Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 234: 234 233. Armor Crab Delivery and First Name Writing

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"There is Jonas Goodwin, who serves the Scalfalot family, who wants to divide the armored crab (Armor Club) to Master Berniege. If you can, I was wondering if you could pick a spot in the carriage..."

Bernige frowned white after his squire, who could not hide his confusion.

I do like armor crabs (armor clubs). Some people know that.

Today I toured the Expedition of the Demon Crusade Squad for that reason, talked to Grate and returned home satisfied.

But whatever it is from Grato, it's caught in being delivered from the Scalfalot family.

The Scalfalotto family and this Dorazzi family are factionally different.

A faction-differentiated Count comes untouched, and calls the Lord before the Marquis to the carriage, and time is night.

I'm also about to consider some danger if I'm the one in charge, but now I'm in hiding. There is no loosening in the house in case there was one.

Think that far and remember.

A man named Jonas was heard to be the head of the arms development division of the Scalfalot family.

When that happens, it could be a story about today's "Demon Bow of Disease". Hope for the letter of recommendation, or around the mouthpiece of the budget - it might also be the outing, the grate that made him have the armor crab (armor club).

Berniege took the escort knights and headed outside the mansion.

In front of the stables for visitors is a carriage with a small Scalfalot family crest.

It is not for aristocratic mobility, but for carriage. Apparently they really brought in armor crabs (armor clubs).

After a short name, Jonas continued his words of apology.

"I apologize for the night, Lady Dorazzi"

"I don't mind. Armored Crab?

"Yes, we've had a lot of it, so I was hoping you'd mind. We have let our knight Marcella carry armored crabs (armor clubs). I'd like to see if you like the area, but it's a little narrow in the carriage..."

Bernige narrowed his eyes to Jonas, who asked to be paid far away.

Rebellion (solder) the name that resonated in his ear and grip the wand.

You guys, wait outside the carriage.

"Dear Berniege?!

"It won't be narrow enough. Because I want to see it."

"... ok"

Upon receiving a reluctant reply from the worried knights, he entered the carriage at Jonas' invitation.

When I went inside, a man of good stature, with sandy hair, gave me a hand.

He was next to the president of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce on today's expedition.

Under the demon guide lamp, its appearance is visible up close.

Berniege turned to a big bucket when he saw that he was about to stare at that face by accident.

"Marcella, get a cloth"


What came out was the leg of an armored crab (armor club) wrapped in ice. Quite big.

"This is the second leg of the armor crab (Armor Club). This is the third leg of the mutant species blue. Please take your time to choose. And I brought you half a dozen wines that fit the crab. Try it if you like."

The small table in the carriage was filled with bottles of red wine, and even glasses.

It's like this one's more of a star.

"Toxic, but I drank too much today - Marcella"

"Oh, yes!

Marcella pulls out the cork and pours about two bites into the glass.

I guess it's a good couch. I checked the aroma, tasted it, then let my eyes shine and drank it up.

"Don't drink much better"

"Yes, I think it's a lot of good wine"

"Because of this, you should drink some more. I haven't been able to empty a bottle on my own lately."

Hold the bottle as you say and pour it into the glass Marcella holds.

"... Oh, thank you"

A frightened Marcella turned her gaze to Jonas.

I guess I'm having trouble deciding if I can drink it.

"Marcella, take it. And a toast to Lady Dorazzi."

I am poured liquor from Marcella in front of me.

So I finally saw my face firmly.

A contoured eye with a straight light. A slightly tense face on the cheekbone. Slightly stiff hair. Young but slightly more prominent fingers of the verse. With a solid body of bone too.

As well as earlier.

Such a trivial move when I lay my eyes slightly down when drinking, when my eyes open slightly wider when I know it's good booze.

No, I didn't have to look for overlapping parts, very much - my son, he looked like Bernardi.

Berniege did everything in his power to contain what he could and create a look (kao).

"Because of this, shall we toast? Now, what can I drink to..."

Before the opaque thoughts of the Scalfalotto family, I can't say cheers to see my grandson.

