Magical Girl Aki’s Secret (R)

Chapter 3: C3 – The Potential Within You

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With a menacing growl, the bear crept closer. It put its teeth on full display and kept its lofty build ready to attack.

"That thing is definitely faster than me, jeez, why'd my weapon have to be a sword?"

I lowered my stance as my knees verged on buckling. Close combat with this thing is the worst idea ever. But, this is a trial I have to overcome to become stronger. I have to become stronger to learn the truth of what my father said and to rise above my challenges in the future. I have to become stronger because there's no telling who will save who and when. I resolved my eyes and turned the sword tip downward. I need to think about my survival: a way to get out of this situation alive! I look around. 

"Yoru, I'm going to kill this thing."

"Go for it."

I unmanifest my sword and run in the opposite direction as fast as I could.

"Akito! What are you doing?"

"I have a plan, trust me!"

Even if I seriously tried to run, this [Curse] will catch up to me and slash me up when I'm tired. So, straight-up running away is not a viable option. I catch glimpses of the surrounding scenery as I run, the depressing scenery of what is now Tokyo. They are decrepit, scorched, and abandoned remains of buildings. But, that's what makes it perfect. If they're ruined, they're unstable and no one around will care if you smash them up.


The bear chases swiftly behind. After a minute of desperately escaping, I reach a good place: this building looks about ready to fall apart. Yoru is trying to distract the [Curse] by teleporting around it but the [Curse] treats Yoru as a fly to be swatted away. I enter the building with determination and seek out the supporting pillars.

"Akito, the [Curse] is inside!"

With the [Curse] a few meters away from me now, I wonder why I don't feel as nervous as before. Is it the rushing adrenaline?

"Then, we'll let this building fall!"

I pull a huge amount of internal energy to my leg and delivered a killer kick to the support of the house. The house immediately begins to crack and creak. I rush to the next pillar and do the same.


I can feel it, the building is about to come down.

"Yoru, we're getting out!"

The building comes crumbling down over the [Curse] as we narrowly dive out of the way back onto the street.

"Did we get it?"

"I still detect its presence."

I knew it wouldn't get done in by just that, after all, these things can tank multiple bombs.

"Well, the main objective is cleared. We're going to use this distraction to escape--"


The [Curse] had pushed all the debris out of its way and reemerged from the rubble with almost no time delay. Angrily, it turned to us wearing an 'I'll kill you' expression.

"So much for buying time!"

As planned, we tried to retreat. But, the enraged bear was still much faster than us and caught up to us after running for our lives after a few minutes. Is close combat the only thing we can do? I'm exhausted anyway, there's no way to win. Also, the more time we waste here, the more chance of this [Curse]'s allies coming to aid it.


Think Akito! How do we get out of this situation?

"Yoru, can you do something with those time powers of yours?"

Yoru promptly," Unfortunately, I pushed the limits of my authority and I can't utilize them again like last time."

Crap! Think, what is another solution?

"Do I really have to bet this on an unknown power?"

Do I have to bet my survival on the [Effect]?

"What if we waited for help to arrive?" Yoru reasoned.


I didn't even think of that, not that it matters.

"No one will help us out here, we can't rely on buying time until we're saved. We have to do this now."

I'm tired of sitting around and doing nothing. I want action, I want strength! Anyways,

"Yoru, are you sure you don't have any idea what my [Effect] is?"

"Well, from the earlier [Curse] battle I may have determined some data on it."

"Really? What kind of power is it?"

"I'll explain in more detail later when we have time but, in summary, you have the power to steal energy from [Curses]."

"Steal energy?"

"In other words, drain the resources from your opponents. It seems the condition is beating the monster. Like with the [Curse] dog, the [Core] was gray, right? They're normally vibrantly colored but your power rendered it bland and bleak--it stole the energy from within it."

"My power did that...?"

But wait...

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"Isn't that useless? I have to defeat the [Curse] to steal its power right?"

