Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 123: 123 122. Matching and stairs

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Wolf, with Marcella, came behind the green tower.

Marcella begins to gently flex on the grass cleared soil.

"See you around here. Mr. Wolfe has physical enhancement. I have quite a bit of it too, so just attack magic, can you do without it?

"I have no external magic."

"Oh well. No problem then."

"Wait a minute, I want to keep my bracelet off"

Wolfe took the Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) bracelet, wrapped it in a handkerchief and placed it on a nearby stone.

I don't think so, but if I accidentally use it on my Marcella opponent, it won't spill.

"Shall I take off my bracelet, too? If you bend it, Irma's gonna scold you."

Marcella put it in the back pocket of her trousers when she removed her engagement bracelet with grenades in it.

"Combine it, if one of you puts your back on, there's a battle, okay?

"Oh, so"

I need to make sure I don't get hurt about how long I need to get out of my hands - and when I faced him with that in mind, the guy was frowning a little bit.

"Have you been thinking about how long I should put up with you right now?

"I was hoping you wouldn't get hurt."

"If one of you gets hurt, let's borrow a potion from Darya"

Much more belligerent for Darya's friend.

Or is this normal in ordinary people? Wolfe can't make a decision around it.

Troops also have people of ordinary origin like Drino. But even if I had to fight in training, there was nothing like wearing a pair of clothes.

I have some experience with teasing fights, or not.

He is a friend of Darya, an opponent who is not hostile to himself. I don't want you to get hurt in case.

Let's get started.

A little shorter than myself, but with a guaranteed width and thickness. He would also weigh quite a bit higher.

Its fierce face and body burned in the day is no less than the soldiers of the Demon Crusade Squad.

But Marcella didn't feel hostile or murderous, so I was subtly lost.



At the same time as my own reply, Marcella moved. Unexpected speed, just a little bit.

I grabbed Marcella's shoulder with my right hand, wearing my left arm when I came to take the collar from the diagonal bottom.

Halfway around like this, if you pay your feet, you fall back, that's probably it.

I need to get too much momentum and not let him get hurt - the moment I thought about it, Marcella's body sank as much as her head.

I let go of my hand, which was grasping my shoulder, and try to fly behind me.

But now my arm was lightened up by a man.

Intentionally stick your arms into that force that is so strong that you can't shake it off easily. Immediately releasing his arm, Marcella has taken her opposite hand and tightened her elbow joint exactly.

Wolff was lost as to whether he should stop here without difficulty, take it off with physical enhancement and continue to assemble hands.

"After all, can you deal with them properly..."

The lightly released elbow leaves a slight pain.

I was looking at this one with horrible eyes.

Out of hand, I would be ashamed of myself for thinking about that.

Now it's me who's out of hand.

"I'm sorry, I was rude. Can I just weigh in for a second?

Strengthen your body and point your hands flat at Marcella. The man has no word of confirmation, and he has flattened his hands.

It remained a simple force comparison posture, but with considerable force, it did not push and lose, almost antagonizing. The tip of my fingernails flashed to the ground and roughed up the garden.

"Oh, my God, Mr. Marcella, you're so sturdy"

"Oh, you too. So, I'm sorry for the extra, but don't you have a shoulder-to-bottom blow and kick? On a non-fractured scale."

I was told with a fierce smile, but I was convinced.

Apparently, Marcella is happy to find out that she doesn't need to be reluctant. As for myself, who can see that, I dare to shelf it.

"Okay. But I'm sorry if I made a mistake. If it breaks, it's a temple."

"Then it's time for you two to preach to the beauties."

"Oh. Okay, I'll be there."

Gatsun, there was a terribly hard noise.

The sound of both bumping into each other with physical enhancement is low and heavy. The sound of beating raw trees and raw trees together continues to sound.

Is it okay to put some more force into it, or is it okay to move a little faster?

Little by little if you notice each other, the degree of force you put into it increases, and the speed increases.

Marcella's fist hits her guarded arm.

The corner of his mouth rose to its strength and pain, which shook his bones even with physical strengthening.

The kicked back leg was stopped by Marcella's leg as well, but it was like kicking into a sturdy oak. Even with physical strengthening in it, it even sounded smudged to the core of my leg.

Strikes from close range by people, this weight with naked fists, momentum kicking. It doesn't feel that way in the team. It's closer to fighting than training. This was terribly fresh for Wolfe.

There is no life or death at stake, there is nothing to protect, there is no human eye.

It's a little painful, but more fun than a playful meeting I've never had before.

I have a strange feeling that my breathing fits when I'm in a meeting and turning back a scratch.

