Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 26: Chapter 026: Listen to the Mind

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"The Marine? Are you guys here for trouble?" After settling down, the man dressed in black didn't move his feet back, and his eyes drifted to look behind the two of them.

"Are you looking for your men? Don't bother much. Those guys won't wake up again." Longinus approached step by step. The interval footsteps seemed to step on the heartbeat of the man dressed in black, the threat of imposing force made his forehead also ooze tiny beads of sweat, as if he was not facing just any teenager but a ferocious beast capable of devouring life.

"To put down my men without the slightest movement, looks like a tricky guy!" said the man dressed in black, forcing himself to hold down his fear inside.

"Not even know big brother Longinus, is he a rookie who just entered the Grand Line, or a loser who retreated from New World?" Hina asked in amazement.

"Hehehe! Looks like this brat from the navy is famous in these seas? However, little girl, we are not some losers, even in the entire first half of the Grand Line, the Dark Arbiter Felix, who possesses the fearsome power of a vicious monster, is the captain of our Black Cloth Pirates." The man dressed in black leans forward with his upper body, trying to make a vicious and hideous gesture.

'...... Black Cloth Pirates, the naming style in the One Piece World is really consistent and bizarre!' Longinus thought speechlessly.

"Although I don't know what this Black Cloth Pirates you are, but it is always the most worthless losers who are involved in human trafficking or the like!" Hina said without giving any respect and revealed her mistakes.

"Little girl, you have to think before you speak, if you offend our Black Cloth Pirates, you will suffer a very cruel fate!" The man dressed in black laughed and threatened.

"It's you who should think before you speak. Do you still think we have the chance to reconcile by now?" As he spoke, Longinus had already closed in on his opponent.

"Damned Marine brats, don't think I'm terrified of you!" The man dressed in black pulled out two longswords from behind him and held them in his hands. He was clearly a Nitōryū (Two Swords Style) Swordsman.

"Boo-ya! Kohyō Sōsha (Twin Tiger Kill!)!" As if cheering himself up, the nitōryū (Two Swords Style) swordsman shouts loudly, causing a blast of wind as he rushes in, and the blast of air can be faintly heard.


Longinus appeared above the black-clothed swordsman as if he had teleported, throwing a thunderous punch down and smashing the other party directly into the crumbling ground.

The next moment, Longinus grabbed the man dressed in black with his hair and lifted him out of the ground, and the man was no longer resisting as if fate had held him from the back.

"......" Hina looked at the scene, speechless. Although she knew that the swordsman would certainly not be the opponent of big brother Longinus, this defeat was a little too simple!

Is this guy really a vicious pirate?

"I ask and you answer, is that clear?" Longinus threatened in simple and concise words.

"I...... I know, Sir Marine, you can just ask." Being unaware that his mask has broken up, the man dressed in black's eyes spookily flickered is clearly not planning to give in so quickly.

Longinus didn't care and seized the moment to ask: "Who is the little girl you are trying to capture? Why is there so much fuss after letting a slave go?"

"Surely the captain wouldn't tell such a minor character like me about such a thing! I just roughly know that there are many big names in the underground world who want her!"

"How many people are you able to use? Where were they roughly placed other than around the venue?"

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"We sent out about...... 600 people in total this time, except for the 50 people who stayed in the venue center, people were mainly arranged around the three venue entrances in case that brat sneaked away."

"What about your captain, what are his abilities and his base of power?"

"Our captain is a pirate with a bounty of 80 million bellies, and it is said that his abilities are related to night and shadow, and I don't know any more, because those who have seen the captain perform his abilities are dead."

When he saw how silent Longinus suddenly was, the man dressed in black asked tentatively: "What about this one, Lord Marine, if you see me behaving so well, why don't you just let me go and treat me like a fart? Before, I had no choice, now, I want to be a good person!"

"This kind of idiot brat who loves to show his heroic side in front of women, as long as I have a good attitude and concede some weakness, he will definitely let me go." The corner of Longinus's mouth carries a gentle smile as he looks at the other party, "You have this in mind, am I right?"

"You you you you you...... how do you know?" The man dressed in black cried out incoherently as if he had seen a ghost and then snapped out of it and denied, "No, no, I mean......"

"Knowing the Ancient Script, she is wanted by those underworld powers, and you want to use her as a channel for getting promoted to the deeper darkness of the world."

"Secondly, your captain, in order to obtain this favor alone, took away most of the fighting forces in your crew of pirates to stop the other pirates, leaving less than 200 pirates, and most of them are in the place where those slaves are kept."

"Finally, your captain's ability has more to do with fear, which is why he continues to spread his terrible reputation."

"You you you you you...... Who the hell are you? How do you know all this?" The man dressed in black looked pale like ashes and no longer rigidly insisted.

"Isn't that all you told me?"

"What I said......" the man dressed in black murmured, gradually realizing, "Is it possible that you can see through my mind? So you know I'm lying and do nothing but continue, because every thing you ask, I subconsciously think of the answer!"

"I just didn't expect that you were quite loyal to your captain and would rather die than reveal his secret!"

"Rather die?" The man dressed in black struggled with a frightened face, "Give me another chance, give me another chance, I promise to be a good......"

Longinus broke his neck without any change of expression, and Hina, who came from a military family, was not sickened by this scene but said with bright colors in her eyes: "Wow! Big brother Longinus you can read the minds of those people? So powerful, is this a natural talent?"

Longinus asked, somewhat surprised, "Aren't you afraid? No one should want their thoughts to be read by others!"

"Why should Hina be afraid?" Hina asked in return with another question, "It's not like Hina has any shady ideas, and besides, Hina knows that what big brother Longinus is doing must be the right thing!"

"However, if you don't want anyone to know, big brother Longinus, Hina will make sure to help you keep the secret."

"Is that so? Then I thank Hina for that!" Longinus was thinking rather darkly in his mind while he was holding his hand on Hina's light hair once again, 'It's a pity that Hina still needs four years to enter the Marine, otherwise with her trust in me, she would be a more worthy object to train than Gregory and the others.'

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