
Chapter 53: Chapter 52 – Escalation

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Sloane knocked on Ser Gisele’s door and waited. It was late, so when she heard banging and shuffling from inside, she assumed she had woken the woman up. However, when she heard muffled curses from not only Gisele’s feminine voice but a decidedly male one, Sloane knew it was likely an inopportune time. It was too bad for the woman that her news was important.

The door’s latch slid open, and the door cracked open. Gisele’s head appeared in the opening with messed up hair and wore what looked like a man’s tunic. The knight tried to keep a serious face but winced slightly when she focused on Sloane.

“What is it, Sloane?” 

“We have a problem,” Sloane said.

Gisele groaned. “Can this wait until the morning? I was… sleeping,” she said.

Sloane raised her brow. “No, I am sorry to interrupt you, but this cannot wait.” she leaned closer to the door and lowered her voice. “I just met with someone who said he was from the Academy, but obviously a part of the Order of Secrets.”

The door swung open, showing a shirtless… Cristole. “Where? Alone? What did they say?”

The look on Gisele’s face was priceless, and if the news she had wasn’t as serious as it was, Sloane would have taken advantage of the moment. Gisele and Cristole? Nice. The elf had a no-nonsense look on his face, and Gisele’s expression was one of defeat. Sloane wouldn’t be surprised if the others knew, even if the two tried to hide it.

Sloane very deliberately stared at Cristole’s face, avoiding even a glance at the elf’s bare chest. “Downstairs, just before I came up here. May I come in?”

Gisele looked at Cristole’s bare chest, then the women both looked down at Gisele’s… lack of any clothes below the waist.

“Uh. Get dressed, please. Then meet me in my room. I’ll get the others,” Sloane said, blushing slightly.

The elf tilted his head. “Why?” He glanced at Gisele and then realized she had only his tunic on. “Oh. oh…” 

Gisele facepalmed. “We will be there shortly. Then you can tell us what that thing on your shoulder is.”

Sloane turned and looked at her bird as the door shut. It just tilted its head and stared. 

I really need to name it.


* * *


Sloane had hoped to discuss Giallo and everything he had said immediately. However, she had spent the first ten minutes showing off her falcon, followed by Maud gushing when the thing started moving around and making noises. The metal bird fascinated Cristole, in particular, and he wanted to get with her when things calmed down to discuss how she made it. Great idea, Cristole. Let me just figure out what the heck I did, myself.

When she finally got a chance to explain everything about the conversation, everyone broke out into questions. It took Gisele sternly telling them to slow down for some semblance of order to return. Sloane looked at Ernald, who was currently asking questions.

“Giallo said that we have one week before the same swarm of beasts that destroyed Valesbeck arrives here?” Ernald asked.

Sloane nodded. “He said we needed to leave within the week, so I assume that’s what he meant.”

Deryk was looking down at the scroll she had given him. “And the terran woman we learned about is being held on the count’s estate and the Order wishes for us to rescue her.”

Sloane turned toward Deryk. “Yes, and bring her w–”

“Hold on. Why are we ignoring the most pressing concern? The Order of Secrets is condemning the entire city.” Elodie interrupted.

“There is not anything we can do about that. To even try would likely just invite hostility toward us. We do need to warn the Guildmaster, he can organize evacuations for those affiliated with the Guilds,” Stefan said.

“We need to come up with a plan. We cannot all go save the terran. There are Koren, Elodie, Rel, and Kemmy to think about. None of them are combatants,” Ismeld said.

Gisele stood up and looked between Stefan and Ismeld. “You are both correct.” She turned toward Deryk. “Are you certain we can extract the terran?”

Deryk nodded. “It is straightforward. Distractions will be everywhere already.”

Sloane was confused. “What?”

Cristole shrugged. “He means that with the attack, the guards and city will have other things to focus on than us.”

