Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 286: 286 285. Demon Crusade Trooper's Choice

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"Now you can be assured of those living nearby."

"Right. Wyburn took the bulls and the people."

A sweat-wiped grate nods to the words of the deputy captain, Griselda.

The crew are taking a breather in alternating.

Demons and beasts are commonplace in the Kingdom of Ordine. Though the villagers are not holding hands.

Various with those who become hunters and hunt demons, those who devise traps, and those who make poison bait.

But they're all difficult in Wyburn.

It was supposed to be how well armed an adventurer party or a demon that had to take the Demon Crusade Unit to come together - but this time one person was seriously injured, already recovered, no other damage.

The dismantling of Wyburn proceeded soothingly and handily.

It is now frozen, wrapped in a waterproof cloth, and the carriage loading limit is being tested.

"Don't make it to the Royal Castle budget meeting at this hour... I'll get an extra budget. We have confirmation of the streets' cities and villages, so let's get half the team back first."

That's what I'm telling you, Grate, he's already in his usual armor.

Because the horse is restless in Wyburn's armor.

This time, I've smelled the royal castle Wyburns, so I won't have a choice.

"Wolfe, you should come to the front team, too. You'll be ready too."

"Thank you, Captain. But I want Randolph to rest, so my lord and Dorino will serve."

Randolph's injury has already been treated by a cleric.

But I can't recover until I've bled.

He says he's fine, but his feet are still at stake, so I want to move him in the carriage with the clergyman. Because in case of horse loss or sudden deterioration of condition is possible.

When that happens, the tail guard is the role of Red Armor (Scarlet Armor) himself.

Either way, it's a half-day difference. I'll be in time enough for Darya's revelation.

"I'll take your place. Even this used to be red armor."

It is the senior knight with blue grey hair who has spoken up.

"Senior Astorga can't!

"Nicolas will be back early and ready for the wedding! There's no sun till the Winter Festival."

Wolf and the middle-aged knight raise their voices at the same time.

Others also agreed to nod or hammer.

But the man whose wedding is set for this winter festival - Nicolas Astorga doesn't even smile, he lets his gaze swim diagonally.

"No, there's no such thing as a man's mine. Instead, my mother in both houses is getting serious about getting ready and it's hard to get to the mansion. I don't know which one would look good in a woman's clothes, and I can't tell the same color from a dress..."

"Senior Astorga, maybe I'm the same..."

"A woman brings something a little different, even if she's similar."

"By and large, even if I think hard and recommend it, I don't often choose that way..."

"You guys, if you talk about it in front of a woman, it's gonna end a lot."

The clearly said captain was followed by Griselda, who narrowed Bi's eyes.

"When I think about this, all I have to do is hope, 'Both look good and you can't choose, let me give you one for you'. Your mother will be delighted."

"Boulders, Lieutenant Griselda, ideal solution!

"I can't do it without my wallet being heavy..."

"We're just gonna have to have someone before then..."

A few people laugh bitterly and a few look terribly far away.

Even if we figure out one of the solutions, it seems difficult to implement.

"Nicolas, if you recommend something good and less exposed, you'll be relieved."

"A word with boulders, seniors Alfio and four daughters..."

Dorino crushes with a hard to judge look (kao) whether he's praising or laughing bitterly.

But Nicola nodded and found Alfio with those blue eyes.

"I see, such a choice... and my father over there tells me to tailor all three of my outfits and outfits, but I rarely wear them, so it's a waste - how can I refuse?

"'You don't know', don't say no to that."

Alfio returns a stern voice to the knight who consulted him on how to say no.

"It's the man who stands next to his daughter, the man who will be his son. Lighten up your wallet, but you'll want me to wear something nice. Take it honestly and say thank you. And think about not making them cry, being happy as a family."


The married knight smiled a little, and the single knight, including Wolfe, watched with a tight mouth shut.

Grate, who moved his gaze to look over everyone, hoisted the corner of his mouth.

"Well, I just got some good learning, and the break is over. Get ready to leave. The Royal Castle's Magic Advisors and the Demon Advisors of the Demon Crusade are waiting for Wyburn."

Demon Crusade Squad that took part in this expedition, half of which left with Grate for half a day.

We were to go home with a carriage loaded with just enough Wyburn to load up.

There is no suitable place for camping along the mountain. It was already evening when we took the streets and came to the meadows along the way.

It is to be an early camp today and is scheduled to return to the King's Capital early tomorrow morning.

From here, tomorrow evening or night you will be able to afford to return to the King's Capital.

"At night it's a three-alternation, horse and carriage watch. I don't think so because it smells like Wyburn. First watch, eat first."

Follow Griselda's voice and act divided into each, including those who eat, those who take horses off the carriage and take care of them, and those who set up tents.

Many were quite nervous when they came, but now they had a uniformly relieved look.

The Wolves lay a waterproof cloth on a flat spot and finally lowered their hips.

Then cook the fish dried on the expedition stove, boil the water and make a hot soup.

