Making It in Night City

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – Reunited and It Feels So Good

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"Please! Please don't shoot! We're not with the gangs! You have to believe us!"

Instead of more Shivs, what stood before me were three young ladies in horrible condition. Their clothes were torn, and they looked pale and malnourished. A few bruises indicate some physical violence, probably to keep them compliant. The girls were all young, from their late teens to early twenties.

The container was filled with empty water jugs and fast food wrappers. There was a single heavily stained mattress in the corner. There were blood-soaked rags and torn clothing strewn across the floor. I know the girls couldn't help it, but they also stank to high heaven. Nope, it wasn't the girls. There were two buckets in the corner, and I'm not going to think about this further.

I don't remember there being captives in this cave, so to say I was surprised would be an understatement. The two girls in the corner huddled closer while the one who was knocking looked apprehensive, unaware of our intentions. Since they didn't look like threats, I lowered my gun.

"Hey, don't be scared. We don't want to hurt you. Everything is ok now. The Scavs are gone, and you can go home. Why don't you come on so we can take you somewhere safer? Are any of you seriously hurt?"

The girls looked at me anxiously, but eventually, the one that was knocking came out first. Panam grabbed one of the girl's arms and pulled her into a quick hug, then checked her body to see if she was ok. After seeing we weren't there to hurt them, the other two helped each other up and walked out. I didn't want to spook them, so I just pat them both on the shoulder instead of hugging them. 

Once I was sure everyone was Ok, I asked them if they had anyone they could contact to pick them up. They all gave me their families' numbers, and I tried calling them while we made our way toward Panam's truck. It took a few tries because the reception in the cave was horrible, but eventually, I managed to get them all on the line. It was a nice moment watching the girls talk to their families, but Panam and I still had a job to finish, so we started leading the girls out of the tunnel.

The girls' names were Rosa, Kassidy, and Julie. Rosa was the one banging on the door, and Kassidy and Julie were the ones huddled in the corner. All three of them are friends, and they are attending NCU together. Somehow they got marked as targets while celebrating Kassidy's birthday. Their drinks got spiked, they passed out, somebody dragged them out here, and now we found them.

Once we got to the car, we split up into two vehicles. A standard Thorton Mackinaw would be big enough for all of us, but Panam's Warhorse was heavily modified, and the rear seat was filled with equipment. I don't think these girls have the right mindset to drive, so I'll take Rosa and Kassidy in a Shiv car while Panam takes Julie. After I did a basic wipe down to ensure the girls weren't sitting in blood, Panam and I were speeding down the freeway towards the Sunset Motel.

Helping the girls took longer than expected, and the 6th Street group was already waiting in the parking lot by the time we arrived. Three guys were leaning against a van, heavily chromed and kitted with surplus gear. The 6th Street was founded by war vets who were pissed at the government's inability to keep the neighborhoods safe. They used their combat experience and implants to form a protector gang, but after time they turned into a criminal organization like any other.

Ideally, the girls wouldn't be here for this. But the meeting was scheduled beforehand, and we can't push it back any further. I glanced at the girls in my car and noticed Kassidy was already asleep in the back. I then looked over to Rosa to ensure her everything was fine.

"Your parents are still on the way, but Panam and I have some business to deal with. Just stay in the car and don't make any large movements, ok?"

Rosa looked me in my eyes, likely trying to gauge whether or not I could be trusted. After a few seconds, she quietly nodded and turned her head to look out her window. Happy that everything seemed good to go, I crammed my overture behind my back and got out of my car.

Once Panam saw me get out, she exited her truck and walked to the back to get the package. While she was shuffling around the trunk, I walked up to the right side of the car and leaned on the passenger door. Leaning hid my left hand, which gripped my piece in case anything went wrong. The deal went smoothly in-game, but the girls we found proved that not everything stays the same. Better careful than dead.

Panam soon found what she was looking for and walked up to the clients with a small brown box.

"Hey, Boz."

"Paaanam. How's Nash? Doesn't seem to be answerin' his phone."

"Heh. You got balls, girl."

He then looked at me and asked what my deal was.

"What's this? A bonus of some sort?"

"Don't mind me. Just here to give Panam emotional support."

"Hah! He says emotional support!"

The leader gave a short laugh and slapped the chest of one of his men. Panam rolled her eyes at me and handed the box over.

"Shut up, Basil. There. First-class merch."

The 6th Street boys inspected the box and seemed happy with what they saw inside.

"So, everything's in order?"

"Check your account. Should be pretty plush in a couple of minutes."

"It's been a pleasure. But I believe Rogue's the one who is to pay me?"

"You're alright. Think you earned a tip. Let's roll!"

