Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 25: Chapter 19 – Every Lab Needs An Assistant ????

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Longest chapter yet, took some time to get it right, hope you like it????

Minor change: Dryad is a dark elf, instead of a regular elf. Why? Cause it’s sexier:)

Softcore kinda?

Chapter 19 – Every Lab Needs An Assistant????


[T-C Experiment 33: Using a reinforcing loop to counter the effects of copying

The ‘Nu’ rune and ‘Wvn’ rune successfully formed a feedback loop when connected together. The formation experienced a 3.8% increase in power and a 15.1% increase in mana demand per 4-minute cycle, both compounding. However, none of the controls could interfere with the loop save for cutting off the mana supply. I decided to let the formation continue running, after 102 minutes, the entire formation, unable to contain the excessive amount of mana, exploded.

Result: Failure
Conclusion: While a self-reinforcing loop sounds like an interesting angle, the obvious inefficiencies of the excessive mana required and the difficulty in controlling the formation cannot be ignored]

Yui stretched, her stiff bones released a satisfying pop after penning the final punctuation in her journal. She had been at it since yesterday morning, cooped up in the lab over her weekend, only taking occasional breaks and sleeping when Miyu called. She did not mind this life the slightest, in fact, she quite enjoyed the sense of discovery and accomplishment, though not as much as spending quality time with her girls.

But with the recent string of failures that felt like bashing her head against a wall, not so much. Next to her sat the unrecognisable charred remains of the latest experiment mocking her. Annoyed, she threw it haphazardly into the discard pile. It landed amidst leather body straps, latex suits, collars, and ball gags, all testaments of her failures.

“Dryad, I’m taking a break. Clean the experiment up and call me when the next experiment is ready.” Yui said to her assistant. Before she left, she hung up her white lab coat and took off her glasses, after all, lab coats and glasses improve research, everyone knew that. And headed for the balcony, where Sofi had already prepared some afternoon tea with a fresh strawberry shortcake.

Her experiments were a good distraction from her life problems or one problem in particular. Now, as she sat under a wide parasol sipping her tea, Yui could not help but recall it. Yesterday, when she was laying the foundations with Argent, Feeu arrived with some troublesome information. Luckily, Yui managed to postpone it but when the day comes she knew not what to do.

“There you are,” Vili interrupted her musing, jumping onto her table, and materialised a stack of tangerines from nowhere. “Want some? It’s the very first batch from the orchard.”

After the lab, Yui requested her demon wolves to create a tangerine orchard for Vili, payment for her help healing Envy. As thanks, Yui rewarded them with something they wanted but she always lacked the magic stones to do it, promoting two of them to be an alpha and beta wolf pair. She spent fifteen stones out of the forty she obtained from the recent battle, ten on Alpha and five on Beta. From their initial appearance of light green fur made of leaves and a tail of roots, they grew slightly bigger, only slightly, and their fur became sleeker to the point she could not tell they were made of leaves. The most visual transformation however was their tails, Alpha’s split into three while Beta’s into two.

“That’s surprising, you offering your tangerine,” Yui said as she peeled one for herself, tasting an explosion of sweet juiciness, “it’s good.”

“Well, someone needs to console a defeated Witch,” Vili snickered. “Need my help suppressing Envy’s powers? It’ll only cost you a little, okay, maybe a little more than a little.”

“No need, I’ve almost cracked it.” Yui had an ambitious plan for Envy and solved almost all conceivable problems, except for the most pertinent one, Envy’s copying powers. It proved to be more difficult than she imagined, much more difficult, though, she would never admit that to Vili. So far, she has three plausible solutions:

1. Directly seal or counter Envy’s copying powers. It was the most direct method, but, unrealistic in practice. She simply did not know how the copying power operates or what its restrictions were. Perhaps, she would figure out the way after conducting some experiments on Envy herself but with her unconscious, not a chance.

2. Distract Envy so she cannot use her power. Simple yet brilliant. Leave Envy in a perpetual orgasm hell, making her unable to think of running or even using her powers. In fact, Yui already had a working prototype that could accomplish that, however, she was reluctant to use it. She knew while it would be fun initially, she would grow bored of a mind-broken Envy.

3. Deprive Envy of the necessary mana to do anything with her copied powers. But as Envy had shown with Yui’s ribbon, draining formations would simply be copied. This was a dead end unless Yui invented a new formation that would not be copied.

None of her many experiments bore any fruits, leaving her in a conundrum, perhaps she needed a different approach. But before that, she needed to deal with Vili. “What’re you here for?”

“Can’t a contractor express concern for her contractee?” Vili asked, receiving a deadpan stare from Yui. “Fine, fine, Aur replied, she’ll meet us tomorrow.”

