Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 176: 176 175. Magic Instructor's Brothers

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"I'm Darya Rossetti from the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce. Dear Tobias Orlando, I have come to you in a hurry to ask for you. We don't have any promises, but please take care of them."

At the reception of the Orlando Chamber of Commerce, Dalya speaks out with her spine corrected.

The sight of the room turned to itself simultaneously, and then half of it was found to flow to the wolf behind it.

I prepared the voice of hissing, but it was as if there was no sound. Instead, I get restless.

In an earlier carriage, it was suggested to Ivano, 'I wish myself to succeed Tobias', but I said no.

You wish for Irma and Marcella. It would be different to be behind Ivano, because it seemed so.

"Please wait a moment"

A few seconds after Darya's voice, she disappeared into the back as an elderly woman ran.

Within the door closed and uncut properly, the voice calling Tobias, the voice answering and the voice of the others sounded subtle and mixed.

"... good morning. Chairman Rossetti"

His expression and voice were stiff and Tobias came out of the back.

I just wanted to thank you for being here, now anyway.

"Good morning, Mr. Orlando. I'm sorry for what I didn't promise."

"No. So, what kind of request?

The polite voice is lower than before. Standing further away than before, he looked a little thinner.

"I have a magic guide I want to make in a hurry. Rewards go as far as you wish. Please help us."

"I'll take it. Where to work and since when is the duration of the work?



Darya does not hesitate to approach Tobias, who rounds his eyes for something too sudden.

When you reach out and you get to the distance you can reach, you move the anti-bugging magic guide that was stopping on your sleeve and you whisper.

"The location is Chairman Zola's mansion. Irma and the kids are in danger, and I have some magic equipment that I really need to build. Please, help me."


Tobias, who responded instantly, turns around.

Beyond the half-open door, I could see bright honey-colored hair and a lemon-coloured one-piece hem.

"Emilia, stay home, I'll be out at work"

"... Mr. Tobias, you know, I..."

The one who came out of the shadow of the door was a cute, low tall woman.

Darya can't see Emilia saying something diagonally behind Tobias.

Wolfe, who was next door, advances and stands on the line connecting Emilia to Darya.

The man collecting the woman's gaze all together pointed the golden gaze at Emilia.

"Would you like to join your wife? You will be waiting in the next room of the work room, but others will be waiting."

"... thank you"

"Thank you for your concern..."

Tobias and Emilia thanked each other almost simultaneously.

"No, I think you're worried about something, even though you're working on it."

With a disgusting neat smile, I accentuate 'Something to worry about'.

I didn't see it from Dalya, but Ivano was holding his mouth behind him and laughing bitterly.

To Wolfe, who is in frigid aristocratic mode, I recall fu.

Myself and Wolf, and Emilia to Tobias. These four meet face-to-face since these two had streets when Wolf and I reunited at the Boulevard store.

Even though it was only four months ago, it feels like a long time ago already.

I don't care about the correspondence for Tobias' work, his ex-fiancé, and I don't have any thoughts about Emilia, who became his wife.

Maybe I'm out-of-the-box, flirtatious.

"Chairman Rossetti, as soon as we are ready to work here, we will ask you"

"Thank you for accepting. Okay, we'll be waiting for you there."

After exchanging work mode greetings, Dalya steps out to the exit.

From here.

At any rate, we must succeed in granting Tobias and the unicorns (unicorns) and the binoculars (bicorns) and create Irma's 'Sucker's Bracelet'.

When I held my hand hard, a soft voice called to me.

"Miss Darya, let's come."

Wolfe's hand, offered in perfect motion before his eyes.

Dahlia lay her hands on them without hesitation, relieving them of the same warmth that day.

Six people in the next room of Osvaldo's work room.

Some had a brief introduction, but the conversation from there did not continue.

Dalya and Osvaldo, and Tobias, enter the work room.

It is Emilia, Hermelinda, wife of Wolf and Osvaldo, who will remain in the next room.

"This time, let's keep the door open. However, please do not enter the room and speak up."

Osvaldo completely opened the door leading to the working room, either because of the increase in the number of people or because of the unexpected working time. Be the first to go in on it.

"Darya, I hope it works out."

Laughing back at the whispering Wolfe, Darya also heads back to the work room.

Behind that, a little distance was cleared, and Tobias gave a toast before proceeding to the working room.

Emilia was just silently dropping off that back.

Lined up around the work desk, he told Tobias the current situation of Marcella and Irma in a large frame.

