Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 156: 156 155. Forest serpent bad luck

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The sky, which had just begun in autumn, was flowing clouds like painted white with brushed (peeled) hair on a clear thin blue.

The meadows a short distance from the streets, the faces of the Demon Crusade Squad, were mowing the grass with the Great Sickle.

However, its black spruce moves well.

In fact, it is a demon called 'The Spinegrass Demon (Nettle Devil)'.

He is a troublesome demon who winds up in his approaching prey and gives life until he dies. The stem has sharp thorns and once stabbed, it is difficult to pull out because it has a return.

It was a crusade to reduce the number, as there was a distance from the streets, but the growing area was wider than usual.

"This year looks easier than last year"

"Thanks to Wolf and Kirk."

"But you're really good, Wolfe's sickle man. Exactly. Black Reaper."

A Wolf wearing red armor (scarlet armor) runs with a big sickle at the end of the line of sight of the talking crew. Instead of the Great Sickle, it's a light move to the point where I don't even think it weighs itself.

Running through the horrible speed beside the herd as the thorn grass demon (Nettle Devil) bulges and chops off the tip of the spreading crawl.

A few of the Dorinos (Scarlet Armor) following it are also pretty fast.

Speed aids with wind magic from close range are Kirk, a junior knight, and the Wizards of the Wind Wizard.

Until last year, the Wizard of Wind Magic had turned his attacking magic against the Thorngrass Demon (Nettle Devil). This year, however, it was an operation to assist the knight in increasing speed and dropping the dangerous tip of the crawling grass first.

"I'm done cutting tips for the first time!

"Second Formation, Assisting the Mage Instructor while Previous!

In the form of an immediate response to the report, a decree is required.

The Wizards, who entrusted their defense to the Knight, use fire and water magic at medium range to release hot water.

When I exposed it to a certain range of spinach demons (Nettle Devil), the movement became scattered.

"Everybody, mow the area!

Including the first pair of red armor, the crew simultaneously mows the thorn devil (Nettle Devil) with a large sickle or a long sword.

It wasn't long before the planned extermination of the area was complete.

"Aren't spinach demons (Nettle Devils) supposed to be extinct anymore?

After extermination, one young knight spills as he moves towards the campsite along the street.

Thorns probably hit deeper even when wearing leather gloves. Blood stained the back of his hand, licking it.

"If we exterminate that one too much, it will make it easier for demons from the woods behind to go out into the streets through the meadows. Besides, rarely, it can be an epidemic medicine. I can't let it go bad."

"You can't grow it in the King's City when you say it's going to be a pill."

Still looking resentfully at the new leather gloves, its holes, the young knight sighed.

"I can fix that. You should send it to the Royal Castle repair yard. I can get it done for free."

"This is what I got. I thought I'd be worried because I tore it."

"Oh, lover, fiancée?

"... it's my mother"

Dorino was tapping the knight's shoulder twice and three times, answering honestly.

Wolf removes his sweaty, wet gloves and wipes the Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) bracelet with a handkerchief.

And, uh, I remembered Darya's thin left wrist.

Gold bracelet for protection worn by Dahlia.

It is a magic guide, and its defensive effects are wide-ranging. Totally anti-poison and anti-confusion, anti-petrification, sleeping and numbing pills, ecstasy, etc. will also no longer work, he said.

Now he owes it to Osvaldo, and Dalya said she was going to make it herself.

I wish I had made it right away and returned it, but I was convinced when I heard the ingredients.

There are four different types of scarce materials that are worn inside the bracelet.

White is the horn of a unicorn (unicorn), black is the horn of a bicorn (bicorn), red is the scales of a flaming dragon (fire dragon), and green is the heart of a forest serpent (forest truss nake).

In the meantime, the horns of the unicorn already have Dahlia's hand. The binoculars (bicorns) were defeated by themselves before this, and the horns reached Darya's hand.

And then there's the scales of the Flaming Dragon (Fire Dragon), the heart of the Forest Serpent (Forestrasnake).

I hear Flame Dragon (Fire Dragon) is far south, but I have never seen it. Flaming Dragon (Fire Dragon) scales should be asked by my brother, as they come out occasionally at auctions.

Forest serpent (Forestrasnake) has a wide territory, so it's a demon that doesn't encounter it that way.

I ran into him in the squad the other day, but Wolfe hasn't seen him. Because I was busy writing a five-finger sock report.

I wish I had tailored it and reserved my heart, but I didn't know it at the time so I couldn't help it.

"Hmm? This sound......"

"Something big's come up."

Everyone pull out their weapons immediately and form a formation.

