Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 253: 253 252. Celebrating with friends

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"Congratulations, Darya, baron decision!

"Thank you, Wolf"

In the evening, as promised, Wolfe came to the tower.

It's a lovely bouquet of flowers they gave me when I came in.

The roses graded from the central pink to the outer white smelled very good.

When she thanked her and received it, Wolfe went back to the carriage again.

Shortly after ascertaining what he had gone to do, he brought a black liquor bottle and a three-step flat crate.

"This, Celebrating Alcohol and Cuisine"

The black liquor bottle is smaller than the wine bottle and I don't know what's in it.

However, the golden label is a streamlined letter of "joy." Maybe it's alcohol for celebration.

It was time for the two of us to go upstairs and decide it was dinner.

The three-stage crate placed on the hot seating table is similar to the heavy crate of the previous life.

When I opened the glossy wood lid, it contained colorful dishes.

The first step consists of sautéed duck meat and roasted shrimp with vanilla, fried red and white fish teased.

The second step is Terrine with colorful vegetables, and a salad of elaborate decorative chopped vegetables and edible flowers.

The third step is a lot of mini cupcakes. The flowers, the butterflies, the kittens, the puppies and the sugar workmanship on the cupcakes are brilliant, so much so that I want to keep them decorated.


"Dr. Jonas let me know who the house is and my brother told me to take this booze... I'm sorry I didn't do anything"

Darya shakes her neck sideways to Wolf, who unfortunately speaks of it, something she would have left unknown if she hadn't told me.

"I'm with you because I got it from Wolf's house. And you brought it to celebrate, so thanks to Wolfe. I also got beautiful flowers, and I'm very happy."

That reminds me of the deep pot in the kitchen.

What I was preparing today was a stew for ordinary people with a lot of vegetables. For once, I use beef, but what I put in it is the affordable neck (neck) part, which is a bit stiff.

I heard Wolfe has some workouts today, so she has good fat and dark taste eyes.

I doubt this dish, which would taste fancy and delicate, would go well with it.

"Darya, what's wrong?

"I was making a vegetable stew, but I was thinking if it would go with this one. Well, the stew meat is hard and common..."

"If I can be selfish, I'd rather have that stew"

Wolfe ran out of words.

Morning and evening are cold seasons. I guess a warm stew would be better for Wolfe, who has traveled by horse to the tower.

"Good. Then I'll give you a stew, too."

As I tried to make my way to the kitchen, the bell at the gate rang.

Looking down through the window, there is a carriage parked in front of the gate with a distinctive grey silver ornament in black.

I had a letter, a gift, or in either case, a sender's anticipation.

"I'm going because I think it's a delivery"

"I'm coming, too. It has to be heavy, for once."

"That would help. I'd also like you to help me think about the letter of thanks later, if possible."

"Darya, do you already know the sender?

"... that carriage, I'm sure it's Master Zildo"

"Dear Jild..."

I think Wolfe narrows her golden eyes and wrinkles thinly between her eyebrows.

I'm sure I look the same right now.

Give thanks to those who come to deliver, pick up your bags and go back upstairs.

As expected, the carriage belonged to Zildo's house.

What was unexpected was that the sender of the letter was a combination of Zildo and Grato.

The letter spelled out gratitude for his contribution to the Demon Crusade Force, as well as to the Royal Castle, along with words of celebration to the episcopate.

The gift was a sumptuous bouquet of red and white flowers combined with a crystal vase that seemed just right for it.

The other two boxes each contained sugar stains of tea leaves and dried fruit.

Dalya looks emotionally at the note lined up by two names as worrying later about the reply and return of the thank-you note.

"Lady Grate and Lady Zildo, you've really been reconciled"

"Oh, sometimes when we go to the captain's office, we're having tea together."


Jildo's brother, who was a demon crusader, died after falling horse on his way home from the expedition.

The cause, he said, was malnutrition and anaemia caused by meals during the expedition.

Then the relationship, which had long been turned down, seems to have finally been repaired. I'm so glad.

What I think with that is still the importance of eating during the expedition.

Use your strength to travel and fight. I just want nutrition to be unbiased and firm.

With that in mind, I arranged Wolfe's plug and stew on the warm seating table in the living room.

We were both hungry, so from there it was a conversation while eating.

Wolfe mainly eats stew and Dahlia eats around the plug in.

When I finished eating the whole thing, I asked what I cared about earlier.

"Wolfe, do you have anything to worry about in your diet during your expedition? I'm prone to anaemia or I don't have enough of these things..."

