Malevolus Caelum

Chapter 13: Chapter 12 – Scout

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Well I barely slept thanks to how excited I was for the hunt today. I don't feel sleepy at all right now, but I bet it's going to hit me hard later. For now I get to enjoy another one of Angela's meals before Cid takes me to the guild.
"... You look happy. As I expected, that other side of you affects more than just your physical form." Cid continued, entering a prayer pose. "Lord Rai'ga, please save us from this demon!"
"Why wouldn't I be excited?! I've been sitting around for nearly two weeks waiting for that idiot to finish blasting some village. Now I finally get to go hunting again... it's been so long."
"Do not call Rai'ga an idiot, not even in private. Eve not only will you be next on the chopping block, but everyone you were with will be considered an accomplice." Cid replied, getting up off the floor and sitting back down in his chair.
"You're right Cid... I'm sorry. It's really hard to focus on anything right now."
"That's another thing, do something about that big stupid smile of yours before we get to the guild. Eve, people join the Monster hunting guild to protect their lands, find comrades, find purpose, or just straight up find a family. The guild is like one big family, understand Eve? No one joins with jitters all over their body at the excitement of killing monsters, especially since you'll be signing up for the scout position. They'll assume you're insane, which from what I can tell is half-true. However you're going to be linked to me from here on out, so at least try to appear normal." Cid said.
It's that bad? Also I didn't even think about what the others in the guild might be like... Did I even care at all? Cid's not wrong, it was the starved state I was in before that made me obsessed with eating. Now though? I'm purely excited at hunting and eating. I still feel full from Siv. Between him and Steward I must have filled whatever amount of soul I needed for quite awhile. The fact that I haven't been using ether at all probably plays a huge part in it too.
Oh there's one thing I wanted to ask him when he woke up, I almost forgot.
"Cid, what happened with those elf people? Master told me about them in passing but I can't help wanting to know more. Do you know what 'guns' are?
Cid took on a thoughtful face for a bit. "Hmm... I know quite a bit thanks to Master prattling on about it after he got back from the summit. They were here for about a week and they are the reason we know where the exit portal is, it's where they came in from after all. Also they didn't leave us their best weapons for reasons I couldn't understand when Master Godwin relayed it to me. Something about nano-machines and power cores... none of it made sense. But they did leave us their older models and their ammo to... hang on, they had a term for it." Cid was silent for a few moments before continuing. "Reverse engineer them? I think that's what they called it. The king of the Seraph kingdom somehow managed to get Rai'ga to concede and allow scholars of every region to attend in a secret location, where they're all working together to figure out how to build guns themselves. Once they are ready, they'll be distributing the method to all blacksmiths on the moon. Normally the merchants guild would fight tooth and nail to keep such an object not only to themselves, but at the very least out of the public's hands. The fact that they so willingly backed off said a lot about the state of this world."
At first I didn't understand what he was saying, but then it clicked. If the greediest people on this moon were willing to let new powerful weapons be proliferated throughout the moon without earning a profit...
"But Cid, isn't that still good for them on the money front too? Even I know that they get most of their money through highly guarded outposts in the woods around the world."
"I get where you're going with this. Some outposts are in safe locations while still churning out profits, but most are in very dangerous locations. The amount of money that goes into defending those places is crazy high. If the moon as a whole becomes a safer place, and those outposts get way better lethal weaponry, they'll be turning out far greater profits than the guns themselves would produce... right?" Cid continued. "That's true, and while you've learned a surprising amount stuck in that cave your whole life, the fact remains that you're still lacking in a lot of basic info that people naturally learn out here. For instance, your working entirely off of logic. The merchants guild would normally find a way to both earn a profit from the guns and the increase in safety at outposts. Not that they would have succeeded with Rai'ga and the Seraph King in the coalition, but they would have tried nonetheless. The fact that they rolled over immediately is fascinating and yet frightening to people out here Eve." Cid replied, putting down his fork. How the hell does he eat so fast? He literally just sat down.
"Eve, one last thing, I'm not sure if Master told you this but never enter your mind palace with an Eldritch around. The smart ones can invade it which will lead to you being trapped. Worst case scenario is it'll slowly corrupt your mind until your a worshiper of his. I understand why the commoners find it oppressive that they aren't taught magic anymore, but it goes so much deeper than nobility greed. Too many become obsessed with their own world, others end up disgusted with their regular lives which always leads to a massive uptake in banditry, and then the final group ends up as loyal followers to some random Eldritch. That last one is the most dangerous. They almost never act differently from before, instead they slowly influence those around them by teaching them how to create their own mental palace. By time the guild realizes something is wrong, it's generally too late." Cid told me, with an uncharacteristically serious face.