From the meadow woods, the sound of breaking branches and the unique sound of dragging something awful and heavy echoed.

The giant green, which appeared to soak between the trees high in the woods.

Along with the height to look up, its torso is as thick as the trees beside it and lasts long behind it.

The green eyes, drenched in black, glowed with the joy of finding prey.

Forest serpent (Forestrasnake), also known as "The Green King".

Says travelers and merchants.

To The Green King, it is rare (rare) to encounter in the streets and woods. But if you do, give up your clean loads and horses. Still, pray to God if you can survive.


The roaring threat of the forest roared high into the blue sky.

"Whoa, you're a forest serpent (Forestrasnake)! Wolf, you've been looking for me, haven't you?

"Oh, just great! It's what Darya's looking for."

To the question of the blue-haired man, Wolfe answered with a full grin.

There is no fright or nervousness in the men, they take their place, but the conversation continues with ease.

"Miss Dahlia looking for you? Well, I'll never have to."

"Right. Let's not get away with it."

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's split left and right in the foothold. Because the Horseman of the Bow will come forward."

"Okay. Oh, if you're going to use it as a material, it's not good if you hit it poorly, is it?

"Wolf, where's the area you want to take it?


The crew's eyes simultaneously turn to the Forest Serpent (Forestrasnake).

Forest serpent (Forestrasnake) had a question mark affixed to his face, whilst putting out a dark green tongue by the way.


I feel like the sound of intimidation has only lowered my mind.

The giant can no longer be felt to a large extent because the content of the story is conveyed even in the slightest?

"Captain Grate, with your permission to crusade...... you can't use ash hands (ash hands)! It will be ash to the heart or it will be too dry!


The knight stopped Grate, who had already pulled out his sword, with all his might.

The smoke is already thin from the gray filling. Apparently, he was willing to go first.

"I have no choice. I'll stop. I'll give you permission to crusade."

"Crusaders raise their hands... you didn't even have to ask. Bow knights and demon conductors, hold back! Wolf, you take command of the rest."

There were even those whose hands were all raised, and whose hands were raised in an evil way.

Apparently it was useless just to check.

"Thank you! If the heart itself doesn't burn, you can split it into two or three parts. Because they grant magic and crystallize it. First formation for big demons, magic is modest, and I hope you can slash it once and for all after stopping"

"Roger, hold back. That's a cut. Should we have other materials?

"You sold quite a few skins. You should turn to the Adventurer Alliance. Maybe you can add some good meat to your meal."

While we were talking, the bow knights and the demon conductors were stopping the forest serpent (Forestrasnake).

The intimidating voice of the forest serpent (Forestrasnake), the swinging giant followed by the sound of vacillations and broken branches, overlapping the unique sound of a strong bow queen by the bow knight.

Afterwards, the enchantment of the magician by earthly magic, and the obstruction of vision by wind magic continued.

On his way back into formation, Wolfe remembered going to a drinker with Marcella.

"Speaking of which, I heard downtown that Forest Serpent (Forestrasnake) is a delicacy. I didn't have it at the store. It's good for nourishment."

"Well, if you get tired, you just want to try it regardless of the taste."

"You don't look very good... the meat must be white, right?

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"It's not so bad if it's a fire. It's a bit expensive for the common people though. It's popular with men from downtown who've dried it."

Drino explains to the two senior knights as he raises his hand with the sword.

"If you haven't dried it, it feels like a slightly crunchy chicken with strong fat."

"Oh, if Dahlia gave me a sweet pot of grilled meat, I have one more pot."

"Then I can go!

"That would fit. If it's that size, don't go to everyone at your leisure."

The men nod loudly and face the forest serpent (Forestrasnake).

A gaze of a kind that had never been directed at him slammed through the forest serpent (Forestrasnake).

"Ki, Kisher......?

It was the moment the predatory relationship was reversed.

At the end of the demolition and movement, the crew will begin to prepare dinner.

At a distance from Wang capital, we are going to be camping here today and leaving first thing tomorrow morning.

There are also fireworks, but each starts cooking on an expedition stove.

On the back of all the stoves, the name 'Rossetti' was inscribed.

Wolfe stares at the name of the stove for just a moment, then places it on a waterproof sheet and sets the pan.

"Wolf, which is better, today's loot or beef? You can have them both."

"No, I have a hand, so I'm still good."

"Wolf, what's that leather bag?

"The excess of daytime beef. He was soaked in a sauce he brought in."

Even with the same sweet dahle, what Dahliya made for Wolf is slightly different.

It had less honey and more shoga in it instead. The spices also suit Wolfe's taste and change them.

"Well, that's by Mr. Dalya. You bastard, prepare only one good thing..."

