Marriage of a Sickly Villain and a Fortune Hunter

Chapter 24: 24

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Xia Xingchi blinked in the dark for a long time with his eyes open under the blanket, still in disbelief that Li Chengyuan had made such a domineering decision.

Moreover, it set off such a big storm, driving his countless fans crazy, and the topic exploded by the minute.

[Official announcement!? I can’t believe that Mr. Li suddenly fell in love!]

[Ahhh, help me, I’m heartbroken now! But I still don’t know what my male god looks like]

[For a moment, I didn’t know whether to laugh for cry, but I was finally able to hear Mr. Li’s voice. It was so sullen! That voice said such cruel words]

[Since his voice is so nice, I couldn’t help listening to this heart-wrenching interview many times. QAQ ]

[I don’t believe it! This must be fake. What evidence is there that this was said by Li Chengyuan?]

[That’s right, maybe the reporter who claimed to “interview Mr. Li” is hyping it up? President Li never accepts gossip interviews!]

[Although……Li Chengyuan has been really abnormal recently. I wondered if he had a lover yesterday (crying.jpg)]

[Upstairs, I too, from his sudden appearance at the fashion soiree to his suddenly opening a Weibo, find it really abnormal]

[Impossible! This is definitely fake. I don’t believe anyone can be worthy of Mr. Li! A male god must be single and handsome!]

Xia Xingchi took a deep breath and tremblingly poked at the screen to find this voice-only interview, deciding to check the authenticity himself.

Because after reading all kinds of descriptions from the netizens, he, as a person involved, almost felt that this might just be hype and forgery.

After all, even if Li Chengyuan’s crazy brain circuits suddenly wanted to self-destruct, Xia Xingchi didn’t believe that he could say all kinds of affectionate words. On the contrary, it was more likely that someone was pretending to be him.

Contrary to expectations, as soon as he turned on the audio, he heard a deep and familiar voice coming from the phone, indifferent and arrogant, with just the right amount of magnetism:

“Taking part in the fashion soiree is just to accompany my lover.”

“Yes, we’re engaged.”

“They’re the person I care about the most.”

“Of course they’re very cute.”

. . . . . . 

A slight smile gradually tainted that indifferent tone, as if anticipating that a certain someone would hear it at this moment.

When Xia Xingchi heard this tone, Li Chengyuan’s chuckle automatically appeared in his mind as if these words were spoken into his ear. It was like these words were spoken directly in front of him.

Perhaps it was because he hadn’t completely sobered up yet, but Xia Xingchi touched his slightly hot face and felt as if he were slightly drunk again. There was a blush on his face, and his thoughts were as messy as if he had been struck by lightning.

So he held his face in his hands and kneaded it hard, then turned around to bury his head in Summer’s fur and rubbed it vigorously.

Startled and dissatisfied, it gave a loud “Meow!” and quickly jumped up to move away from this abruptly strange human being. It squatted nearby with wide eyes to observe what was happening to him.

The cell phone set aside was still playing the interview content. After Xia Xingchi failed to forcibly stroke the cat, he simply turned over and lay down flat, staring at the ceiling as countless thought appeared in his mind:

For god’s sake, Li Chengyuan is crazy!

Why would he do this for no reason?

How did he achieve such realistic acting that it sounds genuine rather than fake?

Or……he really thinks I’m cute and cares about me?

He was thinking about many complex possibilities when he heard the interview recording continue to play:

“Business marriage? I certainly don’t need to rely on marriage to consolidate strength.”

“Yes, we have known each other for many years.”

“I was seven years old.”

“I’ve been searching for them for many years.”

Xia Xingchi was surprised.

The hand that was trying to catch Summer paused in the air, and then slowly retracted after a moment.

It seemed that drinking was harmful to people, and he still hadn’t sobered up.

To such an extent that he had completely forgotten he was a stand-in, and was still thinking wildly and passionately here.

No wonder the ruthless villain could say such uncharacteristic words. He truly wasn’t acting. Li Chenguan was really expressing his love for his White Moonlight.

A trace of indescribable sourness filled his heart.

Xia Xingchi blinked, and finally curled his lips indifferently, thinking that this subtle displeasure must just be the irritability of a single dog being slapped with dog food.