“Aur? I assume that’s the ‘friend’ you’ve been talking about."

“Yes, she’s that friend and there’s no need to put air quotes around friend.” Vili rolled her eyes.

Yui sipped her tea, “Any idea what we're up against? What should we prepare?"

“Hmm, maybe a crate of tangerine?”

". . ." There was a pause between them. "Vili, am I right to assume that since Etativi are magical creatures, they can use the entire negative spectrum of mana?"

"Yes?" Vili said, confused about where Yui was going with this. 

"And that they have inclinations to certain types of mana?"

"Yes?" Vili replied tentatively, not liking the direction of the conversation.

"So. . . is yours sloth—Thunder and lightning struck around Vili—or gluttony?"

"Don't group me with those lazy bastards. . ." Vili protested loudly but her voice petered off.

Vili took a while to recover from her devastated self-image. Once she did, she walked up to Yui and met her with a serious look. "Two things, first, never call an Etativi gluttony—staring dead straight into Yui's eyes—never. Ignorance does not excuse insult."

She held that gaze until Yui nodded, "And secondly, we, Etativi, gain access to the whole spectrum of mana while having proficiency with a certain type the moment we're born. Unlike you Witches, where your personalities and desires make you favour a type of mana over another. To sum it up, our type doesn't necessarily reflect on our personalities."

Yui nodded along with Vili clearing up the Etativi's good name, "But you called the sloth wielders 'lazy bastards.'"

"Because they are."

". . ." Yui sighed from the ridiculousness, "I'll get Alpha and Beta to prepare a crate."

“Oh, I almost forgot, don’t place any formations around the meeting site, Aur is good at sniffing those stuff out.” Vili lounged on the table as tangerine slices floated into her cat mouth.

The two ate their food in silence, Vili her tangerines and Yui her strawberry shortcake, until footsteps approached. Dryad came to get Yui for the next experiment.


Yui entered the lab and donned her lab coat. The brand new lab had, after only a couple of days, become cluttered. In the corner was a large box of failed magic tools, while half-complete magic tools and experiment apparatus lay scattered across various tables. One such unfinished magic tool was a ball the size of a minicar, half red, half white, for Fenrir's war form.

On the central table, standing erect, was the next magic tool to be tested, a penis. It possessed the life-like appearance of one and hopefully after this experiment the capabilities of one too. If this test succeeded, this magic tool would be a masterpiece. Just imagining what she would do with it got Yui wet, she had to fight hard to contain herself, she must maintain her calm at this crucial juncture. “Dryad, get ready, we’ll start with the full diagnostic, then move on to the test. We don’t want a repeat of experiment 55.”

Dryad nodded, with a brief burst of nature magic, she willed her vine ultra-mini skirt off to reveal her delicious chocolate ass while her autumn leaf bra remained in place, holding together her amazing assets. She sat on the edge of the inspection bed, a pair of long ears peeked out of her long turquoise-tinge platinum hair that cascaded over her shoulders.


[Eleonor from Taimanin]

Eleonor NSFW CG????→ 

No matter how many times Yui saw this, it still excited her, her eyes drinking in the sinful scene. Clearing her throat, she did not forget to wear her pair of sleek glasses as she took out her journal, “We'll begin the comprehensive test on Model-E BiggusDickus v68He has a wife, you know.”

Dryad grabbed the penis and pressed it to her clitoris, there was a soft sucking sound before it attached itself. Wincing, she tugged it several times to check if it came off. Once everything seemed well, Yui pressed a remote and the dick fell off.

“No problems with attaching and detaching. The emergency disengage is also operational.” Yui wrote in her journal as she narrated. “Dryad, let’s move on to check the functions.”

Dryad reattached the dick and fed it some mana. As she concentrated on the magic tool, it began to grow and grow, reaching gigantic proportions. Next, the process reversed, shrinking it until it could barely pass for a micro-penis. Finally, it reverted back to the original size. She proceeded to check the rest of its functions; changing its colour to match her skin to more exotic shades; changing its shape to fanciful and pleasurable shapes; she even made a pair of testis and an extra dick appear.

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“Excellent work. Luckily, there was no compatibility problem with the formations. It was a pain to clean the smears on the walls after 55.” Yui said. Throughout the checks, she had been taking down notes. “Get ready, we’re going to start the final sensitivity check then begin the cum test immediately after, there won’t be any breaks.”

When Dryad reclined back on the bed and Yui placed a box below it. The very next moment, Dryad’s eyes widened as from under the bed several articulating metal arms appeared. Two shot out and caught her wrist, hoisting her arms over her head. Two more went for her ankles and another two secured her thighs, spreading her legs wide open, her ass was right on the edge of the bed. Finally, an arm with a flesh-like tube positioned itself over her erect dick. Dryad was spread out and restrained on the inspection.