"One piece of meat, offer to exchange"

"Say no!"

Drino speaks up to Wolfe, who immediately denied the replacement.

"You, whatever the meat is, just share that sauce. You're going home tomorrow morning, so it's too much."

"... two tablespoons spoons, up to ten people"

"It's my fault, it's my fault, Count House! No, you're at the Marquis next year, you!

"That's irrelevant!

Wolfe was pulled off her sleeve while she was arguing as a child.

"Can I have that divided, Senior Wolfe? I'll give you half the wine instead."

"Uh... oh"

Looking back at the green-eyed junior, Wolfe nodded a beat late.

"Kirk, you're stronger..."

"No, isn't that a bad idea?

Nearby seniors whisper to each other.

"I have no choice. Bring in a spoonful of jam and a trade."

"Me, not much sweet..."

Wolff looks a little troubled by Randolph's offer.

"The recommended apple jam from the store that Miss Dahlia introduced you to?

"Randolph, you can exchange it, but that, when and where did you hear that?

The golden eye put in a slight grump and turned to Randolph.

"Well, when and where it was..."

A cloudy man, but his red tea eyes were totally laughing.

"Hey Randolph, don't make fun of Wolfe, get screwed. In the meantime, Wolfe needs a little more. And then there's the junket!

In response to Dorino's voice to sum it up, the young knights are about to challenge the battle.

For the time being, it's not going to be quiet.

"... at all, a kid on his first excursion"

A magnificent knight is smiling at the cavalry members.

Young people of vision laugh while roasting meat and make noise in the dispensation.

"You're loose."

"I don't mind. The watch is decent, and no one has forgotten their weapons. I guess this is what the future expedition will look like. Fight when you fight, eat when you eat, sleep when you can sleep, if we can all laugh and go home, that's fine"

To Grate's words, the knight looked a little reluctant.

"... Shh."

"... If I'm going to tell you the truth, I regret it a little. I really wish this were happening sooner."

"If you count what you couldn't do, they'll call you an old man."

When the grate takes the silver water bottle out of his nose, he pours it less into two wooden cups.

"Enough, I intend to be old... Captain, what's this?

In a handed cup of wood, the knight narrows his eyes. The amber liquid smelled so good.

"A friend gave me a good distiller, so I brought it. Don't just entertain the young ones. There's only three of us, so don't let them notice."

Another glass of liquor left in the water bottle was sprinkled on the blade of the removed ash hand (ash hand).

The magnificent knight silently lifted the cup to his eye.

An expedition, a sword stabbed twice at the body of a companion you can't bring home, not to be eaten by demons or beasts.

Grate still clearly remembers the feeling of stabbing his people.

The muffled sword dried right up to drink up the alcohol and returned to its gray fullness.

When gently returned to the sheath, he also dries a sip of dark liquor.

"How about the captains also Forest Serpent (Forestrasnake)? It's surprisingly tasty."

When I kara the cup, a bright voice sounded. A young man with dark hair was bringing a plate of meat.

"I used to eat on expeditions. It smelled greasy and it was one now..."

"When I cook while I lose fat, the sweet sauce Dahlia gave me fits perfectly."

"Let's get it."

On a net of carry-ons, he begins to burn his white body with his accustomed hands.

As the fragrant smell spread, Wolfe turned to the grate.

"Captain Grate, if you'll excuse me, I have a favor to ask."


"The Forest Serpent (Forestrasnake) can't get into the carriage, so I was hoping you could dry it a little with your ash hand (Ashhand) if possible..."

"Wholesale to the Adventurer Guild?

"No, I wish I could distribute it to the crew who wish to dry themselves. Because seniors said it's hard to talk to your family when you get tired from the expedition. Forest serpents (Forestrasnakes) are nourishing and they are a popular product for the men in Lower Town. I was wondering if it would work quite well."

"Wolf, I don't know, but the Captain's Devil's Sword is not a dry goods maker."

Wolfe's face is giving up on the voice that the magnificent knight stops.

Probably would have said no if it was a previous grat.

A sword that slashes friends, a sword that slashes demons, makes dried goods and so on.

But I'm fine now, let's swallow everything.

Laughter while cooking, fun interactions, good liquor and meals.

On the lives of our friends, on the lives of demons, we are here alive.

Taste the raw to the fullest and just move on.

"It doesn't matter, let's take it on. Ash hands (ash hands) have been running low lately, too. We have to use it."

"Thank you!

With thanks, Wolfe has offered a beautifully cooked white skewer.

As he receives it, Grate answers with a laugh.

"Let's say I want to dry myself too"

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