Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 283: 283 282. The Ice Crystal Pattern Gift

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"I can't believe I'm having muscle pain..."

Dalya laughs bitterly as she goes down the tower stairs.

Yesterday, when I taught dance at Viscount Jeddah's mansion, I added it to my memory and worked hard to keep my temper up to see if my waist surplus would drop at all.

And this morning, I tried to get out of bed and hardened myself to a sore ankle.

I also tried re-applying the Unicorn pendant to make sure it touches my skin, but the discomfort doesn't go away.

The fangs of the rocky mountain snake (Craggy Snake) on the back paralyze the pain for a certain amount of time, but it runs out.

I was more concerned about the movement becoming unnatural than dull pain and took pain meds after thinking about it.

I'm going to go to Wolfe's mansion today and practice my dance.

I don't want to worry about him.

By the time Wolf picks you up, there's still time.

Darya gently opened the silver box on the work table.

What's inside is a straight, short stick of ivory color - trial and error here, with a tight line of short canes (staff) from the Merlin Horse (Kelpie).

Lifting one of them had a slight weight.

Maybe twice as many bones as an empty bat (Skybat) or maybe a difference in bone density.

A dozen short canes (staff), arrived under the personal name of Leone, not the head of the commercial guild.

In addition to that, there is one design reference for the short wand (staff) circuit, four reference blueprints and specifications, and one note on the bone of the sailor horse (Kelpy).

When I offered to make these payments, Leone told me 'I'm in the quote'.

The fee for granting magic to swords and sceptres (staff) is four gold coins.

That was the right thing to do, and I don't think it was expensive.

I asked Gabriella to lower it to a single gold coin on the condition that I ask her to accompany me during the epic - but I just think she was distracted.

When I talked to Ivano, he smiled and said, 'Master Leone is not a loser, so you don't have to worry about it'.

I can't do anything right now, so I just want to take a look at the opportunity to give it back.

"Hmm, I knew you didn't have enough surface area..."

Short canes (staff) are surprisingly short and only slightly oval when held.

Magically hits the magic guide circuit on its surface and uses the Ice Demon Stone to impart Ice Magic.

As a magically assisted short wand (staff), there are two functions you aim for.

The fact that ice crystals and grains can be put out and can be used in the blind eye.

And you can use the ice as thin as a dagger for aggressive intimidation and defense.

As a result of trials and errors, the magic conductor circuit itself could be designed, but lacks surface area.

If you sharpen the second feature, you go in, but I want to make sure it leads to some safety for the gooed.

I don't know how to put more than twice as many circuits in, or sharpen them.

As I turned my thoughts around, the sound of a knock sounded.

"Hello, Darya"

"Welcome...... Wolfe"

My eyes nailed to his figure standing outside the door that I hurriedly opened.

I have a cape on my shoulder, but a white silk shirt, black tie, and white gloves on my black swallow tail suit - totally a decent outfit for dancing and looks too good.

He looks like he's going to be called "The Prince".

I'm just supposed to be going to his mansion from now on, but I have a cage (basket) with red flowers.

Is there somewhere to stop along the way?

"Darya, that dress looks great on you. That dress on the same day?

"No, this was borrowed from Gabriella. They say it's practicewear."

Ivory's dress was given to me to use until the end of the episcopal dance practice.

I have lace around my neck and hem and am a little anxious that it might be too cute for me.

"You should go practice right away, right? I'm going to weave my coat right now."

"Darya, are you hurt?

I tried to pick up my coat and was stopped just a few steps ahead.

I forgot, Wolfe has a terrible eye for this sort of thing.

"I didn't, I'm fine"

"You shouldn't have to. If you're not feeling well, let's practice another day."

Tell him why in advance, who seemed so worried.

"I'm really fine. I worked a little hard on dancing yesterday and I had a mild muscle ache. I just took my pain meds, so..."

"Muscle pain? Pretty bad enough to take painkillers, huh?

"No, it's no big deal!

Even as he explains it, Wolfe's facial expressions become more dangerous.

I should have taken painkillers sooner.

"Darya, I know you're a hard worker, but you should stop practicing too much. It's tough if you fall, and it's easy to get laid if you get muscled or something"

"No, it's really just a little bit, I just had a daily lack of exercise..."

