Marriage of a Sickly Villain and a Fortune Hunter

Chapter 10: 10

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Everyone was amazed by the car, and deeply moved by the “true love” attitude of this mysterious benefactor.

Although they looked down on low-skilled actors who “relied on a gold master” to get into their position, in reality, they were actually quite envious.

Especially when being outclassed by Han Ningyu’s shameless domineering, they would be even more envious and jealous.

As Xia Xingchi listened, he felt more and more guilty. As the party in question, he could only quietly shrink down like a little quail, pretending that he didn’t exist.

But he only shrank down for a moment, and then couldn’t help but stretch out his neck to look out: 

He saw a vague figure in the driver’s seat. Li Chengyuan never left.

Xia Xingchi couldn’t help being a little worried. He hadn’t eaten yet, so would he have hypoglycemia? Would his stomach feel uncomfortable?

And it was chilly at night, what if he caught a cold and had a fever?

Alas, such a rich and handsome benefactor, it was true love to pick him up and drop him off in person……Huh? Wait?

Xia Xingchi finally came back to his senses, then lost his mind for an instant, roaring in his heart: No! I’ve been bewitched! Why worry about this paranoid guy!

What kind of bullshit true love? He stayed here the entire time because he’s afraid I’ll run away!

Xia Xingchi could feel that Li Chenyuan seemed to be very upset for no reason when he was out of his sight and control.

Before he got out of the car, he had ordered in a rather terrifying tone: “Shooting commercials is okay, but don’t run around where I can’t find you.”

The more he thought about it, the more helpless he felt. That person was simply unreasonable.

Even a “passer-by who got married at random” like himself had to be watched in person. Fortunately, now that the Qing Dynasty was dead, it was out of fashion to have three wives and four concubines.

Otherwise, Li Chengyuan might have to disassemble himself into eight pieces and use them separately.

– – –

The car was silent. Li Chengyuan’s slender fingers rested on the steering wheel and curled up slightly as he suppressed the surging restlessness.

— His freedom cannot be restricted. He is already afraid of me enough.

His eyes were filled with anxiety. If he just ran away……

Li Chengyuan took a deep breath. At this moment, his phone suddenly vibrated. He didn’t want to pay attention to it, but found that it was Xia Xingchi who had sent a WeChat message.

Like a barrage of gunfire, it was as if that chatterbox was right in front of his eyes:

“Why are you still downstairs?”

“Sir, I promise I won’t run away. Can you stop guarding like this? It’s scary.”

“If you turn on the air, be careful to leave a gap in the window.”

“I met a big idiot. I’m afraid he can’t see where he’s going with those sunglasses on, and will become even more stupid if he runs into a wall.”

“Thanks to him, I don’t know how long it will take to film the commercial. Don’t wait for me, go back and eat something and go to bed early.”


Xia Xingchi was frightened in front of Li Chengyuan, and didn’t dare to say too much.

But it seemed he felt much safer when they were separated by a phone screen, and he immediately revealed his true nature, talking endlessly and without restraint.

Li Chengyuan looked down and smiled after a moment. Then he ignored him, and continued to wait in the car.

– – –

There were gradually “traitors” among the few people in the dressing room, who meant to turn against each other and become henchmen.

Some people would do anything for the sake of popularity, and naturally would not hesitate to curry favor with Han Ningyu.

The atmosphere became increasingly delicate, and everyone stopped gossiping about him.

Xia Xingchi was silently dismantling the phone with his bare hands.

After a dizzying operation, the broken cell phone that was nearly scrapped was once again functional, so he had contacted Li Chengyuan.

A big guy couldn’t help blurting out: “Fucking awesome!”

Xia Xingchi smiled deeply when he heard these words: “Life isn’t easy, so it’s good to be versatile.”

A jack of all trades had the kind of versatility that could accomplish anything.

Because of the “whose benefactor” debacle, he was guilty of not chatting with these people.

For example, everyone complained that the company didn’t provide a car, and discussed how they got here.

He feared letting his mouth slip and revealing that the luxury car outside was for him.

As for other entertainment industry topics, he, a “true newcomer” who had just entered the profession two days ago, really didn’t know what to ask or talk about.

So he was clearly at a loss , but in the eyes of others, he was arrogant and cold.

