is cruel..."

Few don't say who saw it. Some spilled deep sighs.

"So, you start by checking the names of the maids in the castle?

"You're so cute, I'm sure you have a lover..."

"Don't give up easily, you just have to check before you decide. Man, hit it and smash it."

"I don't want to smash it...... what about that kind of drino?

The man who was rooting for people's love paths looked away and laughed quite a bit.

"... Fabiola, who is also very popular with the aristocracy, says if you can't do anything about it, you'll be serious about me? When you get home, you're going to give up drinking."

"You can laugh, Dorino."

"Ugh, Randolph, who were you?

"... silence"

"No, if you ask, throw up!

He doesn't need booze, even though the love story is exciting.

While fluffy, some groups have already begun to buzz enough to think it's a booze seat.

Without looking back behind him as he began to get busy, Wolfe removed his armor.

With the demon stone of water in one hand, bathe the water thoughtfully from your head.

My whole body is full of blood, what a raw smell. Again, as I washed my hair, a knight with blue grey hair lined up next to me.

"Are you hurt, Wolf?

"Yes. Senior Astruga, are you hurt?

"You're missing some of the great sword. Too much power."

The man who laughs washes his hair and face with the same demon stone of water. The spilling drops also looked like tears, just a little concerned.

"Senior Astruga, it was a brilliant sword... may I ask who it looked like?

"That's unusual for you...... I was a estranged wife last year. I was told there were many expeditions, and they were the same without me."

The man, who never had much to talk about before, gave me a light answer.

Wolf bows his head deeply on the spot.

"Sorry, I asked you to be rude"

"No, it's not a big deal. I guess the fact that it was slashed is plump. In time, I'll try even the recommended pageant. Yeah, how'd it go with Volfredo?

Should I tell the man in front of me, I was a little lost and finally spewed out the words.

"... I saw a friend. I feel nauseous, both bicorns and myself."

"Whoever they are, don't come up with it. He's not the only one who likes to look different. Sometimes you look like someone you care about. Before my wife, I saw my brother, who died at a very young age. I remember feeling pretty angry."

"Is that your brother..."

"Others said he looked like a dead wife or a child. Out of the way, maybe we'll show 'those who want to protect' and 'those who wanted to protect'."

Show 'those who want to protect' - if you say so, I was truly convinced.

And to the words' those who wanted to protect ', I remembered my mother.

I'm sorry again for not being able to protect those I want to protect, or for crying with regret for my weakness.

"We want to be strong enough not to get stuck with each other by demons."

"Yeah, I think so"

Wolfe answered that and finally, as usual, laughed.

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