Osvaldo then explains the production of The Sucker's Bracelet.

While questions and supplements to The Sucker's Bracelet were being asked, Darya was checking the bracelet and the material.

On the demon seal plate on the workbench, there are four pieces of unicorn and bicorn horns.

While Darya was out, Osvaldo apparently finished it with an extra.

"Chairman Rossetti, let me check the magic once before using the scarce material"

"Okay, please"

Since Darya's magic went up, he has never worked with Tobias to grant it.

Before imparting it to the corners of the unicorns (unicorns) and bicorns (bicorns), which are rare materials, I decided to make a waterproof cloth as an exercise.

It's a practice, so it's a smaller cloth about a meter wide that's easy to put on the table.

At the same time, it gives magic and takes the form of planar granting of a powdered drug solution of blues lime.

Osvaldo sat with two empty seats and watched the two work.

"Okay, here we go."

It was Darya who started passing magic first, followed by Tobias.

Darya's translucent rainbow color and Tobias' blue mixed rainbow magic make the Blue Slime drug solution spread nicely.

However, when the blue and thin membrane stretched to about half of the cloth, the abnormality occurred.

Darya's magic trembles subtly, bending as the ribbon twists.

Tobias was flushing his magic thin and flat, but deviated diagonally to be dragged by the twisted magic.

As a result, a waterproof cloth full of gaps, far from uniform, was created.

Never before have I made a terrible defect so far.

It was time for the two of them to look sorry.

"Chairman Rossetti, perhaps the magic is not stable?

"Yes, I'm not used to the magic that's gone up yet..."

Asking in a tone for work, Tobias cleans up the failed waterproof cloth and keeps the new cloth on the table.

The method of carefully stretching wrinkles at the fingertips was the same as before.

"Yes, Tobias"


As before, the name appeared unconsciously in his mouth in an attempt to hand him blues lime powder.

Tobias also received the same reply.

Are you out of your mind, for a moment, feeling something cold that pierces you?

I cough once and catch cold.

Tobias was also solidifying in front of him when he panicked that he had suddenly called his name.

I tried to use polite language because we were together for about a few years, and they took consciousness over there and it was hard to work with.

"Since it's hard to move on, could I use a tone like before while I'm working? Let me call off your name too. Same to me."

"... ok. If that's easier, let's do it. So when the work is done, we'll put it back."

"Yeah, please"

Now is not the time to worry about how you talk and how you behave. Anyway, if we don't combine our magic, we can't grant the horns of a unicorn (unicorn) and a bicorn (bicorn).

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I moved on to the second grant, but the magic is shaking from the start because I feel too much.

Darya put even more effort into her right hand in an attempt to stabilize her magic.

"... you'd better put that forward attitude back."


I stare at myself with brown eyes and a calm voice.

"Probably more forward than usual, with force in his right hand. That should make it hard to grant."

I finally realized when they said it.

From the feeling, I was in a forward position with my shoulders leaning forward.

"And then you should put your elbows against your body. When I get tired, I get shivers in my stretched hands"

"... lack of exercise?

"... you had your arm up and abs thirty times a day"

He tells a familiar story and his mouth is loose.

Sure, my father Carlo said.

'Magic conductors are also important for their health, so keep your arms up and abs at least thirty times a day'.

But Darya has never seen her father do that.

"Dad didn't do it..."

"I think the master was doing it. He said he was doing it in the stripper before he took a bath because he was sweating"

While I'm just a little surprised by the unexpected story, I lean my elbow against my body, as I was told, and squeeze a little magic.

Still, the slightly oblique magic that Tobias aligns and flattens from the opposite direction.

If we proceed with the grant as it were, the waterproof cloth was clean with no loose or uneven cloth.

The moment he sees the finished waterproof cloth, Darya is stunned.

During the previous waterproof cloth production, if there was even a slight unevenness in the magic grant, Tobias would have fixed it.

Even when the two of us were finishing the dryer, we kept our magic direction undisturbed while inspecting it.

I thought it would take some time because I started working alone.

So I was firmly going to check twice.

But it was this man who didn't say anything and, of course, made the confirmation and modification on the spot.

Regrettably, I don't have eyes that allow me to inspect other people's finished items while working on them.

"If you're tired, you should free up some time"

That's all right.

I returned it with a voice that had no discouragement to the words I cared about.

Place new demon seal plates on the table where the waterproof cloth has been cleared, one by one with rounded corners of the unicorn and the bicorn.

