
Chapter 38: Chapter 37 – Court is in Session

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Court is in Session


Sabina stood to the side as Emma and the ladies-in-waiting helped get Gwyn and each other ready. It had been only four days since the young ladies had joined the princess’s retinue. They worked daily with the professor and majordomo to become acquainted with the House and further their education. Siveril and Taenya had determined that the youngest, Lorrena, would join Gwyn in the Academy. 

The girls were all getting ready because they would present the House at the Duke’s Court after midday. Siveril had been exceptionally busy preparing for the occasion, with Taenya closely shadowing him. They had recently repeated that when Gwyn attended the Royal Academy the following year, Siveril and Theran would remain in Strathmore to run the House. Taenya would assist the princess in purchasing something within the capital, after which she would take over running the affairs of the House there. Sabina was finding herself more and more by the princess’ side during the day, while she did her other duties at night. I really need to find some subordinates to delegate to. 

Sabina had been working with Gwyn as the girl practiced her magic, and the entire process had fascinated her. The knight was curious if she could also perform such feats, and had taken to observing and asking questions whenever the young human tried to expand her own knowledge of the subject.

A light knock came from the door and Sabina turned and peeked her head out to see Siveril outside. He spoke after a moment. “Is she ready?”

Sabina looked back and watched the oldest of the three assistant ladies, Ilyana, finish pinning up Gwyn’s dark-brown curly hair. The girl turned around and her vibrant blue eyes shone with happiness and excitement. 

The girl gushed over all they had done, “Oh my gosh! I love it, Ilyana! And thank you, Nora and Lori. You all did a wonderful job. You too, Emma!” 

Turning back to Siveril, she said, “She’s ready now, ser.” 

“Good. The carriage is out front. I would like you to be at her side. Taenya and I will be there, but we may have to meet others. I know it’s last-minute…” He explained.

Sabina nodded. “I understand. I will stay near her.”


* * *


Siveril sat in one of the House carriages with Princess Gwyneth and Lady Aleanora as they made their way to the Ducal Palace. They had just passed through the gates and would soon arrive at the main entrance. A second carriage for the House followed behind them and held Sabina, Taenya, and the other two ladies-in-waiting. The princess did not seem committed to selecting one of the two older girls as the lead. Siveril would probably need to discuss the situation with her in private. 

Taenya was also still learning everything required and did not know all the intricacies of her own position yet. It was good that the telv woman was a voracious student of all things related to high nobility. He was thoroughly impressed with her and happily assisted her in any way he could. He trusted her competence in accomplishing tasks with either minimal or zero input from himself.

Siveril looked at the girls as they arrived. “We’re here, ladies. Lady Aleanora, remember, you’re here to support the princess. Don’t interrupt.” He watched until the girl nodded. It was a situation she likely wasn’t used to. She would not be even close to the center of attention in their group. 

He turned toward the terran princess, who smiled at him. “I’m ready, Siveril. Let’s do this.”

The carriage stopped at the entrance and the ducal guards stepped forward to open the doors of both carriages, letting the group out. He stepped to the side, motioning Her Highness forward. Sabina stepped behind her highness, dressed in her finest armor, but without the helmet. Taenya too wore her new armor, a magnificent set of steel accented with silver and blue fabric. The armor also included ornamentation marking her status as a Knight-Captain. Clearly, Baron Iemes had spared no expense outfitting the woman.  

The group walked inside and was led to the ducal hall where the court was held. Siveril had to admit he was slightly nervous. He knew Duke Dasovron Tiloral. He had worked for and with the man, ending as a close advisor, for twenty years before moving to work with the baron. Yet, this would be the first time Siveril had presented someone to the court. 

The young royal walking next to him held her head high and looked as if she were in her element. Siveril knew better. The girl held onto a facade of strength like it was a lifeline in a storm at sea. All it would take was one rogue wave to wash away all that confidence. She clung to the hope of finding her mother, and he saw that it was what pushed her forward. Her shrewdness was astounding; Gwyneth clearly understood that to find her mother, she would need assistance.

Their guide stopped them at the door to the court, and the guard at the door peeked inside before returning and nodding to them. As Gwyn would say, it’s go time.

