Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 154: 154 153. Married Boys Scorpion

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The moved study reminded me of a small library.

Bookshelves and black leather paperwork cases filled with books, and a desk of sandalwood that looks terribly heavy. Next to it, there are two relaxed sofas that even the big Jean seems to be able to fall asleep easily.

As I sat and waited for one of them, Osvaldo came out of the shelf with a bunch of bottles.

All in a wide mouthed glass bottle are scorpio liquors (Scorpio).

The bottom of the clear liquor, the red, white and black scorpions (sashimi) were sinking.

"Ice or water?

"No, please stay put"

When the lid is opened, the liquor poured into the beautiful patterned glass emits a distinctive strong aroma.

When I was pointed at the front of the glass, I could see a fine scorpion painting carved in.

Osvaldo really seems to like scorpio liquor (Scorpio).

Scorpio (Scorpio) drinking with a toast is still strong. It's been a long time since the heat of burning my throat and the scent falling through my nose.

Contrary to appearance, there is no raw odor at all.

"You drink scorpio. Why don't you let me get drunk, crack your belly and talk? I'm going to ask you about your age."

"To talk, I thought it would just be stupidity..."

"If you can not hesitate to throw up that stupidity, will you be around? If you don't have anybody to hold you in, you'll be lightly crushed."

A bitter laugh spills on a man who tells you what he's seen.

What a good manipulation.

But I was in the mood to talk to someone tonight, even if it was because of the strong booze.

"Now listen to your impudent stupidity - if I had been busy at work, my wife would have gone home for it. There have been several times before, but this time it seems impossible to get back together"

"Really? Wasn't there any other trouble?

"Nothing special. I can't help it at work, and I didn't mean to be disabling you to life..."

"May I not hesitate to say?

"Yeah, go ahead."

"It will be the responsibility of the couple to uphold a minimum of life. 'I spend less time at home at work because I want to make you live a good life,' was your wife telling you? Didn't you think it was sweet to pass it on without saying it?

Relentless, a painful question came.

I never told my wife.

I thought if I worked hard, I would know for sure.

My own father, who was an adventurer, said.

The man says we should just talk on the back, just type straight into the job.

My mother supported my busy father at home and always welcomed him home with a smile.

Jean grew up in a house like that and took that for granted.

"Man says it's what he talks about on his back..."

"I have no mouth on my back"

Osvaldo said pizza.

"In the first place, even if it did, it would be pointless if it wasn't someone you could hear your back talk about. Did your wife understand how little you said?

"That said, I didn't even have time to talk... this is often the case when the common people are busy working. If you could do anything like Master Osvaldo, you wouldn't even think about getting away with my wife like I did."

They said it too straight and gave it back a little bit.

"I" has turned into "I," but because of the drunkenness, I'm not going to be able to fix it anymore.

But Osvaldo didn't even get angry, and when he closed his eyes, he dried the glass of scorpio (Scorpio) in one breath.

When you exhale the thick, mixed breath of alcohol only once, you return your gaze to Jean.

"... you've escaped."


"Once upon a time, my first wife - my ex-wife - ran me down with a man who was an apprentice and deputy manager. They took all the property from the house and the shop... well, you thought about how to die."

"Dear Osvaldo?

I found out by the quality of my voice that I'm not joking. But I just don't think this Osvaldo.

"Wouldn't it still be nice, such as you? But they just went home, didn't they?

"I can't even say that..."

But I can't argue with you if you say so.

On the day my wife runs off with my men, I feel like I'm going to chase them immediately and do something about it.

"So, even if you change who you are now, do you want your wife to come home? Or do you give up exactly if you can't change it?

"I want to change it, and it's the mountains that I want you to come back... it's been a few times now, I just sent you a letter, see if you'll come back..."

"Letters? Don't turn away from what. Why don't you go directly and talk to me? You know what's wrong with you?

"But my pride as a man, such as going to my wife's home to apologize..."

"Feed the slime with such pride."

I told you, Osvaldo poured some wine into Jean's cup. There was quite a drop on the table, but neither of us cared.

The red scorpion, which is removed from the bottle that has become calla, is left on the plate next to it and piles with the white scorpion.

"... how can I talk about it?

"I suggest you apologize first and speak specifically about what you will improve. If you have difficulty saying it by mouth, you can also write it in bullets on paper. It just doesn't make sense to just promise to 'work as hard as you can' or 'be careful' and mouth to mouth. The relationship gets worse when people think about it again. And the promise you can't keep is out of the question."

"... Yes"

I remember myself too hard.

Leave yourself to the sensation of lighting up to your esophagus as you pour scorpion liquor down your throat.