These days, even the big villain had a sweetheart, and after living twice, he was still a permanently alone cannon fodder.

But it was nothing. Xia Xingchi tilted his head and thought that a man would only affect the speed at which he made money. It was better to work hard to make money and strive to get rich quickly than to waste the time wanting more but being unable to obtain it, like finding a substitute.

There was no problem in the world that money could not solve. If there was, it must be because there was not enough money.

While he was considering this, Lin Meng called. He answered quickly, only to hear her yell: 

“Little ancestor, you finally answered the phone!”

“Weibo has been exploding since the early hours of yesterday until now, and you are still sleeping!”

Xia Xingchi could only tell the truth with embarrassment: “I drank too much last night……the phone was muted by Li Chengyuan.”

When it came to Li Chengyuan, Lin Meng was even less calm:

“Xia Xingchi, you little bastard! Not only did you lie to me that Li Chengyuan was just your benefactor behind the scenes, the two of you are already engaged!”

“The most important thing is, you were childhood sweethearts?!”

“My god, he has been looking for you for so many years?! What kind of soulful romance is this about a runaway sweetheart?”

Having said that, Lin Meng gradually became excited again, pricking up her ears and wanting to knock CP.[1]

Since the moment she met Li Chengyuan yesterday, she was so scared that she quickly stopped being a fan.

Although the male god was more perfect than she had imagined, distance created beauty, after all. Having personally encountered an extremely terrifying and fierce aura, the male god filter shattered from the shock, and all that remained was to tremble before the boss.

Unexpectedly, this shocking official announcement came out as soon as she swiped her phone that night. “Lin-Professional Imagination-Meng” immediately visualized a sweet reunion love story, and proceeded to fall into the arms of cp fans.

“What was Mr. Li like when he was a child? Was he this scary back then?”

“You were willing to abandon such a godly man and leave him. Now look how infatuated he is!”

The question was fine, but when the unaware Lin Meng asked, the sourness in Xia Xingchi’s heart that he had finally suppressed became more intense.

He was also faintly aggrieved, although he himself couldn’t figure out what was so sad about being a happy, well-paid wage worker.

Facing Lin Meng, who treated him very well, Xia Xingchi couldn’t hold back, and decided to tell the truth instead of lying to her:

“Sister Mengmeng, in fact, I didn’t know him before……the person he talked about isn’t me, but maybe I look like them?”

“Li Chengyuan is really my benefactor. He hired me to marry him. We aren’t lovers.”

Hearing these words, Lin Meng’s expression froze just as she had knocked on cp until she was all smiles: “What did you just say?”

She was slow for a few seconds before finally digesting the huge amount of information. Then she said angrily: “So he’s using you as a substitute? This is too much!”

Now everything had an explanation – the good and bad resources, Xia Xingchi’s stiff and unnatural behavior in front of her, as well as those unspeakable expressions and secrecy……

Xia Xingchi’s original intention was to stop lying to her, but he also didn’t want her to be angry, so he quickly said with a chipper smile: “It’s okay, Sister Mengmeng. It’s nothing more than a paid service. With food and lodging included and a monthly salary of one million, I’m definitely making a lot of money!”

This was also the truth. The boss neither delayed wages nor beat and scolded employees, and he didn’t have to sell himself in bed like other substitutes.

Although there was an occasional moment of abject terror, it was indeed a rare good job. After half a year at most, he could still tearfully inherit a huge inheritance.

With such self-comfort, the sourness and sadness in Xia Xingchi’s heart gradually disappeared, and the little money-grubber temporarily regained his footing.

Lin Meng hesitated for a moment, but decided to ask cautiously: “Then do you……like Li Chengyuan?”

“I don’t!” Xia Xingchi blurted out without thinking.

Unless he was crazy enough to fall in love with a cruel and ruthless villain who was about to die. Wouldn’t liking Li Chengyuan just be looking for pain?

Lin Meng was at last relieved by this answer. An inspirational story about an hourly worker was better than a story about a tortured substitute.

The moment she breathed a sigh of relief, she remembered that this call was not for gossip, but because she had something to say:

“Yes, great news! After Xia Yu made a fuss yesterday, many people asked our company for an explanation – and we got resources like never before! It’s the most popular recent reality TV show!”