"I understand Cid, thanks for the warning." I looked around. "By the way, where is Sachiko? She was just as excited as I am for today."
"Oh she has a fever and is sleeping in right now. Be sure to tell her how it went when you return in a few days or weeks. Also... thanks for looking after her."
"She's a sweet girl, of course I'll go see her when I get back. But days or weeks huh? My job will take awhile it seems."
"Scouting didn't even exist till the past ten years. Sticking together as a group is obviously the best option, but after things changed and so many people left, we had to adapt. Most of the groups stick to the outer village guild halls where the most monsters appear, taking care of things there and any requests that come in through other villages connected to that guild hall. For requests that come in far away from the usual locations, scouts are sent. Most of em end up wastes of time or issues the scout can fix alone, but other times... listen Eve, you really need to be careful. There's a reason very few people go into scouting. A smart Eldritch will know that the stranger who waddled into town is most likely a scout. You know what happens next if you're not careful, right?" Cid said.
"Obviously death, or something worse maybe..."
It's scary to think about, but instead of being frightened...

"And of course you're smiling. Well we'll see how you feel after experiencing it in person." Cid said, shaking his head. "Now, any last questions?"
"Yes, is there other ways that villagers end up corrupted?"
"If there is nobody there with a mental palace that they are actively entering, they will indeed corrupt the village in other ways. Some will telepathically speak directly into the minds of people, some will directly reach out to villagers who are away from the others, there is a bunch of different approaches. However, not all Eldritch are interested in creating worshipers. The one who attacked the village you were originally staying at is the type that only wants to destroy and devour. The guild is taking care of him right now. Were you involved in the fighting when the Lord attacked the village?" Cid replied.
He's talking about where I woke up as Eris? I vaguely remember someone saying it was a Lord who attacked.
"Uhhh...... technically yes?" I killed Steward who was staying in the village for that very moment, then I burned down a nobles tent and ate a Wendigo that others had slain. Far from helping, I was a plague on that town it seems.
"Oh sorry, one more question. What's a 'Lord'?"
"You don't even know that? Eldritch evolve slowly over time, increased by the amount of worshipers they have or the amount of people they devour. A Lord is like a monster that they create in their own image, it's generally more intelligent and stronger than the average monster. They are only able to create Lords after evolving a couple of times. When one shows up, you know there is a god somewhere nearby."
I understand why everyone swaps between saying 'Eldritch' and 'God' since they both mean the same thing, but it's really jarring sometimes. Then again it's better than hearing the word 'Eldritch' five times in a sentence.
Cid stood up from the table, pushing his chair underneath it. "Alright, you should be ready. None of this will even help you with the hunt I'm setting you up on anyways, but better to play it safe just in case."
"You better not be planning on screwing around all day after dropping her off! If you're never going to join another group, then find yourself a job in town!!" Angela yelled from deep in the kitchen.
Cid made a hilariously disgusted face, poor Angela. Sounds like he has his reasons but it's got to be hurting Angela seeing her son like this.
The guild hall is way bigger than I was expecting. More like this whole town is massive. I assumed all the outer villages were tiny like the one I woke up in.
"Cid why is this outer village so damn big? This is the size I expected to see out of the 'capitals' I keep hearing about."
"I told you about the village who sees the most monster activity is the one who houses the hunters guild right? The village naturally springs up around it, growing in size every year till it ends up rivaling the actual capital of the region. The capital also has a guild hall in it but it's mostly the bookkeepers there. At first the higher ups were worried about how this would affect the monsters during blackouts, but it's mostly been a good thing. It attracts more monsters towards this village over the others, so we no longer had to stretch out so many hunters and veterans. The only problem that arises, is when intelligent Eldritch happen to be alive during those times. They are the ones who hit the least defended areas. It rarely happens though."