I called out to my friends as I indulged in the taste.

"Randolph, off the lookout today, I want you to rest"

"It's okay, Wolf. Nothing more."

Answering with dismay, he breathes into the cup. It's a hot wine with honey that builds up white hot air.

They intend to restore health with sweetness everywhere.

"There's nothing you can do, keep those rocks bright red"

"Drino, I'm too worried. I'm fine because I have good honey to nourish."

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"Honey doesn't turn into blood right away!

When Randolph answers at his usual rate, Dorino begins to say it back aloud.

The smiling friend's complexion was whiter than usual, and his stride to the point just a little narrower.

I don't know how to say it properly - when I was thinking about it, Griselda walked up to me.

"Randolph, my people's opinions are what I listen to. Do it if the rest of the crew is as injured as you are today and you can still tell them to 'keep an eye on the night'. Otherwise, eat and rest today."

"... I'm sorry, Lieutenant, I'm off"

Randolph bows his head to the attention of a calm voice.

Wolfe was finally relieved.

At the end of the meal, after checking his armor and sword, he heads to watch.

But around the carriage carrying Wyburn material, there was not even any sign of the beast.

Change places in a certain amount of time to avoid being attacked by drowsiness and talk a little with your neighbor.

That's how the hours of alternation came at night without anything.

I got tired of the boulders today because I walked all the way through these cool distances.

I think I'll get some sleep tonight.


With the horse, some of the good ears turned their faces in the direction of the street.

It also sounds like a screaming horse - how hurried or running away from something?

When you exchange your gaze with Drino, you have a demonic lantern and run to the streets.

"Wow, you okay?!

A foam-blown horse collapsed on the road.

The man who falls forward to be thrown out tries to crawl straight towards us.

The figure is trousers on a jacket suitable for farming.

This season, when it comes to horseback riding at night, there is no thick upper hanging or cape. And there was no luggage.

"Dear knight... help... crumb..."

"I'll get a cleric!

He then rushed to heal the man and the horse and gave them a drink of water.

The man, interrupting his breath, has told me that two red bears (red bears) have emerged in a village that entered the mountains a little from the streets.

Unfortunately, the village, and many of the hunters in the neighbouring village, were out hunting. He says he couldn't get out hunting after Wyburn left and was waiting at home so he went out hunting a little farther from today.

Livestock such as goats and horses are now attacked.

Those who could fight attacked by throwing bows and shovels from the roof, and those who could not fight hid beneath the floors of a sturdy house.

But I don't think I can be tailored with limited weapons.

This man, son of the village chief, stepped out among the bears to call for help.

That's how we went for the city of the streets, forcing the horses to run, in the form we find ourselves in.

Originally, bear demons shouldn't come down from the mountains at this time of year.

Either we lost a sudden territorial battle, or a stronger demon appeared and fled...

Into the corner of sight is the wayburn piled with mountains in the carriage. It fits perfectly at times.

"Let's go right to the village and crusade the Red Bear"

Griselda summarily executed when I heard the story.

Half of the crew immediately starts preparing to move.

Everyone doesn't move at once because of the change of direction of the carriage or the withdrawal of the camp.

Some horses are tired and still slow to move. If we don't feed and rest, we could fall like the horses the villagers rode.

Half of them are forced to do so in healthy order, and then they alternate.

Griselda came next to me as I was tightly re-tying the strings of my combat shoes.

"Volfredo, you'll make it in time for battle. I will keep one horse, so return to the king's capital."

"... no, I'm coming too"

Even if it's not cool, I got lost in one beat.

If you mean it, I want to go straight back to King's Capital.

I want to encourage Darya, who would be nervous at the revelation, next door.

But she told me.

'Because crusading demons is an important task in protecting people's lives'.

Previously, I thought it was the job of the Demon Crusade Squad to defeat demons.

But there was, and will always be, a life that I could protect with this hand of mine - and when I realize it, I cannot return to the King's Capital alone like this.

Sure, with this number of troops, there won't be a problem with the crusade.

But without myself being a red armor (scarlet armor), time could be just a little longer.

In the meantime, someone could die. I could be badly injured.

It's like my mother who lost herself, like my father, who Darya lost, I'm sure - someone's family, someone's loved one.

Then, as a Demon Crusader, it's my job to prevent it.

"If you're going to crusade the Red Bear (Red Bear) at this hour, you're more sure to have a night ahead of you. I'll come."

A strong red bear (Red Bear) who moves fast.

It should be safest to draw attention flashly in the vanguard and launch a simultaneous attack with the rest of the crew.

I want to do as little damage as I can to keep the two of us from eating cooperation.

"Okay. Now get ready."


Wolfe walks out toward the place where the horses are.

Confirm the spare dagger to the nostalgia (two places) and grip it hard only once.

The name I snapped without speaking up never even reached my ear - my steps switched to a rush.

The deputy captain drops off his men's tall and smiles quietly.

"Really, you've become a one-man demon crusader, 'Wolf'"

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