Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 259: 259 258. Brother and Demon Sword Try

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It was some time after dinner that Wolf returned to his mansion and made a promise to his brother.

Waiting restlessly in your own room, the sound of a regular knock sounds.

Upon acknowledgment of his entry, Gouad, followed by Jonas, came in.

"Wolfe, the letter said that I had injured myself, but Osvaldo sent me an apology letter to the house saying 'I bothered Wolfe' and an item of sympathy. Are you sure you're not hurt?

"Yes, I'm fine. Actually..."

I sat at the table in a chair and reported back at the Zora family (Tenmama).

Gouid, who had occasionally nodded and listened, looks back to Jonas, who stood.

"Give me something to drink. It doesn't matter what Jonas likes."


When Jonas left the room, his brother turned to himself.

"Was it the Third Lady, Lord Hermelinda, who caused the injury? If Osvaldo has allowed the rendezvous and wishes from her, then nothing is wrong - that's what I'm trying to say, but he's the one I need to be a little bit careful with."

"Sure, you were strong"

"I guess. Former advanced adventurer, Magic XIV, excellent physical enhancement, wind magic user for combat. There are still a lot of voices out there who want to welcome you back to the clan and your men and to the adventurers."


Unexpectedly, I listen back to the high magic figures.

But if I recall the battle, physical strengthening and magic were certainly brilliant.

"Most of all, even out of the common people, he is now the adopted daughter of the Viscount, the famous Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and the wife of the Baron. You can't stand up and pull it out."

"I didn't know that."

"Lord Hermelinda has become the adopted daughter of the First Lady's home. And the Second Lady. Osvaldo is in the form of welcoming three people from the same house as his wife. The" alliance "between the houses."

The word 'Alliance' is unfamiliar and Wolfe tilts his neck slightly.

It would be normal for a political marriage to have the daughters of the clan married. Even if we make Ermelinda or the Second Lady noble adoptive daughters, nothing has to be the First Lady's home - it doesn't seem like it to me.

"Well, you were unfamiliar with these things..."

Gooed looked at me like I was looking at a child and I felt something just a little rough.

"I guess the First Lady's home anticipates Osvaldo's financial strength and talent, and Osvaldo is around the connections about the nobility of the First Lady's house. They say there are no heirs at the First Lady's home, and Osvaldo's second son has decided to be adopted. You can think of it as one 'house' in two houses at the earliest."

"Why, like that?

"It's decided to protect the house."

It was returned strangely, and the two sentences could no longer be inherited.

I've never thought about it at all, such as having to protect my house in that way.

And I'm surprised. My brother also wondered if he had married his sister-in-law to protect the house.

But I was hesitant to ask.

"By the way, I heard you visited the Zora family, but what did you give them?

"I sent you potions and flowers"

Fortunately for his brother to change the subject, Wolfe answers with his voice in order.

"Right. One of the things I'd like to ask you is, what flower did you pick?

"Uh, definitely a flower called 'Nerine'. I put some colors together and sent them to you in a box."

"Send flowers to those who hurt me." I asked the clerk and didn't think deeply about it later.

My brother's blue eyes narrow strangely and quietly towards me.

Moments, I understood.

I made fun of myself.

"... you're going to get in a bad mood for a blizzard (Tormenta)"

"What is Heavy Snowstorm (Tormenta)?

"They say it's two Osvaldo names. My father told me when I came. Now's the time. Yeah, but he was pretty gorgeous when he was younger."

Isn't it gorgeous enough now, or I'll call it a stop. I have to see what flowers mean more than that.

I've read quite a few books on aristocratic manners lately, but there was no 'nelline' on the flower page, and I didn't know the flower language.

"Wolff, the Nerine flower word is' I look forward to seeing you again '."

Unexpectedly stop moving to Gouid, who tells him as if he has seen himself through.

"Nerine is a flower from a neighboring country and is still unusual. I also found out that a colleague of mine from the Magic Brigade had an appointment. By the way, it also means' happy memories', so in neighbouring countries you often give them after the meeting? However, if you give flowers like that in a few colors, they can't even be taken as' meaning overlays' for flower words. And boxing can also mean wanting to deliver it to the person without anyone else knowing it."


