Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 2: A Calm Killing Intent

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Longinus' pupils shrunk sharply. While bounty is not precisely equal to strength, it is also a good measure of strength in most cases.

Although the Golden Age of Pirates is still underway and living in the first part of the route of the Grand Line, the bounty of 37 million bellies is already a rather powerful figure.

Although he had previously killed some pirates who came to attack, the highest reward among those pirates was only 23 million bellies, and the bounty of 37 million bellies is unique.

What's more, the Giant Rhino Alex is regarded in this sea to have a bad reputation, not only to escape from the Marine many times. He even chose to slaughter some towns afterward to retaliate. It seems that this time, they are purely suffering from the calamity caused by the catch.

"Big brother Longinus, we...... what should we do now?" Seeing that Longinus was somewhat lost in thought, Fitz asked half-heartedly.

"Of course...... just kill them!"


Fitz's eyes widened, there is some disbelief, although big brother Longinus strong, but he also killed a lot of pirates who prey on the town, but this time the enemy that came is utterly different from the previous pirates on the level it!

When Fitz was still lost in thought, he saw Longinus gone far away. His figure had disappeared entirely from sight, "Big brother Longinus, wait for me!"

"It seems that this time I have to expose some of my skills to kill the enemy, but it's good, the life force of the sea king class has been absorbed enough, it's time to taste the powerful soul!" A flash of tyrannical killing intent appeared in Longinus' calm eyes, and his running body trembled slightly, which was a sign that the blood that surged in his body was beginning to boil.



At the same time, the slaughter continues!

The ground was stained with blood, and the wreckage was all around as if the gates of hell had opened here.

"Lord Alex, we can hand over all our wealth to you, but please spare us and let us live! The older man prostrated on the ground, begging for mercy with a desperate kowtow.

"Mayor, let's fight these people!" A resigned yell of rage came from the crowd behind the old man.

"Shut up!" The old mayor first scolded the people behind him and then continued to plead: "Lord Alex, you can take all the wealth of the town, and I will swear on the name of my ancestors that I will never reveal your whereabouts to the marine, so please do us a favor and spare us!"

"Hahahahahaha! If you are spared, who will proclaim my brutality and power to all these seas? I have announced long ago in this sea that for every time the marine hunted me, I will slaughter a town. Old man, if you want to resent, go and resent those idiotic marine!" The fat, one-eyed pirate laughed hideously.

"Now, I will have you all......" The mace in Alex's hand was raised high as if he wanted to crush the older man into mush in the most brutal way.


When the people in the town are ready to fight to the death, black shadows are falling from the sky, and Alex's fat body is suddenly flying dozens of meters away, and it was Longinus who stepped on the building and leaped into the air to give the perfect strike.

"This...... Longinus...... he actually sent the Giant Rhino Alex flying!" Some townsfolk muttered, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

"Great, with big brother Longinus here, whatever Giant Rhino Pirates will not be arrogant for long!" Some of the 'scouts' have unconditional trust in Longinus.

"What a joke, an 11 or 12 year old kid defeated the captain!" Some pirates said subconsciously.

The pirates around him looked horrified at the man who had spoken out of turn and quickly retreated as if avoiding snakes and scorpions.

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The pirate who spoke before also snapped out of it, his back sweating coldly, his legs trembling as he looked towards the dust that had not yet dispersed, stuttering: "Captain......, I do not mean that...... "


The mace spun out from the dust with great speed and smashed his head into mush as the headless corpse fell with the shock and despair in the pirate's eyes.

Alex came out with a fury in his eyes. His body was stained with blood gurgling from his forehead as if he was a demon crawling out of a sea of blood.

Everyone trembled and lowered their eyes for a moment, not even daring to take a breath as if an invisible boulder was pressed in their minds.

"You bastard, how dare you hit me! You know, no one has ever dared to hit me on the head!" Alex approaches as he steps closer, with a fierce face, giving off a huge pressure invisibly.

"Now you have." Longinus smiled gently, while pondering in his minds, it seemed that the rumor that Alex was a Zoan ability user was true, otherwise he would not have recovered so quickly from the blow that could kill even a sea king.

Longinus' answer made Alex stunned for a moment, and then felt anger surge to his heart, and even the words that he was ready to finish were utterly discarded. His legs stomped hard on the ground, and he rushed towards the enemy at an incredible speed, propelled by the recoil that came out.

At this speed, the distance of a dozen meters is just a blink of an eye, and when he saw that Longinus looked like he was too late to react and seemed to be stunned, Alex felt relieved, and the vast force exerted on his fist was heavier by some points.

When Alex's sandbag-sized fist approached his eyes, and the wind of his fist blew the hair around his ears, Longinus made his move!

His head tilted slightly to the left, and the fist carried a gust of wind past his face. Longinus gave a swift kick to his right shoulder and heard a cracking sound of bones, and without waiting for Alex to cry out in pain, Longinus' right leg quickly kicked up and hit Alex in the lower abdomen with a swift and powerful kick.

Whether the people of Fallen Leaf Town or the Giant Rhino Pirates crew are clearly seen, the face of Giant Rhino Alex is deformed by pain. His eyes are like goldfish eyes that bulge out. Anyone can see that the pain he is suffering now is far beyond the limit.

And this is not finished. Longinus grabbed Alex's shoulder like lightning, slamming him to the ground with an over-the-shoulder slam, in terms of their size, as if an ant was throwing an elephant that looked ridiculous. Still, at the moment, the crowd is not laughing. The powerful scene has made them lose the ability to speak.

In exception to those scouts who follow Longinus every day, who would have thought that the Giant Rhino Alex that has been running through these seas would have been beaten without a fight in the hands of an eleven or twelve-year-old boy?

Let's just say that reality is often more bizarre than fantasy.

There was a heavy panting sound while Longinus' face remained the same, but his body was rapidly retreating at the back.

It was a five-meter-tall giant rhinoceros from the dust rushed out madly. One horn on the tip of the nose shone with a bone-chilling cold light, seemingly sharper than a Meito (Legendary Sword) in general.

If it is not Longinus, foresee the danger and dodge it in advance. By this horn on the top, perhaps even his body will be torn.

"This...... is a monster!" The townspeople, who had already shown a happy face, were once again dismayed, apparently frightened by the vast change in Alex.

"Idiot, this is the real strength of the captain. This stage is the strength of the Giant Rhino Pirates across the sea!" The almost retreating pirates shouted again.

"This guy's size is far worse than the sea king, he won't be a match for big brother Longinus!" Only the scouts remained calm and unmoved by their confidence in Longinus.

"Bastard, it seems that I really underestimated you, it's just a pity that you're about to see the power that really belongs to the devil!" Alex said with a ragged breath as his front hooves scraped the ground.

"Don't speak up easily, that will only reveal your weakness!" Even in the face of a ferocious enemy like Alex, Longinus gently smiled because he would always have more tolerance for the dead.

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