When all was said and done, Xia Yu’s rollover car crash was so ugly and unsightly that the momentum dragged Dingming Entertainment into the water with him, making them a big joke inside and outside of the entertainment circle.

Now the company had no choice but to “refute the rumors” by proving that it would give resources to Xia Xingchi.

“However, the bad news is that you have to participate with Xia Yu, and prove to the cameras that the relationship between you two is actually ‘very good.’”

In the end, it was to save Xia Yu’s image as Dingming’s Number One Male Idol, the company’s cash cow. Otherwise, Dingming would be reluctant to give such a sought-after resource to a low-tier unpopular star.

“Xingchi, did you and Xia Yu know each other before?”

If it wasn’t for the thunderstorm last night, Lin Meng never would have thought that Xia Yu would be the one who was secretly suppressing Xia Xingchi.

After all, the two were very distant and had no intersections……the only thing they appeared to have in common was the surname Xia?

This surname could not be regarded as common, and the two did collide mysteriously, so many netizens were also trying to dig deep.

Hearing this, Xia Xingchi couldn’t help but release a sigh for the original owner. Then he simply told the whole story of living the wrong life, the true and false young masters, and the grievances of being forced to conceal his identity.

After hearing this, Lin Meng was truly angry. It was simply unheard of in this world to have such stupid, snobbish parents and vicious adopted sons.

She asked furiously: “Then do you want to go to this reality show?”

As an innocent victim who was robbed of his life, he was still being used to whitewash the evil person who occupied the magpie’s nest?

Furthermore, it was estimated that participating in this program was just to act as a foil.

Seeing as it was going to start up the day after tomorrow, it was only now that they temporarily forced Xia Xingchi into it, regardless of whether he was prepared or not, or whether he would succeed or fail.

“Of course I’m going,” Xia Xingchi replied firmly.

First of all, if he didn’t participate, he would just give the company room to say, “We gave him resources, but he didn’t want them.” In addition, he had to go on account of the salary.

Just now, he had hastily flipped through the quote. It was indeed a popular reality TV show. Even for those at the bottom of the barrel, it was a full three hundred thousand per day.

The speed at which the entertainment industry accumulated wealth was unimaginable, and a little money-grubber obviously could not live without money.

What’s more, who said that Xia Yu would be whitewashed by participating in a reality show? It was hard to say if his next rollover crash would be even worse.

– – –

Li Chengyuan made an exception today and left the company very early to go home.

He said it was due to a light workload. After all, he would never admit that he was eager to hear Xia Xingchi’s reaction after saying those words.

When he lowered his eyes and placed his hand on the electronic door lock, his heartbeat slightly accelerated due to the emotional turbulence –

What everyone said was a “confession of deep love,” he naturally would not acknowledge. He only said that he “cared.” He cared about that little liar he hated, and wanted him to pay the price.

But even thinking about it this way, Li Chengyuan’s heart was still throbbing for some unknown reason. Thinking of facing Xia Xingchi so soon, the tips of his ears felt a little hot.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw his little domesticated hedgehog puffed up with thorns all over his body as he packed his luggage.

Even when seeing the “gold master” entering the door, he just gave him a hard look and ignored him.

Li Chengyuan just frowned slightly and said in an indifferent tone: “What are you doing?”

“Packing my things, ah.”

Xia Xingchi blinked, then turned his head with an expression of, “Can’t you see even this?”

Li Chengyuan: “……”

This puffed up appearance was completely different from when he was drunk and sticking to his body last night, refusing to let go.

Xia Xingchi folded another piece of clothing and put it in the suitcase, adding politely with a professional smile: 

“Mr. Li, I was very angry and preparing to leave home, but I didn’t expect you to come so early. So is there anything else?”

Li Chengyuan’s frown deepened upon hearing this, and those subtle palpitations were cooled by a bucket of ice water. This was obviously not the reaction he expected Xia Xingchi to have.

He asked blankly: “Xia Xingchi, did I allow you to leave without authorization?”

“Does running away from home need to be reported in advance?” Xia Xingchi said angrily. “Then should you discuss it with me before you make an official announcement without authorization?”

