Magical Girl Lunel Étoile! ~The Magical Girl of the Moon and Stars acts the way he likes~

Magical Girl Lunel Étoile! ~The Magical Girl of the Moon and Stars acts the way he likes~

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Magical Girl Lunel Étoile! ~The Magical Girl of the Moon and Stars acts the way he likes~

Review: 7/10 from 20 ratings

The main character who won 100 million yen in the lottery and is now enjoying a NEETT life, 27-year-old man.
What appeared in front of him was a talking rabbit stuffed toy! ? "Do you want to get

become a magical girl?
"Magic girls using mysterious powers appeared at the same time as monsters appeared to fight them. While the battle between magical girls and monsters is still going on, an irregular magical girl is born? ! Tsukasa Kisaragi, who became a magical girl by chance, was dangerous. Shoot stars, release stars, change gravity, and more! ! Is this another strategic weapon? ! The story of the irregular magic girl Lunel Etoile, who runs over monsters at will with non-standard magic!

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