“Do you remember this friend that you enjoyed so much the last time? Don’t worry, it's just here to support me today, I want to get some practice in.” The onaholefleshlight over her dick retracted, disappearing into the box, as Yui pulled out a bottle of lube. "Since we're testing the BiggusDickus, we'll only focus on your dick. You're not allowed to cum until I say so."

Yui took off her shirt and bra, she left the lab coat on, sporting a lab coat-glasses combo. Yui shifted her chair closer to Dryad's throbbing penis which was at the perfect height for her. Sniffing Dryad's faint musk, she extended her tongue to dribble some saliva onto the dick, causing it to twitch. Yui circled the head with her tongue, taking care not to touch it with her lips.

Dryad inhaled sharply as Yui made her way down the left side of the shaft, licking and leaving a trail of saliva. Upon reaching the base, she reversed course, dragging her tongue back up to the glans where she blessed it with a kiss from her luscious lips before repeating the process for the other side of the shaft.

Dryad gritted her teeth and had her eyes squeezed shut. Her underside was assaulted by Yui, taking a long lap from the base to the tip and ending it with a flick of her tongue. Sadistic desire flashed in Yui's eyes seeing her demon's attempt to hold back. Yui wanted to push her more and took the head in her mouth, her tongue dancing over it, at times, gently caressing, furiously wagging on others.

Once she felt Dryad was ready, Yui went for the kill. She thrust her head forward and swallowed the entire length in one go. Her throat squeezed its intruder tightly, inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter, she shoved it deeper until her nose touched Dryad's crotch. She held it there, keeping Dryad in her throat, only rising halfway when she ran out of breath, before once more diving deep. Each time Yui went down, Dryad shuddered and her juicy breasts, still bound by her autumn leaf bra, bounced.

Up… Down…

In… Out…

Sweat was running down Dryad's body as her clenched jaw loosened unconsciously, leaking steamy moans. Just when she tightened her ass and clenched her toes, the deepthroat stopped. Dryad opened her eyes and looked at Yui in confused desperation. Yui smiled, wiping away some spit from the corner of her mouth. “Your sensitivity is working normally, let’s up it to 500% sensitivity.”

Dryad shuddered. Five times, how much pleasure would that be? Her demon mind instinctively feared the unknown, but she could not go against the pounding of her heart, it was beating with excitement for the potential pleasure. She obeyed Yui and sent mana to her slobbered dick. While there was no visible change, it quivered when Yui blew on it. Yui grinned, dousing slimy lube on her breast. “You can cum anytime.”

Without warning, she brought her breast down in a single stroke to envelope the manhood in a soft slippery heaven. While her breasts were not massive, they still wrapped around the penis leaving only the tip sticking out. The sudden surge of pleasure already had Dryad on the verge of climax. But when Dryad thrust her hips forward to cum, her extra-sensitive dick was greeted by air. Yui had separated her breasts when she sensed Dryad's movement, denying her release.  

"I know I said you could cum anytime, but I haven't even started moving yet." Yui pinched a strand of sticky lube that ran between her breasts under Dryad's imploring gaze.

"Let's make it five rounds, you're allowed to cum after five rounds." Dryad nodded profusely, not rationalising what she just agreed to. "Good, I'll go easy for the first round."

A hand gripped her dick pressing into fleshy soft pudding where her tip encountered a hard nipple. Pleasurable but manageable. Dryad was not prepared when Yui began jerking her off while her glans was teased by Yui's nipple and soft breast. Waves of pleasure pulsated as Yui's hand easily slide over her lubricated shaft. But Yui did not stop there, using her stiff nipple she poke Dryad's urethra, causing Dryad to squirm from the unusual sensation and rub her butt against the bed, crumpling the bedsheet.

"Second!" Yui release her grip, instead, she wrapped her breasts around Dryad's manhood and squeezed as hard as she could, her fingers digging into her malleable boobs. Little Dryad was back between those pillowy heavens, squashing her, then not, then crushing her again. Yui parted her breasts before pressing them together again and sandwiching little Dryad. She kept a measured pace, giving Dryad a brief glimpse of heaven before dropping her right out of it. In response, Dryad gripped the bedsheets with her hands and her legs jerked, tugging against their restraints, in tandem with the compressions

"Third!" Stars filled her vision when Dryad felt the breasts around her erect pillar now rubbed her off, up and down, generating pleasure from slippery friction. She had no control over her body, not that she had much before. Her hips lifted involuntarily as she clenched her juicy ass together to prevent herself from cumming, her moaning mouth panted hot steamy breaths. Yui increased her speed, filling the lab with the sound of breasts slapping against thighs, and the sight of Dryad's gigantic breasts shaking loose of their binds to dance in sync with Yui's movements.