Gisele tapped her chin in thought then nodded. “Elodie, you and Stefan will warn the Guildmaster… discreetly. Do this tomorrow morning.” She looked around the room. “When this swarm is nearly at the city, we will split into two groups. Ismeld, you will take Sloane and Stefan with our non-combatants. Get out of the city. Take the East Gate toward Goosebourne. The rest of us will retrieve the terran and meet you at the second traveler’s rest. We planned to travel through that town, anyway. Sloane can pass along her message when we arrive.”

“Cristole, can you assist me in packing the wagons within the next two days?” Ernald asked.

“I will get the smith and alchemists to help as well. I will join you in purchasing the supplies,” Elodie said.

Sloane and Elodie had purchased another two wagons for their use. The knights helped transfer Sloane’s workbench to one of them. The other wagon was to transport Koren and the alchemist’s supplies. They would need both wagons for all the supplies and baggage they had accumulated. Stefan and Elodie had come up with a riding arrangement that ensured everyone had a spot or job. It meant that Rel and Koren would drive the two wagons, while Sloane and Stefan rode with them. It just left Elodie and Kemmy to ride in the knight’s wagon.

Sloane considered the size of the caravan. Her house now consisted of six people in total. The knights had their horses in addition to their one wagon. Sloane had two wagons and four horses to pull the wagons. She hadn’t wanted to purchase any at first, but Elodie assured her they could easily sell them when they reached Swanbrook. 

She had officially burnt through the initial money the deal with the dwarves had given her. Anytime either of the Farum siblings accepted payment and deposited it with the Banking Guild, that organization would then pay out her percentage as filed in the contract. Her payments would then come in groups as the main Guild here in Thirdghyll was updated. Luckily she had received two such payments since then, and they were surprisingly large. It seemed her partners in Vilstaf were making a fortune on the profitable trade route. 

The planning continued for another hour before the group slowly trickled out to go back to sleep. Ismeld and Gisele stayed behind, and the three moved to Sloane’s bedroom. Sloane fell to her bed and groaned. “Why is it one thing after another here?”

“It was not quite this bad before the Flash,” Gisele agreed.

“We really need to tell someone else,” Sloane added.

Ismeld sighed and shook her head. “That is not a good idea, Sloane.”

However, Gisele was nodding. “Actually, we may be able to get away with it. That guard captain. What was his name, Ismeld?”

The high elf’s eyes squinted in thought. “Captain… Fars?”

Sloane snapped her fingers. “Captain Jorin! He was at the ball,” she said.

“Oh yes. That was his name,” Ismeld confirmed.

“What about him, Gisele?” Sloane asked.

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“We tell him,” the orkun said.

“Would he believe us?”

“I hope so. The city has no chance otherwise,” Gisele said with a solemn look.


* * *


The next week passed in a blur for Sloane, and the group was ready to leave at a moment’s notice as they expected the attack to happen soon. They had a plan, and it, unfortunately, required the beast swarm to appear before they could enact it. Sloane would simply have preferred to leave days earlier, but she and the knights wouldn’t leave the imprisoned woman behind. Cristole was currently out with Ernald picking up an order that Elodie had helped them place two days prior.

Elodie and Stefan had quickly met with the Guildmaster, and the man had worked tirelessly to prepare his people. He’d already sent people to inspect Vilstaf for the expansion of Guild services. Which, in practice, meant that most Guild personnel were already on their way there. He also sent a large number of guards to the town and tasked various guilds with increasing the security and defensive ability of the now small town.

Captain Jorin was also informed, and the moon elf was quietly positioning guards in key locations as a quick reaction force. It surprised Sloane that the man had so readily accepted their information, and the warning to keep it quiet. She simply had to mention the Order of Secrets, and he hastily agreed to the subtlety requirement. It seemed that no one wanted to piss off that Order.

Sloane’s falcon flew down the stairs ahead of her and landed on a table. A now familiar sight in the inn to the workers but a fascinating and sometimes startling sight for patrons. She had narrowed its name down to two at the beginning of the week but with Ernald’s help, the name had been chosen. 

“Tiberius? Is that where we’re sitting?” she asked the bird who tilted its head.


