
Chapter 55: Chapter 54 – The Polite War

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The Polite War



Grunting in exertion, Gwyn swung her sword against the wooden training dummy for what seemed like the one-hundredth time. She pivoted and brought the blade up to block the pole that lashed out at her, thankfully slower than the first fifty million times her knight had already done it this session. Even slower, the force of the hit still made her grit her teeth. He’s so strong!

“Good. That is enough for today, Your Highness,” Ser Theran said as he grabbed a towel and tossed it to her.

Gwyn caught the cloth and used it to wipe away the sweat from her face. She felt gross, they had been at this all day and now she had to practice magic. And what passes as deo for my B-O is horrible in this world.

“You managed to keep at it for an hour today, princess. You are improving markedly. Tomorrow we will start with a run around the training grounds.”

Okay, maybe not all day.

She made a show of groaning, it was only right that the kid being trained acted as if the work they were doing was difficult and too much. Showing him I enjoy it will just cause more work! 

She glanced around the training grounds Ser Theran had managed to secure for their use from the city guard. It was a large space that looked about the size of a basketball court. It wasn’t a stadium, so there wasn’t any of that type of seating, but there were benches, tables, and racks that lined the sides. Beyond that were the walls and two sets of gates on all four sides that led to different areas. Mainly storage areas for the guard that were off-limits. Apparently, Houses could rent the grounds for their people to work out or train large groups of people. Her House just did it to have a place to safely and privately practice magic. The city had four such facilities in areas near the different garrisons. 

Still, Ser Theran had a smirk on his face as she looked up at him after wiping her face and neck. She placed the towel in his outstretched hand and smiled sheepishly. “So, magic time?”

The knight chuckled. “Magic time. Do you mind if I sit and observe? I am curious as to if we can incorporate your magic into a fighting style for you.” 

This time Gwyn really did groan. “Of course, you can watch, Ser Theran.”

“Ser Theran! You can sit with Lady Lorrena and me. You are doing fantastic, Princess Gwyneth. Show us some magic!”

Gwyn faced her observers and waved at Roslyn, who was probably the best hype girl in the world. She smiled as she looked at the elf girl. She wore a wool black coat that was buttoned up and tall boots that Gwyn knew Roslyn liked to wear while riding horses. Her red dress was peeking out from the bottom of her coat and was… flow-y and made for movement, unlike the stiff things Gwyn had to wear. Finishing the look were some black gloves that didn't really seem as if they would keep her hands warm, but they were pretty and silky looking. I like her outfit. Her eyes drifted to Roslyn's blonde hair. She's really–Stop.

Gwyn sighed a bit and glanced at the girl sitting next to Roslyn. Lorrena sat there and looked excited in her timid, scaredy way. It seemed as though the girl had trouble opening up, but it was times like these that she was able to be herself… even if for a little while. Gwyn still wasn't sure what Lorrena's parents had said, but it kept the girl from doing anything she thought would have them scold her. Probably a good thing Roslyn has been trying to include her. 

She glanced over as she saw an elf woman come in through one of the gates.

Ser Theran chuckled. “And here is Professor Rolfe. I look forward to your practice, Your Highness.” The knight moved to sit with the two girls and Roslyn’s own knights. The one in the red armor observed with keen interest.

“Princess, good morning. Are you ready to begin?” Professor Maya said as she walked onto the training ground. 

“I am, Ms. Rolfe.”

“Fantastic,” the woman said as she pulled out a small board and notebook. “What did you wish to work on today?”

Gwyn tapped a finger against her lips as she considered. Something new. Yeah.

“I want to work on a few new spells. Since we have all this space, I may try and make something new.”

“What do you mean by ‘make something new’?”

“Well, every time I make a spell that is a lot different than my other ones, I feel like it gets a new name and just feels different. My magic answers to it differently.”

The elf professor paused and looked like she was deep in thought, which made Gwyn think she was explaining it poorly.

“I-I’m sorry. I don’t really know how else to describe it.”

“Your Highness, there is no need to apologize. I was just considering what to say that would help. What do you say we just go ahead and get started? I will ask questions as we go.”

Gwyn nodded and Ms. Rolfe backed away.

She glanced around, making sure everyone was far away. “Ready?” she called out.

“Ready, Your Highness! What is this one called?” 

Gwyn thought about what she wanted. The fire, she wanted something flashy and something that would also do more than what a single Fireball could. An eruption of fire, but still narrow in focus. She drew on her magic and focused on the center of the dirt training field. She lifted her hand as she felt the red magic swirl inside of her, building up like an inferno waiting to unleash. She knew exactly what she wanted, a swirling red circle as wide as she was tall formed where she was aiming. Wait, she asked what it was called. Err. Focus, Gwyn…

 “Pillar of Flame!she yelled out as she cast the magic. She didn’t need to yell the name of the spell to cast it, but she was both trying to maintain her focus and to tell the professor what she was doing.

