Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 179: 179 178. True love and what you want

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Beyond the open door, I see three people in the work room.

Though the sound can be picked up occasionally, I don't know what the story is about because of the anti-bugging magic guide.

Wolfe sits on the couch in a visible position in the next room and looks at things from a distance.

The desk was scissored, Dalya turned this way, and Tobias began the granting work in the form of a turning back.

I've been holding my breath for some time since it was a task for these two.

But I hear the work hasn't gone well. Even the waterproof cloth had failed.

Isn't there so much distance that I can't even work on it anymore - when I thought about it, I saw Darya's lips move in 'Tobias' and in a callout.

Intimidation went out unexpectedly to a man who responded as a matter of course.

Wolfe immediately takes her gaze off and gets her breathing ready.

They worked together for quite some time. Something like that would happen to me, whether it's on my work as a magic guide or not. Yes, I told myself.

While I was spreading my thoughts, the second waterproof cloth seems to have worked.

Grants began to go straight to the corners of the unicorn and the bicorn.

I feel terribly far from myself where there are two people who talk, try and error.

The blue and rainbow magic continues to shine fantastically, but I didn't want to think it was beautiful.

I was unconsciously putting my index finger on my lips, and Ermelinda left to ask for a new cup of tea.

You shouldn't be thirsty, but your mouth is bitter.

If I noticed, a honey-haired woman looked in the neighborhood just like herself. Anxiety rose on my face, which was surprisingly monochromatic at first, and now I'm blue.

"... isn't Master Scalfalotto hard to watch?

Unexpectedly, he was called out to be asked to give his consent, but there was no surprise.

For a while now, I've noticed signs of Emilia pointing this way.

I don't even move my gaze, I just shut up and shake my neck sideways.

That's the work of a magic conductor.

Even if the distance is close, it is no longer a lover's or couple's connection.

The only thing that makes me hold my fist is that my dear friend thinks back on being hurt by the guy next door and worries that it won't be hard.

Emilia gently moves away from the door to an invisible position from the adjacent room as to how long she was looking at the work room.

Turning to you casually, she sat on the couch at the end, her hands clutching together. On its trembling shoulder, I just wonder if it's not feeling well.

"Are you in no good mood?

"... me, those two, you got in the way"

She said with eyes that she hadn't seen anywhere, pompous.

"Orlando, ma'am?

Not knowing what to call it, Wolfe calls it by his family name for now.

It was just a little uncomfortable to be called Tobias and Darya on the set as' those two '.

"You're so breathing, you look great, you can make amazing magic guides... and yet I..."

The tears spilled out of the puffy fell into a tight gripping hand.

I didn't say anything from there, and she was silently lying down on her face and crying.

When this happens, it is good luck.

Wolf is very bad at comforting people.

Mostly, isn't he one of those who hurt Dahlia? I have no reason to comfort myself.

And one more thing, console yourself badly, in case you're told what to do on the day you're told.

Ermelinda came back with her maid when she was in trouble, including the unique concerns of Aesthetics.

"... Dear Scalfalotto?

"No, in me..."

An excuse came out to Hermelinda, who shifted her gaze from crying Emilia to herself.

But they weren't suspicious. She nodded silently.

Placing tea near Wolfe lowers the maid we came with.

"Dear Scalfalotto, if you don't mind. I think it will take a while."

"Thank you"

Return the moulded greeting and finger the recommended cup for now.

"Mrs. Orlando, are you in no good mood?

Ermelinda called out to whisper as she went to Emilia's side.

"No, it's okay, it's... sorry..."

I tried to stop the tears, I haven't been able to stop them.

Put your handkerchief against your mouth, sit next to a woman who can whimper, and Ermelinda gently strokes her back.

Seeing how it goes, I guess I'm pretty thin because I don't even float shards of sympathy.

Wolf put his mouth on the tea, but I don't know what it tastes like.

However, Darya wondered if she was thirsty.

"... you're anxious. I wonder if your husband will waver at Chairman Rossetti."

"Oh, you know, why...?

I guess it was a complete picture star. Emilia was completely stiff.

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Wolfe stays with the cup of tea and passes through pretending not to hear it.

"I'm the wife of the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, so I've heard a lot about it. Besides, I still care when my husband works with attractive people. Well, in your case, you're a former fiancée and you've been together for a long time. Of course you're anxious."


