Magical Girl Aki’s Secret (R)

Chapter 7: C7 – Improvement

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I'm constantly growing and I can feel it. This isn't just in mana ([Mana Drain]) but in battle as Yoru wants. Every time I fight I gain something new, every time the situation goes south I learn from my mistakes.

The weeks pass by with a daily routine of [Curse] hunting with Yoru. We usually take on a few [Curses] at a time with a sneak attack, never biting off more than we can chew. I have nothing better to do since my high-school life was cut short. This is also probably a better activity than anything else I could spend my time with right now.

I haven't been severely wounded like before in the past battles recently, maybe it's because I'm being more careful or maybe it's because already know what to look out for. It's usually all about killing the [Curses] quickly so they can't call for help.

My mana manipulation is coming along as well. I can support more physical enhancements and my strengthened [Realizer] at the same time consistently. Well, I'll still distribute mana unevenly on the go during battle as I should be but at least the baseline went up. Also, lately, I've been trying to get more precise. The physical enhancement magic formation is present in the whole body and so, naturally, every part can be enhanced relative to the amount of mana put in. I've been putting more mana into specific imagined muscles and whatnot as well as parts such as the fingers and ears as control practice. I tried to put mana in through my eyes but it began to hurt after a second so I immediately stopped. It looks like I'm going to need more precision and control to work that organ.

I asked Yoru, and theoretically, you could manifest mana outside of your body. But, it's costly in terms of magic. Well, my mana density is already way deeper than your average [Magical Girl] from the tens of [Curses] I've killed. Still, it's hard to bring mana outside the body with my own willpower. It looks like fireballs and ice beams aren't realistic for the current me.

I also practiced my [Realizer Form] enhancements. The easiest ones for me to visualize and perform are fire-related. It seems that people are born with natural affinities for certain attributes and images. But, something has been nagging at me for a while now. The more I train, the more my [Realizer Form - <Light Enhancement>] should increase in brightness. But, the more mana I gain, the dimmer it grows. I asked Yoru to which the response,

"It is the nature of your magic."

"The nature of my magic?"

"Your original magic source has been clouded in obscurity for a while since you started killing [Curses]. Every time you steal a [Curse]'s mana, you also steal what it carries--that [Curse]'s ill will attached to the mana. Magic and willpower are very connected after all. So, you are stealing the [Curse]'s darkness. This reflects on the nature of the magic you use because you are using the [Curse]'s power."

Eh!? I was absorbing stuff that was that scary-sounding? 

"So, why is my light magic dimming?"

"It's because it is overshadowed by the darkness that you have taken upon yourself. Even if you imagine the brightest light, it will be painted in black--that is the imbued attribute the [Curses] force upon you. You could say it's a byproduct of stealing their mana, or even payment."

"I see."

This sucks though, I probably won't be able to use light-related magic again. In fact, all of my attacks will be affected by the sinister magic.

"But, think of it this way, that hate-filled mana comes with the benefit of increased power with attacks does it not?"

"That is true."

I guess that means my power to suppress light is greater now which can still aid me in battle. That's helpful at least.

I fidget around with a cloudy gray [Curse] [Core] in my hand while Yoru and I talk. I've been piling up a few of these which come in different shapes and sizes from [Curse] hunting. They aren't really that different from normal rocks. If you threw this at someone, it'd probably hurt just as much as throwing a rock at them would...

"What do other [Magical Girls] do with [Cores]?"

"They usually just keep them around as trophies of their accomplishments. Though, with the little mana within them, they aren't very useful."

"I see."

The [Cores] I produce are different than what other [Magical Girls] would produce upon killing [Curses] because of my [Effect] [Mana Drain]. From the start, all the mana is drained from within the [Core] upon being defeated. Anyways, it was just curiosity at first, but...



"This is super easy to flow mana into!"

"Oh, we call those magic conductors. Some physical materials are easier to accept and hold mana while others aren't as adept. For example, metals aren't great magic conductors but the flesh of living things and wood is."

"What if we just pour mana into this [Core] until it can't hold anymore? Would it revive the [Curse] or what?"