"Anemia isn't because there's more meat, but I wonder if there's a shortage of vegetables... but I've had an expedition stove lately, so I'm adding a little more dried vegetables to my soup. I take apples and pears with me in winter, so I eat them with horses."

"Your mouth doesn't get rough during the expedition?

"Common. And the 'street'...... no, sorry, forget it!

"No, because I think it's important in health care!

Follow me diligently.

Seriously, it would still be because of the lack of vegetables. That's why it's easy to have stomatitis and constipation.

Wolfe's story reminded me that something just right was in the fridge.

Darya gets up quickly and gets it.

"Uh, this might work for rough mouths, etc."

What I took from the fridge was a green liquid.

It is one of ordinary women's beauty laws, "Green Vegetable Juice".

Close to 'blue juice' if you say so in your previous life.

Green vegetables such as pine nuts are quite common in this world, although the typical of green juice, kale, is unfortunately not to be seen.

It's a blue-centric juice, like pine nuts and the green part of lettuce. Sometimes with extra carrots and tomatoes, or apples and honey for easy drinking.

"I've taken up time, so the colors aren't good..."

I made more in the morning and left it frozen, so it's cloudy dark green.

I poured it on the glass, and Wolfe has a very skeptical eye.

"Darya...... this green object is what liquefied the green slime?

"No, 'green vegetable juice'. It's chopped vegetables."

Why do you have to drink green slime?

An eight-legged horse (Slapenil) might be happy, but we'd have burns on our mouths before the taste.

"Vegetables, chopped..."

There is a Wolf who stared at the glass and still has an unconvincing look (kao).

Making green vegetable juice is a magic guide named 'Ingredient Chopper'.

It is a mechanism similar to that of mixers and choppers in previous life, where three to eight blades are turned with the demonic stone of the wind, on the bottom or sides of containers like large cups or buckets.

Depending on the size and blade, many things can be finely cut or crushed.

Father, it is a magic guide made by Carlo.

Originally they coarsely chopped vegetables and meat for a friend's stall.

To myself, who was impressed that I must have made it to help my friends, whether my father, who replied 'I had a knuckle', should say honest or not.

Various sizes and blade shapes, but all names are 'ingredient choppers'

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Subsequent improvements are registered in medium, small, and extremely small sizes of ingredient choppers.

'I made clarity a top priority, and it wasn't hard to think about it because of it,' he also said.

The taste of my name seems to be my father's concession.

"If you like, give it a try"

"... yeah"

Wolfe's expression is changing from suspicious to distressing.

I guess I should drink first here to get rid of his anxiety.

Darya took a glass and drank it in one breath.

A little blue odor, but not so strong thanks to the apple. Sometimes it's cold a lot and it tastes pretty good.

When I finished drinking and looked across the street, Wolfe was holding the glass tight with both hands and was starting to drink it coddly. Fortunately, it never stops on the way, and I can drink everything as it is.

"That's not bitter. It looks a little green on the aftertaste, but I can drink this normally. I imagined it would taste even better."

"When it comes to bitter and amazing flavors... like how it feels to juice peppers?

"... peppers are ready to eat, thanks to you"

A slight shank of voice and a slightly pointed mouth look like a child.

Some time after we met, Wolfe wasn't a good pepper.

I remember claiming 'Pepper hates me' and I'm about to laugh.

Darya changed the subject as she revealed herself.

"I thought if I froze this' green vegetable juice 'one meal at a time, I could drink it on an expedition. One glass of half a bowl of green vegetables, so I think it will eliminate the lack of vegetables."

"I see, this seems like a good idea! If you put one ice demon stone in the box, I'll keep it for a few days. If you exchange Demon Stone regularly, you'll be fine. Thanks to the expedition stove, I can also sauté weeds and mushrooms, but in winter I get fewer collections. You might feel better with this."

"Then you'll take the recipe the next time you go to the royal castle"

"Thank you, Darya"

This winter, the lack of vegetables in the Demon Crusade Squad may be eliminated a little.

It's a long way from a magic guide, but I'd be happy to feel any better during the expedition.

"Well, I've finished my meal, and here's to you again."

Wolf opened it with a black liquor bottle.

The glass was poured with clear eastern liquor.

When watered down to the Magic Guide lamp, the liquor glows hard by the way.


"This is the first liquor that came in from the Higashi no Kuniku (Azuma-kuro). It's real gold powder, my brother says it's often served at weddings."

"It's a celebratory drink, right?"

"That's a perfect fit. Well, here's to Darya's baron decision!

"Uh, I'll try not to be ashamed of the title, cheers!

When I paired the glass with the cuttlefish, I swam through the liquor like a fine golden color was alive.