Still, it's true that I want to congratulate you on seeing me.

"Why don't you two toast to 'your family'?

"... ah"

In one word of Jonas, Marcella's hard expression cracked.

Berniege is convinced by the mix of amazement and confusion.

Marcella, until now, apparently didn't know the lines to connect with herself.

"A toast to each other's family health and good luck"

"... wish your family good health and good luck, cheers"

Marcella, in a teasing motion, manages to return her voice.

That appearance overlapped a son who was nervous the day he first wore knightly clothes.

"Is your family - a breath disaster?

"... Yes"

"Marcella will have a baby next year."

"Well...... I congratulate you on that. Have you decided on a name?

Even under the guise of lack thereof, the voice distorts somewhere and returns to its own ear.

The colored eyes lay down only once, then turned straight to themselves.

"Although I am still troubled because I am a twin. If you're a boy, Bernort, Dino. If you're a woman, try to name her Bertina, Deanna."

"... right"

Behind my throat, something desperate cries with my chest.

There were sons who even lost their carcasses, those who would inherit their lives.

And I didn't know Hisama would name the sound of inheriting 'Bernardi' -!

"Good, that's a name... I hope you're healthy, too"

I could kill the tremor in my voice, but the tremor in my fingers lingers. I put my hands together tight to hide it.

Until then, a man who had diluted his existence turns a sure making smile on himself.

"Dear Drazzi, I know that you are excessive to a knight without our title, but with a similar name, can you please" write your name "for the celebration when the child is born? As far as I can ask, the oldest and most magnificent person is Lady Dorazzi."

"Um, I'm afraid I'm not studying, but what is' name writing '?

"When the baby is born, the elderly of the clan write its name on blank paper and let it touch its hands. It's more like a longing to live longer than that person - I didn't know you wanted that at all."

"No! You can't ask a common man like me to do that..."

Berniege spoke to the man who tried to say no with a hard voice.

"'Marcella,' may I call you that?

"... Yes"

"I don't mind if I say" Berniege. "This is on the brink, too. Non is a bad brush, but he's only old, and his body is stubborn. Let us hope for the health of our children and do our best to write."

"... thank you"

"Oh, yeah. Non and his wife are the same age, can we both write about it?

"... Yes. Thank you very much."

Marcella bowed her head deeply.

I've raised my wife's age by one and taught her, but I'm sure she'll get angry.

"Thank you for your excessive favor. It will be a good encouragement because this person has been distressed lately that he has begun to learn magic. Only a limited number of people teach that earthly magic can be fifteen..."

"Soil magic, fifteen?

"Yes, yesterday, it went from fourteen to fifteen"

Even though it's about Marcella, Jonas explains to herself.

"If you have that much magic, how about getting adopted into a nobleman's house? I'm sure you'll be welcome with your family."

I asked, staring at Marcella, not Jonas.

"No, I... No, I, with my family, want to be a commoner for life."

I think I saw the same colour the day I had the fight with my son.

Even the unrelenting voice is too similar.

I remembered the sawdust and joy at the same time to my grandson, who told me back to myself without cowardice.

"... well, you have a family."

Well raised, and well raised.

That we could see each other alive, that it was a respiratory disaster, that we were allowed to drink together...

I guess I have to be satisfied with that now, while I thought so, I couldn't let go of the two hands I put together.

Then Jonas let Marcella out of the carriage to carry one of the armored crabs (Armor Club).

Apparently, the only way to reunite with my grandson is to negotiate with the man in front of me.

"Marcella is a common man, and I have never learned the seat or magic of a knight before, but I wanted to do it in public as a knight -"

"I don't mind" Bernige "anymore," Jonas ""

"Thank you, Master Berniege. It's a great honor."

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A man who was giving a roundabout explanation like a nobleman only raises his mouth angle and laughs.

There's no stuffiness there, it's like a snake just imitated people's laughter.

Damn, I didn't expect to be rolled over by a young monk this year.

But it's not bad.