Now Jean poured a new bottle of scorpio liquor (Scorpio) because the glass was calla on both sides. Next time the scorpion was pitch-black.

"Was there any hope for your wife?

"He doesn't want you to be too pushy. You can drop your living standards, you can get assistance from your wife's home, so she wants you to slow down a little bit at home."

"Isn't that a good wife"

"I got angry at you for talking about assistance...... I was a waste of a woman"

"What are you shaping in the past? Don't let the former senior adventurer say anything cowardly and take the day off tomorrow. Totally... it's frustrating to see who you used to be."

"Dear Osvaldo?

To an unexpected word, Jean could only call a man by his name.

"I was busy working when I was younger, too, and I made the mistake of giving my wife a wealthy life. I let them make their clothes freely, let them go to opera and theatre, and I never stopped dating my friends. On his birthday he gave away popular accessories in the Wang capital, and on his anniversary he made the bouquet of flowers be delivered to the florist and not indispensable to his wife's home. They told me he was a good husband, and I was even proud of him."

"But wasn't that because you loved your wife? And yet, why?

"I didn't get through one thing."

Osvaldo laughed with only his lips.

"After my wife left, I talked to the maids and found out. I didn't prefer accessories of the same color as my eyes, I moaned that it was the florist who chose the flowers and not my husband, my parents told me to talk about further assistance and I was worried. And he said he was worried about his body because I was too busy to talk to his apprentice."

"... Still, it's not a good reason to betray you"

Unexpectedly, the twinkle spilled out of my mouth.

Now I have three young wives, and I have the status of Baron and Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce.

Still, Osvaldo recognizes the rush down of his first wife and disciple as his sin. I couldn't wait to do that.

"Mr. Jean, you're a straight man... I gave up. I didn't know her. She couldn't figure me out either. We didn't try to figure each other out, it was all too late when we realized, that's all."

When Osvaldo cuts the story there, he stabs the scorpion on the iron skewer of the plate and hands half to Jean.

Placing a small magic guide stove on the table and switching it on, they both seared (abuzz) the scorpion silently.

From the burnt scorpion, when you peel off your feet and tails, sprinkle with salt and black pepper, and eat a thin body (ha). If I poured a glass of liquor afterwards, the fragrance lingered on my tongue over the raw odor.

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After a dark story.

Jean tries to change the subject, and reminds the small magic guide stove in front of her of a red-haired woman.

Introducing me to Osvaldo, she was also very intimate.

"I ask you with drunken momentum... does Lady Osvaldo think of Miss Dalya as the Fourth Lady?

"You don't. She is the daughter of Carlo, a friend. I'm a competent magic conductor, and I have interactions with the chairmen of the chambers of commerce. Did it look like I was powdering her?

"No. It's just that... Mr. Osvaldo says he prefers green-eyed women. There were rumors in the Adventurers Guild."

"Oh, that's right"

"Is that right, after all? Like the first woman you ever loved had green eyes?

Much booze is spinning. Curiosity into lube, then my mouth moved.

The magnificent man subtly collapsed his mouth and moved his gaze into the darkness of the window.

"... my first love was a woman with red tea eyes. Well, you were flashy on top of being played. I haven't been good with those colored eyes since."


"The purple-eyed woman you dated afterwards, she passed away quite a bit, what a pain...... then the woman you dated had black eyes, this one was stunningly deceived and you had a little sore eyes. Because of his youth, he abandoned himself a little, and he flushed his name quite a bit."

Rumor of love seems to have been true.

I'm a little proud of you, but if you ask me if I want to be the same, I refuse.

"A relative I saw has been recommending a match. It was my ex-wife who changed her mind and swore her whole life. Blue eyes, and this one's no good. It's like an erasure method now, but it's the green eyes that make you feel at ease."


I didn't try to say anything at all, and there was a strange voice.

Jean gives up and raises the liquor at hand silently.

"Because being in love doesn't mean that love often comes true. I cried a lot."

"I'm rather flattered that there's so much to talk about."

"Oh, you say that. If you were an advanced adventurer, you would have fooled around, wouldn't you?

"My previous wife was a fellow senior adventurer. Because we've been together since we ran out. You were stabbed when you accidentally peeled aside."

I was young, I had sidetracked her a little, but she was a woman who could stop herself with physics.

It's a laughable memory now that the priest of treatment was exhausted in a transported temple.

"Stabbed...... so passionate wife and why say goodbye?

"I was left during a long business trip after my marriage. I thought I'd finally let him live a calm life in a safe place, but the... he said it would be hard to wait alone"

"Didn't you have the option to work together again? Or shouldn't I have?

"I wanted her to stay in a safe house. You can't imitate that as a man."