From the red ring that had formed, fire flashed into being and rushed to the center of the circle before even more fire burst into existence, erupting in a pillar of fire nearly five meters tall. The pillar maintained its form for only a few heartbeats but then it collapsed into nothing. The heat washed over her as she examined the blackened ground, scorched from her magic.

A rush of magic filled her just like every other time she made a new spell; she instantly felt just a bit stronger, and more focused as it settled into her chest. A second rush expanded from her chest and she gasped. It was a feeling that she’d felt at least ten other times before, but this time felt just a bit different, like something settled into her, a stronger connection to her magic. She shook her head as she wobbled and started feeling dizzy… Gwyn closed her eyes for a moment.

I was on a lush plain that smelled of fresh grass and… metal, I looked up and saw soldiers surrounding me and more across a field. The wind blew gently as my army was silent, stalwartly watching ahead. The enemy army was filled with yells and anger, a barely contained rage that wished to lash out. I looked out across and saw those who would harm my people. My family. I looked next to me and saw a knight in beautiful armor with dragons on his shoulders. With a nod, I formed Fireballs by the dozens and threw them across where they exploded amongst the enemy. The enemy rushed at us, and my soldiers gave a single great yell as they moved to put their shields up. I lifted my hands and a great bird of flame was conjured in a burst as radiant as the sun. The majestic creature flew at the opposing army, jets of flame and inferno spewing from its beak as it incinerated any it touched. I realized then that I was the center of everything. My army wasn’t there to fight the enemy, they only existed to protect me as I led the assault.

In a flash, I was in a room, magic swirling around me. A massive tome floated in the air before me. Strange runes appeared on the pages as I controlled the magic in the air. Red magic, my magic, was being weaved around and changed into fire as I sought new ways to use and control it. Blue magic froze the walls, frost covering massive bookshelves filled with tomes of all sizes and colors, a fortress protecting me… Black magic gathered above me. A tool waiting to be unleashed in my most dire times. I looked to the side and saw another color. It was…

Gwyn shook her head and looked around, her vision clearing as the daydream went away. Roslyn’s red knight was standing next to her, holding onto her arm. Theran was on her other side, looking at her, concern plastered on his face. Ms. Rolfe was in front of her, saying something. Gwyn tilted her head. “What?”

Ms. Rolfe’s mouth moved again. Gwyn narrowed her eyes. “What?”

The older professor’s eyes widened. Gwyn pulled her hand away from the red knight and rubbed at her ears. Instantly a ringing assaulted her head and she winced at the uncomfortableness of it and rubbed harder at her ears. As the sound grew duller, sounds from those around her came back. She looked back up at the professor, then around at the two knights, seeing Roslyn looking at her from behind… Oh yeah, Evocati Khalan. Lorrena was a step behind her, looking as if she were about to cry. 

“Gwyn?” her friend spoke up.

“I can hear you. I’m okay. Sorry guys, that was really weird,” Gwyn said, trying to downplay what had just happened.

Roslyn pushed passed Khalan and nearly tackled Gwyn in a hug. “I am happy you are alright!”

Gwyn nodded, enjoying the hug but knew she needed to talk to everyone, so she gently squirmed out of Roslyn’s death grip. “I’m good. Sorry, I just had like a really weird feeling after I made that new spell. Then I had a strange daydream, that kind of felt like when you have deja vu.”

“Your Highness, I think that may be enough for today. Let us get you back to the manor then we discuss what you felt more in-depth?” Ser Theran pushed. He looked really concerned, and she didn’t want to make him feel bad, so she nodded.

“Okay. I’m fine to walk, though.” 

“Are you certain, Princess? No lingering effects? What did you see?” the Evocati said, speaking up for the first time. The man peered deeply into her eyes as if he were waiting for her to say something profound. 

“Evocati, let us get the princess back to the House. You are welcome to sit with us as she explains,” Ser Theran said a bit more forcibly.

Gwyn shook her head. “If it is really important, can we just sit on the benches? I can explain what I saw at least. I might forget it if we wait.” She didn’t want the two to be upset with each other. Maybe this will be a nice compromise.

Ser Theran’s gaze passed between her and the paladin before he sighed. “Over here then.” They started to move over to the benches, but Gwyn caught her knight mumbling under his breath. “... Taenya is going to kill me.”

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After she sat down with the help of Roslyn, who clung to her arm as if she were scared Gwyn would fall at any moment, Gwyn launched into explaining what she felt was a short daydream. The Evocati was writing everything down on a paper Ms. Rolfe had given him. 

“Can you describe the men in the army you saw? ‘The enemy’ that you mentioned,” Khalan asked.

Ser Theran glanced at the paladin before tilting his head as if he were thinking about something. 