The tall double doors were opened simultaneously by the guards, exposing the Tiloral Ducal Hall, and all the nobles therein. Their guide, a telv man that Siveril had seen only in passing before, led them in and toward the Duke. The man stopped them at the appropriate distance and addressed the court, “Your Grace, presenting House Reinhart.” He bowed to the duke and stepped away.

Siveril took a mental deep breath and stepped forward and bowed before standing straight and addressing the duke. “Your Grace, it is my honor and privilege to present before yourself and your court, Her Royal Highness Gwyneth of House Reinhart. A terran, hailing from a faraway land and displaced to our world by the same event that brought so many others. Her lineage is without doubt and her House has been established within all prescribed laws enforced within your duchy.”

He stepped slightly to the side and Gwyn stepped forward and gave a slow nod of respect as expected of a Royal to a Duke. “Thank you for inviting me to your court, Your Grace. I look forward to a positive relationship between our Houses.”

The Duke stood and returned the princess’ nod with a slight bow and a dip of the head. “Welcome, Your Highness, to the Duchy of Tiloral. There have been many rumors and reports about your people. I hope that we can both learn from each other in a mutually beneficial way. Please, be welcome within my court. I acknowledge your House and wish you good fortune.” He took a moment, then continued, “Your people have been an important topic of note within this court for some time now. In fact, your very House has come up in numerous discussions.”

Siveril kept his face straight, but he did not like the sound of that. He glanced to his right as the crowd shifted and saw another noble start to step forward from the side. Siveril’s eyes narrowed as he recognized Marquess Angwin. 

The Marquess stepped into the cleared area and bowed to the duke. “Your Grace, if I may. Now that House Reinhart has been acknowledged within this court, I believe we should discuss its status.” He turned toward Gwyn and gave her a slight incline of his head, a clear disrespect. “Welcome, princess, to our kingdom.” 

He resumed addressing the duke, “With respect to the majordomo, I believe, Your Grace should appoint a noble with the appropriate station to manage the House of a foreign royal minor child. There are intricacies and nuances that a knight simply cannot navigate. Further, it would only be in the princess’ favor, as it would be primarily for her protection. Someone of a higher peerage would be able to shield her as no simple knight could.”

The duke caught Siveril’s eye and gave a subtle nod. So, you’re throwing me to the wolves, you sly dog. Siveril collected himself and addressed the power-hungry man, “Marquess Angwin, with respect, that is up to Her Highness. As you stated yourself, she is a foreign royal, and thus, the duchy can not impose a minder of lower status.”

Siveril glanced to the left, where he knew Viscountess Olacyne would be standing, seeing her incline her head. With that, the majordomo readied himself for a fight.


* * *


Gwyn stood there and slowly backed away as Siveril and the other noble argued in front of the duke. The duke himself looked interested, but allowed the two to talk back and forth. Gwyn looked around and saw the crowd had started to walk forward into the area. Taenya had moved to the side with the other girls and that left just her and Sabina in the center. 

Lady Olacyne walked forward and greeted Gwyn, “Welcome to the ducal court, Your Highness. I trust Aleanora has been helpful?”

Gwyn smiled. “Nora is great! She’s really nice to me and helps me with everything I need,” she said, wanting the woman to be proud of her daughter.

“Nora?” She asked with a smirk. “I am glad she has been beneficial to your House. Please excuse me, Your Highness. I should go assist your majordomo before he slaps that poor marquess.”

Gwyn giggled. “Good luck! I think Siveril is doing alright though.”

She was looking around when Sabina came a little closer and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Your Highness?”

Gwyn turned and saw Sabina, who stood with an older high elf man and a telv woman standing next to him. The man bowed and then the woman curtsied and spoke, “It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. I am Countess Racine, and this is my husband, Lord Alec.”

“Your Highness,” Lord Alec greeted with a bow of his head.

Countess Racine continued, “I especially wanted to make your acquaintance because I would like to introduce you to a young woman we recently took into our estate. She too is a terran who is lost and far from home. Perhaps it is someone you know. If not, perhaps our Houses can simply come to an arrangement that would see her helped.”