In the end, I made Wolf very worried.

Until this spring, I walked fine for about an hour each way. That's all carriage travel now.

From now on, let's go up and down more of the tower stairs and walk in the garden. Let's eat a little less.

He opens his mouth in an attempt to change the subject while deepening his vows several times.

"Um! Wolfe fits today's outfit and it's very nice"

"Thanks...... I'm glad you said that"

Wolfe returned a soldering laugh after rounding her golden eyes.

That smile that I seem really happy with softly falls out of the words I tried to keep going.

When I woke up, I was offered a decorated cage (basket) of red Bougainvillea.

"Darya, once again, congratulations on your unveiling"

"Thank you......"

I trace my memories as I thank you, but the Bougainvillean flower words don't come out.

I feel like it was a flower often given to aristocratic women in the winter - let's check the aristocratic manners book later.

"And I want you to have this."

What was then offered was a little cloth wrap in bright white.

When Darya put the flower cage on the work table, she received it from Wolfe.

When I removed the white cloth, it was a small box of red billoads that showed up.

When I opened the lid carefully, I saw a golden glow.

Small earrings, imitating snow crystals.

The brilliance of gold blinks, and it can be seen at a glance that the slender workmanship was made by a skilled craftsman.

Lifting roughly, he sang small as thin chains attached under the crystal.

I just changed the angle and it glows like an instant (again) and is beautiful enough to sigh.

"Um, what's this?

"If possible, I was hoping you could put this on the reveal"

Wolfe hardens his expression just a little.

What I remember is the family crest of the Scalfalotto family.

That's a crest mimicking water, but the Scalfalots also deal with ice demon stones, so it could be a relationship.

My own noble guardian is Gouid, and one of the guarantors of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce is Wolf.

This kind of luxury product, I need to make sure I never drop it.

"Thank you. It's so beautiful. Take care not to drop it, I'll borrow it."

"No, wait a minute! It's a gift from me to you!

Wolfe denied it to me with all her might, told me it was a gift aloud, and there was a time before I understood.

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"Uh, uh, to me, a gift, is it?

He explains calmly to himself, who separated himself by surprise.

"Last time I went to the commercial guild at the request of Dr. Jonas, I asked Lord Leone for a decorative shop."

"Didn't you buy Wolf's stuff at that store?

"That's, uh, Darya's revelation, and I was hoping to celebrate... oh, I don't have any grant, so I want you to put it on the backstone if you need it"

"Back stone, is it?

Wolfe flips the gold earrings gently over Darya's palm.

"The part that hits my ear straight is black onion."

"Black Onion (Black Onyx) …"

Same color as Wolfe's hair.

It's like an accessory for a lover.

No, calm down, assuming you can't imagine anything strange.

The fact that the area that hits the ear directly (jika) is stone may be anti-metal allergy.

I haven't heard much about metal allergies since I've been in this world, but it's possible that people who don't like accessories do that -

As he was rethinking his thoughts, Wolfe went on to say the words.

"It's a plain color, but they say black onion (black onyx) protects the body and mind from evil things. So I thought it would be your amulet. And light magic can grant it, so it's good to keep the carriage from getting drunk. Of course, if it wasn't Dahlia's preference, I'd change it to another color."

A little quick, a little anxious to say, he must have picked me hard.

Decoration stores are places with lots of women. I might have had a hard time buying this.

"No, the stone stays like this - I'd rather stay like this. Sorry for the mistake. Thank you so much for the beautiful earrings, Wolf."

"You're welcome."

To thank you, Wolfe finally loosened her expression.

As in inverse proportions to it, it adds agility to Darya's movements.

"Uh, I had one too... I just finished it, but I thought it would be better if it was sooner"

Darya lifts the longitudinal demon seal box she had on the shelf. Just a little heavy.

"Previously, Wolfe said it was a sleep deprivation, so it's a 'hypnotic lantern'. Use it if you like."

When I put the box on the work table, Wolfe somehow got a troubled look (kao).

"No, I, uh, made you worry so much - no, I'm sorry for the hassle..."

"Because it's not that difficult. And the wings of the moonlight butterfly are for you. It's hard to fight demons, isn't it? Because I think sometimes tiredness makes me sleep shallower or have bad dreams."

