Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 20: Chapter 020: Captain Locke’s Wit

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"Those guys...... dare to interrupt my vacation time, really unforgivable!" A huge eagle with sharp eyes soared in the sky, his eyes searching like radar, while his mouth was chattering and muttering, "But I guess it's not my turn to teach those guys a lesson, boss Longinus will let them know what fear is!"

"Target spotted...... there......," Gregory said with a double flap, hovering and swooping down.

Gregory, who returned to the ground in human form, looked at the tragic situation on the isolated island, shook his head, and sighed: "Boss Longinus really does not have the slightest idea of mercy when dealing with his enemies!"

"What's that saying the boss said, treat the people as warm as spring, treat the enemy as cruel and ruthless as a harsh winter, maybe it's this firm belief that created a legend like our boss!"

The corpses along the road do not have any bloodstained remains, showing the extremely high combat skills of the killers, basically killing the enemy before they can react with a single blow.

All the pirates have gone peacefully, their faces left before the death of the party smile, but this situation appeared on the dead and lonely island, giving a strange and frightening feeling.

"Good thing I've seen enough of this kind of thing. Otherwise, I would have had a panic attack sooner or later!" said Gregory as he breathed a breath of relief.

"Sorry about that. I'm not used to getting blood on the ground when dealing with enemies of this level." Longinus, who was wearing a coat of justice, came out of the forest and was not stained with half a dust under the silver-white moonlight.

"Haha! Boss accidentally heard that!" Gregory, not half embarrassed, turned his head to look around and said, "Have all the pirates of the Giant Axe Pirates been cleared out?"

"Hmm! It won't take much time for some minor characters." Longinus walked slowly towards the outside of the forest, with Gregory following in step.

"That's true, these guys dare to hit on you, boss, they really don't know how to write the word 'death'?"

When he walked to an open place outside the forest, Gregory skillfully transformed into a huge eagle, and Longinus leaped onto the back of the eagle. The next moment, the dark and silent island was already as far away as a black dot in his vision.

"By the way, boss, how did you break free from the Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone) handcuffs, I remember that those things are not usually given only a set of keys?" Gregory swept away the dust and fog of the night, and his eerie voice in beast form came out.

"Unlock the potential of the body, instill your will in the brain, so that every part of the body can be like an arm, in this way you can do something that seems impossible in ordinary people, for example, control your hair and transform into a key to open the Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone) handcuffs......" Longinus gently said as if recounting something very ordinary.

Gregory was silent for a moment before he spoke quietly: "Well, it seems that I am the ordinary person in the mouth of you, boss, I want to be in peace, do not ask me who is in peace."

Longinus was speechless but did not say more.

His method of opening the Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone) handcuffs is known as the 'It is common knowledge that the Marine Rokushiki (Six Powers) have the seventh power' Seimei Kikan (Life Return). However, he generally knows the practice of the Marine Rokushiki (Six Powers) but has no complete theoretical guidance. In these two years, Longinus can only master the most basic Soru (Shave), and Seimei Kikan (Life Return) is the easiest for him.

After all, Seimei Kikan (Life Return) is ultimately nothing more than the ultimate control of the body, as he was born with Kenbunshoku Haki (Color of Observation Haki), and even his soul strength is far beyond the normal anomaly in the premise of knowing the direction to control Seimei Kikan (Life Return) is really not too difficult.


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Under Gregory performed to extreme speed, the sea between several islands was quickly crossed, and it did not take long to have reached the temporary base where he was stationed before.

As soon as the two men landed, they were surrounded by masses of marines who came over excitedly.

"Excellent, Lieutenant Commander Longinus, I knew you'd be fine!"

"Those little pirates, how could they be a match for Lieutenant Commander Longinus!"

Gregory, who took human form, pushed through the crowd and said: "The bounty on the Giant Axe Pirates can be revoked. Those guys have all been claimed by boss Longinus."

"Wow! Lieutenant Commander Longinus is just amazing!"

In prison, Giant Axe Locke, who had been transferred to the ordinary prison cell for good behavior, was curious when he heard the constant sound of cheering from the outside world and asked the guards of the Marine: "Is there anything going on outside, Mr. Cauldron?"

Because of Locke's previous good behavior, it was a good fight against the evil culture of piracy, a few marines guarding the prison did not have many ill feelings towards him, plus this matter is more or less connected to him, so he said: "Your Giant Axe Pirates were wiped out, those idiots thought that Lieutenant Commander Longinus bound himself with the Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone) handcuffs and there was nothing he could do with them, but unfortunately, by the time they understood the power of the lieutenant commander it was too late."

"You you you...... how can you stain innocence out of thin air? I have nothing to do with the Giant Axe Pirates now!" Giant Axe Locke reddened his face and argued, then slapped his chest in fear, "I knew that idiot Bart was asking for death. He is the kind of trash who dare to be an enemy with Lieutenant Commander Longinus!"

The crew members of the Giant Axe Pirates, who were caught in with the Giant Axe Locke, were still resentful of their captain's cowardice. After hearing what happened to the Giant Axe Pirates, they also shouted, "The captain is wise. The captain is amazing!"

"Idiot, there is no captain here, we are all in here to change our fate and future and redeem ourselves!" Locke hurriedly stated his position and said.

The entire crew of pirates also nodded like chickens peaking at rice, "We will definitely reform our lives and become good again, study hard and get better every day."



<The Light That Cuts Through the Darkness, Longinus, the Star of the Marine!>

<Putting Himself at Risk, A Marine's Duty, and Responsibility!>

<Adherence to Justice, Lieutenant Commander of the Marine Reformed Vicious Pirates!>

Longinus gently crossed his fingers and set aside the newspaper in front of him. At the same time, Adkin, who had been promoted to Commodore, smiled and said, "Ignore it. In this era where there is a rising violence, the Marine also needs to set up as many models as possible, and a perfect image like yours is naturally impossible for them to let go."

"I am used to these, after all, the newspaper in the past two years has long been more than once or twice, except that some of this content...... remains a bit too exaggerated."

Longinus helplessly smiled while he cast his eyes on several other newspapers on the table, only to see those newspapers written in bright red letters:

<The Oath to End the Age of Pirates, the Light of the Marine!>

<The Legacy of Hero, Praise from Vice Admiral Garp!>

<Admiral or Fleet Admiral, Where Should the Rising Star of the Marine End? >

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