"Well, I made it a priority to be a man, and he said there was still regret and untrained."


I've given Jean, who I can't answer, the black scorpion skewer that Osvaldo was baking.

It reminds me of a desert night as an adventurer, in the unique scorpion flavour of the liquor stain.

Back then, I always drank strong liquor like scorpio (Scorpio) with my buddies.

Always next to my left, my ex-wife, who was my lover at the time, was laughing.

"If I confess, I regret it. I also think I was sorry. Even then, it was her husband's job to work hard and make her live a good life, and I thought she was happy."

"I'm not telling you what I'm going to think, I just can't tell you straight, and I'm going to say something extra - something you're a couple and next door to, but you don't know what's in your chest. I'm still trying not to get away with it."

All the unexpected stories continued, and Osvaldo's image collapsed.

Still, this masculine and preferable face of scorpion broiled (abu) and slightly coaled (soot) than the face of a neat silver fox (silver fox).

"It's just unexpected. I didn't think I could talk to Osvaldo like this."

"Sorry to disappoint you. I'm a coward, very"

"No, I'm not disappointed. Besides, I can't believe you say you're a coward. Aren't you always confident?"

"If I was really full of confidence, I wouldn't need a stomach pill. And it starts with shapes and pretenses, like appearance confidence."

"Is that the shape and pretense?

"If you do it for ten years, you'll be on the board. Yeah, it's more convenient to get the look done, too. Suitable hairstyles and good suits are substituted for references. Smiles are important too. Practice in front of the mirror for ten hours and you can make quite a few sales smiles."

"I hadn't really thought about that around......"

After that, it was a work-related topic and the two of us had a blast.

Osvaldo, what a man he was willing to talk to.

"Oh, is this already the time"

When I noticed the redness and looked at the window, the morning burn was about to start.

There are six bottles of liquor made into cala. They drank too much and burned their throats, each other's voices a little lower, and they were dead.

"It was a delicious drink once. If you don't mind, how about again? Without Social Dictionary."

"I'm happy to take it. Um, Dear Osvaldo, um... if it's not rude, may I call you 'Doctor'?


Osvaldo breaks his face to the words he leaves to drunkenness to hear.

"Fine. You're next to Miss Dahlia, the one who was called 'Doctor'."

"Then please call me Jean. Did you tell Miss Dahlia anything, too?

"We teach you courtesy at the Royal Castle, as a Chamber of Commerce. Sometimes magicians teach each other."

"Did she introduce me to her teacher in anticipation of me being like this?

"I guess not. I guess I was just worried about Jean. He's very hard working and kind."

"Oh, that danger feels like stepping barefoot through the Demon Stone of Fire"

The other day, Jean laughs when she tells a story about a fire demon stone being put on a small demon guide stove.

Osvaldo was listening with a glass in one hand, smiling bitterly.

"I remembered that Carlo did the same for that matter"

"Mr. Carlo?

"Yeah, back in the day, a group of adventurers didn't share well, and I used to mould it in front of the guild... and when I went to arbitration, I was handing over silver coins to a young kid who said there was only one less Mr. Carlo." I used to get silver coins from seniors when I was in trouble. So for the junior year of the beauty, I will '. Until you told me, I didn't realize she was a woman. There was an official who asked me how I found out later, but he said,' You'll see with your feet, 'and he was in smoke. "

"... Sounds like Carlo at once"

But what really surprised Jean at the time was afterwards.

"From here on out, it would be rude - the next time that kid came to the guild, he was really pretty. I won't listen to you afterwards."

"What a sinner, Carlo too"

The man who laughs calmly must be thinking back to Carlo.

If you're a friend, maybe there are many memories that connect well.

"Miss Dalya looks very much like Mr. Carlo. Kind, friendly, and sometimes dangerous"

"I agree. But I really appreciate her introducing me to the teacher"

If you hadn't introduced me to Osvaldo, I wouldn't have tried to go to my wife's home tomorrow.

I could have just stuck to the man's hold and mourned the coming farewell all by myself.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to my wife's home. Think about what you'll do in the future, and I'll make a suggestion. And I'm going to tell you everything about the teacher, about Miss Dalya. If not, stick with the booze again."

"Okay. I wish you every success. Just be careful. Don't talk too long or praise Miss Dalya in front of your wife. If you're overlaid with misunderstanding and jealousy, it's troublesome."

"No way. Miss Dalya and I are too old for each other. And only my wife doesn't have it."

Recall Darya and his wife alternately, Jean laughs and denies.

But Osvaldo's silver eyes turned to this side in some cold light.

"You have a little time until morning. Jean, let's add a lecture on Wife Mind."

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