"Fourth!" Yui slowed her paizurititjob, allowing Dryad to breathe for a second before she licked the exposed glans. Her tongue flickered over the tip, interspacing it with prods of the urethra. Dryad's back arched, hyperextending as far as she could, her breasts and their pink cherries pointed straight to the ceiling. Yui sensed the penis throb desperately between her breasts and did not stop her actions, lapping of the underside of the glans.

It was nearly there, Dryad could feel her cum boiling over but by some divine intervention, she did not blow her load.

"Fifth!" Something warm and wet enclosed her head with the dexterous tongue still slithering over it. Yui had the head in her mouth, all the while, the pillowy heavens did their magic. Dryad was long past moaning, her mouth wide open in a silent scream. Yui hollowed her cheeks and she sucked Dryad like a vacuum. Dryad felt like her soul was being drawn through the straw that was her dick. It was too much for her. With her toes clenched and her eyes rolled back, a shiver that shook her entire body ran through her as she propelled her hips upwards and plunged her dick deeper into Yui's breasts and mouth.


She was cumming!

"AAAHHH!" Dryad released all her built-up pleasure in a giant orgas—

Nothing came out! The rising magma was blocked, her erect volcano could not erupt! Dryad swung her raised hips, trying to get the extra pleasure to push herself over the top.

"Sixth!" Yui released the dick from her mouth and ruthlessly alternated her strokes, each hand moving in opposite directions in every increasing force. Dryad fought against the restraints with every fiber of her body, she tried to rub her thighs together or bring her fingers to her nipples, anything that would let her cum. SHE NEEDED TO CUM!

"Seventh!" CUM!

"Tenth!" CU—!

"Twentieth!" ———!

Dryad was spasming. Her eyes could no longer see the sights before her nor could her long ears hear the sounds around, her entire body was bent in the desire to cum.

"You held out well." Yui, with Dryad still between her breasts, gave the tip a kiss. A jet of white cum shot from Dryad’s dick, reaching the ceiling. Dryad's eyes showed their whites, in a splendid Ahegaorolled eyes, google it alone if you want to know more, while her tongue stretched as far as it could, her back fully arched as her chocolate breast shook and her pussy squirted. Sweet release coursed through her body, she could finally cum, and cum she did. Yui did not spare her, keeping up the paizuri to milk Dryad for every drop, every time Yui's breasts rose and fell ropes of cum spurted out.

Being in the line of fire, Yui was doused with a copious amount, caking her face and glasses. Some entered her mouth and like a true connoisseur, she rolled the sticky cum around her tongue. “Delicious! Sweet but not too much, exactly as I asked. Excellent Job, Dryad!"

"Did you also manage to make it nutritious?” Yui asked the cum fountain. But the only sounds coming out of Dryad's lips were unintelligible Oo's and Ah's as well as pee and love juices leaking from her pussy. "I guess, now's not the time to ask."

Dyrad trembled and came.

Dryad shuddered and came.

Dryad quivered and came.

Even when Yui released the hold her breasts had of her dick, cum still spewed from the stiff broken tap. Dryad’s face melted silly, her eyes still in their Ahegao as mucus flowed from her nose, while her tongue lost its strength and lolled out of her loose mouth. Dryad was covered in cum, dropping from a hell of no climax to a hell of continuous orgasm.

"Is there a problem with the release formation or did I edge her for too long?" Yui grew increasingly concerned with every spurt of cum.

Suddenly, Dryad went into convulsions, shaking intensely in her restraints, still, her dick ejected an extreme amount of cum. Yui felt Dryad's mana was dropping rapidly, sinking to a dangerously low level. She quickly hit the emergency disengage sending the magic tool tumbling to the floor.

Yui sighed with relief when she check on Dryad, to find her safe and sleeping, though the occasional residue pleasure coursed through her, causing Dryad to quiver and squirt pussy juice, besides that she was fine. Yui wiped the cum off Dryad and covered her with a blanket, not forgetting to release her restraints.

Once Dryad was comfortable, Yui swept the cum off her table, cleaned her glasses, and, in her naked lab coat, began the difficult work of deciphering the results.

[B-D Experiment 68: Testing orgasm control

There were no compatibility problems when the diagnostic test was performed. I pushed Dryad to the limit, then pushed her even further beyond, testing whether she would be able to cum. The orgasm control has proven to hold under strenuous situations, though, there was a minor error in the release formation.

Result: Success
Conclusion: Model-D will be ready once I've recalibrated the release formation and the orgasm control can be installed on Model-M immediately

Extra: Thanks to Dryad, I've figured out a solution to deal with the conundrum

Note to self: Invent a cleaning formation for the lab ASAP*]


Inspiration for BJ (NSFW):

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