Magical Maid Incorporated

Chapter 7: Episode 2, Act 3 – Sponsorships

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Episode 2, Act 3 - Sponsorships

"Madeline, what do you think are you wearing? Worse, what happened to your eyes? You know sleep is important..." My priestess fusses over me while we sit inside the limousine. I don't know why she's freaking out-- I brought my uniform in my bag, didn't I? And I haven't been sleeping well since... Whatever, isn't that what we have makeup specialists for?

Olivia sits across from me, her own priestess remaining silent. She's nervous-- I don't blame her, really. This is her first time being in the public sphere, and she doesn't know her priestess well enough to start a conversation. I can see the way her eyes run across the pages of her romance novel, starting over when she reaches the bottom-- usually, she'd be neck deep in a book by the time we reached our destination. She must be terrified, poor thing.

Gisele Ilse, my own priestess, has been with me for... six years now? Ever since Magimaid was founded. The life of a priestess was a dangerous one; I have seen many attacked or assassinated by pro-Malice terrorists-- or worse, used as bargaining chips by the Council of Thorns. As per company policy, any priestesses abducted by the Council of Thorns were to be considered dead. That hadn't stopped a few magical warriors from trying, anyways... myself included.

Whatever they did to priestesses, the person you brought back would never be the same. Gisele tucked her white hair behind her ear, the majority of it still wrapped in a bun, and the creases in her eyes twisted with concern... I didn't mean to worry her. I hold out my hands in compliance.

Gisele starts digging through my bag, shoving a blue maid uniform into my lap. "Change into that, please. I'm not having you meet our sponsors looking like that." Gisele's concern wasn't for the company-- as far as she was concerned, the company could shove it. Her duty was to me, and my future was the only thing she was taking into consideration. A Magical Warrior without sponsors would have to start looking for other work, and I wasn't about to give my lifestyle up. 

I take the dress and ribbons, letting them roll out with a flick. I start unbuttoning my pajama shirt, and hear Olivia squeak and bury her face in her book. She's being weird. I slip out of my silks and shimmy out of my pants next, before loosening the laces on my uniform.

The ribbons take to my exposed flesh, wrapping themselves around my arms and wrists in a fine lattice, and the bodice is slipped into with ease-- before it tightens around my waist and chest. The benefit of magic-- impractical uniforms worn with ease. "How do I look?" I barely manage to whisper. I haven't spoken since the last time I saw Malty...

Olivia lowers her book, taking a peek over the rim of it. "You look nice, Madeline..." Her priestess, Mikayla nods and smiles in agreement. I consider hopping into her Perspective-- what does she see in this exchange? Friendship, or... or something else? Maybe I'm just. Forget about it. I manage to restrain myself. It was rude enough that I hopped into other perspectives whenever I met someone new; felt their personality out. I didn't need to invade her personal space more than I have.

I still remember the first time I entered her Perspective. Dozens of candidates, all lined up against a wall, each spouting their own nonsense. None of them believed in her-- not one. They thought I couldn't read their greed, the lust in their eyes? Only one didn't advocate for herself-- she just smiled. She knew she didn't need to justify herself with words; that I would choose her through intention and Perception alone. I did pick her, without hesitation. She was the only one who considered Olivia a friend.

"Oh, don't coddle her, Olivia. Madeline, you look terrible. Have you been sleeping well?" Gisele grips my chin firmly, examining the bags under my eyes. I... I don't know how to answer her. Not firmly, that's for sure. She opens my mouth...

"And you haven't been brushing, either. Madeline, you need to take care of yourself. Have you gone to see Dr. Strauss?" Her concern is overbearing, but I don't shake her away. As... infuriated as I am, with Malty, with... everything. I can't decline her kindness. Not her.

"She's going through a lot..." Olivia tries to speak for me. "Maybe she just needs some space?" While accurate, I wish Olivia would consult me before putting words in my mouth. Just because I do not speak does not mean that others should do the talking in my place.

I don't really need to speak. It's difficult to describe, but... as far as I can tell by asking others, being around me is like having a small voice in your head that occasionally makes sarcastic remarks. You can tell these thoughts are foreign, alien... different from the thoughts you would usually have. For those I was viewing the Perspective of, it was so much worse.

 You couldn't tell your thoughts apart from mine; I seamlessly blended into your mind space. The things I thought, the things you thought, all became a jumbled mess. I can't think straight in that shape-- I seem to adopt a part of their worldview. Oftentimes, I lash out-- try to kill myself through the hands of another. My depression mixes with their rage and fear in a dangerous cocktail that sends Malice into an enraged state.