I couldn't stop it, and there was a terrible, pitiful sound.

"Happy memories, looking forward to seeing you again" - isn't it like a love sentence?

To a headache that gets worse all at once, Wolfe unwittingly holds his temples down.

"I'd like to hope they don't notice, but the First Lady's home is famous for its garden-held flowers. If they say thank you for the flowers, say, 'I hoped to send you the most beautiful flowers in the florist right now.'"

"... Yes"

"And give it to the house, and to Lord Rossetti tomorrow. In a bigger box. 'I gave it to her too because it was a beautiful flower' would be a better excuse"


It's a better excuse, right? Wolfe mechanically nods to his brother's suggestion, even as it becomes distant.

Just there, the knock sounded.

"I'm back. It's a little cold, so I brought you a hot water split for distilled liquor."

It contains a bottle of distilled liquor, hot water, and a pompous glass on a wagon pressed by Jonas. At the bottom of a step, there were thinly sliced lemons, crackers on the cheese, etc.

"Jonas, sit down and drink too. Wouldn't mind, Wolf?

"Of course it is. Dr. Jonas, I'll make you a hot water split, so go to your chair."

"No, for Wolff to make it."

"I hope I don't deprive my brother of a valuable opportunity to make some hot water. Oh, speaking of which, you're losing Jonas' liquor this year. By this time of the year, when I was drinking hot water splitting and raising my temperature, it was a good idea."

"Dear Mr. Gouid,"

To a sort of exposed story, Jonas makes a low voice.

But when I was silently smiled back by the immobile gooed, I sat in the chair looking like I had no choice.

Wolfe gets up instead and starts making hot water cracks.

The gouade was diluted with distilled liquor and lemon, Jonas and himself remained intact with dark eyes, and the dishes (small) were arranged on the table.

"Thank you so much for Lord Rossetti's portable air heater. You should buy extra just in case it breaks down"

"There is already. For when it breaks, and because Dr. Dalya has given me a spare."

"What a caring young lady - no, you're a magician."

I'm kind of glad my brother called me Darya that way.

The three of us toasted the hot water split with white hot air in front of them.

"Jonas, deliver one big box of ice demon stones to the Zora family tomorrow. I'll write the cover letter tomorrow."


"Brother, I'll come myself. I'm sorry to trouble you, Dr. Jonas."

"Wolfe, you don't know how they're gonna follow you, do you? Instead, you'll be my escort and I'll have you come with me to the Imperial Castle tomorrow morning."

"Best wishes for your escort, Master Wolf."

Jonas took it without asking me how. It's a little painful.

"Okay. Thank you, Dr. Jonas."

Returning the words to him, that rusty gaze pointed towards the wall.

"Master Wolfe, if you'll excuse me, do you have any swords over there to grant you?

"Do you understand?

"Yes, it's about as light as fire magic."

Jonas apparently noticed the Red Lotus Devil's Sword. It may also be due to the granting of that urchin.

"It's a safe demon sword just glowing, made by Darya. I was going to report back to you."

"A safe demon sword?

"You're not going to get more aggressive or jeopardize who you use, are you?

My brother and teacher ask me back at the same time, and I laugh.

"I won't. The sword just glows brightly with the demonic stone of fire. Darya said it was a" sword-shaped indoor lamp. "

I've been getting permission from Darya, and I was actually going to show it to her and report it honestly.

This time we've been discussing that my brother and Jonas will be able to see it in peace.

"I just granted Dr. Jonas a urchin in relation to fire magic... sorry if I offended you"

"No, I wish I could have used it."

Wolfe relieves herself, lifting the sword she had put to sleep on the wall, on her desk.

And slowly pulled the sword out of the sheath (saya) in the center of the room.

On a blade of gray silver (if you do), on a red line that runs fine like a leaf vein, the gold is glowing everywhere.

Pulling the red chamber (fuzz) under the pattern (eh), the flame flows loosely over the line and toward the end of the sword.

A sword depicting gradients from yellow to red illuminated the room brightly.