Ever since he hung up on Lin Meng’s call, Xia Xingchi couldn’t help thinking about it again, and the more he dwelled on it, the angrier he became.

He listened to the interview recording several times. Every time he heard Li Chengyuan’s voice carrying a satisfied smile, he became a little angrier, and his heart became increasingly and indescribably sour.

But if asked what he was angry about, Xia Xingchi couldn’t say.

He thought furiously for an entire afternoon before coming up with a reasonable excuse —

It’s fine for this person to confess his love to his White Moonlight, but why drag me into the water? Now the entire internet is digging deep to find someone.

Thinking about it this way, his anger was quite reasonable.

After all, Xia Xingchi suspected that once this group of crazy “girlfriend fans” really picked him out, they would promptly sharpen their knives and affect his money-making.

Li Chengyuan didn’t seem to understand: “Are you so angry because of the official announcement?”

Xia Xingchi was shocked when he heard this. What kind of irresponsible scumbag was this speaking?

Even if he “cared about” his dear White Moonlight the most, he shouldn’t completely ignore the reasonable interests of the innocent stand-in and treat it as a trivial matter, right?

In dire contrast between the two, a certain kind of secret sourness in the bottom of his heart grew even worse.

The anger that Xia Xingchi had accumulated all day finally erupted, and he he said in rapid succession:

“Li Chengyuan! You actually sacrificed your poor little double’s career just to show love to your White Moonlight?”

“You, a boss who tramples on employees and exploits human rights! It’s fine if you fall in love, but why delay my getting rich for no reason! Isn’t this an important matter?”

Seeing the little hedgehog jumping up and down angrily, baring its teeth and claws, Li Chengyuan felt even more baffled: “Who am I showing love to……? What White Moonlight, what substitute?”

The two of them were not on the same page from the very beginning. Li Chengyuan never expected that Xia Xingchi’s imagination would be so rich, and that this was how he positioned himself with a job that paid a monthly salary of one million.

When he was ill and unconscious, it seemed that he did vaguely say a few words that implied that the two of them knew each other before.

But this actually made Xia Xingchi imagine a non-existent person out of thin air and come up with such a big drama?

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Xia Xingchi just continued to angrily glare at Li Chengyuan.

He thought to himself that he would directly reveal the truth behind the contract marriage and the substitute, and if the big villain became angry and wanted to beat him up, he would definitely pick up his luggage and run away.

Li Chengyuan didn’t get angry. Instead, he pursed his lips in silence with a strange expression – after a long silence, the man finally laughed.

It wasn’t the usual indifferent chuckle, but instead seemed that he found something so funny that he couldn’t hold back.

Xia Xingchi: “…….?”

Shouldn’t you be arguing a little more seriously, sir?

What does it mean that you’re laughing out loud?

Xia Xingchi opened his mouth, at first determined to continue being angry, but the way Li Chengyuan was laughing for no reason was really strange and terrifying.

So much so that he forgot to be angry. On the one hand, he was disappointed to find that the man smiled so beautifully, and on the other hand, he was horrified at his reason for smiling like that.

After all, the big villain was completely crazy. After he became a complete outlaw, each time he laughed, it meant death.

“You, you……” Xia Xingchi opened his mouth, lacking confidence. “Why are you laughing!”

He faltered, and the tense atmosphere disappeared at once. The angry little hedgehog with its teeth and claws turned into a little hedgehog ball, hugging himself tightly.

It took Li Chengyuan a long time to hold back his smile, and he asked in a cold voice: “So where are you going?”

“To a reality TV show.” Xia Xingchi told the truth in anger, then thought for a moment and asked with wide eyes, “How much will you deduct from my salary?”

Although the hourly salary for this film was more than Li Chengyuan’s salary, it was very distressing to have wages deducted by the boss, and he must fight for it: 

“You didn’t say you wanted me to stay at home all the time. And you’ve slept with me……bah, you have been sleeping with me for half a month, and I owe you what is left over. At worst, I will pay you a few days’ interest when I come back.”

Li Chengyuan was noncommittal. He seemed to be thinking about something, and after a while, he got up and went to the study.