Carry it gently into your mouth before it stops.

As much as room temperature, the eastern liquor (azuke) tasted unconventional and honest.

The aroma is also mild, the refreshing taste is not cloudy and falls straight down my throat.

When I finished sipping and exhaled, I felt a fluffy sweet fragrance.

It is the white plum flower that comes to mind following my memory. What a strange combination.

"What kind of booze is that? After drinking it, it smells like flowers..."

"Sounds like plum, I don't know how you make it"

Along with the golden glow, I tasted the sweet and strange liquor for a while.

"Darya, can I ask you what you have planned for tomorrow? 'Cause I got the day off."

"In the morning I'm going to Ilma's to ask Lucia and the others for something to celebrate. I'm in class this afternoon at Dr. Osvaldo's. Do you want to come with us in the morning?

"Oh, because I want to celebrate Marcella, too. In the afternoon - Marcella escorts?

"No, because Mr. Marcella is the day to take Irma to the temple. Ivano also has delivery, so I'm alone. But at Dr. Osvaldo's, there's Lady Hermelinda in the next room, and the class is often Raul, no, Raul Elle."

Since Osvaldo is a married nobleman and he is a single woman, he is asked to take into account such considerations as placing people in the next room.

It's called Jonas today, and nobility is quite easy.

"Raoul elle,?

Because of his unfamiliar name, Wolfe has asked me to parrot back.

"This is Dr. Osvaldo's son. Sometimes, because we take classes together. He just got into high school, but he's very good at it."

"It is. If you look at it from Dahlia, your brother's apprentice?

"No, because I am said to be a student, not a disciple of Dr. Osvaldo. Besides, Raul calls me 'Senior Dahliya'... so much magic, and I'm trying not to lose."

Raul is highly magical and has a good idea when imparting magic.

Magic control is still rough shredding, but if you get the delicacy of my father, Osvaldo, you're going to be a great magic conductor.

We have to work hard to avoid being overtaken.

With that in mind, Wolfe added booze to the glass.

"'Baroness Rossetti' next spring, right? Darya caught up with your father."

"Regardless of the title, the magician's arm is still a long way off. But as a consultant to the Demon Crusade Squad, I will try not to be ashamed."

"Darya is still working hard enough. So much so that it could be 'Viscount Rossetti' if it stays like this."

"It's impossible. But if you get a baron, you can just get a little closer to Wolfe."

Still, Wolfe will now be part of the Marquis family, so the actual distance may not change though.

Honestly, I'm relieved it just didn't get any farther.

"Just because my brother becomes Marquis, I'm no different myself. But I'm glad Darya's epistle was quick. Now you can talk to me like Marcella and the others."

That's a promise we made before.

If Darya takes the throne, talking to Wolfe in a shattered tone, like talking to Marcella and the others - a little embarrassing when told to wait for it.

"Um... have you always cared about the tone?

"... no, I don't care that deeply. Thank you, Marcella. I feel further away from Dahlia than the others. I'm sorry to hear that..."

"Wolff's closer, isn't he? He sees you a lot more often."

Why do we have to talk to our friends about distances that are close?

My cheeks are kind of hot.

Dongjiu (Azumazuki) with golden powder may have a high degree of unexpectedness.

"Yes, let's celebrate the title decision! We were too busy to postpone each other, but I'm booking a monster eatable restaurant."

I was relieved by Wolf's suggestion.

I'm also a little interested in using demons as ingredients, not materials.

"Thank you. Looking forward to it."

"Good. And then I want to give you a gift that's gonna be a memorial, you want something?

"Uh... well, buy me a long sword that's not too expensive"

"Long sword? Not dagger?

"I received a copy of the Apocalypse. There was something I wanted to try in there. Long time no see, why not build a demon sword? With my magic, it's not going to be aggressive, it's going to just look like a demon sword."

I can't put in strong magic, so I say no when it's just about appearance and atmosphere.

Still, a very glittering pair of gold turned out for me.

"Sure! I'd like to go buy a nice sword for the grant right now, but not for long after business hours."

Wolfe, whose voice is out of punctuation, is very funny.

He doesn't seem to think they'll notice because it's across the street from the hot seat table, but under the duvet, I can see it glistening.

From now on, it is a mystery as to what is going on that day.

But seeing him like that doesn't discourage Dahlia from standing up.

"We've been bothering Master Gouid lately, so this time it's just in the tower, you better keep it to yourself"

"Right. It's just the two of us."

Like a kid promising a prank, they smiled at each other a little badly.

On the same day, there were people who had already taken stomach medication due to each circumstance, but this is a story that cannot come to mind between these two people.

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