Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 34: Chapter 034: I Fear, Because I am Worried About Losing

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"Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone)? How is that possible? I haven't lost my strength at all......" Adkin said without any thought, suddenly looking slightly stiff, "I can't use my abilities anymore, but why do I still have my strength?"

With these words, the Marine and the rest of the royal family members who have the ability also spoke out, "Not good, I can not use my ability!"

"Hehehe! Now that's the peculiar effect of the Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone) powder. It is unable to make the ability user lose their strength while losing their ability like the pure Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone)." Felix's ambitious voice came out from under the mask, which he specially made to prevent the inhalation of the powder mist of Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone).

"However, for those who rely on their abilities, what can they do with all the physical strength they retain after losing their abilities? This feature, in turn, adds a touch more stealth ability for it to be effective."

"Speaking of which, I'm still a bit surprised that Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone) is a substance that is harder than diamonds, and the Kingdom of Arabasta has the technology to grind it into powder......"

"Then you will have to be disappointed. Our kingdom does not have that kind of technology. This one is just a treasure inherited from the royal family." King Arabasta looked at Felix with bitter hatred and mocked him.

Felix also does not care, "Whatever, anyway, what I need is only your treasured Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone) powder, with this treasure, even after entering the New World and met those unbeatable monsters, I also have the backup for the victory."

Longinus secretly thought, 'That otherworldly soul's memory has mentioned, Wano has the world's top craftsmanship of processing Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone), which can be processed into such fine creations as nails, and the Kozuki Clan is able to inscribe the Poneglyph on the indestructible stone.'

'And then when you connect the identity of the Nefertari as one of twenty royal families, as well as the historical monument that records the Poneglyph in the royal tomb, perhaps these Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone) powders are the treasures gifted to the Nefertari by the Kozuki clan at that time?'

The mood in the hall was a bit heavy for a while. Felix then said: "Originally, I did not want to reveal my face with you, the marines, but it is a pity that you are too deceitful, not only broke my slave trade but also killed all my men, making the prestige of Dark Arbiter Felix a laughing stock in these seas. How should I deal with these arrogant marines?"

"Hang them, hang them!" The pirates who followed Felix roared.

"Actually, I do have an idea, didn't they ruin my slave trade? Then let them have a taste of becoming slaves themselves, let these high and mighty royalty and marines become lowly slaves, is there anything more thrilling in this world than that?"

The marines and the royal families of the three countries were all slightly pale, and to become slaves, was something crueler than death to them.

King Azka also screamed loudly: "Captain Felix, we must not let them leave alive, if we let them reveal what happened tonight, I will be all finished!"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Felix said in an unpleasant tone.

"No...... no, that's not what I meant......"

"Hahahahahaha! You didn't expect retribution to come so quickly, right? I told you before, these despicable pirates......" King Arabasta laughed maniacally, then Felix glanced, and his body exploded like a bomb, torn apart and bursting with blood.

"Ah! Someone's dead!"

Although the situation in the hall is frozen, there has been no death, giving a false illusion of peace. In contrast, the horrible death of the King of Arabasta opened the floodgates of fear in the people's minds so that the hall was instantly chaotic. Even the smell from the bloody atmosphere also spread in the hall.

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"Father, father......" Cobra whispered spiritlessly, then looked at Felix with eyes wide open, "You damned pirate, I must kill you!"
Arabasta's noblemen rushed to hold Cobra down, "Your Highness, do not be impulsive, the enemy is a great pirate that we cannot defeat, if you rashly rush up...... who else will save Arabasta?"

Felix gave Cobra a disdainful look and said with no concern, "The bark of a loser dog!"

"Is that what you're capable of? Fear?" Longinus asked, standing up.

Felix's facial expression was stunned, then he slightly narrowed his eyes and said: "You are the Marine who broke my slave trade? How dare you have the courage to stand in front of me? You have a lot of guts......"

"Are you changing the subject?" Longinus asked with a gentle smile on his lips.

Felix's eyes gaze slightly, "I do not know what you are talking about, as the arbiter of darkness, I can amplify my ability infinitely at night, and every word I speak and every look I give can become the arbitration of the law, do you want to taste the taste of death right now?"

"I do not have any fear in my mind right now, are you sure you really want to try? If I break the image of invincibility in the minds of your men, and destroy the seeds of fear that you have deliberately planted in the minds of all people, it will make your series of actions after coming in useless."

Felix took a deep breath and said no more.

Longinus said, "You have been creating the image of yourself as powerful and mysterious from the beginning, or you have been doing so since you went to sea, even going so far as to hide in the darkness all day long. Just now, you mentioned the slave auction and killing with your eyes is also to amplify......"

"That's enough! Shut the hell up!"

Felix shouted at the same time, putting his ability to the limit. However, Longinus does not react as if it was the faintest breeze over the hillock.

"How is it possible, as long as people have fear, fear of power, fear of failure, fear of death, why would you not even have a trace of fear?" Felix shouted in disbelief, like that the fear of losing his power triggered King of Arabasta, he burst into flames and died, but he couldn't even perceive a trace of fear in that Marine, is this guy human?

There is also an uproar in the great hall when his words are spoken.

"Turned out to be a real ability related to fear, Lieutenant Commander Longinus is worthy of being a Marine Hero, able to maintain extreme calm in this situation!"

"Are you kidding me, just having fear makes you die, this ability is too unsolvable, right? I can't be as fearless as Lieutenant Commander Longinus... Wait, will I die?"

"Idiot, this kind of perverted ability must have a horrible limitation or exhaustion, that Felix has no spare time to deal with a small person like you."

"Without any fear, is this the real Marine?"

'The fruit ability that is somewhat similar to the BIG-MOM ability that exists?' Longinus secretly speculate in his mind, while his body is step by step towards Felix, "I fear, because I am worried about losing, but I never think I will lose, always stand in the position of the winner...... then I will never lose."

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