Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 149: 149 148. Visit to Slime Farm

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Two days after going to the Adventurer's Guild, Darya was visiting the Slime Farm.

The slime farm was on the meadow just east of King's Capital.

It seems it was difficult in the Wang capital on the boulder.

The entrance and exit were thick iron gates on a seemingly large site surrounded by high black brick walls.

The look reminds me of a harsh prison, but when I went inside, there were many green lawn areas and the farm in the back was surprisingly small.

Wolfe and Ivano came to Slime Farm together.

I wrote to Wolfe saying, 'Would you like to go see a slime farm with me,' and I got an immediate acknowledgment back.

I was given four available dates, so when I put out my use for the Adventurer Guild, they made it the earliest day of my life.

That is today.

I thought it might be too soon, but maybe now, before the increase, I have more plans available. Thank God I decided to give you a tour.

A letter from the Adventurer Guild said it was okay to increase the number of people accompanying him, so I asked him something else.

When I spoke to Gabriella, she said she couldn't because she was busy.

I heard that the Fort of the Clothing Guild Length has already been there three times.

Lucia also invited him, but he said, 'The living slime, I don't want to see him if I get silver coins'.

I'd be happy to visit a silkworm (Kaiko) spitting silk thread. It's a waste of time even though she is.

As soon as we passed the gate of the slime farm, there was a stable, where an empty haired woman waited.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, thank you for coming. Slime Farm, I'm Idea Arena Nicoletti, research chief. Call me Idea."

I thought I was younger because of the way Idea saw it, but around the chief, maybe it's the same as Darya, or better than that. She was a woman who was shorter than Dahlia and had an impressive soft face on her blue framed glasses.

"Thank you for inviting me. I'm Darya Rossetti, president of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce. Call me Darya, too."

Subsequently, Wolfe greeted him as a Chamber of Commerce guarantor and Ivano as a Chamber of Commerce member.

From the stable to the farm in the back was a little walk shape.

It seems that slime is also a countermeasure because many individuals are frightened of horses.

The rear farm door was thick and this one was made of iron. Idea uses two keys to open the door, everyone goes inside, and then locks again from the inside.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. We were supposed to lock it every time, just in case."

"No, never mind"

They say the safety controls are thorough. The perimeter of the door knob was glossy with planks of magic sealed silver and large magic formations engraved on both walls. Probably a magic formation of wind and fire.

If we activate it simultaneously, the passage is going to be a sea of fire soon. I just don't want to think about the use.

"First, I'll show you through the Blue Slime trough."

Proceeding down the aisle with Idea opens a two-piece door with a blue decorative plate.

The way forward was a large room, lined with more than ten square tanks made of glass.

The only lid on top seems to be a mixture of magical crystals, not glass. The sunlight from the high windows was creating a number of beautiful rainbows.

"Only the lid puts in a demon-sealed crystal. The slime is surprisingly powerful, so it prevents the lid from sliding away."

Approaching one tank while being briefed, there was a small group of blues limes.

"This is the slime of the week we were born."

The little blues limes that come loose feel as relaxed as ping-pong balls.

When I add scum vegetables and scum meat that are bait, they gather together and sift the round body to eat.

There is no sign of fright at all even if you are nearby. Instead, he's dropping in on the idea of feeding himself.

"Slime is so connected"

"Toddlers are like children, so they're easier to connect with than adults."

I don't want to see you in the woods or in the wetlands, but when I look at you like this, I almost do. If it stays like this, you might want to keep it in the tank.

"This is the blues lime I grew up with for about four weeks. You'll be able to get it out of this size."

The trough a little further, a lot bigger than earlier, had just enough slime to ride on both palms. It's about seventy or eighty percent the size of the slime I used to watch in college.

Darya approached only a little and saw the slimes over the glass.

A translucent blue, round slime is moving loosely. Some individuals were pouting and bouncing like they were playing.

Whether it is to calm the slimes or as an ingredient, there is a slightly thicker wooden trunk (miki) in the middle of the tank.

Apparently it was popular around the trees, with many blues limes stuck together.

At this size, they will be able to ship it as a waterproof cloth material, but I wonder how much powder it will be per piece.

I feel slightly less blue than the natural product. Will there be a difference in ingredients due to natural and aquaculture? Will there be a difference when granting magic?

With that in mind and stuck to the glass perfectly, the blues limes in front of me began to twitch and move to the other side.

"... ah"

Has my thoughts been passed on to the Blue Slime guys, or is something creeping out because I'm buying Slime's grudge?

There were too many verses to think of, and Darya sighed lightly.

"If you try this, it's a cute thing to show off."

Wolfe was behind it, too, apparently.

I didn't seem to notice Darya sighing, a little further away, reaching for the glass what do you care?

In the meantime, the slimes that were nearby gained momentum and moved away to the other side. There are also a number of individuals who made a sound and flew away from me.

