Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 290: 290 289. White Rose and Reveal

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Darya and Bernige, and the escort knight headed for the back of the second floor, in a large room with a sofa on the wall.

When Jildo and his squire came in late, Berniege left the room to get his niece.

Now it's time for the nobility to talk. They tell each other what's going on while eating and drinking.

It was only a little later that Dahlijah, a common man, would go to the hall for revelation.

"You have a little time. It's an unfamiliar place, do you want me to stride for once?


Darya immediately took Zildo's suggestion.

Turn to him and join hands with white gloves on their shoulders and hands.

Then, follow the claps of the squire, take steps to get out of the dance, and confirm the stride.

Zildo matched Darya's stride completely and fixed it brilliantly, even if the turn was too early. Do not support me with arms, but my body does not adhere closely and there is always a certain gap.

A boulder, a noble nobleman. I know you're used to it, but all I'm saying is you're good.

"You look a lot unexpected"

When I left after about a fifth of the stride, Jildo laughed bitterly at me.

Apparently, the admiration and surprise were clearly in my face.

"No, I'm very grateful because I suck...... When did Master Zildo start dancing?

"When I started, when I was willing, was it twelve or three that I could dance properly? I often assisted my wife, who was familiar with me."

Apparently, Zildo and his wife have known each other since childhood.

An aristocratic and child-familiar fiancée - sounds a little romantic.

"He says his dance partner is extinct because he steps to the point where he loses the luster of his shoes in one song. Luckily, I had a lot of shoe changes, so I decided to dance as a partner until today."

I want you to stop making jokes in the face.

And it seems true that the person comes when we're talking.

Jildo is laughing with only his eyes against his wife who comes in.

Darya hastily fixed her expression (kao).

"Soon we will have Master Bernige. Mr. Dalya, you don't look so hard, and you think it's a casual exercise today."

"Duh, I'll try..."

I couldn't even say yes to Till's tender care.

I know myself, but it doesn't feel like much.

Luxurious rooms and conditioning, blinking magic chandelier lights, and vibrant noble outfits.

Full of confidence and elegance, the gorgeous ones. I feel so out of place for a common man's self to go in there.

At least with Wolfe - I feel sorry for my weakness for thinking so.

Repeated deep breaths unnoticed opened the door to the room.

It was Bernige and a pretty girl in a watery dress who came in.

Fourteen or five when I was a girl. She had light tea hair, tinted eyes, and smooth skin like white ceramic.

"Oh, I missed you!

Darya smiled at the girl who laughed as the flowers blossomed.

I guess I'll say hello to the host Jildo, maybe while I already know. That's what I think, I'll take a little distance to stay out of the way.

But the girl slows down too slowly next to the gild and stands directly in front of Darya.

And I deepened my grin thoughtfully and took these two hands of my own.

"Master Rossetti! Thank you for bringing me back the joy of walking!


Called fame with a touching voice and no aggressive reply.

You must be meeting this girl for the first time. Even if I desperately follow my memories, I don't remember them on my face.

In front of Darya, who is rounding her eyes, the girl lifts the hem of the dress to her knees.

"It's a magic guide prosthetic leg, Master Berniege gave it to me! Lucia from the Clothing Guild today has decorated it beautifully!

There it is, an empty prosthetic leg.

From below the knee it is decorated with delicate white lace and a glossy blue satin bow.

The height around the ankle was adorned with white roses that began to bloom, with their aromas.

The hem of the dress is slightly shorter, there is nothing to hide there, but a beautifully decorated prosthetic leg reminds me of the serious side of my friend, the gardener.


"Yes, Mr. Lucia has been very good to me! Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Ulysses Goodwin, the second daughter of the Viscount Goodwin family in the north."

The girl with the tinted eyes named her as she dyed her cheeks.

"The Magic Instruction Prosthetic Feet is really great! I would like to thank everyone involved."

"Thank you for your words. I'm sure everyone will be happy."

"I was badly purulent this spring with an injury to my leg...... the cleric was not in the city because of injuries in other areas, and the potion did not heal either. It was raining heavily on the way to King's Landing, and by the time we arrived, seven days had passed, and we could not cure it."

"Were you..."

The Wang capital has a temple, and there are many priests at all times, but not elsewhere.

