Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 29: Chapter 029: The Child is Still Young, It is Better to Put It To Sleep!

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When Longinus spoke, the dusty memories began to come back, and all the slaves who got rescued were staring at the same boy who had previously made it impossible for them to escape.

Thousands of people are pointing fingers, and nothing is happening!

Not to mention a young boy of 11 or 12 years old has gone through the fight to kill soldiers, suddenly being stared at by so many full of anger will be helpless.

"What do you...... you want?"

Being stared at by so many angry eyes, the young boy has long been not as tough as before. He dared to face the crowd alone before because he knew those pirates would back him up, but now, that Marine...... does not seem to be as good as those pirates do!

"You still have the nerve to ask what we want? Just now, if not for the timely arrival of big brother from the navy, the pirates will break the legs of Robin, it is clear that she ran back to save us!"

"It's just a broken leg, it's not like you're going to die, besides, isn't it no problem?" The child mutters reluctantly.


Seeing many people with fierce faces approaching him, the little boy instantly panicked and whispered, "It is a big problem, it is a big problem...... I apologize."

"Hmph! An apology? Is this kind of thing something that can be solved by a simple apology? Just because of your selfishness alone, you almost caused all of us to not escape!"

"You guys don't go too far! I've said I want to apologize. What more do you guys want?" Who knows? The young boy burst out in discontent, and for a moment, he took the momentum's upper hand.

The man who questioned earlier was 'dumbfounded' and looked to Longinus for help, and the boy seemed to have found his strength, "So what if he''s in the Marine, I've apologized, does he dare to kill me?"

Longinus rubbed his smooth chin and uttered something that would make a child scream in fear, "Death penalty? It's not impossible."

"You, what qualifications do you have to kill people?" The child forced himself to calm his mind, but he did not have much strength when he saw the blood and flesh around him.

The surrounding crowd also began to whisper, although they also hate this child who does not take other people's lives as a serious matter. Still, when it comes to killing children, they are vaguely afraid. They are, after all, the slaves in captivity together, not those vicious and brutal pirates.

Therefore, seeing the child look scared, there are more baizuo standing up for him.

"Lord Marine, the child is still young and does not know what to do......"

Longinus nodded deeply, "The child is still young. It is better if he is put to sleep!"

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief that such words were coming from the mouth of the Marine who was guarding justice.

"No more jokes." Longinus said with a serious face, "The reason I said that is because he is a remnant of the Black Cloth Pirates!"

"Wait, a remnant part? What do you mean?" The abruptly awakened crowd quickly retreated and hid behind Longinus as if they were avoiding snakes and scorpions.

"He was a spy that the pirates deliberately planted among you to sabotage your escape and to keep those pirates informed at all times."

Longinus said coldly, "If you let him go, your information will also be leaked out, and maybe the remnants of the Black Cloth Pirates will come after you again."

"Too despicable, too shameless!"

"No wonder he had to do that, so he was one of the pirates himself?"

"All of those who failed to escape and were hanged before are surely due to him leaking the news."

"Kill him, you must kill him!"

It is somewhat ironic that those who defended the little boy before, when they knew that the matter would involve their own safety, their killing intent for the little boy was firmer than anyone else.

The child was horrified and kept arguing: "I'm not, I'm not, I'm really not one of those pirates, I'm just jealous that bitch didn't share her power with me, you must believe me!"

However, a 'pirate' with a bad record and a marine to guard justice, the crowd does not need to think much to know who to believe, they look at the boy with disgust and disdain, and no one stands up for him to defend.

"To remove the evil, I'm sure you can understand that." Longinus lightly loaded the cartridge and aimed the pitch-black gun at the child in question.

"To remove...... the evil...... " Robin's small face was pale, seemed to recall something, looking at the figure of Longinus like a demon.

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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really wrong, don't kill me!" The little boy collapsed to the ground and couldn't stop retreating to his rear.

"Well, the evil 'pirates' are purged, you can leave without worry, I will let the Marine to register you, and in a few days a warship will send you back home."

"Big brother Longinus, big sister Hina, thank you!"

The rescued crowd walked out with a thousand thanks, and they couldn't wait to enjoy the long-awaited sunshine.

"Hoo! Is this what it's like to be a hero? It's so fascinating!" Hina said with a happy little face, "Hina is so happy, when the evil pirates are solved and the good people can go home again, it's really a fairy tale perfect ending!"

"No, the real situation is that most of them will probably never return to their homes again!" Longinus said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Hina released a startled gasp and had no doubts about Longinus' words, only asking in disbelief, "And why is that? Haven't the pirates all been taken care of already?"

"Because, most of them probably don't even know the name of the island they are on." Longinus knows very well that in this era when transportation is extremely backward, and even sea trains have not yet been created, those ordinary people, once forced to leave their homes, may not be able to return again in their lifetime.

"So...... where will they end up then?"

"A small percentage of people can be rescued, while the vast majority will end up stranded on this island, no longer holding out hope as time passes, and end up forming new families here...... burying their wounds deep in their hearts."

"Huh? Why is that?"

"Because...... when you strip away the gentle appearance of the world, there is no shortage of the bloody nature of reality."

Longinus slowly walked towards the lone Robin, "Little one, can you still remember your home?"

"No, please don't come over here!" Robin hysterically screamed as she gripped the small dagger she had found from nowhere in both hands and aimed it at Longinus.

Hina also returned from the sentimentality, like a hen saw this scene opened her arms to protect Longinus behind, forgetting that Robin is the weakest one, angry rebuke:

"Damned thief, what do you want to do to big brother Longinus? If it wasn't big brother Longinus who saved you, you would have been torn apart by that angry pirates, and now you want to take revenge?"

"No, I don't know, I don't know anything." Robin mumbled indecisively, "But don't you come near me, stay away from me!"

Hina found that the little girl on the other side seemed to be not quite right, as if she was in great fear, but the pirates had been wiped out. Here only she and big brother Longinus are left alone. Cannot she be in fear of big brother Longinus?

Thinking about it, Hina was a little amused. Would someone as nice as big brother Longinus also make people afraid?

"Is it because you stole Hina's money before and are afraid of being caught by big brother Longinus?" Hina graciously forgave, "Forget it, it's not much money anyway, just think of it as Hina's gift to you."

The fear in Robin's eyes faintly dissipated, and she finally broke free from the nightmare, but the grip on the dagger still did not drop,

"Thank you, I know you are all good people, but...... I can no longer trust anyone!"

Robin used her fruit power, threw a delicate and small purse in front of Hina, and then fled in a panic.

"Ah! It's Hina's purse!" Hina picked up her purse and looked at Robin with a worried and puzzled look, "Why did she run off by herself? Should we chase her back?"

Longinus shook his head slightly, "No need, unless I take off the coat of justice behind me, she will never stop running away."

Hina said with understanding: "So, what she is afraid of is not you, big brother Longinus, but the marine uniform you are wearing?"

"But the Marine stands for justice, so why should she be afraid?"

"Who knows? Justice is something like that, when it is needed!" Longinus turned around and walked toward the outside world.

Like, he knew very well that the little boy had nothing to do with the pirates, but what does that have to do with anything?

Justice is a tool for those in power to make themselves look good. When needed, it is justice, while it is just two pale and powerless words for the rest of the time.

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