"The inside of a [Core] is actually quite the sophisticated contraption; you could say that a [Core] fulfills the role of a magic formation. But, it needs a certain amount of mana and must balance its own [Curse] body out with that set amount. So, adding mana is like trying to make a human stronger but adding blood to them. If they are deficient it works, if they aren't it doesn't. Adding more to the point where the [Core] is oversaturated with mana means the [Curse] is unable to manifest properly. But, if you add mana to a certain right amount less than that, yes, you could revive the [Curse]. I don't know why you would though."

"Alright. Would I get a boost in mana from killing that [Curse]?"

"There would be no overall net gain. You'd gain the amount you input into the [Core]. In fact, you probably spent mana to kill the [Curse]. It's the Law of Conservation of Mana, your [Mana Drain] is no exception."

Another question pops up.

"I see. So, if that law is a real thing, how come I gain mana back up slowly?"

My mana slowly regenerates to fill up my mana capacity plus the mana capacities of all the [Curses] I've stolen mana from. The more I kill, the faster the process gets to scale up to my amount. It also gets faster when I sleep which is why if I ever ran out, I'd faint so my body could forcefully regenerate it faster.

"You naturally take in mana from the surroundings. You are a big mana conductor after all. When you use mana, the environment tries to return you to a state of mana equilibrium in relation to your amount. This is the same for all humans, though they usually stay at even mana amounts because they don't use mana. When you use mana, it naturally goes out into the surroundings and then from the surroundings, it comes right back over time."

By the way, I've tried to use [Mana Drain] on this 'environmental mana' but to no avail. It seems I can't because the condition to steal mana is to physically be touching. So, I can steal the magic that people have absorbed into themselves or objects. But, the ambient mana throughout space is not bound to anything and only binds slowly with certain physical phenomena and materials at various rates based on their magic conductivity. So, it is effectively undrainable directly.

"Thanks. So, anyway, I can pump mana into the [Core] but it won't fulfill its original function unless I input the right amount huh..."

But, what if I use it for something other than its original function?

"Yoru, if I put mana into this till the brink, isn't it effectively a mana bomb? I chalk it full of mana ahead of time, and then when I want to, push a bunch of mana into it later and throw it at something."

It'd be like a balloon connected to a pump and left at a point where it's about to break and then giving it the last pump whenever I want to. I've been thinking about a way of ranged attack and this could be it.

"That is correct...calculated. Yes, you could even add an attribute of willpower such as fire to the mana and create an even more powerful explosive. That's actually a good idea, good thinking."

It seems that [Focals] are quick to overlook things like this: involving creativity or new things. Yoru can analyze new things and use prior knowledge to explain them. But, Yoru can't come up with new things alone and can only predict.

"But, how will I know when it hits that point...and when it hits the point where the [Curse] revives, how do I stop it from doing so?"

"If you add mana at a sufficient pace, the [Curse] shouldn't revive based on the speed of mana input and the speed of body generation. I can tell you when to stop the mana transfer as long as I know the dimensions of the [Core] and rate of mana input."

The rate of mana input huh...

Yoru examines the [Core] I was holding: its shape and weight.

"I cannot precisely measure the mana that comes out of your fingertips, but I can measure the change in overall mana of your body after a time comparing old profiles and assigning a proper rate of mana loss based on time spent."

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I guess that makes sense. If Yoru could precisely see how fast I could flow mana out into the [Core] directly, Yoru would also probably be able to precisely explain where the [Core] in a [Curse] was. But, all Yoru can do is detect the presence of mana. With time, Yoru can detect the magnitude of changes in mana as well given two easily comparable profiles (like me being still). This is why a [Core] on the battlefield is untraceable: the [Curse] always moves around. The mana in the area and its own mana change with every moment and so it becomes hard to pinpoint denser areas.

"Alright, I'll start now then. Make sure to stop me--"

I begin flowing mana into the [Core] at a constant pace over the course of a few minutes. Then...the [Core] blew up in my face.

"Why didn't you tell me it was done when it blew up like that!?"

"My calculations are perfect, you were probably just inputting mana too unevenly at the time."


"Well, at least we got a few good ones afterward."

We had kept at it for a while longer and I managed, through grueling hours, to produce some [Core Grenades].