Gwyn perked up. “A woman? What is her name?” 

“Her name is Amanda. She says she hails from the country of Canada.” the Countess explained. 

“Oh! She’s Canadian? That’s great! I would love to meet her.” Gwyn exclaimed.

Gwyn turned slightly as Sabina spoke up, “My Lady, perhaps this evening your House can send a formal request for tea to our House? Her Highness, of course, maintains a busy schedule. The majordomo and Ser Taenya will ensure we can coordinate an adequate time to meet. I am sure Her Highness would love nothing more than to meet another member of her people.”

The telv woman smiled. “Lovely. I look forward to a more private setting, Your Highness. And don’t you worry about all the nonsense going on over there. Old Ser Siveril can handle an uppity marquess like it is nothing.”

“Thank you, Lady Racine,” Gwyn said as she refocused on the argument happening between Siveril and the other elf. Even Nora’s mom had joined in and it seemed they had gotten closer to where the duke now stood near his chair–throne. 

Gwyn looked behind the throne and saw some more elves sitting. They were all pretty young. She turned her head and called out to her knight, “Sabina? Who are those elves behind the duke’s throne?”

Sabina looked at where Gwyn had indicated and nodded. “I believe they are the Duke’s grandchildren. Probably here to observe the court.”

Gwyn looked back and saw one of the younger girls staring at her. From what she could see, the girl was quite pretty. She had blonde hair that was done all fancy, just like Gwyn’s. Her dress was also really beautiful. It was a pretty red color, with a curvy-diamond pattern in the fabric, decorated with some gold accents and stitching. There were a bunch of gold buttons on the… main part of the dress and two rows of them going down the middle of the skirt. I always forget the name of each part!

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 The girl looked like something out of a fairy tale. Gwyn scowled slightly as the girl placed a hand over her mouth and giggled. Then she noticed that her hand was raised in an awkward wave and jerked it back down to her side. My own hand betrayed me?  She looked back up and saw the girl smiling. Gwyn awkwardly smiled back, to which the girl waved. 

“Sabina? Can I meet her?” Gwyn asked.

Sabina didn’t answer, and Gwyn jerked around to look for her knight. After a brief darting of her eyes, she saw the elf woman standing just a few steps away, speaking with another noble, which made Gwyn feel better. Whew. She’s still here, just busy. 

Gwyn was about to turn back and see if the girl was still looking at her when someone stepped toward her. She looked up at an older elf with gray hair and a slight frown on his face. Gwyn looked to the left and right real quick, just to check if he was coming to her. When she realized he was, she face him again, just as he spoke, “Princess, I am Count Telford of House Telford. I would like to present you with an opportunity. One that would be beneficial to you.”

Gwyn tilted her head, not sure how to take the way he spoke. “What do you mean?”

The man glanced over toward where Siveril still spoke with the Marquess, and then back to where Sabina currently was. He stepped closer, and Gwyn didn’t like it. She took a half step back, and he continued, “The Marquess is right about one thing. You need protection. Your knights cannot protect you, and an old knight as your majordomo will not either. It is in your best interest to find an ally. My son is such an ally.”

Gwyn was confused. “Your son? He can help me?”

The man smiled. “Yes, of course. Your knights have to listen to you, correct?”

“Yes? They’re very helpful.”

“Exactly. They will listen to you when you tell them that you wish to do something. My son can protect you more than they can, you see, because others will have to listen to him.”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying, Mister…” Gwyn trailed off.

The elf’s frown instantly grew. “That is Count Telford, princess. Show me the respect I am due. As I was saying, my son is the heir to my House’s County. You currently have very little land. It would behoove you to strengthen your position, don’t you agree?”


“And having more people who will listen to you will help you as well?”

“Of course. Taenya and Siveril are looking for more people now.” Gwyn explained, getting more confused. Of course, having more people to help me is a good thing.

“Good. Good, having more people that can protect you is a good thing. My House can help you get more and help you find your mother.” 

Mom? How does he know about mom?

“My mother? What do you know about my mother?” She asked.