Cid reaches out and pushes one of the massive doors open (why are they so big?), motioning for me to follow him in. After stepping inside I'm surprised to see how well maintained it is. I was expecting a bunch of half broken tables and drunks scattered throughout the room, instead the rather large stone hall is perfectly clean and smells quite good. There's a counter in the far right wall that we're heading to, with two big couches and a long table between them in the middle of the room. The whole left side of the room is tables filled with mercenary looking people talking and eating. Way in the back I can see a girl who looks so out of place it's jarring. The hunters here aren't exactly dirty, but that girl is the most obvious looking noble I've ever seen in my life, even above Perla.
Upon reaching the counter a well dressed man smiles at us. "Welcome back Cid, I take it this is her? Master Godwin said we could run her ragged. I'd prefer not to do that with a rookie, but she is his disciple so..." He looks over at me. "That's the situation Miss Eve. You ready to get started?"
"Yes! I'm more than ready." I replied with a big smile. Cid put his hands over his face, clearly exasperated. In response the man at the counter raised an eyebrow.
He then came out from behind the counter, leading us over to the couches. Me and Cid sat down on the ones nearest to the door, while the attendant sat across from us.
I noticed when he brought up Master Godwin's name it quieted down in here a little, with those closest to us listening in. Now literally everyone had shut up and watched us attentively.
... What is this?
The attendant noticed my confusion and said to me, "Oh this is normal Miss Eve. When anyone receives assignments or reports what they found at the couches here, everyone pays attention."
"That's just how things are here rookie. Don't worry we aint gonna eat ya! If you have questions about the assignment you should voice them before leaving. Everyone here will answer them the best they can alright?" The one to follow up the attendant was a rugged man with several scars on his face. He reminds me of Drogo already.
Cid spoke last. "Do your best to get use to it Eve. Scout reports are very important to the lives of the people here. Reading some after-mission logs is nothing compared to hearing it in person and being able to ask questions or give input."
Ahh that actually makes a lot of sense. Well it didn't really bother me anyways, I was merely confused as to why everyone was suddenly staring at us while eavesdropping.
The attendant, seeing that part of the conversation ending, pulled out some papers and handed us one sheet each.
Skimming the document it was made obvious right away that this was everything related to my trial.
"This is the case we talked about yesterday Cid. As you can see Miss Eve, several people have gone missing along one of the side roads between two of the inner villages. There is a high chance its purely criminal activity at work, but the guards have yet to find anything." The attendant said.
Hmm...... this is a very bare bones report.
Directly after the snow melted, a man (James Barlow 28) left for the village to the west so he could visit his parents. His parents reported to the guards that he never arrived three days later on March 4th.
Likewise an old Kitsune merchant (Ryuzen Genji 63) never arrived back at his home. He stays at the neighboring village during the blackout selling his wares. Left for his home on March 8th.
Finally a woman (Sarah Chessfield 23) was delivering a small cart of food with a donkey going east on the road. The donkey walked into the village a day late with the food, but Sarah was nowhere to be seen. Left the gates on March 15th.
So, I've had a run down on how the villages are designed before from Jasper. There is a single capital, with a set of villages fanning out from it in a circle or only one direction depending on the capitols location. The closer to the capital you are, the safer you are obviously. I remember being surprised that they did all that in the past 12 years but apparently its always been this way. The blackout only increased the monster and Eldritch attacks, they've always been a problem. The land between the villages was all tilled, but now they only grow two types of fruit trees and one peanut outside. Everything else can't be grown outside anymore since the blackout and with the soil slowly degrading. It also explained why there is so many damned salted peanuts in every meal I've seen (they are delicious though).
This mission is between two villages right next to the capital of the ring we're inside right now. In other words, a place that practically never sees monsters. Also, that capital is literally Viseux, the residence of Rai'ga himself.
"Well Eve, what are your initial impressions?" Cid interrupted my thoughts.
"Hmm... do bandits generally let carts full of food go like that?" This was a rhetoric question, but best I ask just in case.
"Definitely not, but it can't be ruled out. It could be someone who's taking slaves, or assaulting the victims while hoping that the safe food cart will make people believe it's a monster." Cid replied. I could see several other hunters nodding.
Oh, that angle existed... I'm really liking this format where a bunch of people can join in and give their opinions.
"Another question, how often do the villages next to capitals suffer monster attacks?"
"A couple times a year, it's very rare. To slip by all those villages with nobody noticing, or the monster attacking someone on the way pretty much never happens. Now an Eldritch in the inner villages, while still rare, happens more than random attacks. We've had worshipers try and slip their god into a place near the capital in the past. Fortunately random inspections by the church usually puts a stop to that. They help the guards at most villages when they can." The attendant replied this time.