"That's true...different attributes as well. There's water, fire, electricity, a ton of them."

I pat down my ashen clothes of the remaining singed parts as we walk down the alleyway with questionable sounds at the end of it, presumably a [Curse] we detected.

"Well, it's not like my control was that bad. It's just, what we were trying to do was pretty precise..."

I have been improving over a few weeks already, it's not like how it was at the start. I'm stronger now, way stronger.

"Visual confirmation of the [Curse]."


We arrive at the [Curse] in the dimly lit evening, the streets are quiet as always. But, something's off about this [Curse]. It's not shaped like some kind of animal--this thing is in the form of a human!


"It still makes the same sounds."

Even if it looks human, it's still a monster.

[Physical Enhancement Formation - <Legs>]
[Weapon Manifestation Formation/Strengthening - <Realizer>]
[Realizer Form - <Dark Flame Enhancement>]

I plan to finish this in a few moments. I lunge at the [Curse] with a power that could be equivalent to that of a speeding car. Immediately switching mana focus to my arms, I slash down at the [Curse] in a huff of might. But, the [Curse]...parried my blow with the side of its arm! I nearly tilt off balance as I wobble to the side.


It seems that this [Curse] underestimated me. The side of its forearm began to sear and crackle with blackened flames. However, the [Curse] quickly snapped out of it and pushed forward due to the weakened state I was in; my figure was full of openings. While it was preparing a punch, I move to intercept it but--

"It was a feint!?"

I am then hit on the opposite side I expected with a force that could crush metal in an instant. Without physical enhancements, my bones would be like glass to this thing. But, more importantly, this [Curse]...knows how to fight? Maybe it's to be expected since it doesn't model animals but a smarter human...

It thrusts forward with a jerk of motion and tries another punching strike. I pull up [Realizer] but am hit before then and fling back a few steps while holding my stomach in pain. It's strong...!

"I'm inferior in close-quarters combat? Is it because I have to wave around a sword?"

I unsummon my [Realizer] and raise my fist in a standard stance. I might have a better chance of fighting at this level. This time, I take the initiative to strike and rush in with a hook to the right. Blocking perfectly, it twists my arm and brings me to the floor in a pin. But, that was your downfall--!

[Mana Drain]

I begin sucking the force out of the [Curse] but it quickly catches on and releases me making a wide jump backward. I get up slowly while regaining my composure. The situation now is that the [Curse] has to beat me by chipping away slowly with damage through an exchange of fists. The [Curse] can't push me down and hit me continuously or I'll be in a position to steal its mana. My sword puts me at a disadvantage in this fight where speed is a must...

Isn't this the perfect situation to use that? It probably wouldn't handle a ranged attack well...

I smirk because I've just gained the upper hand on the battlefield. This smile is a big cry from the rickety thing I was when I first started combat.

[Core Grenade]

I inject a large amount of mana into the bomb at once, the amount being relative to the power it exerts. I throw it and it immediately explodes in a blast of bright fire; I could feel the heat from a distance clearly.


The [Curse] is assaulted with darkened fire all around it. It seems the tool was a success. Using this opening, I close in the distance and manifest [Realizer] again. 


Close up, I stop my feet short while keeping the rush's momentum and pierce my sword through where the heart should be in this thing. While it crumpled in the [Core Grenade]'s fire, I had cut through it with my [Realizer].

[Realizer Form - <Dark Flame Enhancement>]

I twist the strengthened cutlass and tear it away from the side. It wriggles free from the [Curse] body leaving a clean slash mark. This should be enough to kill it right...?


All I hear are the [Curse]'s low mutters now. It looks about ready to die, the skin is crisp and the wound in its center is no joke. But, that resilient b*stard made a last attempt to beat at my head.

"No use."

I smoothly sweep forward and decapitate it. That last attack was in desperation, there was no thought behind it. There was no countermeasure for my countermeasure. It was just like a beast without reason--that's why I could beat it.

I look back to the [Curse] that disintegrated away and grab the [Core] since I have uses for them now. A wave of relief and accomplishment washed over me. Phew,

"The sun is setting, Yoru. We're going to be making [Core Grenades] all night!"

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