He waved his hand as if what he had to say was not a big deal. “It is nothing. Simply a rumor I heard. My House is considerable, much larger than your own, princess. We have authority over many. Would you like our help?”

I do need help… but why is he talking like this? Does he think I’m younger than I am?

“If you want to help, I would like that. Thank you, Count Telford.” She made sure to emphasize his title.

“Perfect. Princess, perhaps we could step aside, and we can simply sign a contract. This will give us both protection as we work together for a long time,” He explained.

Gwyn scrunched up her brows in thought. “A contract? Why do we need a contract?”

“Of course, the best way for House Telford to assist you is for you to be pledged to marry my son when you come of age in a few years.”

What? Did he just say marry?

“Marry? I’m a bit young to marry anyone.”

“Nonsense. You simply need to be pledged to marry. This can be done as early as ten, and you will be engaged at thirteen. You would not formally marry until fifteen. That gives us five years to prepare you for what will be required.”

Gwyn started to get a bit scared. “I don’t want to marry anyone. I don’t even know your son.” 

She glanced around and saw that Sabina was gesturing at someone. She turned her head the other way and saw Siveril was still busy. Taenya and her ladies-in-waiting were nowhere to be found. Gwyn looked over at the girl from before and saw her looking at her with concern. Next to her was a guard in red armor leaning over and talking. The girl was pointing at Gwyn.

Gwyn refocused on the Count, who spoke again. “It would be in your best interest to marry my son, princess. Unfortunate accidents happen. My House can ensure no accidents happen to anyone close to you. We will provide you with true strength.”

Her eyes narrowed, and she felt her neck heat up. Any previous fear was burned away. “I am not going to marry anyone, Telford. Please leave me alone.”

Gwyn turned and started to walk toward where Sabina was but was suddenly jerked back. 

She looked back and saw the elf had clutched her wrist. He yanked her back again, and Gwyn heard gasps ring out from around her. 

“Girl, do not disrespect your betters. I am doing you a favor. Come with me and sign this contract. Now.”

Gwyn tried jerking her hand from the man, but he only tightened his grip until it started to hurt. She was about to say something when she heard a sword being pulled from a sheath. Gwyn turned her head and saw Sabina walking toward them with her sword out. 

Sabina looked furious and spoke in a way that could only be described as a growl. “Let. Go. Of. Her.”

Gwyn jerked again, and still, the elf didn’t let go. “The girl has agreed and accepted my House’s assistance. Now she is trying to back out of a verbal contract simply because I want her to sign a physical one. She will sign this contract, and if you do not put that blade down, I will have your head, woman.”

No one else I care about will die.

Gwyn pulled on her magic in a way she hadn’t before. If the elf wouldn’t let go, she’d make him let go. She instantly engulfed her entire arm in flames, which elicited a scream from the man as his hand was severely burned and the clothing around his arm melted in an instant. He jerked his arm back and clutched at it with his other hand, his eyes wide with fear and pain.

Gwyn turned fully toward him, pulling her fire from her arm and raising it into an orb of flame. She lifted her other hand and made another, then willed her magic to make the orbs float in a circle around her. She didn’t want anyone getting near her. Her passing gaze threatened anyone to come near but instead caused those around her to back away. Good. 

After a minute, Gwyn called her fire back to her right hand and willed the two miniature suns to orbit the other. She tilted her head as she regarded the fire. “Come near me or any of my people, and your hand will be the least of your worries.” 

She glanced at Sabina, who had a look of pride on her face. She continued looking around. Siveril appeared to be pained, likely trying to work out how to talk them out of what she had done. The sun elf guard in the red armor had moved forward slightly and was staring directly at her fire with longing. The girl behind the duke was standing up. Her eyes were wide, and there wasn’t a speck of fear in them. That made Gwyn smile.

Gwyn pulled on the orbs once more and pushed them into each other until they formed one single large sun. She faced Count Telford and peered hard into the whimpering elf’s eyes. There was none of the authority or strength he had spoken of; only weakness. 

With a shake of her head, she spoke, “Threaten me or mine again, and I will show you what true strength looks like.” 

With that, she closed her fist, and the sun collapsed with a blinding flare.


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