"Just so you know lassie, the outer villages guild hall normally wouldn't handle this, especially with the capital being Viseux itself. Master Godwin asked for this to be saved for you specifically." Another hunter spoke up.
Cid looked a little surprised at that, but then smirked at the attendant. "I did find it odd that an inner village request was here... I'm off my game it seems. You showed me that knowing full well I'd pick it for her didn't you, Greg?"

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Greg the attendant just smiled in response.
Cid turned to me, "Anything else? Don't worry about the blackout which is in about... eleven days now? You'll be at the inner villages and right next to the church's capital, so you'll be safe there. Normally I would never suggest continuing the investigation during a blackout, but in your case that might be better. Hopefully it doesn't take that long but you never know what you're looking for in a case like this."
Right, I'm just gonna have to do the same thing the guards have done already, combing the road and everything near it as much as I can for clues.
People here looked really surprised when he said I'd be better off in the blackout, but I have no intentions on sating their curiosity.
"Nope, I think I'm ready to leave. Where do I stay while I'm there?"
Greg replied. "The guild hall in Viseux is quite close to where you need to look. Both of the villages have roads that lead to gates directly into Viseux. I'd say it's about a one hour walk from Viseux to either village. The guild will be ready to accommodate you upon arrival."
So about two hours every day spent on travel alone. If only I knew how to stay invisible while asleep. Then I could just make a hammock or something in a tree for when Gaia goes dark.
"Perfect. Alright, thank you everyone! Hopefully I return with good news soon."
Cid and I stood up, turning around and heading directly for the door. Before we even cleared the couch, everyone had returned to their own conversations and it became quite loud in here again. I'm already starting to like this place.
"Alright stupid, don't get lost. It's a straight shot from here to the village on the western side of the road, you'll have to pass three villages on the way." Cid said immediately after we got outside.
"Yeah yeah I got this. You said the villages have their names engraved on posts outside of the gates anyways. I really would have to be stupid to end up at the wrong place."
"Even so, take this with you." He handed me a pack. Opening it up I saw several changes of clothes, food, and water.
"... Thanks Cid. Your mom really is a kind woman. I'd still be wearing that stupid red dress if she didn't give me her hand-me-downs."
"Mom is the best I won't deny that. She's taken good care of Sachiko for me while I'm... job hunting?"
Right... job hunting.
"Alright, bye Cid. Give my best to the others!" I turned towards the street heading northeast, heading straight for the gate.
Cid didn't say anything else after that. I could hear him walking in a different direction from the Inn (job hunting I'm sure).
How long has it been since I was alone like this? During the time loop I had a lot of free time, but I was still part of Masters group. Now I'm off on my own for what feels like the first time in ages. I guess the last time was when I went to eat Steward? I don't count those people I was staying with. Master said he'd reach out to some people and have them look into what happened to Eris. It may seem pointless, but I really would like to know. It's kind of obvious that Dutch was involved... I'd still like some concrete proof though.
All around me I can hear sounds of life in this village. The blacksmiths and carpenters are working hard it sounds like. Normally there isn't any in the outer villages, however large ones like this village are guaranteed to have several. I understand why Hera left, but listening to these people do their best to survive also makes me understand Masters intentions to stay no matter what.
I've been worried about this part... I forgot to ask Cid what I should do here. I left the outer village awhile ago and now I'm getting close to the next villages gate. Unfortunately, I can see priest robes next to the guards. If they scan my soul, this isn't going to end well... right? I mean, there's no way Master and Cid both forgot about this happening, so why didn't anyone say anything? Maybe because I didn't say anything and they thought I had a handle on it...?
Regardless, I can't avoid this forever if I'm to stay on this moon, and they've already spotted me so suddenly walking off around the village would be extremely bizarre.
A few minutes later I reached the gate, with the guards only giving me a quick glance before going back to looking bored. The priest however, came right up to me and put her hands on my shoulders.
Well here we go. I need to see what kind of response I get here to know how to handle this going forward.
After about fifteen seconds, she released her hands and smiled at me, moving back to her chair where she was reading before I showed up.
No reaction...? Nothing at all??