It was likely because Xia Xingchi was a difficult person, but this cold attitude was about to suffocate the chatterbox to death.

So Xia Xingchi had no choice but to bow his head and type frantically on the broken cell phone. Going to harass Li Chengyuan, the only one he could talk to, he advised him to go back and eat and rest, and not to waste time here.

After typing for a long time, he received a word from Li Chengyuan: En.

Xia Xingchi: ……?

Did this mean he would stop watching him, or “I have read it?”

This feeling was like raising a big, fragile, precious kitty cat. He feared that if he didn’t raise it right, he would feel sorry if it was driven away.

The problem was that this cat was very annoying, arrogant, and not obedient at all.

Before Xia Xingchi could think any further, that bastard Han Ningyu finally tidied himself up to achieve a radiant look, and everyone was finally able to work.

– – –

Before receiving their respective commercial scripts, Xia Xingchi looked over and saw fruit candies and soda crackers on the table in the lounge.

He glanced out the window again, and the outrageously expensive sports car was still parked quietly in the darkness, a bit like……a husband-watching stone.[1]

If the villain heard this description, he would probably bite his head off.

Getting back down to business, a certain person was asking for trouble. Obviously he could help him get a taxi or ask the driver to pick him up, but he had to be paranoid and watch him personally.

However, in the end, Xia Xingchi still had a soft heart and feared that Li Chengyuan would feel unwell.

So he quietly took a few packets of crackers and candies, planning to sneak out and give them to him as soon as he got the chance.

As soon as he put the crackers in his pocket, he heard a sudden voice from the side: 

“Yo, are you stealing something over here?”

Xia Xingchi was in disbelief. No one would be unpleasant enough to paste this label on someone. What’s more, even a fool knew that the things here were free to eat.

A glance sideways confirmed that it was indeed Han Ningyu’s haughty, punchworthy face, sporting an expression of contempt.

Han Ningyu thought for a moment, then continued: “But your counterfeit clothes look rather genuine. You can’t even afford to buy them, so you want to steal the crackers and take them back with you to eat?”

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There were many people in the lounge. Whether young artists or staff involved with the filming, it could even be said to be a little crowded.

Han Ningyu’s voice was loud enough that everyone could hear it.

It was a vivid performance of “I’m going to beat you, just pick a date” to set an example for others.

This move was clearly effective. No one said a word when they saw this, meekly lowering their heads.

They were fully aware of who was right and who was wrong, but it was impossible to stand up for that poor and unpopular Xia Xingchi. In all likelihood, he could only endure it alone.

Against expectations, Xia Xingchi smiled and asked: “Such concern, do you also want to buy counterfeits? But you’re too blind to tell counterfeits from the genuine article, so find a garbage bag on the side of the road and put it on. Hey, the black plastic bags from the cleaning lady outside aren’t bad. Would you like one?”

After speaking, he unceremoniously picked up another bag of crackers, thinking that he would feed some to the big, fragile cat made of glass later.

Han Ningyu became furious upon hearing his words.

As a pro at stepping on the weak and flattering the strong, he had bullied young artists many times since becoming close with his benefactor.

He had never discovered such a difficult person, who continued to not give him face and had an exaggerated opinion of his own abilities.

“Xia Xingchi, right? Just wait, you remember me!”

Upon saying this, he turned around angrily and left. The door slammed even louder this time.

Xia Xingchi was baffled, and wondered if there was a salary for bullying people. It would be meaningless if you couldn’t make a profit.

He opened an orange candy and put it in his mouth: “So anxious to grab the cleaning lady’s garbage bags? No one will fight him for them.”

The scene was silent for a moment as everyone remained speechless, and then there was a sense of comfort that came from letting go of resentment after getting justice

But they didn’t even have time to give him a thumbs up when someone said in a lukewarm tone: “Do you know why Han Ningyu can throw his weight around? His sponsor has invested the most into this brand, and he has the final say here today.”

Another person quickly said: “Ah? Will that bring disaster to innocent people? We didn’t do anything, but we’ll suffer too? I heard from a friend that Han Ningyu……”

After a dubiously authentic story about vented anger and collateral damage was told, the little artists who were already scared fell silent.

When everyone looked at Xia Xingchi, their expressions also changed.

One person turned to Xia Xingchi and said in a rather tactful tone: “Brother, little guys like us can’t provoke him. Why don’t you go and apologize?”