Emilia cannot return much to Hermelinda's words without hesitation.

"But didn't you get your wife's seat after you let her destroy her engagement? Even if you're anxious, I don't know if you doubt it."

"But I got in the way of those two..."

"Still, aren't you next door now"

"... even if you chose me, it could be Mr. Tobias' distraction... Darya could do a lot more, she could breathe so much more at work, she could make some amazing magic guides... no matter if I try my chores, help her with her work, not at all... she just bothered me around, and I just had to apologize..."

Ermelinda asked the woman who desperately worded the previous grid to faint.

"So can you give up and let go of his hand? Can you tell me to smile and be happy with that person?

"Mrs. Zola."

Wolfe kept quiet that far, but there was an unexpected sound of restraint.

What the hell are you going to say, aren't those two patterns when it's over? It's never possible to get back together.

"... I can't let you go, I can't... I really like that guy..."

"You said love, even if there were others, because you liked it and you liked it and there was nothing you could do about it, right?

"... I don't care if you know it or not... I really wanted that guy..."

It sounded like a painful scream, even though it was as loud as a whisper.

If Emilia had been a more clingy woman, she would have been able to rebuff herself.

If Emilia were a woman with more plans, she would have laughed at it as ironic.

Neither of which can be done, Wolfe becomes silent in love with the desperation, infancy and deviance of the girl.

"I know better than to hate it. Because so did I."

I saw Ermelinda unexpectedly in words that were too unexpected.

"Mrs. Zola, too...?

"Yeah. I really wanted a husband, too. I changed my job, my outfit, my hair, my words, my modus operandi, everything I could come up with, to accompany my husband. I was cut off from my original house and from my friends, but I didn't look back. I couldn't get the love of a man with two attractive wives."

The Third Lady of Osvaldo puts that hand loosely on Emilia's shoulder.

Ermelinda's onion (thigh) coloured eyes glanced into the soft tea eyes.

"Whether it's cowardly, hurting someone, or pointing back fingers - still, didn't we get what we came for?"

Said brunette laughs openly.

Wolfe thought this woman, for the first time, beautiful, and, heartfelt, scared.

"You have to carry everything you've done, all the way up ahead. Are you prepared to be with me until now?

"... I intend to"

"Then why don't we just keep it next to it? I'm your wife. I need you to look under your feet and be strong enough to support me next door."

"If I could do that..."

To Emilia, who made himself despised, Wolfe threw his words.

"Mr. Orlando said that when he broke up his engagement with Miss Dahlia, he said," True love. "

"... of truth, love..."

Emilia's eyes are opened, stirring a slight delight.

When Wolfe ascertained it, only the facial expressions were consolidated into the form of a laugh.

"If that's the case now, why don't we just keep this up, if that's not the case yet, and from now on, unite true love? I think Mr. Orlando and you look great."

Tobias and Emilia, if you say that what you two met was' true love ', you just have to keep it real. No, I'd rather not.

And don't mess up Darya's mind again, get out of that sight.

I know it's distorted, but to me right now, that's all I can hope for.

Emilia kept her head down to herself, keeping her mouth shut.

Then Ermelinda suggested to her to fix her makeup and take her out of the room.

Wolfe sits back on another sofa, near the working room.

In the neighboring room, Dalya just gave out a book of magic and started talking to Tobias. For some reason, Osvaldo goes to the back of the room.

Probably handing over the Apocalypse. Looks like it's going pretty smoothly.

But Dahlia's rugged expression unraveled on the white paper that came out of the open guide book, almost crying and turning into a bitter laugh.

In a subsequent conversation with Tobias, he is badly irritated by Darya, whose expression changes when he twirls.

I almost chased that mouth with my eyes and told myself no.

Darya kept talking to Tobias and, inadvertently, laughed as she blossomed.

For a moment when I accidentally caught my eye to that grin, I could read the words spinning by my thin red lips.

"I liked it," he said.

Moment after moment, the back of my chest shivered badly.

Even his father's decided opponent, I guess Darya had her heart set on that man.

I laughed that I had no untrained, but I guess I had an indelible thought.

You can't say that like this, you didn't see anything, you decided you didn't know anything, and Wolfe arms tight.

Now I felt that any demon could be slashed into fine dust.

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