.... Alright then. This is going to happen at every gate probably, with the church's capital being so close and all. So I guess if the next one does the same that means I should be fine? Master could clearly tell something was wrong though... this is strange. I wish I could talk to Cid right now.
I'm really surprised at how easily I handled this day-long walk (with all the priests giving the same response as the first). Eris's body always felt more durable than mine, coupled with the fact that I've felt incredible after my ten day hibernation I took recently. Obviously I'm still exhausted and ready for bed, but I only needed a little rest at each village before pushing on. Cid said it was about twenty miles? Also I think I got here just in time. The gates of Viseux are right there and I can hear the bells going off, signaling the thirty minute warning before Gaia goes dark.
Jeez... to think I thought the gates to the guild were huge. The gates to Viseux here are at least sixty meters tall. What's the point of them being this massive?
There is a massive line of people walking down this road into town, reminding me of how surprised I was at the increasing size of villages as I got closer to my destination. The further towards the capital you go, the bigger the villages. Hell, the word 'village' sounds wrong for all of them except the outer villages. The rest were way bigger than I was led to believe.
Everyone is walking through the gates unimpeded, the guards aren't moving at all. Is there some other type of security here or is it the fact that Rai'ga is literally within walking distance that's making them feel safe enough to be this lax? I doubt it's the latter.
Before I even get through the gate I can already see the guild hall. The directions on this note said it'd be easy to spot, but I didn't think it'd be this easy. It has the exact same shape as the one I just left earlier today.
Thank god I figured out how to turn off the soul sense ability. For the most part I left it in the same condition it started in, always on. It wasn't a big deal when there was only small groups around me, but it became unbearable a few villages back when I was walking through one of the bazaars.
Pushing open the over-sized door, I'm met with a completely empty room. This is literally night and day from the other place. I know they said the guilds capital is basically just for for lodging and bookkeeping, but this is still a strange sight.
Upon reaching the counter, I'm met with absolutely nobody. Well shit, do I just pick a room and sleep?
As I'm thinking that, the door behind the counter opens up, revealing something I've only heard about in stories.
"A Crotia!"
The Brown-Reptillian... person (?), paused for a moment, and then walked up to the counter laughing.
"Never met my kind before girl? It's not often I meet someone like you here in Viseux! Were you living in a cave your whole life or what?"
"Quite literally a cave, yes." I continued."I was expecting your voice to be monstrous or guttural, how does it sound so normal?!"
"Pfft, aren't you a cheeky one. You one of those folks who think we're all man-eaters?"
"You don't have the lips required to make a 'pfft' noise, but you did it anyways... fascinating."
The Crotia shook her head. "Off in your own world huh? Well tell me when you're ready to be led to your room Miss Eve."
Hearing my name was like a wake up call. Oh right, they've been waiting for me and I'm probably being quite rude right now.
"Sorry about that, I just thought you all left the moon and I'd never get to meet one. Now that I think about it, that was dumb of me to assume all Crotia left just because the majority decided to leave."
"Hehe, no problem at all Miss Eve. I love this place way too much to flee with those weaklings. Now come, your room is upstairs. My name is Dora, if you will." Dora came out from behind the counter, heading straight up the stairs nearby.
That 'hehe' looked so out of place on that long mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Seriously, how do they talk like that?
My room was first on the left after climbing the stairs, nice and easy, just like finding the guild hall.
"Breakfast will be on the table at dawn, and left there all day. You're free to let it go cold and stale if you want, but I'd be happier if you didn't. Your room is one of the few with its own bath, feel free to pump your own water and heat it."
Without even waiting for a reply, Dora exited the room and closed the door in one swift motion.
... Hmm. A room with a bath? That's nobility territory. Why the hell am I getting a room like this? The only reason I can come up with, is that the hall is empty anyways. Might as well let the girl connected to Master Godwin sleep in a nice room.
Speaking of which, this is definitely a very nice room. Massive bed with those soft looking sheets I slept on back in the noble cell. A silk nightie laid across a table, clearly placed there for me. A bowl of fruit and those damned delicious salted peanuts right next to the nightie.
Alright, I'm done looking around the room. There is way more to it but I'm tired and honestly... I'm having a hard time thinking about anything other than what awaits me tomorrow. I most likely won't find anything the first day, especially since I don't even know what the hell I'm supposed to be looking for to begin with. Even so, whether I find a monster or not, I can't help but be thrilled about tomorrow.

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