Xia Xingchi blinked, and realized that he had tacitly consented.

– – –

As a person used by others, who was forced into it temporarily, the preparation time left for Xia Xingchi was ridiculously limited.

In one day, he had to complete all sorts of work, such as purchasing necessities, packing his luggage, and even ordering his own air tickets at the last minute, along with connecting with the local program group for various jobs.

Lin Meng was a manager and an assistant all by herself, so she was very busy. She had to get Xia Xingchi on the plane first, and stay in the capital to handle various business for the time being.

For the original owner, this was his first time traveling alone, and Lin Meng was very anxious about it.

Although the children of poor families took charge early, the original owner had been isolated in a remote village before coming to Beijing, and some things that were “common sense” to everyone else were very strange to him. Just traveling by plane was a difficult problem.

But for those who were trying to make money due to poverty, such as the versatile Xia Xingchi, this small matter was nothing to worry about.

Up until he picked up his checked luggage and got into the complementary car that the program crew came to pick him up in, Lin Meng was still worried, and sent messages to ask if everything had gone well.

Xia Xingchi laughed, and freed his hands to reply seriously to each one. After all, he cherished such hard-earned care.

Sitting in the car as he finished replying to Lin Meng’s messages, he saw that there was still an unread message sent by Li Chengyuan:

“Tell me when you get off the plane.”

Xia Xingchi went hmph! in his heart.

Ever since they quarreled the day before yesterday, when someone laughed for no reason, the two had been in a cold war until now.

Or maybe it was a one-sided cold war. After all, Li Chengyuan had always been cold and reticent, and he seemed to be in a bad mood about him leaving the capital.

If there was anyone more anxious than Lin Meng, it was the villain with a terrifying desire for control —

Li Chengyuan actually wanted him to keep making video calls or voice calls after he got off the plane?

After being flatly rejected, he was silent for a long time before he said commandingly: “Then turn on real-time location sharing.”

Forget it, for the sake of a monthly salary of a million, it was better not to get angry with the sponsor.

Xia Xingchi really couldn’t do anything about such a paranoid man who would get angry if he didn’t make a phone call, and couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

He casually opened the location sharing function, but didn’t notice where Li Chengyuan was at this time.

He was only thinking about finding an opportunity to make it clear that he really wouldn’t disappear for no reason. He didn’t know any magic tricks that could make a person appear or disappear at will, or he would have used it to get rich.

Presently, Lin Meng sent another message:

“Don’t be anxious, Xingchi. You have such a likable character, just relax and be casual.”

“If you don’t like Xia Yu, you don’t have to pretend to like him. If you do, you’ll be scolded for acting fake. If you really can’t do it, stay away from him.”

She sent more than a dozen messages in one breath, carefully instructing him on everything she could think of.

Xia Xingchi blinked. He knew that Lin Meng was very nervous now, because the filming would start in about an hour, and his every move would be broadcasted live in real time for tens of millions of viewers to see.

A large part of why this reality show called <<Experience Life in Progressive Time>> was so popular was because it was quite novel and boldly adopted the form of real-time live broadcast.

As the name suggested, “experience life” meant cooperating with various game activities to experience the poor and primitive valley life.

This let the fans see the human side of their glamorous idols, which greatly satisfied everyone’s curiosity.

As for the “progressive time,” it was quite hardcore.

The whole process was broadcasted live. Once someone made a mistake, there was no chance of editing it, and their character design would collapse on the spot. All kinds of outrageous live broadcast accidents could happen.

Whether it was “village life” or “live broadcast,” these terms were obviously very unfriendly to the original owner. It was obvious that Xia Yu hadn’t given up trying to pit him.

After all, the fantasy of transmigration would never occur to anyone. From Xia Yu’s perspective, although he had become difficult to deal with, he was still a person who would get so nervous that he couldn’t speak. He was also a person with an inferior background and was very sensitive to words such as “poverty” and “village life.”

Therefore, the long-running live broadcast could easily reveal his true colors and expose his shortcomings, and it was also convenient to entrap him.

Xia Xingchi shrugged, thinking that he truly deserved to be a green tea spirit. This vengeful character obviously couldn’t walk away without pitting others.