The perfect state to devour them in; wounds exacerbated, flaws are exposed. They cannot hide their intentions, and my body moves like a puppet-- manipulated by invisible strings, it exploits their movements. Dives in. Ends their existence... leaving me with the discarded scraps of their longing. The worldview they tried so hard to defend...

I devour that, too.


Am I a monster?

"Madeline?" Olivia speaks up. "Madeline, are you there? You're... thinking weird things again." She looks down at me with concern, hand on my head as she checks for a fever... down on my head? I tense up, looking around... I seem to be lying against the seat, my head in her lap. That's... that's not okay?! Is she giving me a lap pillow?

That's wrong, that's... she can't... "Her head is a little warm. She might be sick, Gisele!" Olivia gave her prognosis, looking away from my frustrated pout. Mikayla's eyes and smile betrayed her stifled laughter, and Gisele pinched the wrinkled skin between her brows.

"She'll be fine. You should just focus on keeping her calm... I've had enough of her 'monstrous' musings for one morning." Oh... they heard that. Not my best moment.

I tried to restrain my more intrusive thoughts so they didn't spill out... I've caused more than my fair share of mishaps that way. It was bad for team morale to hear your leader wondering about how their arm tastes, or imagining how to skin a Witch while she still breathed.

...I was a troubled kid. I am a troubled adult. But I definitely can't focus on my troubles when I have a lovely pair of thighs to rest against. "Are my thighs really that lovely...?" Olivia mutters. "I think they're a little too skinny..." Oh, uh... they're great, Olivia. Don't worry about it.

Mikayla wasn't able to restrain herself any longer. She was doubled over and laughing out loud. So she had a breaking point? Ah, that thought just makes her laugh harder.

"...we're almost there. Just... rest. I'll get you to the dressing room before we meet with the sponsors, so you can clean up." Gisele gave up on her hopeless lesbian. I close my eyes, trying to relax... and when I wake up? I am someone else entirely.




Here come our big ticket earners now! God, I can smell the cash. Endorsements are big-- and the best get paid a tidy sum. Why settle for Hollywarp or Transmagia? Fuck them. Half-baked products, not like Magimaid-- we're the real goddamn deal. A consistent theme; we dress our talents like maids. Our top ranker even uses a feather duster! That's so fucking on brand, I still can't believe it happened.

I walk down the hallway, headed for the set-- our sponsors are already there. I've run over the script a half dozen times-- shouldn't be hard to pull off, but it all depends on the talent. The Warriors of Magimaid are professionally trained for this kind of thing-- you pop on screen, say good things about the products, pop off. Easiest part of the job, but you'd be surprised how often fresh Maids screw it up, and we're dealing with two total newbies.

Mad Dog Maid and Nekromaid are both participating today; Velvet Machines, our sponsor, asked for those two specifically. The decision makes sense! Those two are single. Simps bend over backwards for merch with a Warrior on it. Their spines will break if they're selling Mad Dog. She's the original Magical Girl. The best, and these deluded assholes think that 'they can be the guy for her'. They're so out of the loop. When you're connected as I am, you know the truth; Mad Dog's a raging lesbo.

I mean raging in a very literal sense. Saw one guy try to feel her up at a shoot once-- getting her to stop beating the guy to death took three Magical Warriors working together. As for lesbian? She's trying to keep it under wraps, but you can't fool someone who talks in your head, Mad Dog. I've known you for way too long to buy that, anyways. You're not exactly subtle.

So? Thought about what I said?


...Mad Dog? You're listening, right?

(How did--)

A woman never reveals her secrets, okay? It's very obvious when you're rooting around inside my head. Probably trying to figure out what I know? You're very predictable, Mad Dog.

(And I'm still hot garbage, it sounds like.)

"You think I'm hot?" I whisper softly, giving her real body a grin. That gets a cough out of Mad Dog's throat. She's pounding her chest, and her head turns to glare at me-- eyes glazed over. I knew it, you're definitely in my head.

(Mad Dog is just trying to figure out what I'm planning. Mad Dog definitely-- definitely doesn't have time for my antics right now. And I don't want to corrupt Nekromaid.)

"I'll do no such thing, cross my heart. I'm not even sure she's into girls, and I have my eyes fixed on someone else right now." I let my finger lazily trace against my chest, leaning against a wall opposite Mad Dog. She needed to be in your line of sight to move-- and I wasn't about to deprive her of movement for fun! Not in the workplace, anyways.

(I'm still insufferable.)

