
Chapter 21: Chapter 20 – Impromptu Restructuring

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Impromptu Restructuring


The group was crowded around the wagon that had been set up near the stables. The knights all showed a bunch of nervous energy. Sloane wasn’t sure when they had begun to associate her with anything magic-related. When she saw the expectant look in their eyes, she knew that she would have to deliver. She was standing at the back of the wagon, the doors open and the rings set down along the edge. 

“Okay, so, I told you briefly about the contract and such. Blah, blah. Now, let’s get to the real stuff. Reanny and I made some huge discoveries. Namely, we learned that there are what we assume to be eight to ten main gem types. Each of these gems has a very specific function when it comes to mana and how they interact with it. 

“Mana itself has an innate Intent to it. A grand design. A purpose. We didn’t gain more insight into that line of thought. But, the main thing is, that the magic that is derived from mana fits into different Domains.  I suspect that each manifests its magic based on the mana within your core. Each of us has a Domain associated with our being, and our cores are attuned to a mana color.”

Maud shifted around, looking a bit uncomfortable.  Sloane saw her raise a hand slightly and she nodded to her. 

Maud spoke up. “So, I have a green mana core as those wolves did. That’s why your watch shows green when I use magic. What would my Domain, as you call it, be?”

“I believe your Domain is Abjuration. It’s based around using mana to protect, block, or dispel. You use it to cast restoration-based spells on people. You’ll likely be able to learn how to do various spells to improve the physical ability of your comrades-in-arms.” Sloane explained. 

“Now, let me explain the Domains and what they do. You know about Abjuration. Now, there are seven more.” Sloane proceeded to tell the knights all about the various domains and their basic aspects. There were a few questions, but mostly they all focused with rapt attention. 

Finally, Ser Gisele asked what they were all thinking, “You have these rings, they are supposed to help with our mana right? Does that mean you know the rest of our mana and domains?”

Sloane considered how to respond, she didn’t want to mislead them. After a moment, she confidently responded, “I think I know what Domains you are. After observing you all since we’ve been together, I’m confident I’ve got you pegged. If I got anyone wrong, it’s okay! That said, I won’t know your mana until you’ve used it. I’m not sure how the mana interacts with us physically, just when you are using it to cast something. I know the wolves were using some type of green mana magic, but I still don’t know what they did. But! That’s going to be easy. For me, there was almost a click as I realized how to do it.”

“I’m not so confident in your ability to have us ‘pegged’ as you put it. I shall reserve judgment.” Ismeld stated, her words dripping with skepticism.

Sloane just rolled her eyes and ignored her. 

“So, Domains.” Sloane pointed to the female orkun and identified her focus. “Ser Gisele, you are definitely an Abjurer.”

“Because… why? I am not a shield fighter.” Gisele looked confused. 

“Maybe not, but you do use yourself to constantly protect and shield others. You just use your body and your big-ass sword to do it. You just need to apply that concept of protection, to your magic.” Sloane explained. 

“Easy Sloane, Gisele is self-conscious about the size of her sword.” Ernald jested. 

“I’m not self-conscious, I just handle a large sword better than anything small.”

Maud started choking while Ernald and Cristole laughed. Ismeld pinched the bridge of her nose while she spoke up. “Gisele… really?”

Gisele looked around, before grimacing. “Fair enough.”

Sloane barely held in her laughter as she continued. “Cristole, Divination. You’re too attuned to everything going on around us.”

Cristole struggled to stop his laughing, “I can see that.”

Sloane looked to the high elf woman in the group, “Ismeld, pretty sure you’re a Conjurer, but I can explain more when we can see your magic. It’s hard to pinpoint yours. So, more of a gut feeling. I could be wrong though.”

Ismeld gave a curt nod. “I knew you didn’t have a good read on me. However, contrary to my skepticism in your ability to read us so well, I do look forward to exploring this new phenomenon.” 

Sloane raised an eyebrow. A little terse, but maybe not attuned to whatever color allows ice magic after all. 

She faced Deryk and gave the severe orkun of few words a pointed look. She couldn’t help but picture him as some rogue pretending to be a knight. “Illusion. Yes… maybe. We’ll work at it.”

He just nodded. Such a rogue.

“Lastly, Ernald, your domain is Mind. Your ability to stay aware of anything going on is probably affected by it.”

Ernald smiled, “Mind, eh? You think–”

Ismeld smacked him, “Stay serious.” 

“Ouch! Fine!” Ernald rubbed his arm where she hit him.

Sloane ignored the two and continued, “So, with that in mind. Please accept these tokens of my appreciation and see if we can unlock any magic inside you!” She smirked at her pun but dropped it once she realized no one noticed at all.

Sloane passed out the rings to the intended recipients who all held them and look between each other. Gisele straightened a bit before addressing her, “I thank you for this, Sloane. You have certainly shown that you are more than willing to do your part for the group.”

The knight-captain smiled, her short tusks showing just a bit more, and looked around. “Let me try this ring first.” She slipped on the ring to her left middle finger. 