“He’s so petty that he’ll definitely try to squeeze you out in a while.”

When the commercial scripts were delivered, everyone was still chattering and gradually becoming unfriendly. A few of them began to educate people as if they were seniors: 

“You have to know that arrogance requires capital, but do you have power and capital?”

“You’ve only been in the industry for half a year, right? I’ve seen a lot of tough newcomers like this, but in the end they all came to nothing.”

“Go apologize and let Han Ningyu vent his anger. Not to frighten you, but it’ll be a breeze for him to sort you out.”

Xia Xingchi paid them no heed, and only opened his script to read it over: In this advertisement, besides Han Ningyu playing the “male lead” and the massage chair users, a majority of the others will be playing anthropomorphic massage chairs.

The reason he said “the majority” was because Xia Xingchi was the only “minority.”

What he had to do was bring footwashing water to Han Ningyu and then……give him a foot massage?

Even more outrageous was that Han Ningyu would kick the footwashing water all over his head and body, and then gallantly hold this brand’s electric foot bath machine and wash his feet again with a smile.

Xia Xingchi: ……?

Such blatant revenge, wasn’t it great to have a financial backer?

After everyone finished reading the script, several of them immediately donned expressions of “I knew it,” and “Serves him right.”

One said derisively: “Aren’t you going to apologize?”

This was a live performance of the comical drama where the weak become mentally unbalanced and draw their swords on the weaker.

Xia Xingchi tilted his head and looked at the script with the orange candy in his mouth: “No. Laozi will stop shooting.”

Although he had lived in miserable poverty all his life, it only made him look smooth, but did not smooth out his sharp edges and hard temper at all.

Like a prickly little hedgehog, he had suffered a lot because of this, but would always stubbornly do it again the next time.

The “huge” advertising fee of 20,000 yuan really made the little money-grubber a little distressed, but Xia Xingchi thought again —

Now I am a person with a monthly income of one million. Who doesn’t have a financial backer?

Thinking this way, he immediately straightened up and touched the sky-high priced pigeon egg diamond hanging close to his chest.

The confidence of “I can’t die from starvation” instantly went through the roof!

Seeing him appear so unyielding, the project manager sneered with disdain: “What is it, ah? Do you want to threaten not to shoot as blackmail? Who is begging you to shoot?”

Low-tier artists had no human rights or dignity, and people from all walks of life trampled on them all day long.

Someone deliberately favored one side and said: “Xia Xingchi, in this matter, you were the first to be impolite. Don’t hold up everyone’s progress, okay?”

“Quickly apologize to Brother Han. He is a senior, after all.”

Xia Xingchi listened and sincerely expressed his doubts: “The older you get, the more popular you are in this circle?”

– – –

Han Ningyu returned to his VIP room dedicated to “putting on airs,” and stomped about angrily.

“What advantages does he have besides being good-looking?!”

“Who gave him the right to be so arrogant?”

“How dare he say that I can’t tell real clothes from counterfeits? And his phone is broken like that, so how could he afford hundreds of thousands of dollars for an outfit? They fucking have to be counterfeits!”

Being a lackey for too long would distort a person’s mind. 

While kneeling and sucking up to the boss, he would showcase his split personality by being domineering in front of the low-tier artists to save face.

The assistant had long been accustomed to Han Ningyu’s behavior, so he quickly spoke up to comfort him.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Han Ningyu saw that it was his benefactor who took the initiative to call.

He was flattered, so he quickly dropped the ugly look he was wearing just now and answered his phone with an obedient and pandering smile, thinking that he would take this opportunity to file a complaint.

His change of attitude was as quick as turning the page of a book.

If this was not fast enough, then immediately after, the assistant watched helplessly as he changed from “smiling” to “terrified” and then to “ashen” after listening to the call.

In the end, it directly became “mourning for deceased parents.”

Those who were unaware might think that Han Ningyu had received news of his benefactor’s death.

It took Han Ningyu a long time to recover his voice, and then he said tremblingly: “So, so Xia Xingchi is……?!”



T/N: I’ll have the next chapter up quickly since this one is so short!

[1] The husband-watching stone is a rock formation on Beishan Mountain that resembles a woman with a child on her back, watching for the moment her husband comes home. There is a whole legend based on it. ⮐

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