A little more, a few more twists and turns, a flashy, cloth-breaking sound stopped the two of them from moving.

"Uh, excuse me. I got caught in my clothes..."

"No, never mind. This, because the fabric is thin"

Marcella's fist slipped, apparently involving a cloth. Wolfe's shirt's chest was flashly torn.

If you're aware, dusk is about to end. You seem a little too obsessed.

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"Mr. Marcella, you're strong. Why don't you come to our unit?

"I'm a little cautious. Don't cry when you see a demon."

"I think demons cry more..."

Wolfe laughs as she fingers her badly torn cloth.

"You've done a little flashy."

Marcella looks at her arm still.

There are several parts of each other's arms that are likely to cause bruises. I don't want to make sure my pants are turned when my legs are left with blunt pain.

"What are you doing?!

I look back in time to the voice of sudden anger.

There was a badly disturbed red-haired woman there.

"Da, darya......"

"Ah, Darya, this is..."

"It sounds amazing, so take a look, it's not a builder, it's a fight!

Darya is so angry that she doesn't let the man she's about to say go on at the same time.

I did get into a quarrel match from the combiner.

"No, it's not a fight, it's like training..."

"Look, man to man, he talks fists..."

"What do you do if you get hurt, like beating each other up with your bare hands?!

The two men stand still without being able to carry on the words.

It was the first time we had both seen this woman so angry.

Behind the angry Dahlia, Irma slowly walked in.

"Oh, Marcella, my God. I can't believe I tore Mr. Wolfe's clothes...... so I wanted to make sure even with his belly muscles?

"Whoa! My stomach was cracked in six."

"Ma, Mr. Marcella"

"I knew you were a Demon Crusade Squad, so you're working out"

"You look pretty good, Mr. Wolfe. The muscles in your arms and legs feel good and stiff..."

"What are you talking about! It's dinner time, I'm going ahead and serving it up!

Dariya turns up one voice and walks away to the tower.

The laughing couple and the grumpy Wolfe were left behind.

"Darya, look through the window, I was so worried. I said don't worry because it's just twisted, but come down as hard as you can and get cocky on the way..."

"Darya, aren't you used to seeing these things because you don't have any brothers?

"Yeah, I think that's why I thought it was a fight. I can't really explain it..."

Irma laughs just a little troubled.

"I did something wrong. I have to apologize for worrying about you."

"Me, too. I'm on track."

"Well, go upstairs and apologize."

All three, follow Darya into the tower.

Irma's demonic lantern lit up the stairs.

"Marcella, there, where Darya got cocked. The stairs are a little short."

"Wait a minute, I'll fix it now"

Marcella kneels her right hand and pours magic into the missing part of the stairs. The slightly missing part was filled with dark ash stones, as if they didn't know.

"Mr. Marcella, I have dirt magic."

"A little."

While listening to the conversation between the two, Irma checks the stairs with one hand the Magic Lantern.

"Marcella, there too. You're still cracking, but it's dangerous to spread."

"I'll fix it. Oh well, Tobias is gone, so the guy who fixes it... sorry, forget it"

He became the face that bit the bitter bug, and Marcella shut up.

"That's Darya's ex-fiancé, isn't it? Did he fix it?

"Well, that's the place"

"Is there anything else he was doing that's bothering him right now without being enough?

"Mr. Wolfe, you and Dalya are 'friends', listen. What do you want me to do?

"I'm looking out for you, so I want to help you as much as I can."

Irma looks back at the two words. The grenade's eyes stared at Wolfe.

"Mr. Wolfe, the world tells me you're 'looking after' Darya."

"We're friends. That's not how it works."

"I'll leave you in trouble or not, but what Tobias normally did is work hard. Carrying baggage for buyouts, carrying materials, repairing walls. You're asking for delivery and vendors."

He kicks the stairs gently with his nail tips, and Marcella continues her words.

"What he was doing to keep from getting noticed was fixing stairs and floors. It's bad when Darya falls. I'll do that where I can. And then, don't tell me you received complaints about troublesome business partners and the production of magic equipment instead. Darya said not to be yelled at or in the wrong eye. Now that Mr. Ivano's here, you're fine."


Did Irma call that name because she was going to stop talking, or because she didn't want to teach Wolf any more?

Still, the man continued his words.

"What he did to Darya sucks, and I don't mean to cover it at all, but he was a pretty good guy before. He was more like an overprotective brother than a fiancé."

"... yes"

Wolfe just took the talk.

After that, all three remained silent, fixing some of the cracks on the stairs that caught my eye and going upstairs.

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