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Sloane observed the orkun as she went into an almost fugue state. Maud looked about ready to try and cast some restoration magic on her captain. 

Cristole rested a hand on Gisele’s shoulder, “Gisele, you okay?”

Gisele shook a bit and Sloane watched as she took a moment to reorient herself. She looked at Sloane, ignoring Cristole. “Sloane, this… this is amazing. I can feel it. You were definitely right. It’s like the ring jolted my being and allowed me to unlock something inside of me.”

Maud stepped closer, examining Gisele as she would a patient. “Gisele, please look at me.”

Gisele looked to Maud, “I’m fine Maud. Better than fine. I… I want to try something. Like you. You told me you feel your magic and push it to what you want to protect.”

She looked around and then settled on Cristole who had stepped back for Maud. Gisele closed her eyes and held her left hand up toward him. Her mouth scrunched up and to the right as she concentrated. Sloane thought the orkun’s super concentration face was pretty cute. 

Sloane watched as the Manameter– she cringed, why are names so hard? Red swirls were moving around on the glass pointing at Gisele. 

Nothing seemed to be happening visually, however, and Cristole just stood there a bit in confusion. Sloane knew it may take a bit so she spoke up, “Give her a moment, it takes more the first time. You have to walk before you can run.” 

As she finished, Gisele made a noise she never expected from the muscular orkun woman. She squeaked, and a wall of red energy expanded from a central point in the area until it created a curved shield roughly two and a half meters across at the base and arched up to a height of about two meters.

Gisele started giggling, which caused everyone to stare at her in shock. Ernald asked what everyone was thinking. “Who are you?”

Sloane decided to experiment. She took out her sword, walked straight up to the shield, and swung at it, causing more shocked expressions and noises from the group of knights. 

When the sword made contact, red… energy… or mana… sparked from the strike. However, despite putting a decent amount of strength into the swing, it managed to stop the sword solidly. 

Sloane quickly drew the sword back then placed her left hand over the hilt and thrust as hard as she could into the shield. The sword’s tip managed to barely pierce the field and caused cracks to zigzag out from the penetration point. With a nod, she withdrew and sheathed her sword. 

Sloane examined and prodded the shield with her hand. She noted that it felt a bit strange and had a solidness to it that seemed to vibrate very slightly when touched. Satisfied with the test, Sloane turned to address the knights and saw nothing but slack jaws and wide eyes. Even the normally emotionless Deryk was stunned at her display. 

Sloane smirked at them slyly then shrugged. “What? We needed to see how much abuse it could hold up against. Now, we just need to stress test it by whacking on it for a while, shooting arrows at it, you know… all the things.”

Gisele raised her hand back toward the shield and closed it, which caused the shield to dissipate. Sloane thought that was a neat trick and decided to try and show off her third domain’s magic. 

Sloane put her hands out to form an orb in the space between them. She focused on her core, reaching deep to use blue mana with Evocation. Her spell caused mana to crackle into a mix of purple and blue energy. She concentrated hard as it was her first time creating such a thing. 

The arcane orb reached a size that she thought was approaching its maximum amount of sustainability for her ability to control. With one last push of mana, she turned and launched the head-sized orb at a nearby stone wall. The orb collided with the stone and detonated in a discharge of pure energy. The wall was obliterated and launched stone all around, barely missing the group.

With a satisfied smirk, Sloane spun back to the group with a flourish. She laughed as the group just stood dumbfounded. She decided that she would have to be the first to speak. “Well? Does anyone want to volunteer to go next?”

Ismeld’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she regained control enough to speak. “What the f–”

“How did you do that?!” Maud interrupted Ismeld’s poor choice of words.

Sloane decided to just throw it out there, realizing they would find out eventually. “Evocation is my third domain. Artifice and Alteration are my first two. That was my first time trying that, these rings really help with our capabilities.” 

Gisele just shook her head. “Three domains? I got the impression you could only have one. Ugh. It’s too much for right now. I think that may be enough for tonight.”

The knight examined the crumbled wall and rubbed at her temples. “Also, did you have to destroy that wall?”

Ernald looked between Sloane, Gisele, and the wall. He shook his head and then said, “Sloane, what in the world did that wall ever do to you?”

Before anything else could be said, Cristole acted as the voice of reason, “We should probably, uh, leave. Like now. We can focus on magic where we won’t get accidentally spotted another time. Let’s get back inside the inn.”

The knights all started to walk away from the scene of the crime.

Sloane looked around, “But wait! The rest of you need to practice! Only Gisele and I got to show off our domains!”

Deryk slapped Sloane on the back as he passed her. “You get to buy the round, Baroness.” 

It was Sloane’s turn to freeze in surprise, she watched wide-eyed at the back of his head as he walked off. 

Maud laughed and grabbed Sloane’s hand, pulling her along. “Come on! Don’t stop now, you have to buy me a drink!”

Defeated, Sloane sputtered a bit, but then just dropped her head and allowed Maud to drag her along.

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