Gwyn thought back, at the people she saw. They… “No. I can’t remember what they looked like other than just there. I–I remember how they burned though.”

“What about the knight that was beside you, what did his armor look like?” Ser Theran asked.

Gwyn smiled. “Kind of like Taenya’s, but his armor was shaped like dragons on both of his shoulders. He wore a helmet that covered his face. His armor was exactly like I always imagined.”

Theran nodded along as she spoke. 

“Can you remember the writing you saw in the tome that was floating?” Professor Maya asked.

She shook her head. “No. Sorry, but I am sure that I would know it if I saw it!”

The questions died down after that, and Gwyn gave Roslyn a hug who reluctantly let her go so that Gwyn, Theran, and Maya could return to the house. Khalan seemed as if he wanted to join them, but after hearing everything about her daydream, he said he didn’t have a need to go. She overheard him telling one of Roslyn’s knights that he would have to report to the temple and the Archpriestess before the day was up.

Gwyn wasn’t sure what to make of that.


* * *


Taenya sat and listened to Theran as he explained everything that had happened with the princess. She had unfortunately missed the conversation that had occurred when the group returned to the house, but the more she heard the more worried she got. 

Gwyn’s magic was getting stronger and it was affecting the girl. Taenya had a theory about that, and she suspected there was more to the magic than met the eye, and that you could only draw on so much at once before it affected you. It seemed as if it were time she sat down with the girl and spoke frankly on the subject. Probably relate the topic to some of her own experiences. 

She’d… been practicing.

When Theran described the Pillar of Flame spell, she couldn’t help but think of what the girl could do in a fight when she got older. Taenya saw what killing someone could do to a nine-year-old. Just because Gwyn was now ten and had stronger magic didn’t mean the girl should be out fighting. Eona willing, there won’t be a situation that requires it again.

Theran was just finishing his report when she heard a commotion out in the hallway. She looked at the knight. “What is going on?”

He shrugged in reply but stood up. “I don’t know, but they are being loud, aren’t they? I will check.”

She stood up as he neared the door and watched as it nearly opened into the knight’s face. “Woah!”

Ser Siveril was in the doorway and seemed surprised to see the knight in front of him. “Theran, Taenya. Where is Sabina? She needs to–”

“I am right here, Ser Siveril,” a voice said from behind him. Of course, she’s already here. She likely felt the emotions.

Siveril turned and nodded once he saw the elf. “Good. We have a pressing issue for the House,” he said and pulled out a scroll. 

The majordomo unfurled the document and read from it. “By Order of His Majesty, Crown Prince Kerrell, the Royal Academy of Avira shall have oversight of any citizens displaying or utilizing magical phenomena. All individuals must register with the Academy’s Representative of Magical Affairs in each city for testing and safety. These representatives are so named and appointed…” Siveril’s eyes flickered back and forth as he scanned down the document, finding what he was searching for. “...For the City of Strathmore and the Duchy of Tiloral, Marquess Torrell Angwin.”

Siveril rolled and gripped the scroll tightly, before turning and throwing it against the wall. “That conniving, son of a–”

Siveril,” Taenya interrupted.

The man turned and stared at her, a scowl solidly set on his face. 

She calmed herself. “What does this mean? For us?”

Siveril took a deep breath. “It means that Marquess Angwin is trying to force the princess under his thumb and authority. There is no way this happened without his input.”

Taenya looked over at the other two knights. Theran wore a blank mask and she suspected it would take Sabina to read his thoughts. That woman, on the other hand, was a frozen statue of barely concealed rage. It said all citizens. That means her too.

She placed her hand on her fellow knight’s shoulder. “Sabina. Calm. We will figure this out. No one knows of your magic, yet.”

Siveril’s head snapped toward Sabina. “You can use magic?”

Sabina ground her teeth and narrowed her eyes at Taenya before turning toward Siveril. “I can.”

The majordomo sighed and rubbed his leg as he thought. “Sabina… I know what you have done at night. Has your magic helped you accomplish this?”

“...It has.”

Siveril nodded. “Good. I want you to get everything you can on the Marquess. Do not get caught. Especially using magic.”

Sabina’s face turned predatory. “They won’t even see me.”

“Theran, prepare the guards for any attack on the House. Now is the time to watch for assassins in the night. The princess does not go anywhere without at least four guards and one of you three protecting her,” Siveril said.

The elf knight saluted. “I will make it happen.”

Siveril looked up in thought, almost as if he were done. 

Taenya squinted her eyes. “What about me?”

Majordomo Siveril Norric turned his head and peered into her eyes. “First, you and I are going to meet with the Archpriestess. Then Angwin will know what it means to make an enemy of House Reinhart.”

Taenya smiled. “My sword will be ready.”

Siveril’s smirk looked downright sinister. 

“Good. It will be coated in blood before we are done.”

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