"Damn, didn't you stop dying to die until next year's 'name writing'"

Against words, I can't stop smiling.

"Speaking of stories about your death - the woman you're looking for, called 'Marcella', is no longer in the world. Please don't look for any more in the name of our knight."

The laughter vanished into a low, told voice.

Jonas' cuff, which began to glow red, was an anti-bugging magic guide.

A florist woman, named 'Marcella'.

The status of nobility, the position of the knight, the money, the son who wished her to be his wife, even if he abandoned everything.

I disagreed, yelling at him to cool my head, and that day it was a quarrel breakup - the next day, a nine-headed serpent (Hydra) came out along the border.

The Knights' damage was immense and, for a time, tensions with their neighbours increased.

I didn't have time to accept my son's death and ran around to respond.

I want to tell the 'Marcella' that Bernardi thought so much about his son's death and give him even some money, which seemed so after one month.

But there was no sign of her in the flower district.

The information was complicated by the fact that he left, joined others, and went to another country for business.

In the end, there was nothing leading to his or her whereabouts and he or she gave up looking for them in a few months.

More than twenty years since then. The couple lived long enough. The children and grandchildren have nothing to worry about.

I haven't been feeling well since this fall, and I thought it was time to clean up my study drawer and finally the parchment that caught my eye.

It was a report when I looked for 'Marcella'.

I know it's unconscionable, but again, I asked people to look into it.

But there was no information, and even those who had spoken before had forgotten everything.

As if there was no such person per se.

I was so concerned about the unnaturalness that I asked the intelligence department to look for a full 'Marcella'.

Shortly afterwards, an invitation came for this expedition.

"... aye ok. Let's drop this request."

Fully understanding the meaning of unnaturalness, Berniege nods sincerely.

If I had asked intelligence to do this sooner, they might have found Marcella before she was taken in by the Scalfalots, which is unfortunate.

And now the intelligence department has a better face for a man named Gouid than they do for themselves.

I feel what a loss that is too.

"Marcella is a beginner about magic and is just getting started. If you have the opportunity to be with us, I'd like one of our advice."

"Fine. Let's take a look at the fold."

I don't care what reason this place is, I just want to go to the Scalfalot family.

How much treasure rots, such as there are roughly fourteen or five that have never been educated in magic before?

It's too much waste, I'm just pissed off.

More from a young child, magic control and advanced earthly magic, no, from the handling of the desired weaponry to the Knightly Warfare, this is what I taught myself.

"At the end of the story. The magic of the Marcella child was thought to exceed eleven in earthly magic at the birth stage, so it's hard and hard to find a teacher to teach magic control from now on..."

Instead of saying this to the dude's playy tone, I held my breath on its content.

"Soil magic exceeds eleven? Marcella's fine man is a common man, isn't he? You don't have any health problems?

"There is a special magic guide and it is going well for both mother and child. But if you were born, you'd probably be a remarkable talent. Marcella says she's not willing to put it up for adoption no matter what, and we're granting her asylum at home, but this' people search '- a little, it might go up her mouth"

Information that the Scalfalotto family erased because they wanted Marcella to be a commoner.

I'm afraid you might have leaked it because you followed it in the intelligence department. So give me a hand protecting my own grandson and great-grandson - they are creeping in polite language, but the contents are close to such an order.

It would also be woven that Berniege would not refuse.

And I don't think that the Scalfalotto family will allow Marcella to shelter and interact with herself in good faith alone.

"What do you want, Non?

Berniege asked single-handedly.

"As a former deputy captain of the Demon Crusade Unit, I would like to ask Master Bernige to become a member of the Scalfalot family and the weapons development department. The development of weapons is carried out in a separate residence, so if you could set up a place to talk to the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce when you need it."

"Fine. The weapons used in the squad are important. Let's work together as best we can."

Then I can help with factional differences without any problems. I can also reason to go to the Scalfalotto family.

What a good reason and position you have prepared.

"... and a rare gift."

A grandson with a talent very similar to his son.

And a great-grandson with a talent all overflowing.

