Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 7: Golden Heart

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"Captain Adkin, Captain Adkin...... " an ensign with a scowl on his face ran to the meeting room door to inform.

At this moment, the captain, who is sitting alone at the table, staring at the map on the table with a serious face, slowly looked up: "Ensign Feldman, I hope you will always pay attention to your words and actions, as an ensign, I hope you will always show a calm and composed face in the eyes of the people!"

"Yes!" Feldman saluted with a mortified face, then said solemnly, "Captain Adkin, we found traces of the Giant Rhino Pirates on the shore of the island ahead, and all of their ships are anchored on the coast's edge line."

"Is the island inhabited?"

"There's a town called Fallen Leaf that is located on that island."

Captain Adkin's face was instantly serious, and he asked in a stern voice: "Can you see fire or...... the smell of smoke coming from the sea breeze on the island now?"

Feldman, startled by the harsh words of Captain Adkin, gulped and said, "No...... we didn't find anything."

"Giant Rhino Alex is cruel and suspicious, if the massacre is completed, he will definitely not continue to stay on the island, plus you did not see the gunfire, indicating that he is likely to also land soon...... or has taken inhabitants of the island as hostage to prepare for negotiations with us."

Captain Adkin looked slightly more relaxed, "Either way, it's far better than him causing another tragedy."

"Ensign Feldman......"


"Convey my orders at once, pull up the sails to their full limits and get to that island as fast as you can!"



In the town, many townspeople were taking their 'spoils of war' to their homes in one order after another, when suddenly some little kids with snotty noses came running on their short legs, calling out loudly while they were running:

"It's not good, it's not good, there are...... many more big ships coming over the sea!"

As the words fell, the crowd instantly stirred.

"What? Are there pirates attacking again?"

"Shit! Can't it be that those pirates have their eyes on our loot?"

"Damn, we will fight them. Now we have one gun per hand and even dismantled a few cannons from the ship. Without paying a huge price, even the pirates will not be able to take advantage of us."

Because of the experience of repelling pirates several times in the past three years, the townspeople are not as fearful of pirates as the average town, as long as it is not the notorious pirates such as the Giant Rhino Pirates that kind of major pirates, they do not lack the courage to fight with one.



"What did you say? The entire Giant Rhino Pirates were wiped out, and even the Giant Rhino Alex died in your hands?" Captain Adkin's eyes widened, almost suspecting that the kind-eyed older man in front of him was a spy sent by Alex to confuse them.

Behind Adkin, many of the officers of the Marine are also staring in disbelief. The Giant Rhino Pirates, who have repeatedly escaped from them, were destroyed in an ordinary town. This kind of talk sounds simply more bizarre than fairy tales.

"Huh? No, you misunderstood!" The mayor was the first time to see a high-ranking officer, such as the captain of the Marine. For a while, looking a bit overwhelmed. Hurriedly explained,

It is possible to defeat the Giant Rhino Pirates, mainly due to Longinus, we......"

"Ahhhhh! Damn pirates, I'll fight you......"

When the two talked, a large group of townspeople rushed out of the town with guns held high, and they were a bit dumbfounded after seeing this peaceful scene. The uniforms those people were wearing seemed to be the Marine, right?

"Abominable pirates, quickly release grandpa Mayor......" several kids who had not yet understood the situation shouted a few strange and rushed up.

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"How many of you little bastards who are messing with the news, that's not a pirate...... is the Marine!" There are quick-eyed townspeople who grabbed them by the hand and explained awkwardly.

"Eh? Is it the same Marine that big brother Longinus went to sea to join? Then are they one of us?"

The young kid immediately complained: "Also, what we said before clearly is that many large ships are coming. It is your own words that there are pirates......"

When several people think about it, it seems to be really like this, there is some embarrassment on their faces, and they are annoyed and slapped on several little kids' butt, "Kids don't talk nonsense."

"Big brother Longinus said, violence can not solve the problem, justice will eventually stand......"

A few kids' impassioned uprising eventually ushered in violent suppression.

Slap, Slap, Slap!

"Justice will eventually be on the side of the dictator......," muttered a couple of little kids rubbing their butts.

Captain Adkin looked at the scene in front of him with amusement and was interested in the Longinus that they repeatedly mentioned, a young man who could defeat the Giant Rhino Alex and whose heart is for justice is too rare.

"The one who defeated the Giant Rhino Alex is that Longinus that you guys are talking about? Can you tell me something about him?"

Hearing Adkin mentions Longinus, and the surrounding scouts instantly felt that this majestic Marine was not so scary and scrambled to talk about it.

"I'll start, I'll start. Big brother Longinus came to our town three years ago because of a shipwreck, and because of that, big brother Longinus has helped us defend against dozens of pirate invasions, both large and small, in those three years."

"Well then, that fierce big bald guy yesterday is not a match for big brother Longinus. Big brother Longinus is the protector of our Fallen Leaf Town!"

In the same story, Adkin is shocked while forcing himself to accept the seemingly absurd conclusion that the Giant Rhino Pirates, who had escaped the Marine many times, were finally destroyed in the hands of a young boy who had not yet embarked on the sea.

"Longinus...... is he a Devil Fruit ability user?"

The townspeople looked at each other, not really sure of the meaning of Adkin's words.

After seeing this situation, Adkin's mind is clear. On this kind of isolated island, it is normal not to know the rumors of Devil Fruit, so he asked differently: "Longinus...... can he swim in the sea?"

"Of course!" The townspeople looked at Adkin with strange eyes and slandered in their thoughts that a few of the men on the beach were not able to swim.

This Marine is not a fool!

And those boys who are young are even more coaxing, "Big brother Longinus will dive into the deep sea every day to exercise, and catch a sea king for everyone for food!"

"Catching a sea king in the meantime?" The corners of the mouth of the lieutenant who followed Adkin twitched. If it is on the surface of the sea is fine, but want to kill the sea king in the deep sea, the Commodore may not be able to do it.

Seeing that the townspeople are robust and healthy, there is even a vague rise of envy in the minds of some of the officers of the Marine.

It should be known that, as the hegemon of the sea, not to mention the delicious meat, but also rich in abundant life energy, and long-term consumption can fundamentally strengthen the body, which is the top ingredient of the sea.

The highest ranking of them, Captain Adkin, can only eat once or twice when he returns to the Marine Headquarters to report, but listening to these townspeople, they seem to be able to eat fresh sea kings every day, which simply makes them jealous to crazy.

"The meat of the sea king is truly delicious, it's just a pity that after three years of continuous eating, no matter how delicious the food is, I'm also a little tired of eating it." Some townspeople said with a sigh.

"Yeah, after big brother Longinus is gone, we can finally change our tastes too." said Baki, ignoring the murderous gaze of the Marine and unaware of it.

Captain Adkin tried calming his agitated mind and asked calmly, "From what you guys are saying, is he going to join the Marine?"

"Yeah, I heard from big brother Longinus that he seems to have gone to the Marine 'Chicken' branch to join the world military draft."

"It's the Marine G-2 branch." Adkin first corrected the other party before muttering, "To be able to defeat the Giant Rhino Alex by relying on pure physique, his strength is already no less than that of an ordinary lieutenant commander. If he can further his education at the headquarters, he might become a Rear Admiral or even a Vice Admiral level officer. No, I have to quickly rush back to the G-2 branch and bring him in before anyone else does."

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