Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 64: 64 63. Brothers and Nightmares

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For the first time in a long time, Wolfe was returning to a separate residence in the Scalfalotto family.

In the garden viewed through my own window, I suddenly feel the tree stretched.

I know it's my house, but the last time I came here, the season was about one year ago.

The servants are also moving around restlessly.

Better settled than here, the green tower - where I thought so, I put my finger on a temple that hurt quickly.

I was talking to Ivano yesterday, and the truth came out.

I don't think Darya is asking me, what a pity.

I think he would have despised me, but the carriage home was separated and I went back to the barracks without being able to properly apologize.

I tried to write an apology letter as soon as I got back, and now the captain called me in.

When I gave a five-finger sock and a mid-lay tail report, they thanked me badly, and it was midnight when I went back to the barracks to treat myself to a meal and booze at a good store.

And this morning, I came to this separate residence.

From now on, I have a meeting with the person I most wanted to avoid.

To keep me in the mood, I am the same black knight's clothes as I was yesterday. Honestly, I'm more nervous than encountering demons.

A visit with my father, it was on me that I wished for it.

Yesterday, while Dalya was in a meeting with the workshop manager of the trinket production, she spoke with Dominic, a notary public.

I got a lot of advice from him when I was in business.

In doing so, I was told that I needed to greet and report to the Scalfalotto family more than becoming a guarantor of the Chamber of Commerce and also working in the Knights teasing.

Honestly, I got lost.

Feelings were 70% inclined to those who wanted to avoid them.

I haven't talked to my father much in itself. All of a sudden I don't know what kind of reaction I'm going to get back by making a report. It is also unclear whether the appointment itself can be taken in the first place.

But I decided to give it a shot if it was going to be for the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce at all.

I put out a use for my father while I was in the guild, and he replied, 'Tomorrow morning tea time, in a separate residence'.

While waiting for my father in a separate residence, I enter the room where I delivered my mother's artifacts.

When I moved here from the main mansion, all my mother's things were also transferred.

Quite few for aristocratic women, such as books, clothes and ornaments, but still enough to fill one medium room. Also, multiple armor and swords are in a different room.

It's a room I rarely go into, but the servants seemed to care for me. The cleaning was pretty good.

Looking for a bookshelf and finding manners books and notes for the noble conversation, it ended up in a black leather bag.

You should give it to Darya early and have her read it.

She said during the meeting, 'I trust Master Fortunato, I'll take care of everything'

I can also take 'think of you as my knight' if I make a mistake.

I was unwittingly hardened by the words, and I was badly wolfed.

I know Darya said it without knowing, but I'm so worried about what they'll do if they get it wrong.

You should be careful to keep your friends safe, although this is not what you can say.

"Dear Wolframe, Mr. Gouid has arrived"

"I'll be right there."

As soon as I got out of the room, I received a report from my servant, and for a moment, I thought I heard it wrong.

Father, I hear my brother, Gouid, is here, not Renate.

As he entered the reception room, he was the eldest son of the Scalfalot family, Gwied.

"Long time no see, Volfredo."

"Long time no see, brother."

Deep blue eyes on silver hair with blues. A man who looks just like my father is sitting in a dark blue trio.

The table was scissored from his eight-year-old brother, and Wolfe sat in the front.

When the maid brings tea, Gouid speaks to his servant and lowers them all.

The large reception room was only for my brother and myself.

"My father was called to the royal palace first thing in the morning. I'm sorry I couldn't see Wolf. I'm sorry, can I speak for you?

I sympathized with my brother who seemed a little hard to say.

Perhaps my father was unwilling to come and set up a surrogate from the beginning.

I met with Gouad before every season. Besides, I just greeted him face-to-face.

"Yes, that's okay. This time, I will be the guarantor of the Chamber of Commerce and will be doing business with the Knights Demon Crusade Force. This is your report, as there are likely to be dealings with the Royal Castle and others in the future. Details are summarized here."

I had Dominic and Ivano put it together because I threatened to get lost in the explanation.

Gouid takes two parchments and runs his eyes quickly.

Both sheets were then arranged on the table to make sure of all the items.

"Looks like you got a very good connection."

"Yes, I am grateful"

I can't subtly judge what my brother is saying in what way. So I decide to return untouched words around.

"It's from my father, but this apartment, all the personnel here, they say you can do as Volfredo pleases. I guess we don't have a building for the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce yet? I think it would be easier to go here than in a commercial guild if we greeted or met with nobles. And if you need water and ice demon stones, you should give them to the house for use. I'll take care of it."

"Thank you"

"And don't hesitate to tell me who you're looking for or if you have any problems. Let's do what we can."

"It helps a lot"

Wolf bows his head honestly.

I don't plan to have a welcoming conversation with the nobility at the moment, but it would be appreciated if you could accommodate the Demon Stone and be a place to talk to when something happens.

"So, all of a sudden what... Wolframe, why don't you think about getting married? If there is hope, I will find the noble lady who will accompany me as long as I can."

"I haven't thought about it, fine"

"Well, at my age, I think it might be a good idea..."

I was told suddenly, my brother has a bad tooth cut.

If I felt uncomfortable and raised my gaze, my deep blue eyes stared at me.

"... Mrs. Gastoni and I are still seeing each other?

"Yes, we have a good relationship"

I see my brother's worries.

You're a Duchess sword forever to yourself, you want to tell me to consolidate myself.

"Well... I heard this was the first time I had contacted my father from Volfredo"

"Were you? I don't think it was necessary because I've done nothing wrong before."

Intentionally avoiding affirmation, Wolfe makes a strange look (kao).

What do you want from your father, who has been abandoned for a long time and has seldom been called out?