Without a magical cleric or a healing magician on the spot, the healing of serious injuries is difficult. Even more so if it is purulent.

"So I made a prosthetic leg that looked similar to my leg, but I couldn't walk. I couldn't think that everyone would mourn when I returned to the territory, nor did I have the courage to go to college...... I just mourned my bad luck and stayed out of the Mansion room in Wang Du. Then the other day, I needed Master Berniege and he kicked me in the door."


I want you to wait, was there any more peaceful way to treat a depressed girl?

When I accidentally looked at Berniege's face, he looked away at the red tea.

"Bad door. I couldn't help it."

I want you to stop impersonating the door with responsibility, it's an absolute lie.

"Master Berniege wrapped me around in sheets and blankets and carried me aside, still clinging to the bed"

The girl is laughing, but that's more of a take away than a carry.

No matter how you imagine it, the picture is a complete crime.

"Um, didn't everyone at the mansion worry?

"No, when I said, 'Hurry up, I'll go so I can walk', they all cleared the hallway right away."

"You say things..."

When I accidentally snapped, Ulyshua blew out.

"Right, otherwise I think the people at the mansion would have stopped. I said," I can't go to the temple anymore, "but I went to Bernige's mansion, not the temple, and there he taught me the magic prosthetic leg and the magic prosthetic hand."

"Asked why things in that shape move instead of feet, I'm having difficulty explaining how they work..."

"If I wasn't sure and thought about it, I'd let Lord Berniege tour the Guardian knights fighting so hard that he broke his sword"

I want a moment.

I know you want to explain your magic guide prosthetic legs and prosthetics.

But that and how it works is a different story. In general, why should we show so much intense fighting? What would this girl have done if she'd seen the battle?

"You are all dressed up and very impressed! I was wondering how soon you would be able to move if you were a demon guide prosthetic leg or a demon guide prosthetic!


I was very convinced of Ulyshua's sparkling, colorful eyes.

I mean with Berniege's niece's daughter, but she also has a similar temperament to him.

Except that not all will be able to move like a Berniege or escort knight, just because they have put on demon prostheses and demon prostheses.

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Many things affect your original motor nerves, strength, magic, and compatibility with your exorcist prosthetics and exorcists.

But right now, that's pretty hard to say.

"After the tour, I made a magic guide prosthetic leg to match and train you"

"Training, is it?

"Yes, Master Berniege said he could move right away, but I don't have a very good motor nerve, so I couldn't take a step forward on the first day...... I had a lot of blankets on the carpet and started practicing falling"

"Ulyshua is a very hard worker. It's hard to drink potion when you're all bruised up."

"Dear Berniege, please keep that to yourself......!

A girl with a red face pulls Berniege's sleeve.

The old man stared at her with such eyes directed at his beloved grandson, saying sorry.

"Well, I've been able to walk a little lately without a cane, and I still can't dance though. Today, Rossetti, who was involved in the development, asked about the disclosure, and I really wanted to thank him..."

The girl, who stepped back and stood without leaning anywhere, lifted the hem of the dress just a little.

"Dear Darya Rossetti, Consultant and Magic Instructor of the Demon Crusade Unit, I would like to thank you most sincerely"

When Ulyshua says so, she takes her hands off the dress and puts her hands together tightly in front of her chest.

"I've been - I've been recommended to do higher school literature, but I take many exams and I will definitely go into the Magic Gear Department. I want to study a lot and be a one serving Magic Instructor to create Magic Instruction Prosthetics and Magic Instruction Prosthetics!

"... go ahead, good luck"

The resolute colors have no strays whatsoever.

Trying to keep her in words of support, her throat gets stuck.

"Um... I know this is a rude favor, but if you don't mind, if I pass the Magic Gear Department, why don't you let me call you 'Senior Rossetti'?

"Of course it is. No - please, call me Dahlia now."

"Thank you! About me, too, please don't call me 'Ulysses'. Please, no honor, 'Senior Dahliya'!

"Okay, 'Ulyshua'"

Ulyshua, yes! And when I replied gladly, I laughed blindly.

As soon as that happens, I lose balance just a little bit and get back on my feet right away.

Seeing it, Berniege signaled the maid with her eyes, bending her knees and matching the height to the girl's face.