And you still haven't answered me! I'm totally into you, head over heels, over the moon, kissing in a tree--

(I get it already. I should stop thinking about... squishing her face between my thighs? Mad Dog is surprised. That's relatively tame, for me.)

Thank you~ I've been working But I'm done waiting. You've been single for two years. I think I've been-- hold on, let me dramatically flip my hair. I think I've been incredibly patient for you. If you make me wait any longer...

(I'll stop trying? Imagine; a world without Tabitha Barnes.)

A much darker and crueler place, I'm sure. Just imagine what this company, this world would do without me? No. I'll pursue you, openly. You can't resist my charms forever. I know how you feel around me.

You are reading story Magical Maid Incorporated at

(I really don't, self-assured--) Mad Dog's hand curls up into a fist.

Not self-assurance. Confidence. There's a big difference, Mad Dog.

(Whatever it is, I have an attitude.) Maddie-- Mad Dog's arms fold, and she leers at me.

Can we talk? We haven't talked in a while.

(We don't need to talk. There's nothing to talk about.)

Two years. And you're still not over her?

(...this is exactly why we don't hang out. Mad Dog isn't over her. Fine. Is that what I wanted to hear?)

Not exactly. Word down the grape vine is you've been very protective of Olivia. I wonder... Mad Dog wouldn't make an exception for her, would she?

(...if it was Olivia, maybe. Mad Dog would... at least think about it.)

But I don't even get the time of day? You know how incredibly unfair that is. Do I need to become a Magical Warrior to pursue you? Is that what she has that I don't, Mad Dog? Are our worlds that different?

(That's... that's not a solution. It's not something I can just take back, okay? It's-- this and that are different things. I get it, right? I understand?)

I understand completely. Of course. We really do live in different worlds. You won't even consider dating a mere mortal. Is that it? Have I hit the nail on the head?

(No... please. Please don't do this. Don't fight... I don't want to fight this way, not with her. I'm not self destructive like that. Mad Dog doesn't want you to do that, she's just... she's just a little on edge. She'll think about it, she promises, just don't... don't...)




(Why am I silent?)


( No no no. I didn't, just. No.) was inevitable, okay?


Now it's your turn to be silent.

(Was it Malty...?)

Christ, no. Mad Dog, I've been your frenemy long enough to know that thing is bad news. Not being able to see it doesn't mean I can't hear you talking to it.

(Chii, then.)



This is uh. Awkward. Big, awkward silence energy.

(It's going to be a little awkward when I tell my friend that I've just... given up my life, trying to pursue her romantically.)

Well, yeah. But I really... really do love you, Mad Dog. I mean... Don't think that was the only reason. I've been jealous that you get to do all this fighting and I'm just... support, you know? Not even good support. You've barely stopped by my room in a year. But I was hoping to grow closer again. Chii said she could grant my wish.

('s not fair. It's not fair to Mad Dog. To spring this on her.) Her fists clench with anger. (This isn't... okay. Not even a little. What if she wants to be alone? Or she doesn't see you that way?)

Then I guess I'm just going to have to live with my decision.




"Nekromaid, Mad Dog, I'd like to introduce you to our newest Magical Warrior-- Maiden Direct." I watched as the rough hands of our director settled on Tabitha's shoulders. She winked and smiled, holding out her palm to both of us. "Happy to be working with you again, Mad Dog! Nice to meet you, Nekromaid!"

Olivia shook her hand, but I gave her a withering gaze. She deserved it. I-- I don't even know how angry I'm supposed to be right now. This is unprecedented. I don't know how to respond... how to act... "I hope you'll figure out how to act, we're about to shoot a commercial together." Tabitha gave me a smile. I hate... hate her, so much. I just looked away.

"Uh... right! Okay, I'm actually confused, can you help me with some of this? I want to make sure I'm in peak performance, and you seem more... confident?" Olivia pulled out a well worn copy of the script from her bag... it was covered in small stickers, helping her note and navigate through it. She must have read it dozens of times... but... why didn't she ask me for help?

I'm experienced too... I'm your mentor. I could only watch in jealous despair as they ran over the questions together. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel-- Olivia and Tabitha, for... for how infuriating she is, she's still my friend, they both are. I just felt... alone.




"Madeline? Are you going to practice with us?" Olivia waved me over, and I blinked. Uh. What? "You know. Before the commercial! You probably know all the lines already, but... oh!" I was already shoulder to shoulder with her in a heartbeat. I'm sorry, Olivia. Tabitha... ugh.

I guess I'm not alone. This time.

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