Panam and the leader shook hands while the other gang members loaded into their vehicle. Once their leader got in, the van pulled out of the parking lot and drove towards Night City.

"That went well! Just need to get these girls home, and our day is done."

"Happy it's over. I can't wait to hit the sack finally. Let me talk with the girls and see if they need anything."

The next half hour was spent waiting for the girls' family to show up. While waiting, I went upstairs and got them some pizza and fresh water. The Shivs weren't exactly feeding them well, and they scarfed down the food like starving wolves. 

Kassidy's family was the first to show up. Her father was stone-faced, trying to hide his tears, while her mother had rivers coming out of her eyes and smudged mascara all over her face. Julie's family was next, and they were not any better. Tears, yelling, a lot of hugs, somebody's dog barking. It was an emotional affair. 

Rosa's family was the last to show up, but they showed up in style. An Aerodyne AV with familiar black and red colors flew into the parking lot and landed feet away from us. Rosa's parents were big shots in Arasaka, and they decided to take the company AV since it was the fastest way to get here from the Arasaka Waterfront. They were apparently in a meeting and rushed out of the conference room to get here as soon as possible.

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Rosa's parents were so grateful they transferred Panam and me 10k Eddies each on the spot. We watched as Rosa got into the AV with her family and waved at us. We waved back before the gullwing doors closed, and the AV flew away.

Once the AV was gone, Panam punched my shoulder and offered to buy me a drink.

"Talk about the cherry on top. I got my revenge, and we saved three girls from being trafficked. Come on, drinks on me."

I followed Panam onto the second floor and entered the bar where I got Panam's number.

"Hello, Noah."

"Hey. New biz or new friends back there?"


Panam took a seat at the bar, and I sat beside her.

"Broseph for me and one for my friend as well."

"Sure, thing Panam. Whos you're new fri... Hey, aren't you the guy I gave Panam's number to? You must have just come off that job you talked about then."

The guy recognized me from when I asked him for Panam's contact information. He opened two bottles of Broseph Ale and put one of them in front of me.

"Yup. Kept it clean and fast. Panam and I make a good team."

I raised my bottle and made a simple toast.

"To our future!"

Panam raises her glass and bumps it against mine.

"Thanks for everything, partner."

I took a sip and put the bottle back on the bar. Like any other ale, Broseph tasted fruity and too sweet for my liking. I stay away from sweet alcohol since the ease of drinking it sometimes tricks you into taking in more than you should. However, Panam shared the opposite philosophy as she took a large gulp and finished the thing in one go.

"*Ahh* That hit the spot. Another one, Noah."

"Sure thing. Lemme know if you need anything else."

Noah opened another bottle for Panam and walked to the other end of the bar to start cleaning up the place. It was getting late, and the bar was beginning to empty out. Everything I experienced today was so out of the norm that I don't know how to process it. The most worrying was that I think I'm ok with everything I've done. I took another drink, this time a much larger swig.

"You wanna know something, Panam?"


"Today was the first time I killed someone."

"Uuuuuuh, ok? Sorry. Kinda just dropped a bomb on me right there. Don't know how to respond"

"Look, I'm not looking for sympathy or anything. It's just that I thought I would feel... I don't know, more? After everything that happened, I just don't like how little guilt I feel."

I said my piece and took another drink from my bottle, almost finishing it. Panam watched me drink and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked over at her and found her looking at me with intense sincerity in her eyes.

"You don't feel guilty because you were killing scum. And it's not just taking out the trash. You helped a lot of people today. Me, obviously, but the girls as well. What do you think was going to happen to them if we didn't free them before they were sold off? If they were lucky, they would be ransomed to their parents."

Panam took her hand off my shoulder and emptied her bottle of Broseph.

"But let's be honest. It's Night City. It's just as likely that they get sold to some Scavs and carved up like some animal. You don't feel guilty because you know you did the right thing."

Listening to Panam did make me feel better. I emptied my bottle as well and thanked her.

"Thanks, Panam. It means a lot. Come on, let's get some shut-eye. We'll figure out what to do with the Caliburn tomorrow. Noah! Two rooms for the night, please."

Noah gave us access to our rooms, and we walked out of the bar. Panam was on the second floor while I was on the first. We said our goodnights and went out our separate ways. My room had a single bed with old faded bedding and a bathroom with curtain doors. 

I gave the bed a test push and frowned slightly at how hard it was. It also smelled sour somehow. Oh well, I'm too damned tired to complain. Falling back, I laid my head on a pillow and tried my best to get comfortable. Drowsiness quickly drowned out the rest of my thoughts, an darkness took over my consciousness.

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