I want to name the surname 'Dorazzi' if I can, and protect it in this reachable place.

That's not the time I have left. There is a mountain to teach.

So I wanted to try my greed.

"The knight and his family, are you willing to give way to our home? Turn the price around."

"I can't give you away. Above all, he doesn't want it."

I find myself a little annoyed by the man who said it without a patrol.

As for my son, I wonder if my grandson will not be able to protect him, and his temptation has led me astray from my mouth.

"What if Non says he'll pull it off with force?

"There is an anti- (oh). Marcella is our knight."

To each other's frozen voices, the illusion that the air around them became ice and cracked.

Moment after moment, Berniege had his hands on the dagger on his left side, the pattern.

The right eye, red and black pupils, of a man who held the back of his own hand with three fingers, rips vertically.

"... excuse me"

Jonas the Demon - so much so that he perceived him as a demon in an intimidating multiplication. My body was moving unconsciously.

"No, I've seen something ugly."

Then the pupil returned, with its original roundness. He said he was about to be attacked, but he didn't have any anger or surprise.

But this one feels sorry with a sense of defeat.

"Jonas, to apologize, is there anything you want?

"Then ask Master Gouid..."

"Non is asking what you want, Jonas Goodwin."

Calling it by its full name, the rusty gaze shifted diagonally down.

Only five seconds after that.

I have a slightly unpleasant feeling about thin lips that have a U-shape.

"If you can, would you like to speak first at the Royal Castle on the day Lord Gouid becomes Marquis? This one will take care of you, so I was hoping you could call me 'Goood' in the future."

A newcomer to the throne greets generations of the Duke's house first. I often told you to speak up about it first.

Besides, I'm close enough to call my name 'Goood', and yes, I want you to know all around me.

Though I've hidden, it's going to be a slightly higher payment for my factionally different self.

But this man, no, the gouad who stands behind this, indisputably, gives himself more than that.

"Fine, Jonas. Let Noh speak first. And let's congratulate Gouid on his inauguration of the Marquis."

"Thank you, Master Berniege"

There is an unexpected delight in rusty eyes.

I felt like I'd never seen this man laugh from the heart.

Then he promises to be called to a separate residence and leaves the carriage.

He was deeply thanked by Marcella, who had refrained from doing so outside, and just nodded back deeply.

Under the night sky, a sigh spills as he walks toward the mansion.

If I could, I would have taken Marcella back like that and let her see my wife and son.

Even if I want to call every family on hand, I still think about it.

My grandson is alive, I'm just happy with his presence, this is it right after he thinks so.

Until the other day, I should have thought it was time to clean up my life.

That turned into a clingy desire to live a long day.

I just have to laugh at my change and the depth of my desire.

But it's called Marcella, it's called a subordinate who was able to, it's called the intelligence department, it's called the expedition, it's called the connection to the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, and a man named Gouid Scalfalotto doesn't fit in at all in the Count or elsewhere.

Is it not equal to the Marquis (of which), by the way?

Should I rather encourage my son to worry about being overtaken?

No, it might be better to cross the faction and tie the edge (eh) for the Dorazzi family.

Tonight, talking to his wife is like a mountain - Berniege tried to speed up his walk with a sudden (let it be) feeling, and his prosthetic leg shifted.

The escort knight rushed to support him, but regained his posture with his wand and temper.

To get to the Scalfalotto family apartment, you'll have to be a little more decent.

What should hand and souvenir be, what should the outfit be, about the weapons of the Demon Crusade Squad, and an explanation to the faction. Besides, I don't know how far I can go, but I need to work out an education plan for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren - there are mountains to think about.

But that's not all there is to it.

I can't let my bad habit writing be held in the hands of my great-grandson in the future.

I'm a twin, and I want to avoid that one of my brothers is poorly written.

I also want to avoid letting my wife write two sheets.

I definitely want to write one with this hand and give it to you.

There's nothing you can do about a pen about a sword or a bow that you can do to some extent.

"We need to practice writing...!

Tomorrow, the study will be your battlefield.

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