"Ulyshua, from now on, Dr. Dalya is ready to reveal. I hope you can taste some tea now."

"Yes! Please come and pick me up before Senior Dahliya's dance, Master Bernige!

The girl greets her with a smile and leaves with her maid.

With that slightly more dangerous step, Darya was dropping off the door until it closed.

"Dr. Dalya."

"Yes, what is it?

To a slightly warm voice Bernige, Darya rocks the hem of the dress and turns around.

"Wolf asked me to. If you fail to reveal yourself in time, and Dr. Dalya seems nervous, he wants you to be brave."

"Really... I'm fine"

I appreciate that Wolfe cared about herself.

Besides, I'm glad to hear that the girl now can move with her demon guide prosthetic leg and aspire to be a demon guide.

At least from now on, I want to make sure I'm not embarrassed by the revelation.

"Dr. Dalya, you make all sorts of magic guides, but when someone praises you, it's always because of the others, that's what you did together, don't say so..."

"Yes, but because it actually is. Because it's all I couldn't do alone."

"So - 'The truth is, I don't deserve a baron position', is that what you think?

"… we want to make an effort to be worthy of it from now on"

The old man in front of me, he was a prospect.

Someone tells me, I get ingredients, I get help - something I could really do alone, and so on, and so on.

Besides, the Baron is thanks to being a consultant to the Demon Crusade Squad, and even that is like a means of getting himself protected.

If you ask yourself if you deserve a title, you can't nod very much or anything.

"Damn, there's been a big mistake. Hasn't Dr. Dalya taken it back so much?"

"Take it back, is it?

Suddenly, and unexpectedly, Darya stares at Berniej.

Those red tea eyes loosened gently towards me.

"You were the first to think about the magic guide prosthetic leg and take back the steps of Non and Ulyshua. With prosthetic legs that resemble legs only in appearance, we could not move forward, nor could we laugh like this"

"Dear Berniege..."

The leg shows the same empty prosthetic leg as Ulyshua without hiding it with his shoes.

A few steps closer and standing in front of Darya, Bernige looked much bigger than the day we first met.

"Whether you have help or not, it doesn't make any difference whether you get the material. It was you who restored relief and a smile to Non's family and hers. You're the one who revived the sobbing retired knights, including Non, and brought that smile back to me. It was also you who created the environment for the Demon Crusade Squad and restored comfort and a smile to the crew. So, Dr. Dalya - no, not yet. Not just for this occasion, but let me call ahead."

Berniege spread those arms wide open and looked at himself terribly straight.

"'Baron Rossetti', be very proud! You must have a title!

He said so high as to echo the wall, with a slightly cloudless smile...

That's the seepage, so I can't see.

"Dear Berniege..."

It blurs my voice. The back of my nose hurts.

As I tried to endure it, I couldn't endure it - Tina held me down with a handkerchief as she approached me with her early legs, tears flooded from the edge of my eyes (two) rinse.

"Don't cry, Mr. Dalya. It will cast a shadow on your beautiful face."

"Shh, excuse me..."

"You should use it"

When a nearby jild handed Tina a handkerchief, she gently accompanied me to the nose area of Darya.

I can't even shy away at the earliest, desperately holding my nose.

Tina turned to Bernige with her hands on Darya's shoulder.

"Dear Berniege, what are you going to do, make the lady cry in front of you?

"No, this is, uh - I'm so sorry!

The tears stop and I laugh at Berniege, who breaks my attitude with the aww.

Crying here will really annoy everyone.

Berniege sighed deeply as he breathed diligently.

"If Wolfe had been here, he would have made me laugh by saying something like this to relieve my nervousness... thank you."

To the words, I vividly remembered Wolfe's smile.

I couldn't be happier if I could get people's smiles back with my own developed magic equipment.

To Bernige, who drops his shoulder disappointingly, Dalya speaks up and gives thanks.

"No - thank you very much, Master Bernige, for your words"

The girl's smile, the retired knights' smile, the demon crusader's smile, and Wolfe's smile.

Hold it firmly in your chest and be proud to be one Magic Instructor today.

Don't nag, strain your chest, and get revealed.

As a consultant demon conductor for the Demon Crusade Squad, and as a friend of Wolf's.

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