"This is a beautiful body..."

"It's a beautiful shade......"

Satisfied with two exclamations, Wolfe smiles.

"" The Devil's Sword of the Red Lotus ". It's not suitable for combat because it just glows like this"

"Sounds pretty good with Red Lotus. With this sword, you can just watch the flame. It's going to be a good drink dish."

They say they are very much in line with my brother's taste in cooking.

After enjoying the flame for a while, I gently put it out.

"Dear Wolfe, will you be brighter that way?

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Jonas stands up and asks Wolf.

"You might be able to do it if you add more demon stones. I was wondering if there was a way for someone with the magic of fire to get in."

Darya said that Carlo's book of magic had an explanation to gradient the colour of the flames and applied it. Originally, they say it's a magic lantern technology.

Most importantly, such a grant does not circulate first because the unit price is thought up, and if it is a lantern, the color vitreous (wasabi) is more colorful and cheaper.

Apparently, a magic guide doesn't mean that if you have good technology, you can make money.

"Dear Wolfe, there...... if you don't mind, could I borrow it for once?

I tend to hesitate to say Jonas, but I see with my eyes that I'm interested. It may also be due to my urchin being granted.

"Go ahead, Dr. Jonas"

Wolf, once he put his sword back in his sheath, gave it to Jonas to distance himself.

"Now, if you'll excuse me..."

The sword pulled out of the sheath and the chamber, the tipped flame only slightly longer.

Whether Jonas' magic flowed or reacted to the owner of the urchin, it is quite fantastic that the red flame stretches thinly and loosely.

Don't tell me it also looks like a demonic red tongue.

"If you shed the magic of fire, the flames will grow even more."

"Can I flush it a little?

"Go ahead, Dr. Jonas"

The sword itself is sturdy, both long and thick, used in the Demon Crusade Squad.

Sometimes they kill demons that use fire magic, so they have a lot of durability to fire.

Darya said there's still room in the magic circuit as well.

Jonas turns his sword diagonally upwards.

Returning his right hand slightly in front, the flame stretched out of his sword.

The flaming lines that are likely to reach the ceiling illuminate the room red.


To the call of Gouad, Jonas lowered the sword pattern (eh) to the floor.

At the next moment, white ice appears surrounding the sword, and the fire goes out. The sword became icy and rolled on the deck and on the floor.

"Aren't you burned, Dr. Jonas?!

"Sorry! Too much magic."

"No, I didn't feel so much of a swing of magic. Besides, Jonas would have put it in 'lightly', wouldn't he?

"Yes, but I've never used this one, so I thought I'd added or subtracted it wrong -"

Rusty eyes lie down sorry.

On the carpet, the ice starts to melt and get wet. The Red Lotus Devil's Sword in its center remains rolling as if nothing had happened.

Luckily, there are no extensions in the room.

"I'll have the mansion clear the floor now."

"Do that. Well, shall we take this and go behind our backs"

Gouid stood up and gently stroked the Devil's Sword, still wrapped in ice.

"Brother, what?

"There's no way the Scalfalot Martial Arts Workshop can get this done, is there? Let's check the correct performance of the Red Lotus Devil's Sword."

Upon exiting behind the mansion, Gouid called two magicians to wait.

In case it's for cure and water magic, what a restless place the potion is in the box.

This is a large area that we also use for training.

There's a distance to the mansion, so I don't think I'll have to worry about extending it. Fortunately, there's little wind tonight either.

The magic lantern's lights were weakly illuminating the area.

"Now, Jonas, gradually strengthen your magic. Please don't burn me."

"Okay. Dear Wolfe, may I borrow it?"

"Go ahead."

I find myself slightly uncomfortable with Jonas, who puts in a no every time he touches the Devil's Sword.

But when he lay down his sword with both hands, his gaze was drawn.

The dark garden of night, the sword shining with his magic, is much more beautiful than in the room.

Oranges that flutter from yellow, close to gold, and only red flames color themselves.

Every time Jonas rocked the tip of his sword, the flames grew one step at a time.

In the end, Jonas breathes heavily.

