Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 31: Chapter 031: The Pitcher Cobra

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Longinus looked slightly stunned and looked at Cobra, who looked like he was a brainwashed fan in front of him and was somewhat unable to react.

"Is this guy really the future king of Arabasta?" Although Longinus expressed doubt in his mind, his face still maintained a warm smile, and he said, "Prince Cobra, I......"

"No, don't ever call me Prince Cobra!" Cobra said with an agitated face, "Sir can call me Cobra or young Cobra, but don't ever use proper honorifics!"

Longinus' body shook slightly, almost suspecting that this guy was gay, but his firm resolve still allowed him to say without blinking, "All right! We both take a step back, I call you Cobra, and you don't have to say 'sir', just call me Longinus!"

"Is this...... really okay?" Cobra shivered, his face was agitated, and that look made Longinus suspect that he would faint the next moment.

Seeing Longinus nodding without making a mistake, Cobra then took a deep breath and said, "Lieutenant Commander Longinus, I really admire you in particular. When I saw the words you uttered in the newspaper two years ago, it was the famous line you uttered when you defeated the Bloodshed Pirates, which power should be the servant of justice."

"After that, I finally found the meaning of my existence in the midst of my turbulent days, and that was to use the power given to me by the people for their greater happiness!"

Longinus instantly turned to the Kind Persona and seriously said, "You did the right thing. Both authority and strength are monsters that can not be loosed from the cage, only limited with justice and truth to avoid their abuse."

After receiving the affirmation of Longinus, Cobra is even more excited. Still, in the agitation and some gloom, "Only it is a pity that my father simply refused to listen to my advice. The country has been fighting for years. Although the status and power are expanding, but the economic situation has long fallen below the point of cold, and the war-weary mood in the country has also reached its peak. The current Arabasta is the bomb on the volcano's edge, which may blow the country to pieces at any time."

"So, what you're trying to say is......"

"I hope you, Lieutenant Commander Longinus, can help me save this country that could be destroyed at any moment!" said Cobra desperately.

"You want to take the power from your father?"

"Huh? No, you misunderstand, Lieutenant Commander Longinus!" Cobra waved his hands in defense, "I was hoping that you would use the idea of justice to convince my father, who has lost his eyes to war and destruction!"

"Convince......" Longinus twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly. According to Commodore Adkin, the current king of Alabaster is a sinister and cunning old cunning person, this kind of person will be 'convicted' by the idea of 'justice', except in a dream is almost.

But Longinus did not reject it outright but asked in a slightly torn manner, "Do you have any more detailed information that could give me an advantage in the ensuing talks and make your father give up his intention to continue the war because of 'guilt'?"

"Make my father feel guilty? Does contacting the pirates count?" Cobra said cluelessly.

When Cobra suddenly threw out this kind of potent bomb, Longinus could not help but breathe heavily. It seems that this guy is really a good pitcher!

Although it is impossible to bring down a king just by hiring pirates, but if it works well, it will be a good bargaining chip at the meeting.

Longinus said calmly: "Yes, tell me the information in detail."

"Alright. As I said before, the war-weary mood in the country reached its peak, making the army's combat power greatly reduced, and at the beginning of the war we were actually in a losing situation, so my father the king then secretly contacted the Carnage Pirates, the Heart Pirates, and the Banner Pirates, and let those pirates disguised as the army to participate in the war, which saved a losing situation."

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"Working with pirates is like working with a tiger." Longinus said in simple and concise terms.

"Mmm! I think so too, the pirates who can't be fed will one day set their eyes on Arabasta, on a country that looks powerful on the outside but is actually in shambles!"



The dinner quickly came to a messy end due to the constant war of women that erupted at the party.

The peace talks of the four countries, which should have been tomorrow, were put on this night because of the persistent request of the king of Arabasta.

Inside the spacious and extensive hall, the nobles of the four countries' politicians were each standing behind their own royal families, while the Marine, represented by Commodore Adkin, was sitting at the front of the palace, facing the royal families of the four countries.

"Well, let's all start speaking openly now. Although the Marine's position is to remain neutral, out of the idea of peace, I still hope that the kings can reach a peace."

The King of Arabasta, who was sitting near the left side, looked around before raising his head in a slightly reserved manner and said, "Since everyone is so quiet, let it be done by my Kingdom. In order to start this war, our kingdom has invested a lot of human and material resources, to end this war, at least let us fill the deficit completely!"

"So, our demand from Arabasta is simple, that is, you three countries should compensate us 10 billion bellies, and how this 10 billion bellies is allocated is your business."

"Ridiculous, ten billion bellies for the war, I see that you have no sincerity for peace talks." King Crete angrily slapped the table and directly rebuked.

"Don't be so hasty, I haven't finished yet. Given my country's absolute lead in the current war, to end it here would cause us to lose a large part of our vested interests, so I have the right to ask for another province to be ceded from your respective kingdoms as spoils of war, while maintaining the territory we have already occupied."

"After all, to end the war in such a situation where the situation is great, even if I am the king, I still need to carry quite a heavy pressure!"

"However, to show my generosity, I can let you choose freely from which provinces you want without indicating them, well, you can now praise my kindness to yourselves!"

"Honorable King Arabasta, I really cannot see any sincerity in your words regarding peace talks." King Hisca also frowned and stated toughly, "If you really come with the will of peace, we will have wine to serve to our friends, but if you are trying to provoke with the threat of a new round of war, the noble nation of Hisca will also raise their hunting guns to chase away the jackals!"

"Hmph! You two Kings, in front of the choice of survival and dignity, i thought you would make the right decision."

Seeing that the peace talks had fallen into a fierce stalemate right from the start and seemed about to turn into a prelude to the outbreak of war, Commodore Adkin hurriedly whispered for help, "Longinus, take over. I can't control the situation anymore!"

Longinus took a deep breath, 'when did you control the situation and why don't I know anything about it?'

"Your Majesties, please listen to me. The key to peace talks is to seek common ground while leaving differences. Since we are all here for peace, please be a little more patient and listen to my analysis of the current situation." The faint soul pressure of Longinus emitted, giving a kind of aura of a superior, people unconsciously want to listen to him to finish his words so that the situation that was a little agitated once again returned to calm.

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