Magical Giants: The Life of Zmeya

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 – The Main Character

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I’ve arrived at Hydro City by following his instruction. It’s been 3 days since I had arrived in this unknown world that was called Deepland.

I had learned a lot of things after I met him, but he just left me with instruction after he taught me some basic knowledge. I looked at my clothes and then a thought flashed inside my mind.

‘I was still wearing my white shirt and blue skirt uniform that I used at school, I will not stand out, right? This was an unknown world to me, so I never expected a city in the middle of the plain like this. Especially… a city that looked like a modern city like the one in front of me.’

I looked at the entrance of the city that was surrounded by a half-transparent blue spherical barrier. I somehow knew that the half-transparent thing was a barrier thanks to the knowledge that I got after I was turned into Magical Girl by him.

It was a surprise for me to learn that Magical Girl existed in this world. Not only that, he said that there were a lot of beings like him in this world. Not only like him but there was also someone bigger than him.

I was scared when I met him for the first time, but after spending a day with him, I learned that he was kind and he was willing to turn me into a Magical Girl to protect myself.

At the entrance of the city, there was a guard that was smiling when he saw me.

“Good day, miss. Do you want to enter the city?” Asked the guard with a kind smile on his face.

I smiled back at him as best as I could and answered.

“Y-Yes! I was told to come to this city by a Giant that helped me, and he said that I will be allowed to enter as long as I did nothing wrong!”

I was able to answer him without any problem. The guard looked surprised though, he touched his chin with his right hand a little and asked.

“Are you by chance a Magical Girl, miss?”

I see the reason why he said that I will have no problem entering the city was that I was a Magical Girl!

I now knew the reason, so I nodded my head at the guard.

“Yes, I-I am a Magical Girl.”

The guard's face turned serious. He was looking at me with narrowed eyes and then he took out a smartphone. Wait…

“Is that a smartphone?”

“Yes, is this the first time you see this?” The guard raised the smartphone as his expression loosened into a smile again.


I waved my hands in front of my chest repeatedly.

“I was just surprised that you have a smartphone with you.”

“Everyone who guards the entrance needs to have a smartphone to contact our superior. In case of emergency, a fast contact is needed.”

“I see! So that’s how it is.” I answered the guard with a smile on my face.

The truth was, I was surprised because there was a smartphone in this world. I had never expected the technology to be that advance even when I saw a high-rise building in this city.

The guard operated his smartphone and put his left index finger in front of his mouth as he put the smartphone near his ear.

After a few seconds, I could hear a girl's voice coming from the smartphone, but I can’t hear it clearly. Surely the guard contacted the said superior because of me, I can at least understand that much.

“Yes, she said that she was a Magical Girl… Yes, certainly. Thank you very much.”

The guard’s face lit up and then he took out something that looked like an infrared temperature scanner from the back pocket.

He was about to point that object to me, but then he realized something and said.

“I will now scan you to make sure that you never did any criminal activities. Do you mind?”

‘So that was a scanner!’ I exclaimed inside my mind as I stepped forward in front of the guard.

“Sure! Please do so!”

The guard then silently pointed the object towards me. There was a blue light that appeared from the tip of the object and passed through my body from my toes to my head.

After a while, the guard smiled.

“Miss, do you mind going to the building in the center of the city first? The truth is, when I called my superior earlier, she asked you to meet her in The Center. She was interested in you because you are a Magical Girl.”

The guard rotated his body so to the right and pointed his index finger toward the building that looked like a tower. I narrowed my eyes to look at the building better and then I raised my right hand.

“Yes! I don’t mind.”

“That’s a relief. Please say that you are asked to meet Magiya Emerald when you are asked by the guard later. Also, don’t forget to mention that you are a Magical Girl to the guard or they won’t let you pass.”

“Thank you very much. I will go now!”

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“Please have fun in the Hydro City and welcome!”

“Yes, I will!”

I walked through the entrance and waved my hand to the guard. He waved his hand back at me before turning back again toward the outside of the city, continuing his job.

‘So that’s The Center! My life in this world has just begun!’

I looked at the tower that was visible from the entrance, and then with a renewed energy, I smiled and began to walk.


Zmeya’s POV

“Master, she just looked like a naïve girl that’s easy to be fooled. Why are you interested in her?”

Zayats asked me with a tone that was full of jealously.

I was too focused on the Main Character that I ignored Zayats, she was so cute when she was jealous like that.

“It was because she had the rarest element of the Magical Girl. You knew that the power that Magical Girls obtained was derived from their Giant patron’s element, right?”

I glanced to the right and looked at Zayats face to see her reaction.

Zayats nodded her head.

“I gained immense speed and physical strength as well as an ability to strengthen my blow with Magia from my transformation. I know about that, Master.”

“That’s right, and there is one element that was famous in this world. It is an element of the leader of the Evil Side, Dark Element. She gained that element after killing her Patron. How she obtained that power was a mystery for the world.”

Zayats was intrigued by what I said.


“Yes, was. This one knew the reason why she got that element. The Evil Side proudly declare that Dark Element as the strongest because it is an element that symbolized Evil. The Good Side, they had nothing like that. They had no symbol. That will not last long, because that girl had arrived.”

I looked at the Main Character that was walking on the street towards The Center. On her way, she was looking to the left and right with a curious expression on her face.

“So that girl had that element. The symbol of the Good Side, the opposite of the Evil, the Light Element?”

Asked Zayats as she tilted her head to the left cutely. Her hair moved alongside her head, and it was pulled by gravity and hugged her body.

“That’s correct. The girl of prophecy. The one that was able to defeat the leader of Evil Side and save the world from the Evil Magical Girl that was plotting to destroy the world. Or, she will join the Evil Side and gain the Dark Element by killing her Patron. If that girl got the Dark element, the Evil side will become stronger and there is no one even the giants who could stop them anymore. No one that was currently known to the world.”

I smiled smugly and put popcorns into my mouth. I glanced at Zayats and saw her smiling at me with an expression that was full of love.

“Master can stop them. As expected of you, Master!”

I swallowed the popcorns and laughed.

“Hahahaha, of course! This one is unbeatable!”

“So Master, do you plan to help her?”

“No, This one will only observe and tease her a little. But, This one will not help her save the world. This one can live even in the world ruled by the Evil Side, This one didn’t mind as long as This one have fun.”

“I see, then we will only enjoy the show and getting involved if it seems fun?”

Asked Zayats as she showed a feral grin on her face.

“That’s the plan.”

I smiled back at Zayats and looked at the plain on the north of the city. I gathered Magia around my eyes and I was able to see at a long distance. This one was called far-sight, another basic ability that used only Magia.

There stood a lone girl with a bandage around her arm. She wore something like a white sailor uniform with a yellow tie and dark blue skirt. She also had long unkempt dark blue hair, and she made her way toward the Hydro City.

“So she had arrived. It’s faster than I thought.”

“Did the Evil side arrive, Master?”

“Yeah, she had arrived. One of the Evil Magical Girl, the one who wanted to destroy the world.”

My smile turned into a big grin and I gripped the armrest of my flying chair.

“Now, what will you do, Main Character?”

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