In the end, he had cut in line, and the announcement of his inclusion was only made yesterday. The broadcast was about to begin at this time, and the barrage came fast as people rushed to discuss this matter:

[Oh my god! How did it come out of nowhere that Xia Yu and Xia Xingchi are going to be in the same frame?!]

[Who is Xia Xingchi?]

[He’s the handsome guy who was innocently victimized a few days ago! I can’t explain it clearly, the key words are “Xia Yu, real evidence.”]

[That’s all just to frame our family’s Xia Yu! It must be because of that cheating coffee’s manipulations!]

[That’s right, ah, isn’t the company also giving him resources? It’s nonsense to say that he was being frozen out by Xiao Yu!]

[Ah, this, can’t you see that this is a forced restoration of dignity? Just stop. I can only say that Xia Xingchi is truly pitiful, being used as a pawn]

[What is all this about, ah? Who the hell is Xia Xingchi? I just want to ask him, is the popularity of this passer-by really worthy of participating in “progressive time”?]

. . . . . .

Xia Xingchi saw that the crowd was about to fight again, so he decided to retreat first, and then routinely took a peek at Li Chengyuan’s super chat, where people were searching high and low.

Since a certain hateful person made his own official announcement, his fans were still casting about for someone, wondering who his lover was.

So Xia Xingchi was terrified for two or three days, scared that he would be grabbed by the nape of the neck by this group of crazy Sherlock Holmes impersonators, then chopped up to be boiled and eaten with dipping sauce.

Fortunately, Li Chengyuan still kept his word. According to the promise of “letting everyone know little by little,” he didn’t even mention his gender during the interview.

In this way, the scope was too big. There were many people attending the fashion soiree, and every young, single artist seemed to be a suspect.

There were also some people who boldly jumped out to gain popularity, and led everyone to speculate on themselves with vague words. After the water was muddied, it was even more difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Seeing the huge list of suspects, Xia Xingchi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was fairly unknown, and only had a momentary surge in popularity, so he wouldn’t be noticed.

He scrolled through it casually, but suddenly saw another Weibo post which was quite popular:

[Inside news! President Li’s lover is a boy, a young master from a wealthy family!]

Startled, Xia Xingchi wondered who had broken the news.

There was a sudden sense of tension, as if he had been stripped of half his clothes, and the likes and popularity continued to climb. It was simply terrifying.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that there was something wrong with this description.

The car stopped at this time and the electric door slowly slid open. A team of program staff were already waiting at the door.

Xia Xingchi had no choice but to focus on the matter in front of him first, and put the suspicious revelation aside for the time being.

– – –

Having arrived a little late due to a temporary delay, when Xia Xingchi opened the door and entered the lounge, the other four had already arrived.

There was a young idol couple, a young but capable popular actor, and a certain big green tea spirit.

Xia Xingchi at once thought about the information he had hastily read. He knew that the tall, handsome man in the couple was Han Yuanhe, and the female artist was called An Jing. She was indeed as quiet and graceful as her name suggested.

At this moment, the two were talking in low voices. It must have been a pleasant topic, as An Jing had a smile on her face.

The young actor’s name was Li Xiu. When Xia Xingchi entered the room, Li Xiu was lowering his head and carefully studying an egg that was said to soon hatch a chick.

Upon his arrival, everyone looked over and greeted him familiarly. Xia Xingchi also said hello with a smile.

Xia Yu looked over immediately, and called more enthusiastically and happily than anyone else: “Xingchi-ge!”

— Who are you calling “ge?” You should be recognizing that old-fashioned teapot next to you as your ge, you belong to the same family. Xia Xingchi muttered these things in his heart, almost wanting to roll his eyes.

The other three had naturally heard the previous big news. Xia Yu stabbing someone in the back made everyone reluctant to get close to him, but things on the surface should always look good.

It was estimated that Xia Xingchi would put on a show, but he just sat down without even giving Xia Yu a look.

Xia Yu was suddenly in an awkward position.

The outstretched hand of “friendship” retracted in anger, and the fake smile on his face hovered between staying or withdrawing.