Once the extinguished flame, a few seconds after I still had that light in my eyes, the buckwheat and dark magic danced through the universe.


Which one of the wizards shouted?

Wolfe didn't even have a sword, but he stood there by accident.

A colorful red flame stretched long from the sword, dyeing and blooming his sight as if it were a giant lotus flower.

My cheeks are hot, even though I have some distance. I can't restore my strength to a strong swing of magic.

As Jonas raised his mouth slightly, the length of the flame grew even further.

I can only be surprised by the flaming flowers that would easily cover my own room I was in earlier.

But no matter how different the direction of the flame is, Jonas isn't hot - when he got so worried, his brother stepped forward.


My brother called me. He swings through his sword and disperses the flames of his sword.

They also stopped the magic, and the fire went out quickly.

But in the darkness, its fullness still glows red in the heat.

As the darkness felt darkened, one of the demon conductors maximized the light of the small demon conductor lantern.

"I see you're just granting Jonas."

"That's right, I'm Dr. Jonas..."

"Master Wolf, this is an amazing sword, not my power. Dear Mr. Gouid, may I protest with regard to the way you say it?

Having smiled uncommonly and softly, he still holds a full red demon sword.

"Jonas, I know it's fun, but get your hands off the Devil's Sword, it's an order"

"... Yes"

Jonas put the Devil's Sword at his feet a little unfortunately.

There is a loud noise and the hot air rises from the ground.

His right hand looked the same as usual, but the smoke was rising thinly from its cuffs.

A few degrees to keep it from burning up, it goes from the cuff to the elbow and the cloth rips into a meltdown. They still had a pretty strong fever.

"Check for burns and get dressed. You might want to add heat resistance to your next clothes."

"I'm sorry. With…"

"I don't mind. Hopefully he'll be there before he starts firing."

Jonas followed Gouad's words and left early toward the Mansion.

On the ground, Gouid softly picks up the Red Lotus Devil's Sword, which has finally disappeared in redness.

And when I magically let the water out of my right hand, I washed away the mud and sand.

"Is this the sword used by the Demon Crusade Squad? That's pretty heavy. Because Lord Rossetti gave it to you, that doesn't mean it weighs this much, does it?

"Yes, very little different from the original weight"

My brother set up the Devil's Sword in a flowing motion.

When I was a child, I was remembered for having worked out with my mother, and Wolfe watched over my brother.

The sound of slashing the air with a bare gesture is surprisingly sharp. I'm a senior demon mentor, but I guess I also continue to train swords, I could be so sure.

When Gouad wears the mud off his sword several times, he turns his blade tip to the ground and regains the pattern.

"You should wipe and visualize it once and then put it in the sheath."

"Yes, because I'll do that"

When I received the Devil's Sword from my brother and tried to get a distance, I was stopped with my eyes.

"Wolf, while Jonas is gone, I have one wish"

"What is it, brother?

"I want you to ask Lord Rossetti. Prepare another sword, so I was wondering if you could make something secret that would match Jonas' urchin. I don't mind just making it. Of course. Payment's off."

"What do you do with that sword?

"I want to give it to Jonas as a celebration of the epistle. You seem to like it a lot, because I'm the one who got the sword. I don't think it's a very pleasant story for you..."

The wish in Jonas' absence, I was convinced of its contents.

I'm not saying I don't feel like just a little scratching, but it's probably the best gift for Jonas' epistle.

Most importantly, if Jonas had a demon sword like that earlier, he would be invincible as an escort to his brother.

Honestly, I'm more worried about the extensions and clothes around me.

"No, I'm fine. Ask Darya to come. If it's difficult to produce, I'll just try to make it."

"Okay, please."

The answered gouad deflects his gaze.

Staring at the black burnt ground with the Devil's Sword.

Put your hand on your jaw (chin) and care about how seriously you think about it, Wolfe asks.

"Brother, what's wrong?

"No, think the Devil's Sword is pretty good too...... if you get the Icy Dragon (Ice Dragon) urchin," The Devil's Sword of the Ice Lotus (Hiren) "etc, is something you can't make?

It was a day when I often felt a blood connection to my brother, who asks intrigued.

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