“Yup, still have no idea what you’re saying. There really needs to be a way to bridge the gap. You seem to understand what I’m saying, but I don’t get anything back. Something for us to work on I guess,” Sloane said as she placed her pack beside her chair and sat down at the table the magitek falcon had claimed. The area was sparsely populated, with just a few people around. She recognized a couple of other people staying in the inn.

She was fully geared up and ready for anything, as Gisele had insisted upon everyone in the group being. They wouldn’t get any notice when the swarm would hit, especially at a late hour like it was now. 

“Lady Sloane.”

Sloane turned and saw Stefan walking toward her. “Stefan.”

He gestured at one of the free chairs. “May I?”

Tiberius chirped at the moon elf and bounced closer to Sloane. 

“I guess he says it’s okay,” she said with a chuckle.

Tiberius shifted to look behind her. “Wryyat.”

Sloane shook her head and got up, seeing Ismeld coming from the stairwell. The blonde elf had her usual stoic demeanor and swept her gaze around before it settled on Sloane, standing awkwardly by the table with Stefan behind her.

“Lady Sloane.” Ismeld’s eyes narrowed as she focused on the moon elf behind Sloane. “Stefan.”

Sloane smiled. “Ismeld! Please, join us.”

The woman tilted her head slightly but then gave a curt nod and joined them as they all sat at the table. Sloane looked between the two. “Any news?” she asked with a lowered voice.

“Some. Captain Jorin is not in command of the scouts that were sent out. Even so, he heard word that none of them have returned. The count is refusing to believe anything has happened,” Ismeld said.

“With the number of people the Guilds have withdrawn from the city, their informants are dark as well,” Stefan added.

Sloane sighed. “I hate waiting for something horrible and potentially life-threatening to happen.” She looked toward the entrance that was across the large hall as the main doors slammed open and six men walked in. 

Stefan’s eyes narrowed. “The count’s men. What are they–”

“Shh!” Ismeld shushed the man.

Sloane ducked down slightly as the men spoke with the woman at the front counter. She couldn’t hear them as her group was easily around ten meters away in the large luxury inn. She looked over the heavily geared group, noticing that each held a shield. Clearly, they were expecting trouble and had considered ways to counter her magic. “Guys, this isn’t good,” she whispered.

Ismeld was in her full armor, but Stefan only wore light clothing that favored his skillset. However, the knight’s shield was currently in the wagon. A mistake that may come to haunt them. The group raised their voices at the woman, and the innkeeper came out from the back, only to get yelled at as well. The innkeeper glanced at where Sloane and the two others were sitting. Unfortunately, one of the guards caught the motion and turned his head their way. 

“You!” the man called out while pointing his sword at them and taking a step forward.

“Shit,” Ismeld said. The three of them stood up and Ismeld immediately drew her sword. “Stefan, get to the others upstairs. We are moving up our timeframe.”

“Understood,” the moon elf said and started toward the stairwell.

The entire group of guards was turning toward them now, a few already raising their shields and weapons. The raithe man who had yelled at the innkeeper shoved the man away, causing him to fall, before turning and drawing his blade. “Stop right there! You are all under arrest by order of Count Kayser, the liege of Thirdghyll. You, raithe! Do not move. All other patrons need to leave, now.

Everyone in the area did not hesitate and rushed away. Sloane saw several go out the back door, while the couple she noticed earlier ran past Stefan up the stairs.

Sloane stepped to the side, yet still a step behind Ismeld, channeling several Mana Bolts that hovered over her left hand. She considered pulling out her sword but then realized that she would not be able to do nearly enough with the sword to make it a better choice than just staying back and casting. 

“Stefan, go. We have this. Sloane, stay back. Use your magic as much as possible,” Ismeld said.

“Do not resist and you will be unharmed. Drop your weapon and cease your witchery!” the lead guard demanded.

The Blade gave them one last look and then rushed for the stairs. 

The raithe gestured to his men. “Damn it. You two, go get him!”

Sloane kept her Mana Bolts channeled with her left hand. She concentrated harder, focusing on calling more mana into her right hand. She was starting to feel strained, but she knew what she had to do. They couldn’t let the guards take them. Especially with what they knew the count was doing to terrans.

This is going to be rough.

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