He originally thought that after Xia Xingchi suddenly “upgraded” recently, he would definitely improve his superficial appearance skills. Therefore, he never expected that Xia Xingchi would make him lose face in public, and became angry from embarrassment.

The barrage witnessed the sudden appearance of the battlefield, and exploded instantly:

[Wtf? Who the hell is this, can’t you see our Xiao Yu saying hello? Why are you being so rude?]

[Laughing to death, it’s not the first time this scumbag Xia Xingchi has played a big game, so he’s going to be unreasonable?]

[The two upstairs are so funny. When you are repeatedly stabbed by someone and moved around as a pawn, and have resources withheld for more than half a year, let’s see how polite you are]

[There is such a thing? I like this little brother with a real attitude. It’s no fun to pretend to be one of those fake people]

[Like real attitude +1, one should be polite when it’s time to be polite. The response is beautiful!]

[Look how intimately Xia Yu calls him “ge.” Calling ge while buying people’s black hot searches and pouring dirty water?]

[Can you speak? Our Xiao Yu is so polite. As expected, those were all rumors!]

[Your idol is just being whitewashed, ba. See if you can talk nonsense with your eyes wide open when you see the real evidence. What a braindead fan]

. . . . . .

Xia Xingchi blinked and looked around. This so-called “lounge” really fit the name of the reality show. It really let one “experience life.”

The ceiling was nothing more than a thatched roof, and even the floor inside the house was uneven and pitted, not even cemented or tiled.

Seeing that the crowd had assembled, the director spoke in a timely manner:

“Good morning, everyone! Good morning, everyone on the internet! Welcome to <<Experience Life in Progressive Time!>>

Everyone applauded to warm up the scene, and the brisk and lively director continued:

“We also have a special guest who will be dropping in to join us in filming this episode. I believe everyone will be very, very surprised!”

[Wow, there’s a special guest? Bring them quickly, I want to see what kind of surprise it is (dog head.jpg)]

[I don’t believe it. If they are famous and popular, they would definitely do various marketing promotions in advance. It is impossible to drop in out of nowhere at the last minute, it would be a waste.]

[This is true. For example, Xia Xingchi’s only attraction is his feud with Xia Yu, and he didn’t advertise much before dropping in.]

[Don’t talk about our little brother. I just want to see him, ah, I don’t want to see Xia Yu, that dead green tea.]

The director could see the doubts of everyone on the screen, so he continued to keep people guessing:

“I promise he’ll make everybody scream – after all, this is a national-level male god!”

As soon as these words were spoken, Xia Xingchi had a sudden and ominous premonition in his heart, and a certain villain he was in a cold war with appeared in his mind.

Just before he got out of the car, Li Chengyuan had suddenly sent the word “wait,” with no context.

[Ahhh! Let me dream, could it be Mr. Li?]

[Impossible, if it’s Mr. Li, I’ll eat fried chicken upside down.]

[But besides him, who else could the director describe like this, so sure that we will scream?]

[I just think it’s Li Chengyuan! President Li! Am I going to see the male god?]

[For real? Save me, ah, I’m ready to take screenshots, hurry up!]

[Don’t be too optimistic, maybe he looks average. You know, many outsiders who boast about “good looks” are not as good as the people in the entertainment circle.]

[I also think this handsome guy is too good to be true. He has money, but also a good voice and good looks? How can there be such a good thing?]

[I don’t care! In my eyes, Mr. Li is a god!]

The director then followed up very well to enhance the atmosphere:

“I see that many people have already guessed it. Come on, everyone put his name on the public screen, maybe he will really appear in the next second!

As soon as he spoke, the staff pushed open the door for the visitor.

The man was tall, and wore a slim black casual suit. With broad shoulders and long legs, his body proportions were quite perfect, his bearing was extraordinary, and his aura was particularly strong.

His face was even more stunning and handsome, making one suspect that god had some kind of partiality toward him to have made him so good-looking.

Xia Xingchi stared at this familiar person in disbelief, immediately speechless.

God, ah, why did Li Chengyuan, who was supposed to work in Beijing with peace of mind, appear here?!

[1] 磕CP is a trendy phrase that means “following couples on social media and hoping they will get together romantically in reality.” (CP mean “Couple.”) So, basically shipping. ⮐

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