"Not necessarily. It might activate under other conditions, you just have to find out."

"So, I have to bet my life on that small detail huh..."

I turn to the bear and meet its intimidation head-on.

"Maybe I can steal it just by willing it..."

I thrust my hand towards the [Curse].

"Akito Harada orders you! Give me your energy and drop dead!"

The [Curse] continues its mad pursuit, and I look like an idiot.

"Looks like there's no choice huh!"

I summon my cutlass and shakily ready it to defend myself. The bear and I now face to face. Since physical attacks don't usually work on [Curses], my only way of slaying them is with the weapon in my hand. But, how can this sword kill that massive monster? My body moves roughly as I tried to get around it to get a thrust in.


The [Curse]'s claw tore into my thigh before I could manage to hit it. I step back and look for new angles through the searing pain. But, I can't find one.


The [Curse]'s broken voice reverberates throughout me as if turning on all the fear switches at the same time. It swings again, this time cleaving my left arm and pushing me back against the floor. The bright red blood flows as much as the pain does from the wounds.

But, I stand up again and point my cutlass. But, I stand up again because I have not surrendered. The bear lunges at me preparing a fatal strike...!


Yoru jumps in front of the assault and produces a number of hexagonal shields to protect me. They break from the attack but lighten the force just pushing me off my feet.

"Akito...this is all I can do...good luck!"

"It's plenty...Yoru."

But, the [Curse] is now resting its foot on my leg...


The monster slowly lowers its weight on it, crushing it while I writhe in pain. The [Curse] also puts its claw on my chest and in the same way presses down with undeniable force as the sharp nails dig into me. Does this bear plan to crush me to death?

The pain is unbearable, I already feel faint from blood loss. In resistance, I grab the [Curse]'s arm and try to pull it off me but to no avail. It's like an ant trying to toss off the foot of a human.

"I won't let it end like this...I can't...!"

I can't die here!

In a last-ditch attempt, I call to my power, my [Effect]. 


I feel a sudden burst of relief, this is...

It's working? The [Curse]'s energy is being stolen? I feel power welling up from within me, the bear's power. It's fueling my physical enhancement--I see now. The activation conditions for my [Effect] are either to vanquish an enemy or touch it physically.

The bear's grasp on my leg and chest gets weaker and weaker as my ability to resist grows stronger and stronger. The monster, realizing this begins to press and stab into me harder. I put all my focus into utilizing my [Effect] and stealing everything this [Curse] has.

"You will die here!"

I shout resolutely.

The pressure slowly fades as I begin to sit up from the cold rocky floor. The [Curse] looks confused and continues to try and press me down for the kill. But, it's no longer of any use. I call for my white sword and push power through it into the [Curse]'s close proximity head. As I shove the blade into its neck, I can feel the clear resistance. But, I can do it! I muster up all the strength I could and was getting into the slash until suddenly, it pushes through and the head falls down cleanly. It looks like the [Effect]'s effect affected the cutlass as well. It was so fast, that my disbelief got the better of my face.

"Did it?"

Tiredly, I take a knee and my sword fades away.

"You did well Akito."

"You know what, Yoru. Call me Aki in this body."

"Aki, is it?"

"Yes, Aki."

It's the new me, the one who overcomes the past and the one who can defeat [Curses] or whatever enemies are thrown their way.

"[Magical Girl Aki]."

"That's right, now, let's head on home."

I arrive home undisturbed by anything and crash on the floor. It seems like I took quite the beating. Deep claw wounds on my thigh and upper arm as well as a few broken bones I suppose.

"Don't worry, [Magical Girls] have the superb healing ability with their physical enhancements. The wounds should heal, for the bones-- you might want to make sure they heal in the right orientation though."

Yoru props me up while reassuring me as I wave between the boundaries of sleep. As I drift off I wonder if I'd down a good job...

"You did well, Aki, take a rest."

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