The magic of standing loose was strong, and there was strength in his hands.

"First, let's see how it goes."

I nod to Tobias, who said so, and start putting magic out of my right hand finger.

Beyond the desk, Tobias' magic stretches as well, dyeing the unicorn (unicorn) and the bicorn (bicorn).

Darya's curled ribbon-shaped magic finally became uninterrupted when she came here.

Tobias' magic is like a thin ribbon without any curls. Its rainbow magic, mixed with blue that I haven't seen in a long time, was very familiar.

"The magic came in, but this is no good..."

The unfortunate voice after a while is also my own thoughts as they are.

When I put my magic into it, the white horns of the unicorn were still in their pale purple, and the horns of the bicorn turned dark gray.

It's mixed to some extent, but it's not uniform.

"Let's go next, Tobias"

Though I moved on to the next corner with the intention of changing my mind, it doesn't work again.

The pattern appeared so that the vertical line would enter instead of the next time.

In view of the fact that it can be granted, it is not incompatible with the magic powers of Tobias.

The possible cause is still the instability of one's magic powers.

Unlike the magic before a unit, it is difficult to get it out at a constant.

Looking at the corner with dark purple lines in the white, Dahlia bit her lips off in remorse.

Osvaldo on the side hasn't spoken a word since he started granting.

I'm just narrowing my silver eyes and keeping an eye on ourselves.

It would be disturbing evidence to wonder if I could get him any advice.

I know how to work.

When we get here, maybe there's only one way to do the numbers.

Seeing across the street with that in mind, Tobias' gaze was directed only at the pure white horn and the pitch-black horn.

The straight line reminded me of my father's words.

"Dahlia is Dahlia, Tobias is Tobias, and as a magic conductor, each has different characteristics. As a magician, grow up to make up for it. If you're not good at it, try to talk to them '.

It was hard to hear, but this is the workplace, and we're each other's magicians.

You shouldn't hesitate to ask for advice, I ask while I think so.

"Um, Tobias, have you noticed anything? Is there anything I can change?


As before, Tobias holds down his right jaw and thinks.

After a while, the tea eyes turned to me.

"It could be the magic difference and penetration speed. Darya, can't you squeeze one more step of magic down, no? Because if it's my magic, I can't raise it any more."

"That would make magic a worse wave than it is now."

"I don't mind, I'll match it. You just need to focus on squeezing and flushing. And then across the street, I can't see the magic, can you come next door?


Stand in the same standing position you used to work with.

That was a familiar distance to both.

Arrange the new unicorn (unicorn) and bicorn (bicorn) processed products and reach right hand together.

They're both in the same hand shape as Carlo, same height.

When we put out magic together without a call, we just focus on lowering the output and putting it out constantly.

Every curly rainbow ribbon was accompanied by a thin rainbow ribbon mixed with blue. We try to flatten it together, but the magic shivers to the right and to the left.

Not this time either, or when I thought so, Tobias said briefly.


If Tobias is going to fit in, I'm sure he'll be fine, I could be sure of that.

Regardless of anything else, I still think I can trust him in his work as a magic conductor. What an irony.

But that's fine now.

The whereabouts of magic were left to Tobias, to his brother.

All you have to do is squeeze your magic and focus on stabilizing it.

The rainbow magic gradually overlaps and winds with the blue mixed rainbow magic.

The magic that began to draw thin spirals twirling darkened the rainbow color and blinked the blue and white light.

The rainbow spiral curves loosely and enters the two corners simultaneously.

Even with all of Darya's magic up and down a little, the spiral moved to make up for it well.

The magic of the spiral dyes the horns of the unicorn (unicorn) and the bicorn (bicorn), as if they were the same thing from the beginning.

The light reflected from the corners was flying a beautiful rainbow color all over the room.

However, the two grantees cannot afford to indulge in the sight.

Just connect magic even, pointing all nerves to control.

No matter how focused he was, and how magical power began to enter the corner, it was unstoppable immediately.

"... would it have been time?


Stand in place of supporting the workbench, seeing as it is about to fall.

The processed product in the two corners had changed like a blue crystal with light on it.

Just a few moves and the rainbow flashes around.

"Let me confirm"

The approaching Osvaldo removes his glasses and replaces them with blue lens monoculars.

Silver eyes stared sternly at the two round corners, and twice, they were returned twirling with their fingertips.

"Success. They're both beautifully uniform."

The two people who heard the words collapsed into a chair at the same time.

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