There's something Wolfe said one day. I still dream of my mother's death.

I stopped seeing it lately, but Darya also suffered from a temporary nightmare.

It's a dream that sees itself in the past life when I die.

After that, I couldn't sleep, and I've had my morning as it was.

So besides sleeping better, I made the same hypnotic lantern first and tried, hoping I didn't have to have nightmares.

I haven't had time and haven't put in a pattern or anything, but I slept quite well. I didn't even dream about it.

Hopefully it will work for Wolfe as well.

"I'll explain just a little bit how to use it."

Golden lantern with thin blue round glass.

There are two switches. Normal lights and automatic extinguishment after a sleep effect.

On the surface of the rounded glass, a number of patterns of snow crystals were placed in the urchin of the devil fish (magpie).

When the lamp is turned on, in the light of thin blue, the snow crystals project their shape on the walls and ceilings.

I hope this makes Wolfe feel comfortable sleeping and have a good dream - I don't know all this.

"Try it tonight, even when you sleep"

"Thank you, Darya. Take care of it."

Satisfied with Wolfe's smile, he put the lamp in a demon-sealed box and wrapped it in a large white cloth.

At the end of that cloth, pressed is a small chamber of commerce crest - a silhouette of a black dog, there with red flowers on his back.

It is a two-color stamp because Ivano insisted on two colors, red and black, so hard to stand out.

Note that although I will not explain, there is also a Chamber of Commerce crest on the back of the lantern.

It was only after it was finished that I realized I didn't have to put it in because it wasn't for sale.

"Oh, yeah. Darya, why don't you put your earrings on once?

"Right. I can't put it on well without a mirror..."

I rarely wear earrings, and I'm afraid if this delicate craftsmanship bends.

When I wanted to go get the mirror on the shelf, my white glove fingertips lifted the earrings.

"Can I put it on?

"Uh, please..."

The very unexpected thing about having Wolfe wear earrings is that the mouth hardens the body on the back.

When he came directly beside himself, he put it on me without touching my ears too much.

The behavior was too surprisingly familiar.

"It looks great on you. Not tough?"

"I'm fine, thank you......"

"Good. It used to be my job to fix my mother's earrings on the way out, didn't it? My mother rarely wears it, so when she does it herself, the position is different from left to right, and sometimes she drops it. But Pierce said she didn't like it because she was scared, and I suddenly remembered."

I convinced him to talk naughty. He was a pretty sweet son.

And with all due respect, I feel sympathy for you, Wolfe's mother.

"Another one, too, with..."

Before he could finish saying it, the door was knocked hard three times.

When Darya nods, Wolfe opens the door immediately.

"Excuse me! Dear Volfredo, three degrees from the royal castle, the red light has risen!

"Okay, I'll be right there!

Three times from the royal castle, a red light rises in the sky...

That's a signal for the demon to come out, and the demon crusader waiting in the royal castle is not enough, a convocation so judged.

Rarely. Plus, prepare for the emergence of a large number of demons, or large demons.

A finger nearly devoured my arm, my upper arm, as I held myself.

"Don't worry, Dalya. Probably, Green Wyburn"


"A sighting came out a while ago, and Kirk and his senior are preparing for a blow, and the captain is wearing Wyburn's armor and aiming for a blow with an ash hand (Ashhand). I'm sure I won't make it."

I manage to nod to him, who says very brightly.

But there can't be no turnout.

It must be the role of the Red Armor (Scarlet Armor) to draw in the waiting places of the Bow Knight and Captain Grate, and the Wyburn there.

"Sorry, Darya. Though I intend to return as soon as possible, depending on the demons and circumstances, I may not be able to make it to the reveal. It's your big day."

"I'm fine. Demon Crusade is an important job in protecting people's lives…"

I really want to stop.

I don't care about revelations or anything, I don't want you to go on a dangerous crusade, that's what I think.

But this is Wolfe's job as a Demon Crusader.

Please, nothing, I hope you can come back - I can only pray so.

So Darya just laughs to the fullest and sends him out.

"Please, be careful - go, Wolf"

Laughing back at his words, he says a word and rushes out.

"I'm coming, Dalya!

The back that you drop off is a little farther away.

At the end of the earrings of one ear, a chain of gold rang.

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