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Whoever saw it, they were on full alert and evacuated.

"... me, so far slime hates me"

"... it's okay, I'm something similar"

Discussing it with a subtle face, he was hesitant to speak from behind.

"Um, both of you, if you could just step away from the tank... the blue slime is a lot more delicate and it's easy to be wary of the first time you see it"

Idea says so, but in front of Ivano, a short distance from the two, the blues lime overlap.

Even though I keep my face close to the glass thoughtfully, it's like I'm not alert.

Did you notice Darya's gaze, he laughed and said.

"Isn't that the color of your hair? It's my hair, tea with yellow, so maybe it looks like a delicious fallen leaf. Mr. Darya's hair is red, so why don't you run away in association with the fire?

"My hair is black, but they don't associate me with dirt or falling leaves..."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Master Wolfe, you must be proud of the power of the Demon Crusade Squad."

I tell Wolfe, who laughs bitterly, that Ivano can't do anything about it.

"Is Master Scalfalot from the Demon Crusade Force?!

Unexpectedly, Idea has eaten away with blue vine (ahouji) colored eyes.

twitched and distanced, Wolfe gently finds herself.

"Yes, it is..."

"Let me know! Is wild blue slime still more aggressive than this? There was something in the book that sometimes people would be attacked just by passing by..."

"No, you won't be making a basic attack unless you attack. However, when you inadvertently step on it and in many places in the wetlands and marshes, when you consider it a territory, you can be attacked just passing by."

Questions continue as Idea takes the notepad out of her white chest pocket and fills it in.

"I see. And what is the size of the largest individual in the wild?

"The biggest blues lime I've ever seen was about two-thirds my height. I was preying on a bigger deer, so I was wondering if I had that volume."

"Does that slime have one nucleus?

"I haven't confirmed, but the spear knight knocked him down with a single blow, so I thought it was probably just one..."

After that, Wolfe was in question blame for a while.

Darya finds a strange sense of intimacy in the idea of asking quickly as she takes notes.

"Thank you, very helpful. Um, Mr. Dalya, if you don't mind, could you give me your opinion on the tank?

When I finished questioning Wolfe, now Darya swayed the story.

"I find it difficult to compare with the natural environment, but the blues lime may have a bit of brightness. Because many individuals seem to prefer dark places."

Talk as you recall that some blues limes that escaped in the tower were hidden under shelves or in the shadows of buckets. Idea nodded deeply.

"I see...... I was brightening it up because it's convenient to observe, but maybe that's the one that grows a little slower...... I'll cover the tank with a little cloth, etc and see which way it stops!

Even then, Idea and Dahlia continue to talk about the optimal water quality, temperature, properties, etc. for slime.

Wolfe takes a little distance from the two who have been thriving. The shoulder swayed a little to exhale.

"... Master Wolfe, uh, I'm probably fine"

Traveling to next door to Wolfe, Ivano whispered.

"The conversation was all slime, and you never asked a word about Master Wolfe, did you? Idea, probably the same kind as Dalya and Lucia."

"... I understand. Sorry for being over-conscious."

"No, say 'self-defense' there"

The four of them then finally went out into the hallway and moved to the next slime room.

Apparently the door plate decoration is a green, green slime room.

"This is a green slime tank."

Blue slime rooms, about a third the size of them, lined with glass tanks.

Green slime lined the area with lots of light from the skylight. There are not many individuals in motion.

The size of each one is bigger than the blues lime, but it's not much taller and makes me want to flatten it in the tank.

"Green Slime doesn't know much about ecology because adventurer damage hasn't been done in the past either. Is it because it's aquaculture, or it feels like an elderly person who doesn't move after a hiccup...... doesn't even take much bait. Still, it's growing pretty fast."

"Um, isn't green slime because photosynthesis (like this), no, makes nourishment out of sunlight? Just like plants."

I called it photosynthesis from the memory of my previous life, and I managed to stay. Indeed, there is no such word in this world.

However, it was normally taught in botany classes that sunlight is essential for plant growth.

"Same as plants...... oh, I'm convinced to think so. Maybe it's closer to you than an animal. I'm sorry for the lack of study, but is there such a literature or a book about green slime?

"Sorry, I have vague memories... maybe I heard it in a chat with the seniors or teachers"

Indeed, the story of photosynthesis spoke to my father as a student.

My father is not lying because he is a senior and teacher to Darya as a magic guide.

Carlo was quick to understand photosynthesis.

But, 'Can't a guy called photosynthesis be incorporated into a human? Doesn't that mean you can live without having to move off the spot?' I was told in the face.

For that reason, Darya never wavered that topic again.

"No, we've heard a great deal about you. You're going to do a comparative experiment in a tank that makes the sun better!

The idea of saying it with a full smile seemed kind of dazzling.

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