I am thankful for that because I was just allowed to eat and drink, and live a life that is not free.

"Are you thinking of leaving the Scalfalotto family?

"It's … we want to be independent any day."

I didn't expect to be questioned all of a sudden about leaving the house, so I gave him a little.

I talked about independence and took care of it, but I think my voice sounded affirmative.

"I thought you started this one to get out of the house..."

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"No, not at all about this Chamber of Commerce"

"Right. Do you have anything in there or you want?

"So far. The Knights have done well, and we have received it from home."

"Have you thought about moving from the Demon Crusade Squad to something else?

"I'm not thinking about it."

"Aren't you going to quit 'Red Armor (Scarlet Armor)'?

"No so far"

The question I kept standing up just got a little grumpy.

When I graduated from college, when I joined the Knights, my brother sent me something to celebrate, but I never talked about the path or the future. It shouldn't even be one of those guys.

It feels like Gouad is trying to force his' brother 'to perform (ya), and that snags inside.

"What's wrong, brother?

I didn't hesitate to look at the gaze I was pointing around my brother's mouth.

The same blue eyes as my father's shook the light badly, shut as it was, and nagging.

"I'm sorry, I know you were avoiding me. I've run away to this day because I haven't had a chance to talk, but I've always wanted to... apologize"

Gouid stood up and bowed his head deeply on the spot.

"I'm so sorry. If Volfredo and Lady Vanessa hadn't protected me that day, my mother and I would have died. I don't want to apologize for not being able to help Master Vanessa, for taking my mother from you, but let me apologize now."

"... please raise your face. Nothing like being apologized for."

A sight I don't want to recall comes back to life like it was yesterday.

Blinking noon sunshine, street greenery, burnt carriages, fallen men, mother split above the ground, up and down.

And bloody own hands.

"If I had fought, Master Vanessa might not have died... No, rather, I, the man and brother, should have died protecting Master Vanessa and you"

"... withdraw your statement, brother"

I didn't even think of it myself, and I got a cold, hard voice.

It was the mother of Gwied and Gwied who my mother defended with her life as a knight.

What failed to protect my mother was myself, my mother's son.

It was my mother's side to protect me, not this man.

"My mother fought that day, my mother's choice."

"But if I can use magic first..."

"When the well-guarded say," I should have died, "my mother said," No, the knight, "Vanessa Scalfalot," will not be swept away. Please withdraw your statement. "

Maybe, right now, I have terribly hostile eyes. I also know that's not for my brother.

Still, I really couldn't fix it.

"... I'm sorry. Withdraw."

"Thank you. I apologize for being rude."

Gouid exhaled shallow as he sat back on the couch.

Wolf takes his gaze off his brother and turns against the window.

From the open window I could see the green lawn and the white flowers on the flowerbed.

"I take it for granted that Volfredo resents me, and I can avoid it."

"I don't resent it, and I don't avoid it. It's just... I've lived in separate mansions and barracks longer and thought I was alienated from home."

"I'm sorry. I should have apologized sooner and talked to you."


It's too much already. There is nothing I can say from myself.

The little bird's callous chirp echoes the more deaf. Hearing that, I waited for my brother's next word.

"... that day, when you were fighting, I was solidified with fear. I couldn't shake off my mother, who had been holding me up to protect me. When I got out of the carriage, everything was red... and I still dream of Vanessa and the knights who had fallen..."

I was stunned by the squeezed voice and saw Gouid.

The hands assembled on the desk were slightly sieved, and their nails were eaten red into the back of both hands.

That was the same trick I was doing when I woke up from a dream.

"I'm really sorry I'm a pitiful brother..."

"No, because I have similar dreams"

Then the words spilled.

I look up and find myself like Gouad has been started.

We put confusion, surprise and understanding in each other's expressions (kao) and nodded bitterly, from neither side.

"... I wish there was a way I wouldn't dream I didn't want to"

"Wolframe, then I'd recommend marriage. You have to look, but maybe a little less."

"It seems like a difficult way to achieve it, but I'll remember"

Goood laughed back at himself for laughing bitterly.

"Until now, I couldn't do anything that looked like my brother. If only Volfredo would, let me salvage a little. Whether it's the Chamber of Commerce or the Royal Castle, if anything, don't hesitate to say it."

"Thank you. I have no idea what the commercial relationship is, so let me talk to you then... Oh, and if I can sweeten it, I'd like some magic material."

"Absolutely. Let's pick it up whenever possible. What's the material?

"It's a fairy crystal."

"'Fairy Crystal'... you're looking for something rare. Okay, I'll keep my voice on the vendor. We'll have it delivered as soon as we find it."

"Thank you"

I answered my brother's words with a little courage.

I can't find Dahlia, that's the fairy crystal she said.

If it's a Scalfalot family connection, you may find it unexpectedly quick.

"In time, why don't you talk to my father, too?

"When you get a chance..."

I was avoided today, but I can't tell if my brother in front of me realizes it, or if he's trying to give me a bridge.

You noticed Wolfe getting lost, and Goood kept saying it.

"Sorry, though I only go a few times a year... I think my father goes to Lord Vanessa's grave every month"


Maybe my mother was more loved by my father than I thought.

I'm glad I just figured that out.

It doesn't matter if you're not in that frame. Because I am an adult.

"I hope Volfredo doesn't dream that day again."

That's what my brother said and smiled at me when I finished the conversation.

Dropping off that back, Wolfe remembers.

Speaking of which, I haven't dreamed about that day in a while.

I follow my memory of when the hell it's been, and I unwittingly break my face.

I haven't had a single nightmare since the day I met Darya.

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